Trắc nghiệm Đọc hiểu Unit 7 Tiếng Anh 6 English Discovery

Đề bài

Câu 1 :

Read the passage and answer the question.

Over 65 years ago, the world's first computer was "born." Scientists called it "The Baby," but it was huge. It filled an entire room! Three people made the computer and programmed math problems for it. On June 19, 1948, the computer solved its first math problem in 52 minutes! At that time, this was amazing.

Computers are now much smaller. With touch-screen technology, many computers don't need extra things, like a keyboard or a mouse. In the future, computers probably won't need these things at all. Some computers, like the smartphone, can fit in one hand. Computers are also more powerful today. There is more computing power in a smartphone than there was in all of the computers on Apollo 11, the first spacecraft to take people to the moon!

How else will computers change in the future? A computer's "brain" is a chip inside the computer, and in the future, people will definitely be able to save much more information on a computer chip. So, computers will be smaller and even more powerful. Perhaps they'll even think like humans!

Câu 1.1

The first computer fit in_________.

  • A

    a hand

  • B

    a room

  • C

    a building

  • D


Câu 1.2

The Baby found the answer to _________math problem(s) in 52 minutes.

  • A


  • B


  • C


  • D


Câu 1.3

The computers on Apollo 11 were _____________a smartphone.

  • A

    more powerful than

  • B

    less powerful than

  • C

    most powerful

  • D


Câu 1.4

Today, many computers don't have _______.

  • A


  • B


  • C

    touch screens

  • D


Câu 1.5

Computer in the future can be_____.

  • A


  • B

    more powerful

  • C

    Both A & B

  • D


Câu 2 :

Read the passage and answer the question.

Jerry: OK, so what do you think is the most useful invention then?

Sandra: What, in the world? Yeah, well, that's a difficult question! Hmm, I'm pretty sure I couldn't live without a television!

Jerry: Really?

Sandra: Yes, really! I mean, what would I do after school every day and at the weekends?

Jerry: But television is just entertainment, isn't it? Do you think it's useful?

Sandra: Well, yeah - it means we can learn about major news events. You know, with digital television and 24-hour channels, we can always find out what's happening in the world. Yeah, I think it's really useful. But anyway, what about you then? What invention do you think is the most useful?

Jerry: Hmm ... well, my computer means everything to me.

Sandra: Do you use it a lot?

Jerry: Yes, all the time. Yes, I'd certainly say it's the most useful invention in our house – even more useful than my mobile phone! You know, I do my homework on it, send emails to my friends, and visit websites and chat rooms.

Sandra: Do you have it in your bedroom?

Jerry: Well, no, it's in the study. You see, my mum and dad sometimes use it for work, too. And hey, if it crashes, we all get really annoyed!

Sandra: We haven't got a computer at home, so I don't use one much.

Jerry: Really, I can't imagine life without a computer!

Câu 2.1

What does Sandra think is the most useful invention?

  • A


  • B

    mobile phone

  • C


  • D


Câu 2.2

How often does she use it?

  • A


  • B


  • C


  • D


Câu 2.3

In Jerry’s opinion, what is the main purpose of TV?

  • A

    for education

  • B

    for interaction

  • C

    for entertainment

  • D


Câu 2.4

How does his computer help him with his school work?

  • A

    do homework

  • B

    send emails

  • C

    visit websites

  • D


Câu 2.5

Who else uses Jerry's computer?

  • A

    his mum

  • B

    his father

  • C

     Both A & B

  • D


Lời giải và đáp án

Câu 1 :

Read the passage and answer the question.

Over 65 years ago, the world's first computer was "born." Scientists called it "The Baby," but it was huge. It filled an entire room! Three people made the computer and programmed math problems for it. On June 19, 1948, the computer solved its first math problem in 52 minutes! At that time, this was amazing.

Computers are now much smaller. With touch-screen technology, many computers don't need extra things, like a keyboard or a mouse. In the future, computers probably won't need these things at all. Some computers, like the smartphone, can fit in one hand. Computers are also more powerful today. There is more computing power in a smartphone than there was in all of the computers on Apollo 11, the first spacecraft to take people to the moon!

How else will computers change in the future? A computer's "brain" is a chip inside the computer, and in the future, people will definitely be able to save much more information on a computer chip. So, computers will be smaller and even more powerful. Perhaps they'll even think like humans!

Câu 1.1

The first computer fit in_________.

  • A

    a hand

  • B

    a room

  • C

    a building

  • D


Đáp án: C

Phương pháp giải :

Phương pháp: Đọc hiểu

Thông tin: Scientists called it "The Baby," but it was huge. It filled an entire room!

Lời giải chi tiết :

Máy tính đầu tiên phù hợp với in_________.

A. một bàn tay

B. một căn phòng

C. một tòa nhà

Thông tin: Scientists called it "The Baby," but it was huge. It filled an entire room!

Tạm dịch: Các nhà khoa học gọi nó là "Đứa bé", nhưng nó rất lớn. Nó lấp đầy cả một căn phòng!

Câu 1.2

The Baby found the answer to _________math problem(s) in 52 minutes.

  • A


  • B


  • C


  • D


Đáp án: A

Phương pháp giải :

Phương pháp: Đọc hiểu

Thông tin: On June 19, 1948, the computer solved its first math problem in 52 minutes! At that time, this was amazing.

Lời giải chi tiết :

The Baby đã tìm ra câu trả lời cho (các)_________ vấn đề toán học trong 52 phút.

A. 1

B. 3

C. 5

Thông tin: On June 19, 1948, the computer solved its first math problem in 52 minutes! At that time, this was amazing.

Tạm dịch: Vào ngày 19 tháng 6 năm 1948, máy tính đã giải được bài toán đầu tiên trong 52 phút! Vào thời điểm đó, điều này thật tuyệt vời.

Câu 1.3

The computers on Apollo 11 were _____________a smartphone.

  • A

    more powerful than

  • B

    less powerful than

  • C

    most powerful

  • D


Đáp án: A

Phương pháp giải :

Phương pháp: Đọc hiểu

Thông tin: There is more computing power in a smartphone than there was in all of the computers on Apollo 11.

Lời giải chi tiết :

Máy tính trên Apollo 11  _____________ điện thoại thông minh.

A. mạnh hơn

B. ít mạnh hơn

C. mạnh nhất

Thông tin: There is more computing power in a smartphone than there was in all of the computers on Apollo 11

Tạm dịch: Điện thoại thông minh có nhiều khả năng tính toán hơn tất cả các máy tính trên Apollo 11.

Câu 1.4

Today, many computers don't have _______.

  • A


  • B


  • C

    touch screens

  • D


Đáp án: A

Phương pháp giải :

Phương pháp: Đọc hiểu

Thông tin: With touch-screen technology, many computers don't need extra things, like a keyboard or a mouse.

Lời giải chi tiết :

Ngày nay, nhiều máy tính không có _______.

A. bàn phím

B. chip điện tử

C. màn hình cảm ứng

Thông tin: With touch-screen technology, many computers don't need extra things, like a keyboard or a mouse.

Tạm dịch: Với công nghệ màn hình cảm ứng, nhiều máy tính không cần thêm những thứ khác, chẳng hạn như bàn phím hoặc chuột.

Câu 1.5

Computer in the future can be_____.

  • A


  • B

    more powerful

  • C

    Both A & B

  • D


Đáp án: C

Phương pháp giải :

Phương pháp: Đọc hiểu

Thông tin: So, computers will be smaller and even more powerful. Perhaps they'll even think like humans!

Lời giải chi tiết :

Máy tính trong tương lai có thể là ______.

A. nhỏ hơn

B. mạnh hơn

C. Cả A & B

Thông tin: So, computers will be smaller and even more powerful. Perhaps they'll even think like humans!

Tạm dịch: Vì vậy, máy tính sẽ nhỏ hơn và thậm chí mạnh hơn. Có lẽ họ thậm chí sẽ nghĩ như con người!

Câu 2 :

Read the passage and answer the question.

Jerry: OK, so what do you think is the most useful invention then?

Sandra: What, in the world? Yeah, well, that's a difficult question! Hmm, I'm pretty sure I couldn't live without a television!

Jerry: Really?

Sandra: Yes, really! I mean, what would I do after school every day and at the weekends?

Jerry: But television is just entertainment, isn't it? Do you think it's useful?

Sandra: Well, yeah - it means we can learn about major news events. You know, with digital television and 24-hour channels, we can always find out what's happening in the world. Yeah, I think it's really useful. But anyway, what about you then? What invention do you think is the most useful?

Jerry: Hmm ... well, my computer means everything to me.

Sandra: Do you use it a lot?

Jerry: Yes, all the time. Yes, I'd certainly say it's the most useful invention in our house – even more useful than my mobile phone! You know, I do my homework on it, send emails to my friends, and visit websites and chat rooms.

Sandra: Do you have it in your bedroom?

Jerry: Well, no, it's in the study. You see, my mum and dad sometimes use it for work, too. And hey, if it crashes, we all get really annoyed!

Sandra: We haven't got a computer at home, so I don't use one much.

Jerry: Really, I can't imagine life without a computer!

Câu 2.1

What does Sandra think is the most useful invention?

  • A


  • B

    mobile phone

  • C


  • D


Đáp án: C

Phương pháp giải :

Phương pháp: Đọc hiểu

Thông tin: Hmm, I'm pretty sure I couldn't live without a television!

Lời giải chi tiết :

Sandra nghĩ gì là phát minh hữu ích nhất?

A. máy tính

B. điện thoại di động

C. tivi

Thông tin: Hmm, I'm pretty sure I couldn't live without a television!

Tạm dịch: Hmm, tôi chắc chắn rằng tôi không thể sống mà không có tivi!

Câu 2.2

How often does she use it?

  • A


  • B


  • C


  • D


Đáp án: A

Phương pháp giải :

Phương pháp: Đọc hiểu

Thông tin: You know, with digital television and 24-hour channels, we can always find out what's happening in the world. Yeah, I think it's really useful.

Lời giải chi tiết :

Cô ấy sử dụng nó thường xuyên như thế nào?

A. luôn luôn

B. đôi khi

C. hiếm khi

Thông tin: You know, with digital television and 24-hour channels, we can always find out what's happening in the world. Yeah, I think it's really useful.

Tạm dịch: Bạn biết đấy, với truyền hình kỹ thuật số và các kênh truyền hình 24 giờ, chúng ta luôn có thể tìm hiểu những gì đang xảy ra trên thế giới. Vâng, tôi nghĩ nó thực sự hữu ích.

Câu 2.3

In Jerry’s opinion, what is the main purpose of TV?

  • A

    for education

  • B

    for interaction

  • C

    for entertainment

  • D


Đáp án: C

Phương pháp giải :

Phương pháp: Đọc hiểu

Thông tin: But television is just entertainment, isn't it? Do you think it's useful?

Lời giải chi tiết :

Theo ý kiến của Jerry, mục đích chính của TV là gì?

A. để học tập

B. để tương tác

C. để giải trí

Thông tin: But television is just entertainment, isn't it? Do you think it's useful?

Tạm dịch: Nhưng truyền hình chỉ là giải trí, phải không? Bạn có nghĩ rằng nó hữu ích?

Câu 2.4

How does his computer help him with his school work?

  • A

    do homework

  • B

    send emails

  • C

    visit websites

  • D


Đáp án: A

Phương pháp giải :

Phương pháp: Đọc hiểu

Thông tin: You know, I do my homework on it, send emails to my friends, and visit websites and chat rooms.

Lời giải chi tiết :

Máy tính của anh ấy giúp anh ấy hoàn thành nhiệm vụ ở trường như thế nào?

A. làm bài tập về nhà

B. gửi email

C. truy cập các trang web

Thông tin: You know, I do my homework on it, send emails to my friends, and visit websites and chat rooms.

Tạm dịch: Bạn biết đấy, tôi làm bài tập trên đó, gửi email cho bạn bè, truy cập các trang web và phòng trò chuyện.

Câu 2.5

Who else uses Jerry's computer?

  • A

    his mum

  • B

    his father

  • C

     Both A & B

  • D


Đáp án: C

Phương pháp giải :

Phương pháp: Đọc hiểu

Thông tin: Well, no, it's in the study. You see, my mum and dad sometimes use it for work, too.

Lời giải chi tiết :

Ai khác sử dụng máy tính của Jerry?

A. mẹ của anh ấy

B. bố của anh ấy

C. Cả A & B

Thông tin: Well, no, it's in the study. You see, my mum and dad sometimes use it for work, too.

Tạm dịch: À không, nó đang trong nghiên cứu. Bạn thấy đấy, bố mẹ tôi đôi khi cũng sử dụng nó cho công việc.