Giải SGK, SBT Unit 10. The ecosystem Global Success

Giải SGK, SBT Unit 10 Global Success

47 câu hỏi
Tự luận
Câu 6 :

2. Mark the intonation in the question tags, using rising intonation or falling intonation. Then listen and check. Practise saying the conversations in pairs.

(Đánh dấu ngữ điệu trong các câu hỏi đuôi, sử dụng tăng ngữ điệu hoặc giảm ngữ điệu. Sau đó nghe và kiểm tra. Thực hành nói các cuộc hội thoại theo cặp.)


A: Sorry, I didn’t hear my alarm this morning.

(Xin lỗi, sáng nay tôi không nghe thấy chuông báo thức.)

B: So, you were late again, weren't you?

(Vậy là bạn lại đến muộn phải không?)


A: I couldn't watch the match last night. We won, didn’t we?

(Trận đấu tối qua tôi không xem được. Chúng ta đã thắng phải không?)

B: Yes, we did.

(Đúng vậy, chúng ta đã thắng.)


A: There are several ecosystems that can be found in Viet Nam.

(Có một số hệ sinh thái có thể tìm thấy ở Việt Nam.)

B: Yes. Viet Nam is biologically diverse, isn't it?

(Vâng. Việt Nam rất đa dạng về mặt sinh học, phải không?)


A: We are running out of fossil fuels, aren't we?

(Chúng ta đang cạn kiệt nhiên liệu hóa thạch phải không?)

B: Yes, we are. We should find more alternative sources of energy.

(Đúng vậy. Chúng ta nên tìm nhiều nguồn năng lượng thay thế hơn.)


A: People should stop damaging the environment, shouldn't they?

(Mọi người nên ngừng hủy hoại môi trường, phải không?)

B: Yes, I agree with you.

(Đúng vậy, tôi đồng ý với bạn.)

Câu 12 :

2. Read the article and match the headings (1-4) to the paragraphs (A-D).

(Đọc bài viết và nối các tiêu đề (1-4) với các đoạn văn (A-D).)

1. Flora and fauna (Hệ động thực vật)

2. Best time to visit (Thời gian tốt nhất để ghé thăm)

3. Location (Vị trí)

4. Geography (Địa lý)

A. ____________________

U Minh Thuong National Park is located in An Bien, An Minh, and Vinh Thuan districts of Kien Giang Province, about 60 km south of Rach Gia city centre. This place is considered one of the most important sites for ecosystem conservation in the Mekong River Delta. It attracts tourists not only with its wild and beautiful scenery, but also with its rare and rich biodiversity.

B. ____________________

U Minh Thuong National Park covers a large area of freshwater wetlands, including mangrove forests. Its central part is surrounded by waterways with a series of gates, which are used to manage the water level.

C. ____________________

Home to 226 species of plants, U Minh Thuong National Park is the region with the richest biodiversity in the Mekong River Delta. It used to be one of the largest habitats for water birds in the area, but their home was badly damaged by forest fires in 2002. Now there are about two hundred types of birds in the park, including some unique birds like the great spotted eagle. Thirty-two types of mammals have been found here. Ten of them, including the fishing cat and Sunda pangolin, are on the list of rare and endangered species, native to Viet Nam.

D. ____________________

The ideal time to explore U Minh Thuong National Park is from August to November, known as the floating water season of the region. Tourists can take a boat to experience nature and wildlife. Visitors can go to Trang Doi, a place where thousands of bats gather, hanging on the trees like huge fruits. Another popular place to visit is Trang Chim, a large area with thousands of colourful birds. So if you love nature, you should definitely go to explore this amazing natural park.

Câu 17 :

3. Work in groups. Your class is on a field trip to a national park. Read the situations below and think of some possible responses. Provide reasons for each answer.

(Làm việc nhóm. Lớp học của bạn đang trong một chuyến đi thực tế đến một công viên quốc gia. Đọc các tình huống dưới đây và nghĩ về một số câu trả lời có thể có. Cung cấp lý do cho mỗi câu trả lời.)

1. Some of your classmates want to collect some rare insects/flowers for their collection.

(Một số bạn cùng lớp của bạn muốn sưu tầm một số loài côn trùng/hoa quý hiếm cho bộ sưu tập của họ.)

Example: "You shouldn't do that for several reasons. First, rare plant and animal species are endangered. Second, if people start killing or collecting them, they will soon disappear. Finally, this will harm local biodiversity and have a serious effect on the balance of the local ecosystem.

(Ví dụ: "Bạn không nên làm điều đó vì nhiều lý do. Thứ nhất, các loài động thực vật quý hiếm đang bị đe dọa. Thứ hai, nếu mọi người bắt đầu giết hoặc sưu tầm chúng, chúng sẽ nhanh chóng biến mất. Cuối cùng, điều này sẽ gây hại cho đa dạng sinh học địa phương và có ảnh hưởng nghiêm trọng về sự cân bằng của hệ sinh thái địa phương.)

2. Some classmates have brought some snacks and want to feed the wild animals in the park.

(Một số bạn cùng lớp đã mang theo một số đồ ăn nhẹ và muốn cho động vật hoang dã trong công viên ăn.)

3. You see some classmates throwing rubbish, such as plastic bottles, paper, and cans, on the grass and in the water.

(Bạn thấy một số bạn cùng lớp vứt rác, chẳng hạn như chai nhựa, giấy và lon, trên cỏ và trong nước.)

4. Some classmates want to collect wood to build a fire in the park.

(Một số bạn cùng lớp muốn thu thập gỗ để đốt lửa trong công viên.)

Câu 20 :

2. Listen to a talk and choose the correct answers A, B, or C.

(Nghe bài nói chuyện và chọn câu trả lời đúng A, B hoặc C.)

1. Why is Dr Logan invited to give a talk?

(Tại sao Tiến sĩ Logan được mời nói chuyện?)

A. Because he knows Nam.  

(Bởi vì anh ấy biết Nam.)

B. Because he’s an expert in biodiversity conservation.

(Bởi vì anh ấy là một chuyên gia về bảo tồn đa dạng sinh học.)

C. Because he’s a member of the environment club.

(Bởi vì anh ấy là thành viên của câu lạc bộ môi trường.)

2. Which of the benefits provided by a healthy ecosystem is NOT mentioned?

(Lợi ích nào do một hệ sinh thái lành mạnh mang lại KHÔNG được đề cập?)

A. Cleaning our air and water.  

(Làm sạch không khí và nước của chúng ta.)

B. Controlling climate changes.

(Kiểm soát biến đổi khí hậu.)

C. Recycling waste naturally.

(Tái chế chất thải một cách tự nhiên.)

3. How much of the coral reefs has disappeared?

(Bao nhiêu rạn san hô đã biến mất?)

A. 25%.

B. 50%. 

C. 90%. 

4. What may happen as a result of damaging the ecosystem balance?

(Điều gì có thể xảy ra khi làm tổn hại đến sự cân bằng của hệ sinh thái?)

A. More space for farming and houses.  

(Thêm không gian cho canh tác và nhà cửa.)

B. Lack of food, water, and fresh air.  

(Thiếu thức ăn, nước uống và không khí trong lành.)

C. Fewer natural disasters.  

(Ít thiên tai hơn.)

5. What do you think Dr Logan will talk about next?

(Bạn nghĩ Tiến sĩ Logan sẽ nói về điều gì tiếp theo?)

A. Ways to repair damaged ecosystems.

(Các cách để sửa chữa các hệ sinh thái bị hư hại.)

B. Ways to restore the food chain

(Các cách khôi phục chuỗi thức ăn.)

C. The future of human life.

(Tương lai của cuộc sống con người.)

Câu 27 :

1. Read the text and tick (✓) the correct project in the table.

(Đọc văn bản và đánh dấu (✓) vào dự án đúng trong bảng.)


The healthier our ecosystems are, the healthier our planet and its people become. Ecosystem restoration can help end poverty, fight climate change, and prevent loss of flora and fauna on every continent and in every ocean. Below are two examples of successful ecological projects.

The Great Green Wall

The goal of this project is to create the largest living structure on the planet. The plan is to restore 100 million hectares of damaged land, limit the amount of carbon dioxide and create 10 million green jobs in Africa. This will provide rich land, food security, and improve the region’s ability to deal with climate change. Since its launch in 2007, Ethiopia and Nigeria have restored millions of hectares of land, and Senegal has planted more than 10 million trees.

Belize Barrier Reef

The Belize Barrier Reef was once described as the most amazing reef in the West Indies. It is home to a large diversity of plants and animals. Itis Belize’s top tourist destination, popular for scuba diving and snorkelling, and a UNESCO Natural World Heritage Site. Between 2009 and 2018, it was declared endangered because of pollution and the destruction of its ecosystems. However, because of conservation efforts, a large part of the reef is now protected. There are seven marine reserves. Belize has also stopped oil drilling near the Barrier Reef, banned plastic products, and created ‘no-take zones’, where removing plants and animals is not allowed. 


The Great Green Wall

Belize Barrier Reef

1. It is a marine ecosystem of rich biodiversity.



2. Its aim is to build the world’s biggest living structure.



3. Millions of trees have been planted in several African countries.



4. The government has taken measures to restore and protect the ecosystem



Câu 33 :

Read the following conversations. Put a tick to indicate the appropriate intonation (rising or falling) on the question tags. Then practise saying them.

(Đọc các đoạn hội thoại sau. Đánh dấu chọn để chỉ ngữ điệu thích hợp (lên hoặc xuống) vào các thẻ câu hỏi. Sau đó thực hành nói chúng.)

Conversation 1. (A is not sure of B's answer)

A: You will prepare the slides for tomorrow’s talk, won’t you?

B: OK, I’ll do that.

Conversation 2. (B is making a point)

A: Siberian tigers are endangered animals.

B: That’s right. We should protect them, shouldn’t we?

Conversation 3. (A isn't sure of B's answer)

A: You are attending the workshop on protecting local biodiversity on Monday, aren’t you?

B: Yes, I’m giving a talk about the loss of local fauna.

Conversation 4. (A is making a point)

A: Nam is a very talented young man. He has won a scholarship at Hanoi University, hasn’t he?

B: That’s right.

Conversation 5. (B is making a point)

A: The trip to U Minh National Park was amazing.

B: We saw so many animals and plants, didn’t we?

Conversation 6. (A isn't sure of B's answer)

A: You don’t know if our proposal was accepted, do you?

B: I’m afraid it wasn’t. No one supported it.

Conversation 7. (A is sure of B's answer)

A: People should use less fresh water, shouldn’t they?

B: Yes, I agree with you.

Conversation 8. (A isn't sure of B's answer)

A: I don’t think I received your proposal. You haven’t submitted it, have you?

B: Yes, I have.

Câu 40 :

1. Read the text and choose the best answers.

(Đọc văn bản và chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất.)

Viet Nam’s flora and fauna

With a coastline of over 3,260 kilometres, Viet Nam is (1) __________ to many different kinds of flora and fauna. From the Fansipan Peak all the way down to the Mekong Delta, the country has a rich (2) __________ of wildlife. However, due to population growth and rapid urban development, many of Viet Nam’s plant and (3) __________ species are endangered.

Natural habitats are threatened by deforestation and the (4) __________ of natural resources. Several unique species have almost disappeared in recent years (5) __________ the illegal wildlife trade. The trade in animal parts continues to be a serious problem (6) __________ the heavy punishment. There is still high demand for elephant ivory, rhino horn, turtle eggs, and other wild animal parts. This has forced a number of mammals and other (7) __________ onto the Red List of Threatened Species. In 2010, Viet Nam’s last Javan rhino was shot and killed for its (8) __________.

Nevertheless, there are still many other native species found in the country’s dense forests. Scientists continue to (9) __________ unique and rare animals such as the saola and the pangolin. However, if the country wants to conserve its biodiversity and fascinating features, it still has (10) __________ to go.

1. A. area

B. location

C. place

D. home

2. A. diversity

B. complex

C. number

D. footprint

3. A. flora

B. fauna

C. animal

D. creature

4. A. use

B. overuse

C. misuse

D. lack

5. A. due

B. although

C. because of

D. because

6. A. because of

B. despite

C. due to

D. since

7. A. things

B. flora

C. birds

D. creatures

8. A. horn

B. ivory

C. eggs

D. parts

9. A. list

B. shoot

C. meet

D. discover

10. A. a lot

B. a long way

C. some way

D. nothing

Câu 41 :

2. Read the text and match the highlighted words with the meanings.

(Đọc văn bản và nối các từ được đánh dấu với nghĩa.)

Food chains

Each living thing can be a part of different food chains. Living things can be producers or consumers. Producers make their own food. For example, many plants are in the producers’ group as they use energy from the sun, water and nutrients from the soil. Consumers, on the other hand, don’t make their own food. Some eat producers or other consumers, such as animals, while others eat both. For example, farm animals like cows, chickens and pigs eat corn, grass, and hay because they cannot make food for themselves like many plants do.

A food chain is the sequence of who eat whom in an ecosystem. For instance, the sun makes energy for the grass, which gets eaten by a zebra, which gets eaten by a lion. Or, the grass gets eaten by a cricket, which gets eaten by a snake, which gets eaten by an owl. These are all examples of food chains.

Food chains show how all living things depend on each other. For example, we as consumers drink fruit juice made from a plant or producer. We also consume dairy products such as milk and cheese, which come from other consumers like cows and sheep. So producers and consumers are interdependent.

There are many food chains in the various habitats on Earth. Animals that eat other animals are called predators, and the animals they eat are called prey. Consumers are divided into three categories: herbivores, omnivores and carnivores. A herbivore only eats plants, an omnivore eats plants and meat, and a carnivore only eats meat.

1. the order that actions happen in __________

2. substances that keep a living thing alive and help it grow __________

3. groups of people or things with particular features __________

4. consisting of parts that depend on each other __________

Câu 43 :

Complete the conversations by circling the best answers. Then practise reading them.

(Hoàn thành các đoạn hội thoại bằng cách khoanh tròn các câu trả lời đúng nhất. Sau đó thực hành đọc chúng.)

1. Lan: Mai, do you fancy going on a day trip to Cuc Phuong National Park?

Mai: Yes, __________. I heard it has amazing flora and fauna.

A. it is a good trip

B. I’d love to go there

C. I love going to parks

D. I agree. The park is amazing

2. Nam: I don’t like the idea of throwing away used paper and empty bottles. Shall we use them to make school items?

 Lan: __________.

A. We can make a lot of money

B. I also hate throwing away used paper and bottles

C. I like your idea, but school items are expensive

D. Great idea. I’m a big fan of upcycled products

3. Nick: I’m so excited that we’re going to U Minh Thuong National Park to study its flora and fauna.

Phong: __________. I’d rather go to the Museum of History.

A. Biology is not my favourite

B. I adore native plants

C. I also like biology

D. I’m not so keen on school trips

4. Ann: I want to use eco-friendly cups and plates at my birthday party.

 Lan: __________. They will not cause any harm to the environment.

A. I’m into the habit of recycling

B. I like your idea

C. I’m keen on celebrating your birthday

D. You are so friendly

5. Long: We’re organising a tree-planting day in local parks. Would you like to join us?

Mai: I’d love to! __________.

A. I love visiting local parks

B. Gardening is not my favourite

C. I want to help fight climate change

D. Planting trees is so easy

Câu 44 :

2. Talk about ways to protect endangered species. Use the suggested ideas in the box to help you. You may add your own ideas. You can start your talk with the sentence below.

(Nói về cách bảo vệ các loài có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng. Sử dụng các ý tưởng gợi ý trong hộp để giúp bạn. Bạn có thể thêm ý tưởng của riêng bạn. Bạn có thể bắt đầu bài nói của mình bằng câu dưới đây.)

– organise awareness events such as Endangered Species Days

– raise funds for protecting wild animals

– pass laws to ban deforestation

– introduce stricter laws to help protect wildlife

– stop buying and selling products made from wild animals

– set up more nature reserves

(– tổ chức các sự kiện nâng cao nhận thức như Ngày các loài có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng

– gây quỹ bảo vệ động vật hoang dã

– thông qua luật cấm phá rừng

– giới thiệu luật chặt chẽ hơn để giúp bảo vệ động vật hoang dã

– ngừng mua bán các sản phẩm làm từ động vật hoang dã

– thiết lập thêm các khu bảo tồn thiên nhiên)

 “Protecting endangered species is very important because losing even a single species can have disastrous impacts on the rest of the ecosystem. …”

(Bảo vệ các loài có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng là rất quan trọng bởi vì mất đi dù chỉ một loài có thể có tác động tai hại đến phần còn lại của hệ sinh thái.)

Câu 46 :

2. Complete the sentences using the words/phrases in brackets. You may change the forms or add any other words where necessary.

(Hoàn thành các câu sử dụng các từ/cụm từ trong ngoặc. Bạn có thể thay đổi các hình thức hoặc thêm bất kỳ từ nào khác khi cần thiết.)

1. Don't waste your time reading this book. (worth)

→ It’s ___________________________________________ this book.

2. I'd prefer you not to go hiking in tropical forests. (rather)

→ I’d ______________________________________ go hiking in tropical forests.

3. The disappearance of a single species can affect the entire food chain. (disappear)

→ If a ______________________________________, the entire food chain can be affected.

4. Our environmental project stands a very good chance of winning a prize. (highly)

→ It’s ______________________________________________ will win a prize.

5. I'm just about to give up this diet because it's not working at all. (on the point)

→ I’m ________________________________________ because it’s not working at all.

6. It was very windy, but we really enjoyed the picnic in Cuc Phuong National Park. (despite)

→ We really enjoyed the picnic in Cuc Phuong National Park ______________ was very windy.

7. It’s highly unlikely that our conservation programme will be successful. (chance)

→ There is very little ______________________________ will be successful.

8. They tried very hard to complete their project by the end of this month. (their best)

→ They ____________________________________ their project by the end of this month.