Giải SGK, SBT Unit 5. Global warming Global Success

Giải SGK, SBT Unit 5 Global Success

49 câu hỏi
Tự luận
Câu 10 :

Past participle clauses (Mệnh đề quá khứ phân từ)

2. Rewrite these sentences using past participle clauses.

(Viết lại những câu này sử dụng mệnh đề quá khứ phân từ.)

Example: We were given enough information about the causes of global warming, so we started our report.

(Ví dụ: Chúng tôi đã được cung cấp đủ thông tin về nguyên nhân của sự nóng lên toàn cầu, vì vậy chúng tôi bắt đầu báo cáo của chúng tôi.)

=> Given enough information about the causes of global warming, we started our report.

(Được cung cấp đủ thông tin về nguyên nhân của sự nóng lên toàn cầu, chúng tôi bắt đầu báo cáo của mình.)

1. If farm animals are not kept cool in hot weather, they can suffer from heat stress.

(Nếu vật nuôi trong trang trại không được giữ mát trong thời tiết nóng, chúng có thể bị căng thẳng nhiệt.)

=> ______________ , farm animals can suffer from heat stress.

2. Some farmers were worried about the consequences of deforestation, so they stopped burning trees to create farmland.

(Một số nông dân lo lắng về hậu quả của việc phá rừng nên đã ngừng đốt cây để lấy đất canh tác.)

=> _______________, some farmers stopped burning trees to create farmland.

3. If carbon dioxide is produced in huge amounts, it causes air pollution and climate change.

(Nếu CO2 được tạo ra với số lượng lớn, nó sẽ gây ô nhiễm không khí và biến đổi khí hậu.)

=> _______________, carbon dioxide causes air pollution and climate change.

Câu 13 :

2. Read the article and choose the best title for it.

(Đọc bài báo và chọn tiêu đề tốt nhất cho nó.)

A. History of COPs

B. Main causes of global warming

C. Main goals of this year’s COP

In 1994, the UN decided to bring together world leaders for an annual event, known as COP or ‘Conference of Parties’, to discuss climate change. This year’s conference will review what has been achieved and discuss the key goals.

The first goal is to limit the global temperature rise to 1.5°C. This will require reducing global CO, emissions by 50 per cent by 2030, and by 2050 achieving a balance between the greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere and those removed from it.

The second goal is to reduce the use of coal, whichis the dirtiest fuel and biggest source of planet-warming CO2 emissions. Countries will have to stop building new coal plants and switch to clean sources of energy.

The third goal is to end deforestation. Forests remove CO2 from the atmosphere and slow global warming. But when they are cut down or burnt, they release the carbon stored in the trees into the atmosphere as CO2. Stopping deforestation is, therefore, an effective solution to climate change.

The last key goal is to reduce methane emissions. Methane is a greenhouse gas that is more powerful than CO2 at warming the earth. It is responsible for nearly one-third of current warming from human activities. Methane comes from farming activities and landfill waste. The production and use of coal, oil, and natural gas also release methane.

This conference is very important because this is the best last chance we have to slow global warming. World leaders, climate experts, organisations, and national representatives will carefully discuss these goals and agree on how to make global progress on climate change.

Câu 29 :

2. Work in pairs. Use the model in 1 to make similar conversations for these situations. One of you is Student A, the other is Student B. Use the expressions below to help you.

(Làm việc theo cặp. Sử dụng mô hình trong 1 để thực hiện các cuộc hội thoại tương tự cho các tình huống này. Một trong số các bạn là Học sinh A, người kia là Học sinh B. Sử dụng các cách diễn đạt dưới đây để giúp bạn.)

1. Student A is burning rubbish. Student B is warning him/her about the dangers of open waste burning to people's health and the environment.

(Học sinh A đang đốt rác. Học sinh B đang cảnh báo bạn ấy về sự nguy hiểm của việc đốt rác lộ thiên đối với sức khỏe con người và môi trường.)

2. Student B is building a campfire. Student A is warning him/her about the risk of starting a forest fire and the health risks.

(Học sinh B đang đốt lửa trại. Học sinh A đang cảnh báo em ấy về nguy cơ bắt đầu cháy rừng và những rủi ro về sức khỏe.)

Useful expressions

(Cách trình bày hữu ích)

Giving warnings

(Đưa ra lời cảnh báo)

Responding to warnings

(Đáp lại lời cảnh báo)

- I wouldn’t … if I were you.

(Tôi sẽ không … nếu tôi là bạn.)

- Watch out (for something)!

(Cẩn thận!)

- I (must) warn you …

(Tôi phải cảnh báo bạn.)

- Mind your …

(Hãy suy nghĩ …)

- Thanks for (the) warning.

(Cảm ơn lời cảnh báo.)

- I’ll be (more) careful (next time).

(Tôi sẽ cẩn thận (hơn và lần tới).)

- Thanks.

(Cảm ơn.)

- Oh, really? I didn’t know that. Thanks so much.

(Ồ, thật á? Mình đã không biết điều đó. Cảm ơn rất nhiều.)

Câu 30 :

1. Read the text and tick () the pictures that show ways to reduce global warming.

(Đọc văn bản và đánh dấu () vào những bức tranh chỉ ra những cách để giảm sự nóng lên toàn cầu.)


Farming provides us with the food that we eat every day. But farming activities also have a strong warming impact on the global temperature. The good news is that experts have already started thinking about how to reduce it.

Raising farm animals like cows, goats, and sheep makes the planet hotter. There are billions of them and they release methane, a greenhouse gas that is much more dangerous than carbon dioxide. That is why scientists are developing methane-catching face masks for cows. They are intended to reduce methane emissions by up to 50 per cent per cow.

Another farming activity that heats the atmosphere is growing rice. According to research, emissions from rice farms have the same warming effect as about 600 coal plants. Flooded rice fields also make it easier for soil bacteria to produce greenhouse gases. New farming methods have allowed rice to grow well in drier fields, limit the amount of greenhouse gases, use less water, and produce better crops.

In addition, land-use increases the global temperature. Plants and trees use CO2 to grow and store large amounts of carbon underground. Cutting down or burning forests to create farm fields and land for feeding animals releases tonnes of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere every year. Luckily, many countries and world leaders have agreed to protect the forests and end deforestation.

In short, there are some positive signs that farmers can meet the environmental challenges. However, although the impact of farming on the global temperature has been reduced, there is still much to do.

Câu 35 :

What we can do every day to help limit global warming?

(Chúng ta có thể làm gì hàng ngày để giúp hạn chế sự nóng lên toàn cầu?)

Work in groups. Carry out a survey to find out how people in your area are reducing the negative impact of their daily activities on the environment and trying to limit global warming.

(Làm việc theo nhóm. Thực hiện một cuộc khảo sát để tìm hiểu cách mọi người trong khu vực của bạn đang giảm tác động tiêu cực của các hoạt động hàng ngày của họ đối với môi trường và cố gắng hạn chế sự nóng lên toàn cầu.)

Report your survey results to the class.

(Báo cáo kết quả khảo sát của bạn trước lớp.)

The report should include the following points:

(Báo cáo nên bao gồm các điểm sau)

• what their daily activities used to involve, e.g. driving to work

(những hoạt động hàng ngày của họ từng bao gồm những gì, ví dụ: lái xe đi làm)

• how these activities affect global warming, e.g. releasing carbon dioxide emissions

(những hoạt động này ảnh hưởng như thế nào đến sự nóng lên toàn cầu, v.d. giải phóng khí thải CO2)

• what people do to reduce their environmental impact, e.g. cycling to work

(mọi người làm gì để giảm tác động đến môi trường, ví dụ: đạp xe đi làm)

• what results people get, e.g. reducing carbon footprint

(mọi người đạt được kết quả gì, e.g. giảm lượng khí thải carbon)

Câu 43 :

1. Read the text. Match the headings (A-F) below with the paragraphs (1-4). There are TWO extra headings.

(Đọc văn bản. Nối các tiêu đề (A-F) bên dưới với các đoạn văn (1-4). Có HAI tiêu đề thừa.)

A. Hopes for the future

B. Methane emissions in Canada and Brazil

C. The cow mask and its uses

D. Efforts to reduce methane emissions

E. Keeping cows healthy

F. Cows, methane, and global warming

Methane-catching masks for cows

1. __________

There are more than one billion cows in the world, and cow farming is a large source of methane emissions. This colourless and odourless gas is much more powerful than CO2 at warming the earth.

2. __________

Farmers and companies are developing solutions for decreasing cows’ methane emissions. In Canada and Brazil, farmers started adding a special ingredient to their animals’ feed to reduce cows’ methane production. In New Zealand, scientists are working on a vaccine that can cut methane emissions. Rather than stopping methane emissions, a UK company has designed face masks to catch the gas before it is released.

3. __________

The masks will allow cows to continue their normal diet, but will turn methane into CO2 and water. They can fit comfortably on the cow’s head and can be adjusted to different head sizes. Sensors on the masks can notice when methane comes out of the cow’s mouth and provide the percentage of the gas. This information can also be useful for farmers who can use it to identify the early signs of disease. For example, if a cow eats less, but produces more methane than usual, it may have a health problem.

4. __________

It is predicted that the need for beef and dairy products will go up in the coming years. The company developing the methane-catching masks hopes that farmers will start using their invention, which will slow down global warming.

Câu 44 :

2. Read the text and choose the best answers.

(Đọc văn bản và chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất.)

Renewable energy is the future

Most of our energy comes from fossil fuels. Burning them increases the amount of greenhouse gas (1) __________ in the atmosphere. If we continue to use fossil fuels the way we do now, we will soon run (2) __________ of them.

Fortunately, we no longer have to depend only on fossil fuels like oil, coal, and natural gas. We can use renewable energy from sources such as wind, rain, waves, and sunlight, which can be replaced (3) __________. In addition, such energy has a low (4) __________ impact. Renewable energy used to be very expensive. In recent years, (5) __________, it has become cheaper and easier to produce thanks to technological advances.

Wind energy is one of the (6) __________ and most sustainable type of energy. It does not release carbon emissions and is entirely renewable as there will always be wind. Solar power is the most (7) __________ source of renewable energy. It exists in large quantities and is freely available. It is also completely renewable as the (8) __________ will keep on shining. Hydropower, a form of renewable energy that uses the force of fast-moving water to produce electricity, is even more reliable than solar or wind power.

There are other types of renewable energy available. In the future, we will need to use more renewable energy (9) __________ to meet our energy needs and reduce the (10) _________ impact of global warming.


1. A. sources

B. representatives

C. fuels

D. emissions


2. A. across

B. into

C. out

D. away


3. A. naturally

B. carefully

C. normally

D. finally


4. A. efficient

B. environmental

C. natural

D. careful


5. A. however

B. in addition

C. in short

D. actually


6. A. dirtiest

B. most serious

C. cleanest

D. biggest




7. A. positive

B. global

C. heavy

D. common


8. A. rain

B. sun

C. light

D. wind


9. A. sources

B. challenges

C. waves

D. activities


10. A. active

B. effective

C. negative

D. positive