Giải SGK, SBT Unit 7. The world of mass media Global Success

Giải SGK, SBT Unit 7 Global Success

48 câu hỏi
Tự luận
Câu 1 :

Promoting a charity event

(Quảng bá sự kiện từ thiện)

1. Listen and read.

(Nghe và đọc.)

Mark: Hi. Mai. What's up? You look so worried!

Mai: I'm so stressed! The school charity club is planning a music show, and I'm in charge of the publicity for the event. But it's so difficult to think of ways to attract people's attention. There hasn't been much interest so far.

Linda: Why don't you place an advert in the local newspaper? Everybody reads it, and I'm sure an advert there can help draw attention to the event.

Mai: It'll be too expensive. I'm afraid we can't afford to promote the show as if it were a big profit-making event.

Mark: I see... How about putting up posters in the area?

Mai: Well, they're not expensive, but there're so many of them that viewers may not pay enough attention to our poster.

Mark: How about the Internet?

Mai: You mean running commercials online? That will cost lots of money, too.

Mark: Not necessarily. We can post information on social media sites, which is free and effective. In fact, they are such popular tools of communication nowadays that everybody uses them to advertise products and events, and connect with people.

Mai: I've thought of that, but I don't have a big social media presence like you do.

Linda: Well, perhaps you should consider all of our suggestions. First, I'll phone the local newspaper to see if they offer any discounts for charity advertising.

Mark: And I can help you promote the event on the Internet. Let's get together this afternoon to design some posters, too.

Mai: Thanks so much! See you then.

Câu 12 :

2. Read the article. Match the highlighted words with their meanings.

(Đọc bài viết. Nối những từ được đánh dấu với nghĩa của chúng.)


Digital media is any form of media that is created, viewed, and distributed via electronic devices. Examples of digital media include websites, social media, videos, video games, digital advertising, software, and electronic books. With the development of technology and smart devices in recent years, digital media saw a sharp rise. This raises the question of whether digital media will replace traditional media such as printed newspapers, broadcast TV, and radio. Below are two opinion pieces sent to our Debate Corner this week.

Nowadays, it is much easier and more convenient to access information via digital media. Most digital content is also freely accessible. All it takes is a few clicks, and you can read the latest news, watch videos, or see online adverts. In addition, digital media forms are more interactive. For example, customers can provide instant feedback, which can be used to solve any problems. In return, almost every organisation can reach its target customers easily via digital media. Furthermore, digital media is more flexible since information can be updated easily and frequently. By contrast, articles in printed newspapers or adverts on TV cannot be changed immediately. With more than 75 million social media users in Viet Nam and the number is increasing, it will not be long before traditional media becomes a thing of the past. - Minh Quang

Digital media is very convenient, but its strengths are also its own weaknesses. Since anyone with access to computers and the Internet can post or share information online, it raises the question of how credible it is. On the other hand, traditional media offers information from reliable sources that are fact-checked. Moreover, let us not forget that digital media relies on the Internet and smart devices to work well. There are still remote or disadvantaged areas in Viet Nam where access to technology is limited or too expensive. Many people also still struggle with technology. So although digital media is on the rise, traditional media such as printed newspapers, broadcast TV, and radio is here to stay. - Pham Hoa

1. distributed

2. accessible

3. interactive

4. credible

a. that can be trusted or believed

b. that allows information to be passed continuously and in both directions between different devices or users

c. that can be reached, used, seen, etc.

d. given to a large number of people

Câu 14 :

4. Read the article again. Choose the correct answers.

(Đọc lại bài viết. Chọn những đáp án đúng.)

1. What are the three main reasons that Quang gives to support his view?

(Circle THREE correct choices)

A. All digital media content is free to use.

B. Digital media can be accessed easily.

C. Information on digital media can be updated many times.

D. Users can interact with content and post opinions on digital media.

E. Customers are more flexible online.

2. Why does Quang mention the fact that many organisations can reach its customers via digital media?

A. To prove that advertisements on digital media are highly accessible.

B. To suggest that customers can interact well on digital media.

C. To show that digital media allows interaction between both sides.

D. To prove that digital media forms are easier to use than traditional ones.

3. What are the three main reasons that Hoa gives to support her view?

(Circle THREE correct choices)

A. Information on digital media cannot always be trusted.

B. The government only supports the use of traditional media.

C. People in areas with limited access to technology still use traditional media.

D. Not everyone is comfortable with technology.

E. Traditional media forms are friendlier to users than digital ones.

4. Why does Hoa say 'here to stay' in her opinion piece?

A. To show that digital media will only continue to be used in her country.

B. To confirm her opinion that traditional media has become a part of life and will continue to be popular.

C. To emphasise that printed newspapers can easily be sent to remote places.

D. To state her opinion that digital media is on the rise.

Câu 16 :

2. Work in groups. Discuss the following situations and decide on the most suitable type of media to use in each situation. Provide reasons for your choice.

(Làm việc theo nhóm. Thảo luận các tình huống sau đây và quyết định loại phương tiện truyền thông phù hợp nhất để sử dụng trong từng tình huống. Đưa ra lý do cho sự lựa chọn của bạn.)

1. Your school's music club is organising a small concert. You want to promote the event and expect an audience of 30-50 people.

(Câu lạc bộ âm nhạc của trường bạn đang tổ chức một buổi hòa nhạc nhỏ. Bạn muốn quảng bá sự kiện và mong đợi lượng khán giả từ 30-50 người.)

Example: (Ví dụ)

A: I think we should write an event promotion email and send it to 100 people. I assume 30 per cent of them will show some interest.

(Tôi nghĩ chúng ta nên viết một email quảng bá sự kiện và gửi cho 100 người. Tôi cho rằng 30% trong số họ sẽ tỏ ra quan tâm.)

B: Email is free of charge, but many people think email advertising or marketing is not credible. So I'm afraid they won't pay much attention to email messages.

(Email là miễn phí, nhưng nhiều người cho rằng quảng cáo hoặc tiếp thị qua email là không đáng tin cậy. Vì vậy tôi sợ họ sẽ không chú ý nhiều đến tin nhắn email.)

C: How about promoting it on social media? we can choose several social networks and create an event page for each one.

(Còn việc quảng cáo nó trên mạng xã hội thì sao? Chúng ta có thể chọn một số mạng xã hội và tạo trang sự kiện cho mỗi trang.)

2. Your school's social awareness club wants to raise awareness of cyberbullying among teenagers. You have some information and videos you want to share with as many students at your school as possible.

(Câu lạc bộ nâng cao nhận thức xã hội của trường bạn muốn nâng cao nhận thức về bắt nạt trực tuyến trong thanh thiếu niên. Bạn có một số thông tin và video muốn chia sẻ với càng nhiều học sinh ở trường càng tốt.)

3. Your charity club is collecting books and winter clothes for children in disadvantaged areas. You want to inform as many people as possible about the activity.

(Câu lạc bộ từ thiện của các bạn đang quyên góp sách và quần áo mùa đông cho trẻ em vùng khó khăn. Bạn muốn thông báo cho càng nhiều người càng tốt về hoạt động này.)

Câu 21 :

3. Listen to the recording again and complete the notes below. Use no more than TWO words and/or numbers for each gap.

(Nghe lại đoạn ghi âm và hoàn thành các ghi chú bên dưới. Sử dụng không quá HAI từ và/hoặc số cho mỗi chỗ trống.)



The rise of the Internet

(Sự trỗi dậy của Internet)

- Popular source of information around the world

(Nguồn thông tin phổ biến trên toàn thế giới)

- In Viet Nam (2022): more than (1) _______ Internet users or around (2) _______ of the population

(Tại Việt Nam (2022): hơn (1) _______ người sử dụng Internet hoặc khoảng (2) _______ dân số)

The problem with fake news on the Internet

(Vấn nạn tin giả trên Internet)

- Reason: easy to post any information on the Internet

(Lý do: dễ dàng đăng tải mọi thông tin lên Internet)

- Problem: can promote ideas which can be harmful to people and can change their (3) ___

(Vấn đề: có thể thúc đẩy những ý tưởng có thể gây hại cho mọi người và có thể thay đổi (3) ___)

Tips to avoid fake online news

(Lời khuyên để tránh tin tức giả mạo trực tuyến)

- Make sure that the websites are (4) _______

(Đảm bảo rằng các trang web (4) _______)

- Check if the story appears on other trusted sites

(Kiểm tra xem câu chuyện có xuất hiện trên các trang web đáng tin cậy khác không)

- Pay attention to the language, e.g. full of spelling and grammar mistakes and (5) _______

(Chú ý đến ngôn ngữ, ví dụ: đầy lỗi chính tả và ngữ pháp và (5) _______)

Câu 28 :

1. Read the following text and complete the table below.

(Đọc đoạn văn sau và hoàn thành bảng bên dưới.)


There are different types of mass media and some work better than others in different situations. They could be as advanced as digital billboards, or as simple as public loudspeakers.

Digital billboards

Unlike a traditional billboard which can only show one printed image, a digital billboard can change between different messages. Digital billboards are also considered more attractive than traditional ones, and people are more likely to notice them. Moreover, they can also be updated in real time.

Nowadays, digital billboards are common in many big cities around the world. It is hard to imagine places like Times Square in New York, Piccadilly Circus in London, or Shibuya in Tokyo without bright light adverts. Although they are growing in popularity, there have been concerns about their impact on the surrounding environment. Global light pollution is increasing each year. The constant light emitted by digital billboards often confuses birds, harms insects, and causes health problems in humans, too.

Public loudspeakers

In the past, public loudspeakers were used during the war to warn people of air attacks. Nowadays, they are still used in parts of Japan, the Philippines, and the US to alert people to natural disasters such as storms, earthquakes, and tornadoes. In Viet Nam, they are used to communicate important public announcements to residents. However, the noise from a city-wide loudspeaker system can be a problem to some people.


Digital billboards

Public loudspeakers

Uses and advantages






Countries where they are used



Câu 36 :

3 Read the following sentences and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate where the linking /r/ occurs in fast and natural speech. Then practise reading the sentences.

(Đọc những câu sau đây và khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra vị trí liên kết /r/ xảy ra trong lời nói nhanh và tự nhiên. Sau đó luyện đọc các câu.)

1. Her idea of putting an advert on the school website was welcomed by the event organisers.

          A                            B                                                 C                               D

2. Radio is still a popular form of media nowadays, especially in poor areas or places with no Internet.

         A                              B                                                           C                                       D

3. Digital billboards which use interactive design and tell a story draw attention to their message.

               A                                  B                            C                  D

4. There was plenty of positive publicity surrounding their new product however, they are still not

                          A                                                                                                  B

sure about its success.

       B            D        

Câu 37 :

1 Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra câu trả lời đúng cho mỗi câu hỏi sau.)

1. Plastic waste accounts _________ the majority of waste in big cities.

A. of

B. on

C. in

D. for

2. Television is different from radio in that it broadcasts both audio and _________ content.

A. visual

B. sound

C. interactive

D. digital

3. A number of female readers have complained about gender _________ in news articles.

A. equality

B. differences

C. bias

D. roles

4. Despite the publisher's efforts, the book didn't get as much _________ as expected.

A. public

B. publication

C. publicity

D. publishing

5. Millions of TV _________ are tuning in to the special New Year's Eve programme tonight.

A. viewers

B. readers

C. listeners

D. spectators

6. The Internet can provide you with _________ access to news and information.

A. reliable

B. instant

C. interactive

D. profitable

7. The cost of _________ an advert on the Internet depends on the number of views it can get.

A. raising

B. placing

C. publishing

D. broadcasting

8. Online shopping is more _________ nowadays, as customers can ask questions and get responses from sellers quickly.

A. interactive

B. economical

C. profit-making

D. accessible

9. Residents are complaining about the huge _________, which is so bright that it keeps them awake at night.


B. poster

C. billboard

D. advert

10. Social media is very popular among young adults, _________ contrast, many old people dislike using websites and mobile devices.

A. On

B. To

C. By

D. With

11. Printed newspapers can be read anywhere and do not require Internet connection as _________ to online newspapers.

A. different

B. contrary

C. contrast

D. opposed

12. _________ news stories often come from websites designed to change people's perception of real events and facts.

A. False

B. Wrong

C. Fake

D. Unreal

13. Can you help me _________ these leaflets to as many people as possible?

A. contribute

B. distribute

C. design

D. place

14. To build a social media _________, you should interact with your followers all the time.

A. public

B. publicity

C. presentation

D. presence

Câu 40 :

1 Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra câu trả lời đúng cho mỗi câu hỏi sau.)

1. Cable TV has so many interesting channels ________ more and more people subscribe to it.

A. for

B. so that

C. with

D. that

2. Some singers are ________ popular that their tours sell out in minutes.

A very

B. too

C. such

D. so

3. My pet cat started acting ________ she was being kept without food all the time.

A. same as

B. like

C. if

D. similar to

4. Email advertising has become ________ powerful tool that all businesses are using it.

A. a so

B. so a

C. a such

D. such a

5. Despite the incident, the actor continued with the scene as if nothing ________.

A. happens

B. has happened

C. had happened

D. is happening

6. She acts as if she ________ happy, but in fact she is very disappointed with herself.

A. is

B. has been

C. will be

D. were

7. There are ________ many advertisements on social media nowadays that users simply ignore them.

A very

B. too

C. so

D. such

8. The TV show attracted so much attention ________.

A. for millions of viewers to watch it every week

B. that millions of viewers watch it every week

C. that millions of viewers watched it every week

D. and millions of viewers watched every week

9. Smartphones have become ________ in our daily life that even children use them to connect with friends and access the Internet.

A. so popular

B. such popular

C. very popular

D. too popular

10. It was very rude of him to talk so loudly on his phone as if no one ________ listening

A. is

B. to be

C. were

D. will be

11. Although the project didn't go ________, everyone had a lot of fun.

A. like planning it

B. like plan

C. like we plan it

D. like we had planned it

12. There is ________ of media nowadays that sometimes it is hard to choose the right one for a particular purpose.

A. such a range

B. such a wide range

C. so wide

D. a wide range

13. The Internet connection here is ________ we can't watch any videos online.

A slow that

B. so slow that

C. such a slow

D. so slow for

14. Millions of people attended the event ________ we had expected, making it a great success.

A. if

B. as

C. as if

D. that

15. Stop eating so quickly ________ you hadn't eaten for days. It's not good for you.

A. as

B. like

C. so

D. as if

16. You don't need experience to do this job well. Just listen to me carefully and do ________.

A. like I saying

B. like I say

C. like what I say

D. like me saying

Câu 41 :

2 Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra phần gạch chân cần sửa trong mỗi câu hỏi sau.)

1. Television has become such a popular source of entertainment so that almost every family has at

                                                   A           B                                  C                  D

least one TV set in their home.

2. The impact of the Internet has been such widespread that it has become the most powerful type of

            A                                             B                                                    C       

mass media in the 21" century.


3. The event has attracted very much publicity that it has been a trending topic on social media for a

                                         A                                 B                                        C                        D


4. As if my grandparents grew up before the Internet existed, they still prefer writing letters instead of

      A                                             B                                                                                    D           

using email or social media.


5. I wish my English teacher could speak more slowly because she's speaking to us as we were native

                                                   A                                                                     B         B

speakers of English.


6. The Little Red Riding Hood did not go straight to her grandmother's house like her mother telling

                                                A                B                                                                            C       

her to do.


7. I don't like talking to her, because she always acts as if she knows everything in the world.

                         A    B                                      C                   D       

8. Using technology, deaf people are able to chat with each other as if everybody else does in daily life.

                                                                 A        B                      C                                   D

Câu 42 :

1 Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

(Đọc đoạn văn sau và khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra câu trả lời đúng cho mỗi câu hỏi.)

Traditional media


Before the invention of newspapers, the main source of news was word of mouth. Any writings and drawings were done by hand. Although printing presses had existed in eastern Asia, it was Gutenberg's invention in Europe in 1453 that made printing faster and books more accessible. It reduced the cost and size of printed books and made them the first form of mass media affordable to less wealthy people. Gutenberg's invention also quickened the spread of discoveries and information, and promoted literacy in Europe.


The printing press led to the rise of printed newspapers that appeared regularly. The first newspapers developed from around 1612 and in a short period of time, they became very popular in Europe and the European colonies. In the 19th century, they also appeared in Asia. Newspapers and magazines are still very popular today. Although most of them have online versions, many people continue to read print media, which is considered more credible than digital media.


In the 1920s, when radio, television, and video were introduced, the phrase the “media” began to be used. Black and white television quickly became popular in the 1950s, and in the 1960s colour broadcasts started in many countries. Thanks to its audiovisual presentation, television became one of the most important forms of mass media in the 20th century. As a source of news, entertainment, and education, it still attracts a large number of viewers today.

1. What is the main idea of Paragraph A?

A. Word of mouth was the earliest form of media.

B. The cost and size of books in the past have changed.

C. Information and knowledge became available to more people for the first time.

D. Literacy in Europe improved.

2. It can be inferred from the passage that the phrase 'printing presses' in Paragraph A refers to

A. newspapers

B. machines that produce books and newspapers

C. writings and drawings

D. machines that produce paper

3. What CANNOT be inferred from Paragraph A about Gutenberg and his invention?

A. Gutenberg did not invent the first printing press.

B. Gutenberg's invention was one of the most important inventions in human history.

C. It made printing cheaper.

D. It helped more people to learn to read and write.

4. What is the main idea of Paragraph B?

A. The impact of printing presses on newspapers was small,

B. The popularity of newspapers in Europe and Asia increased.

C. The rise of online newspapers changed the world.

D. Print media is still important in today's digital age.

5. What can be inferred from Paragraph B?

A. Gutenberg's invention speeded up book publishing and the spread of knowledge.

B. Newspapers became popular in Europe much later than in Asia.

C. All online newspapers are less credible than printed ones.

D. Online newspapers made printed ones less popular.

6. What is Paragraph C about?

A. How mass media has changed and developed over the past 100 years.

B. The development of different types of mass media over time.

C. The invention of colour broadcasts.

D. Mass media in the 20th century.

7. Which is true according to Paragraph C?

A. The term "the media' came into use in the early 20th century.

B. Colour TV appeared in the 1950s.

C. Television was the most credible form of media in the 20th century.

D. Viewers depend on TV mostly for education.

8. When did the early audiovisual media appear?

A. In 1453.

B. In 1612.

C. In the early 20th century.

D. In the mid-20th century.

Câu 43 :

2 Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

(Đọc đoạn văn sau và khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra từ hoặc cụm từ đúng phù hợp nhất với mỗi chỗ trống được đánh số.)

The Internet in Viet Nam

Over the past 30 years, the Internet has changed the way people experience and create all media. Today, there are more than five (1) _______ Internet users in the world, which is more than 60 per cent of the global population. Current news, information. and entertainment are readily available through websites and can be easily (2) _______ through search engines. The Internet has become the most exciting type of (3) _______.

In Viet Nam, there were 72.10 million Internet users in early 2022, which accounted for 73.2 per cent of the total (4) _______ .The number of social media users in Viet Nam was (5) _______ to nearly 70 per cent of the total population. The number of Vietnamese on popular platforms was also (6) _______ since it was reported that more than 70 million people used Facebook in Viet Nam and around 62 million Vietnamese were on YouTube. These users may not represent active or unique individuals (7) _______ some people may not check or post to their social media platforms. Besides, some accounts can belong to businesses or groups. However, these numbers still strongly indicate that the Internet has become one of the most (8) _______ types of mass media in Viet Nam today.

1. A. hundred

B. million

C. billion

D. trillion

2. A. read

B. accessed

C. bought

D. learnt

3. A. newspaper

B. education

C. entertainment

D. mass media

4. A. users

B. people

C. population

D. number

5. A. same

B. equivalent

C. more

D. less

6. A. impressive

B. low

C. surprising

D. unexpected

7. A. as

B. that

C. although

D. when

8. A. expensive

B. high-quality

C. accessible

D. popular

Câu 44 :

1 Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to complete each of the following exchanges. Then practise reading them.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành mỗi cuộc trao đổi sau đây. Sau đó thực hành đọc chúng.)

1. Lily: ______________

Tom: Yes, it is! According to the weather forecast, it'll be sunny for the next three days.

A. What a lovely day!

B. What's the weather like?

C. I love sunny weather!

D. Do you like sunny weather?

2. James: ______________ the terrible flood yesterday?

Kyle: Yes, it's all over the news. How horrible!

A. Have you been to

B. Did you hear about

C. Did you know that

D. Have you thought of

3. Hank: ______________ that vitamin C can help boost the immune system.

Peggy: Really? I think I'll need to eat more oranges during the flu season.

A. Did you hear

B. It looks like

C. I like reading

D. I read in the paper today

4. Louise: ______________?

James: It was great. I went hiking in the mountains. How about you?

A. How are you

B. How was your weekend

C. Did you do anything fun

D. Enjoy your weekend

5. Joseph: ______________?

Dylan: Yes, it is. The food's really nice. Have you tried the fish burgers?

A. Do you like the party

B. Great music, isn't it

C. Do you like the fish burgers

D. Great party, isn't it

6. Maggle: Lovely weather, ______________?

Bill: Yes, it's so beautiful outside. I'm glad it stopped raining.

A. is it

B. don't you think

C. how about you

D. do you like

7. Tom: ______________ the news today? A billionaire sent his children to space!

Peter: Really? I don't think this is true. It must be fake news.

A. Did you catch

B. Did you know

C. Can you hear

D. Are you reading

8. Ron: ______________ this weekend?

Daisy: We're having a book sale to raise funds for our club. Are you interested?

A. Are you doing anything fun

B. Are you going anywhere

C. How about you

D. Has anything fun happened

Câu 47 :

2 Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra câu có nghĩa gần nhất với mỗi câu hỏi sau.)

1. My dad likes reading the newspaper in the morning. My grandpa likes that as well.

A. My dad and grandpa read the newspaper at the same time.

B. My dad likes reading the newspaper in the morning as my grandpa does.

C. My dad's reading the newspaper to my grandpa in the morning.

D. My dad likes reading the newspaper as much as my grandpa.

2. We can't spend that much money on a meal pretending that we're rich.

A. We can't spend that much money on a meal as we are rich.

B. We can't spend that much money on a meal as we were rich.

C. We can't spend that much money on a meal as if we would be rich.

D. We can't spend that much money on a meal as if we were rich.

3. After the operation, he can no longer run in the same way that he used to.

A. After the operation, he can no longer run as if he used to.

B. After the operation, he can no longer run as used to.

C. After the operation, he can no longer run like he used to.

D. After the operation, he can no longer run like used to.

4. Smartphones are very common nowadays. Everyone seems to have one.

A. Smartphones so common nowadays for everyone seems to have one.

B. Smartphones are so common nowadays that everyone seems to have one.

C. Smartphones are so common nowadays, everyone wants to have one.

D. Smartphones are very common nowadays, but no one seems to have one.

5. There are so many sources of news online. Therefore, people may get confused.

A. There are so many sources of news online that people may get confused.

B. There are many sources of news on the Internet that people may get confused.

C. There are so many sources of news on the Internet for people to get confused.

D. There are such great sources of news online for people to get confused.

6. The Internet is a very rich source of information. Therefore, more and more people rely on it.

A. The Internet is so rich in information so that more and more people rely on it.

B. The Internet is such a rich source of information that more and more people rely on it.

C. The Internet is such a rich source of information that more and more people rely on.

D. The Internet is a rich source of information as more and more people rely on it.

7. TV advertising is so expensive that many small businesses can't afford it.

A. Advertising on TV can cost a lot of money, but small businesses can still afford it.

B. TV advertising is such an expensive marketing tool that many businesses avoid it.

C. Not many small businesses can afford to advertise on TV because it has become very expensive.

D. Advertising can cost a lot of money especially for small businesses.

8. Reading printed books has become such an enjoyable habit that people are reluctant to change it.

A. Reading printed books has become an enjoyable habit so that people are enjoying more books.

B. Reading printed books has become so enjoyable so that books are still popular.

C.The habit of reading printed books has become very enjoyable so as people are reluctant to buy books.

D. The habit of reading printed books has become so enjoyable that people are not willing to change it.