Giải SGK, SBT Unit 2. Entertainment and Leisure iLearn Smart World

Giải SGK, SBT Unit 2 iLearn Smart World

59 câu hỏi
Tự luận
Câu 3 :

a. Huy and Như wrote to Teen World Magazine. What did they write about?

(Huy và Như đã viết thư cho Tạp chí Thế giới tuổi teen. Họ đã viết về cái gì?)

school exams (các kỳ thi ở trường)           

leisure activities (các hoạt động giải trí)

indoor activities (các hoạt động trong nhà)

 Over to You!

Teen World Magazine is doing a story on what teenagers in Vietnam like to do in their free time and asked Huy and Như about their hobbies.

Huy: I really like doing sports. My favorite sport is karate. I love doing karate. I'm a member of a club, and I'm on the high school team, too. At home, I enjoy doing crossword puzzles. My mom does a crossword every day, and we sometimes do it together. I like solving the clues before she can. I really like playing soccer with my friends, but I don't like just running. Running by yourself is just so boring! The other members of my family love playing board games, but I think that's boring, too. I think playing video games is much more fun.

Như: I enjoy doing aerobics. I go to an aerobics class on Mondays and Thursdays. A few of my friends go to the class, too. I also like playing role-playing games with my friends once or twice a week. Role-playing games are so cool! My dad loves going for a bike ride. Sometimes I go with him. He likes going fishing, too. I really don't like going fishing because there's nothing to do but sit there.

What do you like doing? And what don't you like? Write in and let us know!

Câu 34 :

a. Read about conjunctions, then read Jamie's blog post again and underline the conjunctions of time.

(Đọc về các liên từ, sau đó đọc lại bài đăng trên blog của Jamie và gạch chân các liên từ về thời gian.)

Writing Skill

Using conjunctions to connect an event to a point in time

(Sử dụng các liên từ để liên kết một sự kiện với một thời điểm)

To connect an action or an event to a point in time,you should use conjunctions of time.

(Để liên kết một hành động hoặc một sự kiện với một thời điểm, bạn nên sử dụng các liên từ chỉ thời gian.)

• We can use now that as a conjunction of time to say that something happens as a result of something else. In informal speaking we can leave out that.

(Chúng ta có thể sử dụng now that như một liên từ chỉ thời gian để nói rằng một cái gì đó xảy ra là kết quả của một cái gì đó khác. Trong trường hợp nói chuyện thân mật, chúng ta có thể loại bỏ that.)

Now (that) he has a bike, he rides his bike every morning.

(Giờ thì anh ấy có một chiếc xe đạp, anh ấy đạp xe mỗi sáng.)

• We use before and after to talk about the order of events in the past or future.

(Chúng ta sử dụng before after để nói về thứ tự của các sự kiện trong quá khứ hoặc tương lai.)

She'll pick you up before she comes here.

       (Event1)                        (Event2)  

(Cô ấy sẽ đón bạn trước khi cô ấy đến đây.)

     (Sự kiện 1)                         (Sự kiện 2)

After she comes here, she'll pick you up.

             (Event2)               (Event1)    

(Sau khi cô ấy đến đây, cô ấy sẽ đón bạn.)

                 (Sự kiện 1)        (Sự kiện 2)

Before and after can come at the beginning or in the middle of a sentence.

(Before after có thể đứng ở đầu hoặc giữa câu.)

Before she comes here, she'll pick you up.

(Trước khi đến đây, cô ấy sẽ đón bạn.)

She'll pick you up after she comes here.

(Cô ấy sẽ đón bạn sau khi cô ấy đến đây.)

Câu 41 :

a. Read Jane’s blog post quickly and answer the questions. You have one minute.

(Đọc nhanh bài đăng trên blog của Jane và trả lời các câu hỏi. Bạn có một phút.)

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Jan 19

Hello, it’s me again after another day of going canoeing ☺

This time it was at Lake Taupo. The water was beautiful, and the weather was really nice. My brother, John, went with me, and (surprise, surprise) he didn’t hate it! You know, he really doesn’t like doing any kind of exercise at all. He loves playing sports, but only on a computer ☺ I can’t understand why he likes playing computer games so much. It just sounds really boring to me.

Anyway, we went early in the morning and saw a lot of birds and fish there. The fish weren’t afraid of us and came right up to the canoe. We got really close to a pair of birds, and I took some really nice photos of them. 

After hanging out on the lake, we headed back and had breakfast with the other guests at the hotel. John went back to the room to play computer games. I met a girl who was really nice and friendly. She asked me to go running in the forest by the lake that afternoon. I usually hate going running, but I didn’t have any other plans, so I went with her. The weather was really nice that day. I felt really tired afterwards, bur I had a great sleep that night. I think I’ll start running more often.  

1. How was Jane’s day at Lake Taupo?

A. fun and relaxing    B. boring    C. tiring

2. Choose the best title for her blog post.

A. A lazy day            B. Meeting new people      C. A great day at Lake Taupo