Unit 2: Life in the countryside

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Tổng hợp từ vựng Unit 2. Life in the countryside Tiếng Anh 8 Global Success

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Tổng hợp từ vựng Unit 2Tiếng Anh 8 Global Success

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Ngữ pháp: So sánh hơn của trạng từ

¬- Hầu hết các trạng từ (thường nhiều hơn hai âm tiết), chúng ta hình thành dạng so sánh hơn bằng cách thêm “more”: S + V + more + trạng từ dài - Với những trạng từ có hình thức giống như tính từ như fast (nhanh), hard (khó/ chăm chỉ/ vất vả), soon (sớm),… chúng ta hình thành dạng so sánh bằng cách thêm -ER: S + V + trạng từ ngắn - ER

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Getting Started

1. Listen and read. 2. Read the conversation again and choose the correct answer to each question. 3. Complete the sentences with the words and phrases from the box. 4. Match the activities (1 - 6) that people living in the countryside often do with the pictures (a - f).

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A Closer Look 1

1. Circle the correct words to complete the sentences. 2. Match the following adjectives with their definitions. 3. Complete the sentences with the words from 2. 4. Listen and repeat the words. Pay attention to the sound /ə/and /ɪ/. 5. Listen and practice the sentences. Underline the bold words with /ə/, and circle the bold words with /ɪ/.

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A Closer Look 2

1. Write the comparative forms of the adverbs in the table below. 2. Complete the sentences with the comparative forms of the adverbs in brackets. 3. Complete the sentences with suitable comparative forms of the adverbs from the box. 4. Read the situations and complete the sentences using the comparative forms of the adverbs in brackets. 5. Work in pairs. Ask and answer to find out who:

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1. Listen and read the conversations. Pay attention to the highlighted sentences. 2. Work in pairs. Make similar conversations to practice giving and responding to compliments, using the cues below. 3. Read the adverts for the two beautiful villages. Tick (v) the boxes to show which village the statements describe. Sometimes both boxex need to be ticked. 4. Work in groups. Take turns to talk about the similarities and differences between Duong Lam and Hollum. 5. Work in pairs. Which village in 3

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Skills 1

1. Work in pairs. Look at the picture and discuss the following questions. 2. Read the text about life in a village in Viet Nam. Match the highlighted words in the text with their meanings. 3. Read the text again and tick (v) T (True) or F (False) for each sentence. 4. Make notes about the village or town where you live or which you know. 5. Work in groups. Take turns to talk about the village or town where you live or which you know. Use the information in 4.

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Skills 2

1. Work in pairs. Discuss the following question. 2. Listen to three people talking about life in the countryside. Choose the opinion (A - C) that each speaker (1 - 3) expresses. 3. Listen again and choose the correct answer A, B, or C. 4. Work in groups. Discuss and write what you like or dislike about life in the countryside. 5. Write a paragraph (80 - 100 words) about what you like or dislike about life in the countryside.

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Looking back

1. Write the phrase from the box under the correct picture. 2. Choose the correct answer A, B, or C. 3. Complete the sentences with the comparative forms of the adverbs in brackets. 4. Underline the mistakes in the sentences and correct them.

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1. Search for a village in Viet Nam or a foraign country that you would like to visit. 2. Design a poster about that village, including: 3. Present your poster to the class.

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