Đề cương ôn tập học kì 2 Tiếng Anh 11 - Bright

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Đề cương ôn tập học kì 2 tiếng Anh 11 Bright từ Unit 5 - 8 gồm lý thuyết và bài tập về ngữ âm, từ vựng, ngữ pháp có đáp án


I. Từ vựng

Unit 5. Cities & education in the future

+ Thành phố trong tương lai

+ Những dự đoán về tương lai

+ Giáo dục trong tương lai

Unit 6. Social issues

+ Những vấn đề mang tính toàn cầu

+ Các vấn đề trong cộng đồng

+ Dịch vụ giúp đỡ cộng đồng

Unit 7. Healthy lifestyle

+ Các hoạt động sống khỏe

+ Các mẹo giúp sống khỏe

+ Thói quen sống lành mạnh

Unit 8. Health & Life expectancy

+ Những vấn đề về sức khỏe

+ Lời khuyên và những triệu chứng về sức khỏe

+ Siêu thực phẩm

II. Ngữ pháp

1. Dự đoán về tương lai với “will/ be going to/ may/ might/ be like that”

2. Trạng từ chỉ sự chắc chắn

3. Câu hỏi đuôi

4. V-ing

5. Mệnh đề to V & Ved/V3

6. having Ved/V3

7. must/ have to/ should/ ought to/ had better

III. Ngữ âm

1. Âm /ɒ/ & /ɔː/

2. Phát âm hình thức viết tắt

3. Âm /ð/ & /θ/

4. Ngữ điệu trong câu hỏi đuôi

5. Sự lược bỏ âm /ə/

6. Âm /ɑː/ & /ʌ/

7. Liên kết giữa phụ âm và nguyên âm

8. Âm /ɪə/ & /eə/

9. Ngữ điệu trong câu hỏi lựa chọn


I. Từ vựng

Unit 5

Choose the best option to each of the following questions

1. The Petronas Towers, which were completed in 1996, have one of the most well-known ________ in the world. It connects the two towers on the 41st and 42nd floors.

A. moving bridges     

B. digital bridges       

C. skybridges             

D. underground bridges

2. ________ which can take off and land on tops of buildings, parking garages or helipads promise a faster means of transport in the future.

A. Flying vehicles      

B. Digital roads          

C. Underground cars  

D. Virtual motorways

3. Virtual reality headsets will ________ students with real-life experiences in a digital world.

A. give                       

B. access                    

C. provide                  

D. bring

4. To reduce transportation costs, fresh food will be produced ________.

A. on the streets         

B. on rooftop gardens

C. on skybridges        

D. in the countryside

5. ________is the practice of growing crops in stacked layers.

A. Vertical farming    

B. Virtual farming      

C. Smart farming       

D. Digital farming

6. In the next 50 years, lots of houses will become ________ and easy to build.

A. unaffordable         

B. high-priced            

C. inexpensive            

D. expensive

7. Although the exact date varies, most schools will break ________ for summer in June.

A. down                     

B. up                          

C. into                        

D. on

8. Based on future network connection, information can be ________ between the vehicles and the roads.

A. interacted              

B. offered                  

C. exchanged             

D. connected

9. ________ will have recorded classes from many teachers, and students will be able to access information beyond the classroom.

A. Home schooling    

B. Cyborg guides       

C. Hologram devices 

D. Virtual reality headsets

Đáp án:

1. C

2. A

3. C

4. B

5. A

6. C

7. B

8. C

9. D

Unit 6

Choose the best option for each of the questions.

1. Tuberculosis is a _________ disease that mainly affects the lungs, but it can be cured if it is treated with the right medicines.

A. life-affecting         

B. life-threatening      

C. life-damaging        

D. life-destroying

2. International students sometimes have to face _________ when studying abroad. This includes negative comments about where they’re from or being told to go back to their home country.

A. poverty                  

B. depression             

C. issue                     

D. racism

3. One of the primary _________ of childhood obesity is unhealthy eating habits.

A. results                    

B. purposes                

C. causes                    

D. issues

4. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please fill _________ the form below.

A. out                         

B. up                          

C. on                          

D. with

5. When a disaster takes place, the Red Cross builds _________ in disaster areas to ensure that people have somewhere to stay.

A. treatments             

B. social welfare        

C. shelters                  

D. healthcare

6. Every year, thousands of people are _________ by natural disasters.

A. exploited               

B. experienced                       

C. suffered                 

D. affected

7. The American government provides _________ for low-income people so that they can have free healthy food for themselves and their family.

A. food stamps           

B. food benefits         

C. food care               

D. food safety

8. People should avoid eating too much fast food which are high in calories, sugar and fat.

A. stop                       

B. postpone                

C. insist on                 

D. keep away from

Đáp án:

1. B

2. D

3. C

4. A

5. C

6. D

7. D

8. D

Unit 7

Choose the best option for the question.

1. Outdoor fitness helps __________ your physical and mental health.

A. to                           

B. with                       

C. for                          

D. in

2. Engaging in physical __________ can cheer people up.

A. fitness                    

B. apps                       

C. diets                       

D. weights

3. By __________, you will reduce your risk of obesity. For example, you should add more fruits and vegetables to your diets.

A. playing video games                                 

B. eating healthy

C. reading books regularly                             

D. sleeping enough

4. Walking for 2.5 hours a week can cut your risk ______ heart disease.

A. at                           

B. of                           

C. in                           

D. on

5. These day apps for diet, physical activity and __________  are the most popular.

A. weight losing         

B. weight lose            

C. weight lost             

D. weight loss

6. You should cut __________ the amount of unhealthy fat you take in daily.

A. on                          

B. away                      

C. down on                

D. on down

7. Have you been __________ by the doctor yet?

A. fixed                      

B. examined               

C. investigated                       

D. repaired

8. Life __________ for smokers is shorter than for people who don’t smoke.

A. strength                 

B. expectation            

C. expectancy            

D. routine

9. Scientists are trying to prevent the __________ of the disease.

A. movement             

B. flow                       

C. running                  

D. spread

10. Chest pain is a sign that your heart is not working __________.

A. physically              

B. regularly                

C. properly                 

D. healthily

Đáp án:

1. B

2. B

3. B

4. B

5. A

6. C

7. B

8. C

9. D

10. C

Unit 8

Choose the best option for the question.

1. There was a slight decrease in his __________ after a week of dieting.

A. health                    

B. mind                      

C. skin                        

D. weight

2. Your diet should contain all the vitamins and __________ that your body needs.

A. bacteria                  

B. viruses                   

C. medications                       

D. minerals

3. If you have lots of red pimples, you ought to use some special __________.

A. spray                      

B. cream                     

C. ice pack                 

D. juice

4. People shouldn’t take in too many foods that are __________ in sugar.

A. short                     

B. full                         

C. rich                        

D. low

5. Consuming too much salt may increase the _______ of high blood pressure.

A. problem                 

B. danger                   

C. threat                     

D. risk

6. If one or more of these symptoms develop, such as ________ of breath and chest pain, call your local emergency number immediately.

A. short                      

B. shortly                   

C. shortness                

D. shorter

7. You should eat more ______ like salmon because they are good for your brain and heart.

A. seafood                 

B. meat                       

C. dairy products       

D. insects

8. After catching the virus, she became weaker and didn’t have the __________ to do any exercise.

A. strength                 

B. muscle                   

C. treatment               

D. ingredient

9. The doctor __________ her carefully, but could find nothing wrong.

A. hired                      

B. examined               

C. experimented         

D. taught

10. To stay healthy, you need to __________ for at least 30 minutes a day.

A. run out                   

B. run on                   

C. work on                 

D. work out

Đáp án:

1. D

2. D

3. B

4. C

5. C

6. C

7. A

8. A

9. B

10. D

II. Ngữ pháp

Exercise 1

Choose the correct option.

1. What do you imagine the weather will/is going to/might be like tomorrow?

2. All education will/is going to/may be online in the future, but who knows?

3. It is likely that/is going to/might schools in the future will use more technology.

4. Look at how cheap this virtual reality headset is! It will/may/is going to sell out very quickly at that price!

5. It is Peter's opinion that in the future, all schoolbooks will/are going to/are likely that be 3D Digi books.

6. It's impossible to say for sure, but home schooling won't/isn't going to/may not involve parents at all in the future, as a result of the Internet.

7. I predict that in the next 30 years, all of us are going to/will/are likely have an electric car.

8. Smart mirrors in shops are not likely that/ aren't going/won't be a common sight, if you ask me. I just can't imagine it.

Đáp án:

1. will

2. may

3. is likely that

4. is going to

5. will

6. may not

7. will

8. won’t

Exercise 2

Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences. Mind the position of the adverbs of certainty.

1. vehicles / be /will / flying / certainly / common / 50 / years / in / think / I

=> _____________________________________

2. astronaut / to be / he / perhaps / will / train / an

=> _____________________________________

3. solar panels / we / put / probably / on / will / building / every

=> _____________________________________

4. definitely / electric vehicles / 50 years / more / than / petrol vehicles / will /people

=> _____________________________________

5. probably / live / some / in / people / the / space stations / on / will / future

=> _____________________________________

Đáp án:

1. I think flying vehicles will certainly be common in 50 years.

2. Perhaps he will train to be an astronaut.

3. We will probably put solar panels on every building.

4. People will definitely use more electric vehicles than petrol vehicles in 50 years.

5. Some people will probably live on space stations in the future.

Exercise 3

Complete the sentences using the verbs in the list in the correct form.

volunteer                   see                  offer                  help                tell                   cook             make                    build

1. Mike volunteers at a soup kitchen because he can't stand __________ people go hungry.

2. ___________others is a great way to be useful to your society.

3. Ann looks forward to ___________ meals for the poor at the shelter tonight.

4. He suggested ___________ the class about the charity.

5. She insists on ___________ a poster about the charity.

6. We should concentrate on___________ free education to all students.

7. We should carry on ___________ shelters for the homeless.

8. I recommend ___________ for the class food drive.

Đáp án:

1. seeing

2. helping

3. cooking

4. telling

5. making

6. offering

7. building

8. volunteering

Exercise 4

Complete the sentences with the correct question tags.

1 Robert likes volunteering, _______?

2 Don't forget to read that article about bullying, _______?

3 Everything has been delivered, _______?

4 Racism isn't right, _______?

5 They had a conversation about bullying, _______?

7 I'm the only one here who gives cash to the homeless, _______?

8 He's forgotten to collect the donations, _______?

9 Lots of people came to the free clinic today, _______?

10 Everyone agreed with you, _______?

11 You will go to the environmental fundraiser, _______?

12 There isn't a crime wave in this area, _______?

Đáp án:

1. doesn’t he

2. will you

3. hasn’t it

4. is it

5. didn’t they

6. is it

7. aren’t I

8. hasn’t he

9. didn’t they

10. didn’t they

11. won’t you

12. is there

Exercise 5

Complete the sentences using participle phrases or to-infinitive clauses.

1. A fitness class which has been tried by many people is Pilates.

=> A fitness class ________________________.

2. The woman who is looking in that smart mirror is my aunt.

=> The woman __________________________.

3. The only person who has beaten me in a running race is Roger.

=> The only person_______________________.

4. The technology which is used the second most by athletes is the smart watch.

=> The technology _______________________.

5. The oldest person who won a gold medal in the Olympics was Oscar Swahn, at 64.

=> The oldest person ______________________.

6. The person who eats the most fruit in the class is George.

=> The person ________________________

Đáp án:

1. A fitness class having been tried by many people is Pilates.

2. The woman looking in that smart mirror is my aunt.

3. The only person to beat me in a running race is Roger.

4. The technology used the second most by athletes is the smart watch.

5. The oldest person to win a gold medal in the Olympics was Oscar Swahn, at 64.

6. The person eating the most fruit in the class is George.

Exercise 6

Match the sentence halves to make complete sentences.

1. Having eaten a balanced diet,

2. Having spent more time outdoors,

3. I apologised

4. Peter was accused

5. We thanked them

A. of not having put his phone away before getting in bed.

B. for having cooked us such a healthy lunch.

C. she felt stronger and healthier.

D. for having made noise while my brother was meditating.

E. they felt more relaxed.

Đáp án:

1. C

2. E

3. D

4. A

5. B

Exercise 7

Complete the second sentences to express a similar meaning to the given ones. Use the correct forms of must or have to.

1. It's a rule that children be with an adult in the hospital.

=> Children _________________________________

2. It isn't necessary for you to see a doctor for hay fever.

=> You _________________________________

3. Nurses are obliged to arrive at work on time.

=> Nurses _________________________________

4. Going to work with the flu is prohibited.

=> You _________________________________

5. It's urgent that someone calls an ambulance.

=> Someone _________________________________

6. It's against the rules for us to talk loudly in this part of the hospital.

=> We _________________________________

7. My dad thinks it's necessary for me to stay home from school today.

=> I _________________________________

8. It's absolutely necessary for you to follow the doctor's advice.

=> You _________________________________

Đáp án:

1. Children must be with an adult in the hospital.

2. You don't have to see a doctor for hay fever.

3. Nurses have to arrive at work on time.

4. You mustn’t go to work with the flu.

5. Someone must call an ambulance.

6. We mustn't talk loudly in this part of the hospital.

7. I have to stay home from school today.

8. You have to follow the doctor's advice.

Exercise 8

Choose the option (A, B, C or D) to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences.

1. I think it's best that you avoid playing football because your ankle injury hasn't healed yet.

A. You shouldn't play football.

B. You had better not play football.

C. You don't have to play football.

D. You mustn't to play football.

2. It's a good idea for pupils to recover fully before they return to school.

A. Pupils ought to recover fully before returning to school.

B. Pupils had better recover fully before returning to school.

C. Pupils must recover fully before returning to school.

D. Pupils have to recover fully before returning to school.

3. You'll catch a cold if you go running in the rain.

A. You mustn't go running in the rain.

B. You had better not go running in the rain.

C. You don't have to go running in the rain.

D. You ought to not go running in the rain.

4. You have had that cough for some time and it's getting worse.

A. You ought see a doctor.

B. You had better see a doctor.

C. You should see a doctor.

D. You have to see a doctor.

5. It's good advice for teens to eat fast food rarely.

A. Teens must eat fast food rarely.

B. Teens had better not to eat fast food rarely.

C. Teens have to eat fast food rarely.

D. Teens should eat fast food rarely.

6. In general, it's best to drink lots of water before exercising.

A. You must drink lots of water before exercising.

B. You have to drink lots of water before exercising.

C. You should drink lots of water before exercising.

D. You had better to drink lots of water before exercising.

Đáp án:

1. B

2. A

3. B

4. B

5. D

6. C

III. Ngữ âm

Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.


A. online                

B. provide                  

C. often                      

D. shopping


A. cyborg               

B. support                  

C. explore                   

D. robot


A. rather                 

B. thanks                    

C. through                 

D. threaten


A. healthcare          

B. clothing                 

C. strengthen              

D. something


A. run                     

B. stuff                       

C. union                     

D. sum


A. allergy               

B. carb                        

C. manage                  

D. fat


A. clear                   

B. pear                        

C. hear                        

D. near


A. care                    

B. share                      

C. career                     

D. aware

Đáp án:

1. B

2. D

3. A

4. B

5. C

6. B

7. B

8. C

Bình chọn:
4.9 trên 7 phiếu
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