Đề cương ôn tập học kì 1 Tiếng Anh 7 - iLearn Smart World

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Đề cương ôn tập học kì 1 tiếng Anh 7 iLearn Smart World từ Unit 1 - 5 gồm lý thuyết và bài tập về ngữ âm, từ vựng, ngữ pháp có đáp án


I. Từ vựng

Unit 1. Free time

+ Sở thích

+ Kế hoạch tương lai

Unit 2. Health

+ Lối sống lành mạnh

Unit 3. Music and arts

+ Âm nhạc & sự kiện âm nhạc

Unit 4. Community services

+ Sự kiện từ thiện & hoạt động giúp đỡ cộng đồng

Unit 5. Food and drinks

+ Thực phẩm cần mua

+ Đơn vị chứa thực phẩm

II. Ngữ âm

1. Âm /eɪ/

2. Phát âm đuôi -s/-es

3. Phát âm đuôi -ed

4. Trọng âm của danh từ ghép

5. Âm /sp/

III. Ngữ pháp

1. Thì hiện tại đơn chỉ thói quen, sự thật

2. Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn chỉ kế hoạch tương lai

3. Giới từ chỉ địa điểm

4. Lượng từ không xác định

5. should/ shouldn’t

6. Giới từ chỉ thời gian

7. Tính từ sở hữu

8. Let’s/ How about

9. Thì quá khứ đơn với động từ có quy tắc

10. Từ chỉ định lượng

11. Mạo từ


I. Từ vựng

Unit 1

Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.

sports center            make vlogs             ice rink            market            bake cakes            building models            fair            water park

1. My parents bought me a video camera and I use it to ________.

2. Let's meet at the__________at 7:30. Don't forget to bring your ice skates. 

3. My dad's going to teach me how to _______. I want to make one for my mom's birthday. 

4. The_______has many fun rides. We go there every summer. 

5. Our school is organizing a__________this weekend. There will be crafts, books, food, and fun games. 

6. My mom goes to the_______ to buy food early in the morning. 

7. There's a new_______in town. Do you want to play badminton there this Friday? 

8. My brother has a collection of paper boats and houses. He likes_________.

Đáp án:

1. make vlogs

2. ice rink

3. bake cakes

4. water park

5. fair

6. market

7. sports center

8. building models

Unit 2

Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.

stay up late             eat fruit and vegetables            get some sleep            take your medicine              

has a sore throat              unhealthy                       take vitamins                 keep warm 

1. It's 11 p.m., Mandy! You shouldn't _________.

2. Most people don't need to______ because they can get enough vitamins from their food already. 

3. It's very important to________during winters. 

4. We'll need to wake up at 4 a.m. tomorrow. Try to_________now. 

5. Matt's lifestyle is really_________. He doesn't exercise and eats lots of burgers and pizzas. 

6. Don't forget to________after lunch. The doctor said you should eat some food before taking it. 

7. Jane_________. It hurts when she eats or talks. 

8. A good way to get your kids to________is to add some to their favorite dishes.

Đáp án:

1. stay up late

2. take vitamins 

3. keep warm 

4. get some sleep 

5. unhealthy

6. eat fruit and vegetables 

7. has a sore throat

8. take your medicine 

Unit 3

Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence.

1. The little girl's drawing / photography of her kitten shows a lot of talent. 

2. Van Cao was a great Vietnamese scientist / composer. He was also a painter and poet. 

3. The Louvre in Paris is the world's largest museum / puppet theater.

4. The orchestra will perform its final portrait / concert of the season tomorrow. 

5. Did you see the film Amazon Jungle on TV last night? The photography / drawing was excellent. 

Đáp án:

1. drawing

2. composer

3. museum

4. concert

5. photography

Unit 4

Fill in the blanks using the words in the box.

charity event              craft fair           fun run             bake sale              car wash                right              talent show            volunteer

1. We will organize a ________ to give schoolbooks to children.

2. My dad works in a bakery in our hometown. He always helps when there's a__________.

3. Every summer vacation, we have a___________where we run to raise money to help families in need.

4. All children have the_________to be happy and healthy.

5. People can make things like bracelets or stuffed animals, and sell them at a__________.

6. My brother is working as a__________in Sudan. He helps build schools and teach young kids there.

7. Every summer, the library organizes a____________next to a busy road to raise money.

8. If you like singing, dancing, or playing an instrument, you can join a__________.

Đáp án:

1. charity event

2. bake sale

3. fun run

4. right

5. craft fair

6. volunteer

7. car wash

8. talent show

Unit 5

Match the words with the descriptions.

1. bunch

2. carton

3. flour

4. butter

5. fridge

6. supermarket

7. spaghetti

8. tablespoon

a. a container for milk, juice, or eggs

b. a place to keep butter and milk cold

c. an ingredient in pancakes and bread

d. a type of noodle from Italy

e. a place to buy all your groceries

f. It's like a teaspoon but bigger.

g. You can buy it in sticks.

h. some fruit growing together, like bananas or grapes

Đáp án:

1 - h

2 - a

3 - c

4 - g

5 - b

6 - e

7 - d

8 - f 

II. Ngữ âm

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others in each of the following sentences.

1. A. skating                B. game                       C. cake                                    D. market 

2. A. take                     B. stay                         C. late                          D. soda

3. A. tablespoon          B. hamburger              C. sandwich                D. pancake

4. A. hears                   B. sings                       C. makes                     D. says

5. A pancakes              B. tomatoes                 C. potatoes                  D. tablespoons

6. A. ingredients         B. apples                     C. lists                         D. supermarkets 

7. A. lived                   B. raised                      C. picked                     D. organized 

8. A. cleaned               B. helped                     C. liked                       D. missed

9. A. collected             B. volunteered             C. planted                   D. landed

Đáp án:

1. D

2. D

3. A

4. C

5. A

6. B

7. C

8. A

9. B

III. Ngữ pháp

Exercise 1

Unscramble the sentences.

1. cousins/theater/and/to/going/his/Jason/on/the/are/Saturday.

2. alley/bowling/opens/10 a.m./at/The

3. tomorrow?/What/Sofia/we/time/are/meeting

4. brother/a/has/soccer/collection/My/of/stickers.

5. evening./his/are/friends/basketball playing/My

Đáp án:

1. Jason and his cousins are going to the theater on Saturday.

2. The bowling alley opens at 10 a.m.

3. What time are we meeting Sofia tomorrow?

4. My brother has a collection of soccer stickers.

5. My friends are playing basketball this evening.

Exercise 2

Look at the map and circle the correct words.

1. Let's meet at the café opposite/ next to the movie theater.

2. The bookstore is in front of/ behind the café.

3. Do you want to meet at the market opposite/ behind the movie theater?

4. The clothing store is in front of/ behind the ice cream store.

5. I often go running in the park next to/ behind the market.

Đáp án:

1. next to

2. behind

3. opposite

4. in front of

5. next to

Exercise 3

Circle the correct words.

1. Can you go buy some/ much milk, please? We don't have some/ any left.

2. I eat lots of / any vegetables every day.

3. Ben doesn't do any/ a little exercise. He's very lazy.

4. My parents let me watch a little/ any TV every day.

5. You should drink lots of/ any water every day.

Đáp án:

1. some/ any

2. lots of

3. any

4. a little

5. lots of

Exercise 4

Unscramble the sentences.

1. shouldn't/TV./You/much/watch/too

2. do/What should/healthier?/I/to/become

3. exercise./He/much/do/doesn't

4. get/a/Teens/hours/night./nine/should/sleep/of

5. of/shouldn't/candy./ You/eat/lots

Đáp án:

1. You shouldn't watch too much TV.

2. What should I do to become healthier?

3. He doesn’t do much exercise.

4. Teens should get nine hours sleep of a night.

5. You shouldn’t eat lots of candy.

Exercise 5

Underline the mistakes and write the correct answers on the lines.

1. What kind of music are you like listening to?

2. I likes jazz. I hates rock.

3. I doesn't think country music is exciting.

4. He don't like listening to jazz. He think it's boring.

5. Is she often listen to classical music?

6. RnB is he favorite kind of music.

Đáp án:

1.  are => do

2. likes => like; hates =>hate

3. doesn't => don't

4. don't => doesn't; think => thinks

5. Is => Does

6. he => his

Exercise 6

Circle the correct answers.

1. We're going to a music show in/on Saturday afternoon? Would you like to come?

2. When's his show? Is it at/in 6 p.m.?

3. Is there a music festival in our town in/at October?

4. My parents always listen to music on/at night before they go to bed.

5. Are you going to do anything special in/on your birthday?

6. There's a great music show in/at the evening.

7. Jay Jay's show is next weekend, in/on January 14th.

8. Lily's show is in/on Saturday. It's at/on 9 o'clock in/at the morning.

Đáp án:

1. on

2. at

3. in

4. at

5. on

6. in

7. on

8. on – at – in

Exercise 7

Fill in the blanks with the Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets.

1. The school ______ (raise) nearly five thousand dollars after the charity day.

2. My friends and I _______(not clean up) the local park last weekend.

3. Last summer, my brother_______(volunteer) at the local food kitchen. He ________ (help) prepare food and do the dishes.

4. We______(donate) sweaters, scarves, and socks to poor children last winter.

5. _________they__________(organize) a fun run last month?

Đáp án:

1. raised

2. didn’t clean up

3. volunteered - helped

4. donated

5. Did - organize

Exercise 8

Underline the mistake in each sentence. Write the correct word on the line.

1. Let's having a charity car wash.

2. I think we should helping homeless animals in our town.

3. How about we organized a craft fair?

4. How about put "Run for Fun" on the poster?

5. Let's not having a bake sale.

Đáp án:

1. having => have

2. helping => help

3. we organized => organizing

4. put => putting

5. having => have

Exercise 9

Fill in the blanks with a, an, the, much, or many.

1. How ________ bananas are in that bunch?

2. Do you have _________ eggs left in your fridge?

3. There's _________ apple on the table.

4. Wait! How __________ oil are you putting in that pan?

5. He ate _________ sandwich for lunch.

6. I don't want ________ butter on my sandwiches.

7. Did you buy milk? Yes, __________ milk is in the fridge.

8. Oh no! I bought too ________ vegetables!

Đáp án:

1. many

2. many

3. an

4. much

5. a

6. much

7. the

8. many


-----------------THE END-----------------

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4.9 trên 7 phiếu
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