2A - Unit 2. Adventure - SBT Tiếng Anh 10 Friends Global

1. Complete the labels. 2. Put the letters in order to make adjectives that describe landscapes. Then circle the landscape feature that can go with each adjective. Sometimes both are possible. 3. Listen and complete the quiz questions. 4. Answer the questions in exercise 3. Use the internet to help you.

Tổng hợp đề thi giữa kì 1 lớp 10 tất cả các môn - Chân trời sáng tạo

Toán - Văn - Anh - Lí - Hóa - Sinh - Sử - Địa...

Lựa chọn câu để xem lời giải nhanh hơn

Bài 1

1. Complete the labels.

(Hoàn thành những mục dưới đây.)

Lời giải chi tiết:

1. cliff: vách đá

2. stream: dòng chảy

3. cave: hang động

4. waterfall: thác nước

5. ocean: biển

6. forest: rừng

7. mountain: núi

8. lake: hồ

9. hill: đồi

10. river: sông

11. shore: bờ 

12. volcano: núi lửa

13. desert: sa mạc 

14. valley: thung lũng

15. rocks: đá

Bài 2

2. Put the letters in order to make adjectives that describe landscapes. Then circle the landscape feature that can go with each adjective. Sometimes both are possible.

(Xếp các chữ cái để tạo thành tính từ miêu tả phong cảnh. Sau đó khoanh tròn đối tượng địa lý nằm ngang có thể đi cùng với mỗi tính từ. Đôi khi cả hai đều có thể.)

Phương pháp giải:

- tall: cao 

- icy: mát lạnh 

- narrow: hẹp 

- dark: tối

- shallow: cạn

- low: thấp

- rocky: nhiều đá gồ ghề

- deep: sâu 

- wide: rộng 

- steep: dốc

Lời giải chi tiết:

Bài 3

3. Listen and complete the quiz questions.

(Nghe và hoàn thành các câu hỏi đố vui.)

1. In which country is the highest _______________ in the world?

2. What’s the name of the _______________ to the east of Africa?

3. What’s the name of the _______________ that flows through London?

4. In which country is _______________ Baikal?

5. What’s the name of the _______________ that run along the west coast of South America?

6. In which country is the _______________ Vesuvius?

7. What’s the name of the _______________ in southern Africa?

8. In which two continents is the Great Rift _______________?

9. Which famous American city is on the _______________of Lake Michigan?

10. In which European country is the Black _______________ ?

Lời giải chi tiết:

1. In which country is the highest waterfall in the world?

(Thác nước cao nhất thế giới nằm ở quốc gia nào?)

2. What’s the name of the ocean to the east of Africa?

(Tên đại dương ở phía đông châu Phi là gì?)

3. What’s the name of the river that flows through London?

(Tên con sông chảy qua Luân Đôn là gì?)

4. In which country is Lake Baikal?

(Hồ Baikal thuộc quốc gia nào?)

5. What’s the name of the mountains that run along the west coast of South America?

(Tên của những ngọn núi chạy dọc theo bờ biển phía tây của Nam Mỹ là gì?)

6. In which country is the volcano Vesuvius?

(Núi lửa Vesuvius ở quốc gia nào?)

7. What’s the name of the desert in southern Africa?

(Tên của sa mạc ở miền nam châu Phi là gì?)

8. In which two continents is the Great Rift Valley?

(Thung lũng Great Rift nằm ở hai lục địa nào?)

9. Which famous American city is on the shore of Lake Michigan?

(Thành phố nổi tiếng nào của Mỹ bên bờ Hồ Michigan?)

10. In which European country is the Black Forest?

(Rừng Đen thuộc quốc gia nào của Châu Âu?)

Bài 4

4. Answer the questions in exercise 3. Use the internet to help you.

(Trả lời các câu hỏi trong bài tập 3. Sử dụng internet để giúp bạn.)

1. _______________________

2. _______________________

3. _______________________

4. _______________________

5. _______________________

6. _______________________

7. _______________________

8. ________and____________

9. _______________________

10. _______________________

Lời giải chi tiết:

1. Venezuela

2. Indian ocean (Ấn Độ Dương)

3. the Thames (sông Thames)

4. Russia (nước Nga)

5. the Andes (dãy Andes)

6. Italy (nước Ý/ I - ta - li - a)

7. Kalahari

8. Africa and Asia (châu Phi và châu Á)

9. Chicago

10. Germany (nước Đức)

Bình chọn:
4.9 trên 7 phiếu
  • 2B - Unit 2. Adventure - SBT Tiếng Anh 10 Friends Global

    1. Complete the sentences with the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 2. Write sentences. Use the past continuous. 3. Complete the text with the past continuous form of the verbs below. 4. What was happening at the park yesterday afternoon? Complete the sentences, using the verbs and phrases below. Use the past continuous. 5. Write questions with you in the past continuous. The write true answers.

  • 2C - Unit 2. Adventure - SBT Tiếng Anh 10 Friends Global

    1. Read the text about BASE jumping and choose the correct answers (a-c) to complete gaps 1-5. 2. Read the Listening Strategy. Then listen to Alex talking about wingsuit flying. Write the words he uses instead of the underlined words. 3. Listen to three other people talking about the extreme sports in the photos above. Match speakers 1-3 with photos A-C. 4. Listen again. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? To help you, listen for synonyms or antonyms of the underlined words.

  • 2D - Unit 2. Adventure - SBT Tiếng Anh 10 Friends Global

    1. Choose the correct tense to complete the sentences. 2. Complete the sentences. Use the past simple form of one verb and the past continuous form of the other. 3. Complete the text with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 4. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. 5. Complete the sentences with your own ideas. Use the past simple or past continuous.

  • 2E - Unit 2. Adventure - SBT Tiếng Anh 10 Friends Global

    1. Write the noun form of these verbs. Some are the same as the verb. 2. Complete the text with the noun form of the verbs in brackets. You may need the plural form. 3. Study the dictionary entries. Then answer the questions below. 4. Read the Vocab boost! box. Then complete the labels and add any other words you can. Use a dictionary to help you.

  • 2F - Unit 2. Adventure - SBT Tiếng Anh 10 Friends Global

    1. Match the pairs of adjectives with similar meanings. Put them in the correct columns. 2. Read the text. Underline five extreme adjectives from exercise 1. 3. Read the Reading Strategy. Match sentences A-G with gaps 1-5 in the text. There are two extra sentences. 4. Read the text again, including the missing sentences. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Write the paragraph (A-E) which contains the answer.

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