Đề cương ôn tập học kì 1 Tiếng Anh 10 - Friends Global

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Đề cương ôn tập học kì 1 tiếng Anh 10 Friends Global từ Unit 1 - 4 gồm lý thuyết và bài tập về ngữ âm, từ vựng, ngữ pháp có đáp án

Tổng hợp đề thi giữa kì 1 lớp 10 tất cả các môn - Chân trời sáng tạo

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I. Từ vựng

Unit 1. Feelings

+ Tính từ miêu tả cảm xúc

Unit 2. Adventure

+ Các đặc trưng cảnh quang và tính từ miêu tả

Unit 3. On screen

+ Các thể loại phim và chương trình TV

Unit 4. Our planet

+ Thời tiết và các từ loại miêu tả thời tiết

II. Ngữ âm

1. Phát âm -ed

2. Phụ âm kép

3. Trọng âm của từ

III. Ngữ pháp

1. Thì quá khứ đơn

2. Câu hỏi Wh

3. Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn

4. Thì quá khứ đơn & thì quá khứ tiếp diễn

5. Lượng từ: some, any, a lot of, a few, a little, many, much

6. must/ mustn’t, needn’t/ don’t have to

7. So sánh hơn của tính từ

8. So sánh nhất của tính từ

9. too & enough


I. Từ vựng

Unit 1

Which adjective best describe each person’s feeling? Use the adjectives below.

anxious           delighted           embarrassed           frightened           proud           relieved           shocked           upset

1. The waiter was really rude to me when I asked for a glass of water. I was a bit_________.

2. I got a new smartphone for my birthday. I was ________.

3. My dad started to dance at my party and all my friends saw him! I was really ________!

4. My little brother won a singing competition. I was very ________.

5. Our dog is very old is really ill. I think he might die. We’re very ________.

6. I’ve got a difficult, important exam tomorrow. I’m feeling a little bit ________.

7. I went on the tallest, fastest ride at the theme park. I was really ________.

8. I left my mobile on the bus, but someone found it. I was extremely ________.

Đáp án:

1. shocked

2. delighted

3. embarrassed

4. proud

5. upset

6. anxious

7. frightened

8. relieved

Unit 2

Listen and complete the questions.

1. In which country is the highest _______________ in the world?

2. What’s the name of the _______________ to the east of Africa?

3. What’s the name of the _______________ that flows through London?

4. In which country is _______________ Baikal?

5. What’s the name of the _______________ that run along the west coast of South America?

6. In which country is the _______________ Vesuvius?

7. What’s the name of the _______________ in southern Africa?

8. In which two continents is the Great Rift _______________?

9. Which famous American city is on the _______________of Lake Michigan?

10. In which European country is the Black _______________ ?

Đáp án:

1. waterfall

2. ocean

3. river

4. Lake

5. mountains

6. volcano

7. desert

8. Valley

9. shore

10. Forest

Unit 3

Identify the kinds of TV programmes and films. Choose from the words below.

animation        comedy           fantasy film     horror film               musical             news bullentin      science fiction film                 western

This kind of film or TV programme:

1. usually has stories which take place in the future. ______________________

2. often has characters with magical or supernatural powers. ______________________

3. often has cowboys and Native Americans. ______________________

4. often has frightening characters like vampires or ghost. ______________________

5. includes singing and dancing. ______________________

6. tells you about important events in the world. ______________________

7. includes cartoon characters, usually made with computers. ______________________

8. makes you laugh. ______________________

Đáp án:

1. science fiction film

2. fantasy film

3. western

4. horror film

5. musical

6. news bulletin

7. animation

8. comedy

Unit 4

Complete the adjectives that describe the weather in the pictures.


Đáp án:

1. thundery

2. cloudy

3. snowy

4. frosty

5. foggy

6. icy

7. stormy

8. windy

9. sunny

10. rainy

II. Ngữ âm

Choose the best answers (A, B, C or D) to indicate the correct consonant blends to complete the sentences.

1. A. disappointed       B. sprained                  C. ashamed                 D. frightened

2. A. relieve                B. excite                      C. delight                    D. envious

3. A. across                 B. volcano                   C. cave                        D. ocean

4. A. anthem               B. breathless               C. although                 D. thrilling

5. A. principal             B. optimal                   C. rural                        D. salmon

Choose the correct letter (A, B, C or D) to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress.

6. A. embarrassed       B. delighted                C. suspicious               D. anxious

7. A. condition            B. injury                      C. teenager                  D. usually

8. A. along                  B. inside                      C. ahead                      D. over

9. A. condition            B. waterfall                 C. spectacle                 D. scenery

10. A. fantasy              B. convincing              C. concentrate             D. conference

Đáp án:

1. A

2. D

3. D

4. C

5. D

6. D

7. A

8. D

9. A

10. B

III. Ngữ pháp


Exercise 1

Complete the text with the past simple affirmative of the verbs in brackets.

Callie Rogers 1 _______ (be) just sixteen when she 2 _______ (win) the lottery in 2003. She 3 _______ (give) up her job as a shop assistant and 4 _______ (start) to spend her money. She 5 _______ (take) her family on expensive holidays, 6  _______ (invite) all her friends to big parties every weekend and 7 _______ (have) cosmetic surgery. Ten years later, she 8 _______ (have) just €2,000 left. But she’s happy now. ‘I 9 _______ (be) too young to win the lottery,’ she 10 _______ (say).

Đáp án:

1. was

2. won

3. gave

4. started

5. took

6. invited

7. had

8. had

9. was

10. said

Exercise 2

Complete the first part of each sentence with the correct past simple negative form.

1. I __________ skiing last winter, I went snowboarding.

2. Einstein__________in 1965, he died in 1955.

3. The holidays___________yesterday, they began last week.

4. My grandparents__________ born in Russia, they were born in Germany.

5. I___________ “thirteen”, I said “thirty”

6. We_________the first half of the match, but we saw the second half.

Đáp án:

1. didn't go

2. didn't die

3. didn't begin

4. weren’t

5. didn’t say

6. didn’t see

Exercise 3

Complete the dialogue with the question words below.

how often                what               when              where                 which              who                 why

Mia: Hi, Henry. (1) __________ did you do at the weekend?

Henry: I went to the beach on Saturday.

Mia: That’s nice. (2) __________did you go with?

Henry: Matt and Alex.

Mia: Alex West? (3) __________do you see him?

Henry: Only two or three times a year. He doesn’t live near here anymore.

Mia: (4) __________ does he live now?

Henry: In London.

Mia: Does he? (5) __________part of London?

Henry: I’m not sure. North London. I think.

Mia: (6) __________ did he move?

Henry: I think his mum got a new job. Anyway, (7) _______did you last see him?

Mia: Oh, about two years ago.

Đáp án:

1. what

2. who

3. how often

4. where

5. which

6. why

7. when


Exercise 4

Complete the sentences with the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Yesterday at 6 p.m. we _________ (have) dinner.

2. Harry __________ (not listen) so he didn’t know how to do the exercise.

3. Kate ___________ (lie) on the beach and Anna ___________ (eat) an ice cream.

4. Sam and Ryan ____________ (smile) and Nancy (take) a photo of them.

5. Why __________ you and Zoe _______ (argue)?

6. Hannah was annoyed because a man on the train ____________ (talk) loudly on his mobile.

Đáp án:

1. were having

2. wasn’t listening

3. was lying - was eating

4. were smiling - was taking

5. were… arguing

6. was talking

Exercise 5

Complete the sentences. Use the past simple form of one verb and the past continuous form of the other.

1. I _____________ (see) Henry as I _____________ (cycle) to the sports centre.

2. While we _____________ (prepare) the picnic, it _____________ (start) to rain.

3. All my friends _____________ (leave) the party when I _____________ (arrive).

4. As we _____________ (walk) by the river, we_____________ (hear) a shout.

5. We _____________ (not eat) very much while we _____________ (stay) in that hotel.

6. I _____________ (drink) my dad’s coffee while he _____________ (not look).

Đáp án:

1. saw – was cycling

2. were preparing – started

3. were leaving – arrived

4. were walking – heard

5. didn’t eat – were staying

6. drank – wasn’t looking

Exercise 6

Complete the video game review with the words and phrases below. Use each word or phrase only once.

a few              a little                any                 how many                   many                  much                       some                  how much

I really enjoyed this game. The aim is to build a city, but there are a lot of problems to solve along the way (1)_________________ houses, hotels, roads and factories can you build? (2)_________________ money and energy do you need to build them? Players use money called ‘megabucks’. You start with just (3)_________________ megabucks, so you must spend them carefully. It’s difficult to build a city on your own, so (4)_________________ players work together. For example, if you have only got (5)_________________ energy, you can borrow or buy (6)_________________ electricity from a neighbour. But selfish and greedy players don’t make (7)_________________ friends. If they haven’t got (8)_________________ money or energy, no one helps them and they can’t finish their city. So it’s best to be friendly to the other players!

Đáp án:

1. how many

2. how much

3. a few

4. many

5. a little

6. some

7. any 

8. much

Exercise 7

Choose the correct verbs to complete the dialogue.

Alice: Is this your new video game?   

Ryan: Yes, it is. You (1) must / needn’t try it. It’s great!

Alice: How do I play?

Ryan: First, you (2) have to / mustn’t escape from the castle.

Alice: How? Down the stairs?

Ryan: Stop! You (3) don’t have to / mustn’t open that door!

Alice: Oh! Too late! Am I dead?

Ryan: Yes. But you (4) don’t have to / must start again. Just press ‘B’ to continue.

Alice: OK, thanks. What now?

Ryan: You (5) have to / needn’t climb out of the window. But slowly! You (6) don’t have to / must be careful.

Alice: Oh no. I’m dead again. I’m not very good at this.

Well, we (7) have to / needn’t play this game. I’ve got lots of others …

Alice: No, no. I (8) mustn’t / needn’t give up. Do I press ‘B’ again?

Đáp án:

1. must

2. have to

3. mustn’t

4. don’t have to

5. have to

6. must

7. needn’t

8. mustn’t

Exercise 8

Complete the fact file. Use the comparative form of the words in brackets.


● Comets are made of ice and pieces of rock. Asteroids are made of rock and metal and are (1) __________________ (heavy).

● Most comets are much (2) __________________ (big) than most asteroids.

● You can find asteroids (3) __________________ (close) to the sun than comets. If comets get too close to the sun, they melt. So, you can only find comets much (4) __________________ (far) from the sun, where it is (5) __________________ (cold) and ice doesn’t melt.

● Comets are (6) __________________ (bright) than asteroids because they have long, white tails.

● Comets are (7) __________________ (rare) than asteroids. There are hundreds of millions of asteroids in our solar system, but far (8) __________________ (few) comets – only about 4,000. For this reason, asteroids are (9) __________________ (dangerous), as one of them is (10) __________________ (likely) to hit the Earth.

Đáp án:

1. heavier

2. bigger

3. closer

4. further

5. colder

6. brighter

7. rarer

8. fewer

9. more dangerous

10. more likely

Exercise 9

Complete the sentences with as, more, much or than.

1. Mist isn’t as thick __________________ fog.

2. The weather today is __________________ wetter __________________ yesterday.

3. ‘Is a hurricane __________________ powerful than a thunderstorm?’ ‘Yes, it’s __________________ stronger.’

4. The moon isn’t __________________ bright __________________ the sun.

5. Are hurricanes more dangerous __________________ tornadoes?

6. ‘I think maths is much __________________ interesting __________________ geography.’ - ‘Do you? I don’t think it’s __________________ interesting as geography, but it’s __________________ more useful.’

Đáp án:

1. as

2. much – than

3. more – much

4. as – as

5. than

6. more – than – as - much

Exercise 10

Complete the dialogue. Use too or enough with the adjective in brackets or the superlative form.

Kate: Now we join Brett Simpson for the (1)_____________________ (late) news about the wildfires. Brett, what’s happening?

Brett: Well, the police aren’t allowing us to get (2)_____________________ (close) to the fires, but I can feel the heat from here.

Kate: How are the people in the area reacting? It isn’t one of the (3)_____________________ (rich) parts of the country, is it?

Brett: No, it isn’t. Some people are (4)_____________________ (lucky) to have relatives in other cities, so they’re leaving. But many are (5)_____________________ (old) or (6)_____________________ (ill) to travel. They’re waiting and hoping.

Kate: What’s the (7)_____________________ (good) thing other people can do to help?

Brett: Well, I asked the police that question. They said the (8)_____________________ (helpful) thing is to stay away from the area. Thousands of people are coming here just to have a look. This is one of the (9)_____________________ (big) and (10)_____________________ (spectacular) fires for decades. But these people are getting in the way of the emergency services and their work. And their job is (11)_____________________ (difficult) without that!

Kate: What is the (12)_____________________ (likely) cause of the fire?

Brett: It’s (13)_____________________ (early) to say. Sometimes lightning can start a fire like this, if the trees are (14)_____________________ (dry). But of course, humans are the (15)_____________________ (probable) cause.

Đáp án:

1. latest

2. too close

3. richest

4. lucky enough

5. too old

6. too ill

7. best

8. most helpful

9. biggest

10. most spectacular

11. difficult enough

12. most likely

13. too early

14. too dry

15. most probable


                                                            -----------------THE END-----------------


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