Đề bài

Vocabulary (Từ vựng)

1. Choose the most appropriate option. (Chọn đáp án phù hợp nhất.)

1. He _____ beautifully and has recently joined a church choir.

A. treks                       B. sings                       C. runs                        D. swims

2. The _____ of light is unimaginable.

A. speed                      B. condition                C. glory                       D. obstacle

3. It might be hard to _____ and have a chat with a famous person.

A. run                          B. meet                        C. win                         D. go

4. As a(n) _____, I get the chance to help other people.

A. construction manager                                 B. entrepreneur

C. social worker                                              D. air traffic controller

5. _____ can cause serious damage to the heart, eyes and other organs.

A. Determination        B. Diabetes                 C. Glory                      D. Condition

6. No matter how hard you've trained, you can't always _____, especially when your competitors are more experienced.

A. run                          B. go                           C. swim                       D. win

7. How often did you _____ in public with a music band when you were younger?

A. sing                         B. swim                       C. write                       D. talk

8. _____ through the jungle must be an exciting experience.

A. Trekking                 B. Swimming              C. Sleeping                 D. Singing

9. I haven't been _____ much lately, that's why I have a headache.

A. going                      B. trekking                  C. sleeping                  D. swimming

10. _____ is very good exercise, but you may injure your knees.

A. Running                 B. Swimming              C. Diving                    D. Cycling

11. She is hardworking and _____. Once she sets a goal, she will work towards achieving it.

A. flexible                   B. creative                   C. motivated               D. cooperative

12. Lack of money is usually a(n) _____ that you need to overcome to achieve your goals.

A. glory                       B. condition                C. determination         D. obstacle

13. My teacher was _____ with my results.

A. pleased                   B. ashamed                 C. frightened               D. exhausted

14. _____ helps tone up your muscles and keep fit.

A. Swimming              B. Sleeping                 C. Winning                 D. Singing

15. He was _____ when I told him what had happened and he didn't want to speak to me anymore.

A. exhausted               B. furious                    C. surprised                 D. pleased

16. She felt _____ after such a long drive.

A. annoyed                  B. exhausted               C. shocked                  D. furious

17. There is going to a _____ to discuss all the issues.

A. catch-up meeting   B. strategy                   C. problem-solving     D. degree

18. Documentaries on the wildlife can _____ children as they show them what the natural world is like.

A. succeed                   B. demonstrate            C. express                   D. fascinate

19. That artist is _____ enough to create beautiful paintings.

A. respectful               B. creative                   C. fluent                      D. punctual

20. I was inspired by his will to _____ life's challenges.

A. doubt                      B. overcome                C. compete                  D. amaze

21. Reducing our prices is not a very good _____, is it?

A. condition                B. strategy                   C. degree                     D. teamwork

22. It takes a very good sense of _____ to work well with other staff members in this company.

A. multitasking           B. degree                     C. problem-solving     D. teamwork 

Lời giải chi tiết :

1. He sings beautifully and has recently joined a church choir.

(Anh ấy hát rất hay và gần đây đã tham gia vào dàn hợp xướng của nhà thờ.)

Giải thích: trek (v): leo núi; sing (v): hát; run (v): chạy; swim (v): bơi

2. The speed of light is unimaginable.

(Tốc độ của ánh sáng thật không thể tưởng tượng được.)

Giải thích: speed (n): tốc độ; condition (n): tình trạng; glory (n): vinh quang; obstacle (n): chướng ngại vật

3. It might be hard to meet and have a chat with a famous person.

(Có lẽ thật khó để gặp và nói chuyện với một người nổi tiếng.)

Giải thích: run (v): chạy; meet (v): gặp; win (v): thắng; go (v): đi

4. As a(n) social worker, I get the chance to help other people.

(Là một nhà hoạt động xã hội, tôi có cơ hội được giúp đỡ những người khác.)

Giải thích: construction manager (n): quản lí công trường; entrepreneur (n): doanh nhân; social worker (n): nhà hoạt động xã hội

5. Diabetes can cause serious damage to the heart, eyes and other organs.

(Tiểu đường có thể gây ra những tổn thương nghiêm trọng đến tim, mắt và các cơ quan khác.)

Giải thích: determination (v): long quyết tâm; diabetes (v): tiểu đường; glory (v): vinh quang; condition (v): tình trạng

6. No matter how hard you've trained, you can't always win, especially when your competitors are more


(Dù bạn có luyện tập chăm chỉ như thế nào, bạn cũng không thể luôn chiến thắng, đặc biệt là khi những đối thủ của bạn dày dặn kinh nghiệm hơn.)

Giải thích: run (v): chạy; go (v): đi; swim (v): bơi; win (v): thắng

7. How often did you sing in public with a music band when you were younger?

(Bạn có thường hát trước mọi người với ban nhạc khi bạn còn bé không?)

8. Trekking through the jungle must be an exciting experience.

(Đi bộ băng qua rừng rậm chắc chắn là một trải nghiệm thú vị.)

Giải thích: trek (v): đi bộ; swim (v): bơi; sleep (v): ngủ; swim (v): bơi

9. I haven't been sleeping much lately, that's why I have a headache.

(Dạo gần đây mình không ngủ được nhiều lắm, đó là lí do tại sao mình bị đau đầu.)

Giải thích: go (v): đi; trek (v): đi bộ; sleep (v): ngủ; swim (v): bơi

10. Running is very good exercise, but you may injure your knees.

(Chạy bộ là bài tập thể dục rất tốt, nhưng bạn có thể làm bị thương đầu gối của mình.)

Giải thích: running (n): chạy bộ; swimming (n): bơi lội; diving (n): lặn; cycling (n): đạp xe đạp

11. She is hardworking and motivated. Once she sets a goal, she will work towards achieving it.

(Cô ấy chăm chỉ và có động lực. Một khi đã đặt mục tiêu, cô ấy sẽ làm việc để tiến đến mục tiêu đạt được nó.)

Giải thích: flexible (adj): linh hoạt; creative (adj): sáng tạo; motivated (adj): có động lực; cooperative (adj):

12. Lack of money is usually a(n) obstacle that you need to overcome to achieve your goals.

(Thiếu tiền thường là một chướng ngại vật mà bạn cần vượt qua để đạt đến những mục tieu của bạn.)

Giải thích:  glory (n): vinh quang; condition (n): tình trạng; determination (n): lòng quyết tâm; obstacle (n): chướng ngại vật

13. My teacher was pleased with my results.

(Giáo viên của tôi hài lòng với kết quả của tôi.)

Giải thích: pleased (adj): hài lòng; ashamed (adj): xấu hổ; frightened (adj): hoảng sợ; exhausted (adj): kiệt sức

14. Swimming helps tone up your muscles and keep fit.

(Bơi lội giúp bạn làm bền cơ và giữ dáng.)

Giải thích: Swimming (n): bơi lội; sleeping (n): ngủ; winning (n): thắng cuộc; singing (n): hát

15. He was furious when I told him what had happened and he didn't want to speak to me anymore.

(Anh ấy đã rất giận dữ khi tôi nói với anh ta chuyện đã xảy ra và anh ta không muốn nói chuyện với tôi nữa.)

Giải thích: exhausted (adj): kiệt sức; furious (adj): giận dữ; surprised (adj): bất ngờ; pleased (adj): hài lòng

16. She felt exhausted after such a long drive.

(Cô ấy cảm thấy kiệt sức sau một chuyến lái xe dài.)

Giải thích: annoyed (adj): khó chịu; exhausted (adj): kiệt sức; shocked (adj): sốc; furious (adj): giận dữ

17. There is going to a catch-up meeting to discuss all the issues.

(Sẽ có một cuộc họp nhanh để thảo luận tất cả các vấn đề.)

Giải thích: catch-up meeting: cuộc họp nhanh; strategy (n): chiến lược; problem-solving (n): giải quyết vấn đề; degree (n): tấm bằng

18. Documentaries on the wildlife can fascinate children as they show them what the natural world is like.

(Các phim tài liệu nói về đề tài hoang dã có thể mê hoặc trẻ em vì chúng cho trẻ con thấy thế giới tự nhiên là như thế nào.)

Giải thích: succeed (v): thành công; demonstrate (v): trình bày; express (v): thể hiện; fascinate (v): quyến rũ, làm mê hoặc

19. That artist is creative enough to create beautiful paintings.

(Người họa sĩ đó đủ sáng tạo để tạo ra những bức tranh đẹp.)

Giải thích: respectful (adj): đáng kính; creative (adj): sáng tạo; fluent (adj): lưu loát; punctual (adj): đúng giờ

20. I was inspired by his will to overcome life's challenges.

(Tôi được truyền cảm hứng bởi ý chí vượt qua khó khăn trong cuộc sống của anh ta.)

Giải thích: doubt (v): nghi ngờ; overcome (v): vượt qua; compete (v): cạnh tranh; amaze (v): làm ngạc nhiên

21. Reducing our prices is not a very good strategy, is it?

(Giảm giá không phải là chiến lược hay lắm nhỉ?)

Giải thích: strategy (n): chiến lược; degree (n): tấm bằng; condition (n): tình trạng; teamwork (n): làm việc nhóm

22. It takes a very good sense of teamwork to work well with other staff members in this company.

(Có có tinh thần đồng đội để có thể làm việc tốt với những nhân viên khác trong công ti này.)

Giải thích: multitasking (n): tính đa nhiệm; degree (n): tấm bằng; problem-solving (n): cách giải quyết vấn đề; teamwork (n): làm việc nhóm

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ từ gần nghĩa GẦN NHẤT với (các) từ được gạch chân trong mỗi câu hỏi sau.)

5. After my parents' wedding anniversary party, we decided to give the remaining food to a food bank.

A. compost

B. leftovers

C. garbage

D. ingredients

6. Korean music now enjoys widespread popularity among Vietnamese teenagers.

A. identity

B. expectation

C. population

D. acceptance

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Bài 2 :

Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word in each of the following questions.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ từ TRÁI NGHĨA của từ được gạch chân trong mỗi câu hỏi sau.)

7. World War Two was the largest conflict in human history as more than 60 million people didn't survive the war.

A. die

B. admire

C. drop out

D. adopt

8. Rivers, lakes, and oceans are contaminated by large farms and transport industries.

A. destroyed

B. pure

C. healthy

D. polluted

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Bài 3 :

Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word in each of the following questions.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ từ GẦN NGHĨA NHẤT với từ được gạch chân trong mỗi câu hỏi sau.)

5. Many foreigners buy properties in countries such as Greece and Portugal, so they can become residents of the European Union.

A. inhabitants

B. employees

C. employers

D. populations


6. Some students do casual work during the holidays, so that it does not affect their studies.

A. leisure

B. demanding

C. short-term

D. relaxed

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Bài 4 :

Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word in each of the following questions.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ từ TRÁI NGHĨA của từ được gạch chân trong mỗi câu hỏi sau.)

7. Many local people don't use the city's public transport because it is not as reliable as private vehicles.

A. expensive

B. unsafe

C. responsible

D. uncertain


8. Editors' work is very demanding because it requires strong attention to detail and excellent organisation skills.

A. easy

B. difficult

C. challenging

D. boring

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Bài 5 :

Vocabulary (Từ vựng)

1. Choose the correct option. (Chọn đáp án đúng.)

1. She watches _____ for more than three hours a day.

A. television                B. brochures                C. banners                   D. billboards

2. Many young people are addicted to _____.

A. posters                    B. flyers                      C. social media           D. web pages

3. You can see some interesting advertisements on _____, don't you think?

A. the radio                 B. books                      C. music streaming     D. billboards

4. Who's that actress on the _____ outside the cinema?

A. poster                     B. documentary           C. podcast                   D. television

5. Print media _____ books, newspapers, magazines, etc.

A. evolve                     B. encompass              C. employ                   D. revolutionise

6. Schools not only _____ knowledge but also instil values.

A. evolve                     B. encompass              C. transmit                  D. empower

7. Social media have always been _____ in receiving and spreading information.

A. accurate                  B. sloppy                     C. convenient              D. outrageous

8. The mass media have taken their current form after _____ of evolution.

A. millennia                B. scales                      C. data                         D. scopes

9. Making friends, even online, may boost your _____.

A. profile                     B. confidence              C. invention                D. creation

10. Why did you _____ me in your post without asking for my permission?

A. tag                          B. revolutionise           C. follow                     D. empower

11. I can't see any of your posts on my _____. Why's that?

A. news bulletin          B. newsfeed                C. publication             D. billboard

12. He's turning eighteen next week and he has invited us to his _____.

A. New Year celebration                                 B. coming-of-age celebration

C. wedding anniversary                                  D. marriage ceremony

13. Are you coming to Liza and Peter's _____? They've been married for fifty years!

A. coming-of-age celebration                         B. baby shower

C. wedding anniversary                                  D. marriage ceremony

14. This is a famous _____ with thousands of visitors every year.

A. shrine                     B. fortune                    C. prosperity               D. spirit

15. I wish you health and _____ for your birthday.

A. wisdom                   B. spirit                       C. shrine                     D. celebration

16. We enjoyed the most _____ fireworks displays.

A. negative                  B. spectacular             C. traditional               D. hopeful

17. According to some customs, there are bad _____ that we need to get rid of.

A. fortunes                  B. speeches                 C. spirits                     D. shrines

18. I bought her this book to show my _____ for what she has done.

A. gratitude                 B. honour                    C. period                     D. experience

19. The village, _____ with colourful streamers, looked so beautiful.

A. partaken                 B. attended                  C. staged                     D. adorned

20. Do young people in your area _____ in cultural traditions?

A. participate              B. embrace                  C. honour                    D. attend

21. The women of the village often _____ as fairies for the annual festival.

A. dress up                  B. honour                    C. partake                   D participate

22. We should maintain strong connections with our _____ through tradition.

A. spirits                     B. ancestors                 C. skulls                      D. performances 

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Bài 6 :

Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word in each of the following questions.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra (các) từ GẦN NGHĨA NHẤT với từ được gạch chân trong mỗi câu hỏi sau.)

5. There has been a great deal of publicity surrounding the success of the film recently.

A. public attention

B. public campaign

C. business activity

D. advertising

6. To breed endangered species in the nature reserve, conservation biologists need to carefully observe their habitats.

A. threaten

B. rescue

C. monitor

D. release

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Bài 7 :

Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word in each of the following questions.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ từ TRÁI NGHĨA của từ được gạch chân trong mỗi câu hỏi sau.)

7. Home robots are now capable of doing most household chores including cleaning the house, doing the laundry, and cooking meals.

A flexible

B. reliable

C. useless

D. unable

8. News stories released by the state media are considered credible.

A. unreliable

B. accessible

C. endangered

D. reliable

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Bài 8 :

Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra (các) từ GẦN NGHĨA NHẤT với (các) từ được gạch chân trong mỗi câu hỏi sau đây.)

5. The company now wants to hire more people to work on a new project.

A. employ

B. rent

C. pursue

D. adapt to

6. She decided to register for an online course to brush up on her English before applying for the job.

A. maintain

B. increase quickly

C. improve quickly

D. boost

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Bài 9 :

Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

(Khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra (các) từ TRÁI NGHĨA với (các) từ được gạch chân trong mỗi câu hỏi sau đây.)

7. Being sick for ten days, he now needs to try his best to catch up on schoolwork.

A. adapt to

B. take into account

C. follow up

D. fall behind

8. Students from rural areas face economic hardship including problems in finding affordable housing in big cities.

A. comfort

B. difficulty

C. trouble

D. solution

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Bài 10 :

Vocabulary (Từ vựng)

1. Choose the most appropriate option. (Chọn đáp án phù hợp nhất.)

1. There is a lot of pollution in big cities due to _____.

A. high-rise buildings                                                 B. overpopulation

C. slums                                                          D. rural migration

2. There are not many houses in this _____.

A. industrial area        B. high-rise building   C. megacity                 D. slum

3. People leave the countryside to move to a big city as part of _____.

A. overpopulation       B. megacity                 C. industrial area        D. rural migration

4. A city is considered a(n) _____ if it has more than ten million people.

A. slum                       B. megacity                 C. overpopulation       D. industrial area

5. As a painter, he was attracted to _____ landscapes; that's why he moved to Tokyo.

A. urban                      B. potential                 C. affordable               D. crowded

6. With so many people living in big cities, it is hard to find _____.

A. urbanisation           B. agriculture              C. accommodation      D. migration

7. There is no way you can find a(n) _____ flat in the centre of the city.

A. urban                      B. industrial                C. affordable               D. rural

8. The cities that have good _____ can develop a transit system easily.

A. industries                B. wages                     C. failure                     D. infrastructure

9. In a city, there are endless options for _____ activities.

A. recreational            B. peaceful                  C. spacious                 D. breathtaking

10. As a rural migrant, I was very glad to find a ______ friend who comes from the same hometown.

A. spacious                 B. well-mannered       C. breathtaking           D. stressful

11. The view from the high-rise building rooftop is _____!

A. heavy                      B. time-consuming     C. recreational            D. breathtaking

12. There's no point in having _____ installed in a country with so little sunshine.

A. biomass fuel           B. solar panels            C. wind power            D. tidal energy

13. _____ uses the power of the wave to generate electricity.

A. Hydroelectric power                                  B. Solar power

C. Wind power                                                D. Tidal energy

14. Plants and animal waste make up what is called ‘_____’.

A. biomass fuel           B. wind power            C. solar power            D. tidal energy

15. Countries with a great amount of sunlight can ______ the power of the sun to generate electricity.

A. produce                  B. install                      C. harness                   D. promote

16. We specialise in the _____ of turbines.

A. installation             B. infrastructure          C. investment              D. challenge

17. More _____ sources of energy must be used.

A. imported                 B. significant               C. sustainable             D. dependent

18. Tidal energy may prove a _____ way to generate electricity as the turbines always move.

A. harmful                   B. consistent               C. ineffective              D. complicated

19. What is the _____ cost of turbines?

A. power                     B. maintenance           C. climate                   D. condition

20. We should no longer be _____ on fossil fuels.

A. permanent              B. abundant                 C. dependent               D. minimal

21. There are many _____ in the atmosphere of a megacity.

A. fuels                       B. benefits                   C. conditions               D. pollutants

22. Using LED light bulbs is less _____ to the environment.

A. impactful                B. recyclable               C. abundant                 D. dependent 

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Bài 11 :

Vocabulary (Từ vựng)

1. Choose the most appropriate option. (Chọn đáp án phù hợp nhất.)

1. _____ robots can work as a receptionist answering questions from visitors.

A. Rescue                                                        B. Medical

C. Domestic household                                  D. Communicative humanoid

2. _____ are used in operations.

A. Rescue robots                                             B. Medical robots

C. Space Mars rovers                                     D. Manufacturing industrial robots

3. A smart domestic household robot can avoid _____ when cleaning.

A. obstacles                 B. navigation               C. algorithms              D. assembly

4. This robot is ideal for production _____.

A. interpretation          B. assembly                 C. navigation              D. command

5. How come a common _____ app can't work in such an expensive mobile?

A. assembly                B. obstacle                  C. navigation              D. productivity

6. All smartphones can respond to user voice _____.

A. interpretations        B. commands              C. algorithms              D. applications

7. It scares me that some robots can _____ real human brain functions.

A. imitate                    B. process                   C. design                     D. improve

8. I've just downloaded a(n) _____ app to help me lose weight.

A. fitness tracker                                             B. private digital assistant

C. speaking coach                                           D. art generator

9. _____ between two languages requires high level of AI.

A. Navigation             B. Interpretation          C. Productivity           D. Command

10. The _____ app will help me improve my pronunciation.

A. diet tracker                                                             B. art generator

C. private digital assistant                              D. speaking coach

11. My sister _____ the Internet for hours every day, which is so worrying.

A. imitates                   B. activates                 C. browses                  D. observes

12. I'm currently doing a(n) _____, and I'm not getting paid.

A. internship               B. distance learning    C. new software          D. new skill

13. Have you _____ on the online course yet?

A. attended                  B. done                        C. enrolled                  D. performed

14. The new employee is _____ on-the-job training at present.

A. mastering               B. enrolling                 C. performing             D. doing

15. In order to work for that international company, you need to become _____ in at least two foreign languages.

A. vocational               B. proficient                C. digital                     D. open-minded

16. Lifelong learning is of ______ importance.

A. adaptable                B. personal                  C. enormous               D. dynamic

17.  It is very important to _____ both hard and soft skills.

A. commit                   B. pursue                     C. follow                     D. acquire

18. Is it easy to achieve personal _____ in a job you don't like?

A. fulfilment               B. insight                     C. empathy                 D. access

19. You can get on well with different colleagues if you are _____ enough.

A. enormous               B. adaptable                C. outdated                 D. educational

20. Many companies require digital _____ as one of the skills needed for this position.

A. negotiating             B. literacy                   C. adaptability            D. collaboration

21. He has a ______ mind that never stops learning.

A. high-volume           B. enormous                C. curious                   D. digital

22. This problem can be solved only by taking a(n) _____ approach.

A. destructive              B. ineffective              C. curious                   D. proactive

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