Đề bài

1. Read and listen to the interview, Complete the following table.

(Đọc và nghe theo đoạn đối thoại. Hoàn thành bảng dưới đây)

Lời giải chi tiết :

2. China         

3. 12      

4. Norway vs USA       

5. 63,000           

6. USA

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

At the gym

1. Listen and read.

(Nghe và đọc.)

Duong: Wow! This gym is big!

Mai: Yeah. The equipment is great. What sports do you do, Duong?

Duong: Well, I do karate, and I play table tennis. Yesterday I played with Duy, and I won!

Mai: Congratulations! You look fit! I'm not good at sports.

Duong: I have an idea - you can go to the karate club with me.

Mai: No, I can't do karate.

Duong: But you can learn! You'll love it.

Mai: Well... OK.

Duong: Great! I'll meet you there at 10 a.m. on Sunday.

Mai: Where's the club?

Duong: It's Superfit Club, in Pham Hung Road. You can cycle there

Mai: OK. See you then.

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Bài 2 :

2. Read the dialogue quickly to check your ideas in 1.

(Đọc nhanh bài hội thoại và kiểm tra các ý kiến của em ở bài 1.)

The PE teacher is talking to her students about Pelé.

Teacher: Today we're going to talk about Pelé. Do you know him?

Nick: Yes, I think he's the best footballer of all time.

Teacher: Right. He was born in 1940 in Brazil. His father taught him to play football at a very young age.

Susan: Oh. When did he begin his career in football?

Teacher: At 15, when he started playing for Santos Football Club. In 1958, he won his first World Cup.

Nick: How many goals did he score in his career?

Teacher: 1,281 goals in total, I think.

Nick and Susan: Wow! Amazing!

Teacher: And he became "Football Player of the Century" in 1999.

Michael: Surely Pelé's a national hero in Brazil.

Teacher: Yes, and he's known around the world as "The King of Football".

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Bài 3 :

3. Read the text again and answer the questions.

(Đọc lại bài hội thoại và trả lời các câu hỏi.)

1. When was Pelé born?

(Pele sinh năm bao nhiêu?)

2. Who first taught him to play football?

(Ai là người đầu tiên dạy ông chơi bóng đá?)

3. How many goals did he score in total?

(Tổng cộng ông đã ghi bao nhiêu bàn thắng?)

4. When did he become “Football Player of the Century"?

(Ông đã trở thành “Cầu thủ của thế kỷ” khi nào?)

5. What do people call him?

(Mọi người gọi ông là gì?)

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Bài 4 :


2. Choose a, B, or C to fill the gaps in the passage.

(Chọn a, B hoặc C để lấp đầy khoảng trống trong đoạn văn.)

Most children love (1) ........... activities when the weather is good. They play football, go skateboarding or go (2)........ . In countries with a lot of snow like (3) ........... , children go skiing with their parents to practise skiing. When they are not skiing, they can stay at home and watch interesting (4) .......... on TV or visit (5)  ........... in the area.

1. A outdoor 

2. A. tennis

3. A. Sweden

4. A. characters

5. A. sports

B. indoor  

B. karate  

B. India 

B. viewers

B. city 

C. school

C. swimming

C. Brazil

C. programmes

C. landmarks


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Bài 5 :


Strange Sports

1. Read the two descriptions of strange sports and choose titles for them.

(Đọc hai mô tả về các môn thể thao kỳ lạ và chọn tiêu đề cho chúng.)

A. Toe Wrestling

B. Cheese Rolling

1. .......

It's a simple sport. Competitors roll a big round piece of cheese from the top of a hill. Competitors run after and try to catch it. Very few people can catch it because it goes very fast, about 112 km an hour.

2. .......

It's a popular sport for children. This game started in Derbyshire in the North of England. Two children lock the toes together and try to push the other's foot to the ground. It's similar to arm wrestling.

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Bài 6 :

2. Use the information from the passages above to tick the correct box.

(Sử dụng thông tin từ các đoạn trên để đánh dấu vào ô đúng.)


Toe Wrestling

Cheese Rolling

1. You need a hill to play this sport.



2. You use the lower part of the body for this sport.



3. It travels at about 112km/h.



4. Not many people can catch it.



5. It first started in England.



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Bài 7 :

2. Listen to two people talking about the questions in exercise 1. Are their answers right or wrong?

(Nghe hai người đang nói về các câu hỏi ở bài 1. Những câu trả lời của họ là đúng hay sai?)


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Bài 8 :

1. Read the text. What sports does in mention?

(Hãy đọc văn bản. Những môn thể thao nào đề cập đến?)

1896: The first modern Olympic Games were in Greece. There were silver medals for winners and bronze medals for second place. There weren't any gold medals.

1916: In 1916, 1940 and 1944, there weren't any games because of war.

1920: There wasn't an Olympic flag until 1920. The flag of every country in the world has got one of the five Olympic colours in it.

1936: Twelve-year-old swimmer Inge Sorensen from Denmark was the youngest medallist in Olympic history.

1960: Abebe Bikila from Ethiopia was the first African to win a gold medal after running a marathon without shoes.

2016: There were two new events in Rio in 2016-golf and rugby were the first new events in nearly 100 years.

2020: In 2020, there was a global problem and they moved the games to 2021.

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Bài 9 :

2. Read and listen to the text and write True or False.

(Hãy đọc, nghe văn bản và viết Đúng hoặc Sai.)

1. There were gold medals in the first Olympic Games.

(Có huy chương vàng trong Thế vận hội Olympic đầu tiên.)

2. There weren't any games in 1916.

(Không có bất kỳ thế vận hội nào vào năm 1916.)

3. Inge Sorensen was a swimmer from Ethiopia.

(Inge Sorensen là một vận động viên bơi lội đến từ Ethiopia.)

4. Abebe Bikila was a marathon runner.

(Abebe Bikila từng là vận động viên ma-ra-tông.)

5. Golf and rugby were Olympic sports for the first time in 2012.

(Gôn và bóng bầu dục là những môn thể thao Olympic lần đầu tiên vào năm 2012.)

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Bài 10 :

1. Read the profile. When was Usain Bolt born? When was his first world champion?

(Hãy đọc hồ sơ. Usain Bolt sinh năm nào? Chức vô địch thế giới đầu tiên của anh ấy là khi nào?)

Usain Bolt

1. Usain Bolt is an athlete from Jamaica. He was born on 21st August 1986 in Sherwood Content. He lives in Kingston now.

2. Bolt first competed in sprint races as a schoolboy. At sixteen, he became the youngest ever world junior champion for 200 metres.

3. Bolt broke world records in 100- and 200-metre races. He also won gold medals at the Olympics in Beijing and London. He's one of the most successful athletes.

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Bài 11 :

3. Read the text again. Match three topics from a - e with paragraphs 1-3.

(Đọc văn bản một lần nữa. Nối ba chủ đề từ a - e với đoạn văn 1-3.)

a. His life now (Cuộc sống của anh ấy bây giờ)

b. Greatest moments (Những khoảnh khắc tuyệt vời nhất)

c. Basic information (Thông tin cơ bản)

d. Problems (Các vấn đề)

e. Early career (Sự nghiệp ban đầu)

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Bài 12 :

2. Read and listen to the text. Then answer the questions.

(Đọc và nghe văn bản. Sau đó trả lời các câu hỏi.)

1. When did the Vietnam football Federation begin?

(Liên đoàn bóng đá Việt Nam được thành lập khi nào?)

2. What competitions does the team play in?

(Đội bóng tham gia những giải đấu nào?)

3. Where is the Mỹ Đình stadium?

(Sân vận động Mỹ Đình ở đâu?)

4. Can you only watch football at Mỹ Đinh?

(Bạn chỉ có thể xem bóng đá ở Mỹ Đình?)

5. Is basketball a new sport in Việt Nam?

(Bóng rổ có phải là môn thể thao mới ở Việt Nam không?)

6. How did lots of people watch the 2019 basketball competition?

(Nhiều người đã xem trận đấu bóng rổ năm 2019 bằng cách nào?)

7. What other things can you see at basketball games?

(Đâu là những thứ khác bạn có thể thấy ở các trận đấu bóng rổ?)

Two national teams

Football (or soccer) is the most popular sport in Viet Nam. In 1989, the Vietnam Football Federation began, and in 1991, the national team started to play in international games. The team now plays in competitions such as the FIFA World Cup and the AFC Asian Cup

The national team plays at the My Dinh stadium in Hà Nội. There are athletics events here as well as football matches. You can even go to music concerts! Basketball is quite a new sport in Viet Nam. In 2019, the national championship was in Ho Chi Minh City. The games were on the internet so everyone could enjoy them. The competitions are fast and fun, and there is music and dancing before and after the game.

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Bài 13 :

B. Read the information about Wesley. Underline the sports.

(Đọc thông tin về Wesley. Gạch dưới tên các môn thể thao.)

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Bài 14 :


(Trong khi xem)

A. Check your answer to the Before You Watch question.

(Kiểm tra câu trả lời của em cho câu hỏi ở phần Before You Watch.)

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Bài 15 :


A free diver is someone who can dive without___________ .

a. friends

b. breathing equipment

c. paying

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Bài 16 :

3. In groups, do Part 1 of the quiz. Listen and check

(Theo nhóm, các em hãy làm phần 1 của câu hỏi. Nghe và kiểm tra xem các em đã làm đúng chưa)


1. In which city can you play a tennis match at Wimbledon?

a. London

b. New York

c. Paris

2. How many teams are there in the football World Cup finals?

a. 8

b. 16

c. 32

3. What sport do the Bulls, the Celtics and the Rockets play?

a. baseball

b basketball

c American football

4. To win this race, cyclists go about 3,500 km in July. In which country?

a. France

b. Italy

c. Spain

5. In the Olympics, what's the shortest race for a swimmer to win a gold medal?

a. 25m

b. 50m

c. 100m

6. On 22 September 2015, in a match between Bayern Munich vs. * Wolfsburg,

a Polish football player scored five goals in nine minutes! What's his surname?

a Klose b Lewandowski c Podolski

* vs. = versus - it means against

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Bài 17 :

4. Complete the questions in Part 2 of the quiz with the correct forms of the words in the Vocabulary B box.


7. In what time can the fastest cyclist cycle one kilometre?

a. 1 minute

b. 1 minute 30 seconds

c. 2 minutes

8. US basketball Steph Curry scores a lot of points and wins a lot of

matches. How tall is he?

a. 1.61m

b. 1.91m

c. 2.21m

9. The fastest marathon usually come from two African countries. Ethiopia

is one; what's the other?

a. Egypt

b. Kenya

c. Nigeria

9. Katie Ledecky is a fast -. How far can she swim in 4 minutes?

a. 100m

b. 200m

c. 400m

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Bài 18 :

3. Read the texts again. Mark the sentences ✔ (right),  ✗(wrong) or ? (doesn't say).

 1. ⬜ Lan’s mother first learnt to swim in a swimming pool.

 2. ⬜ Lan's mother won 8 gold medals in sports games.

 3. ⬜ Garbife's father is from Madrid,

 4. ⬜ It wasn't easy for her to choose a country to play for.

 5. ⬜ Dina was in the Olympics when she was eight years old.

 6. ⬜ In 2015 she was the fastest woman in the world.

 7. ⬜ Kristaps was very tall when he was fifteen.

 8. ⬜ He's the tallest basketball player in the NBA.

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Bài 19 :

4. In pairs, complete the text with one verb in each gap. 

(Theo cặp, các em hãy hoàn thành đoạn văn sau bằng cách điền vào những chỗ trống)

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Bài 20 :

1. Match pictures A-D with caption 1-4.

(Nối tranh A-D với tiêu đề 1-4.)


1. The Ancient Romans loved team sports.

(Người La Mã cổ đại yêu thích các môn thể thao đồng đội.)


2. In the early years of the twentieth century, motor racing was a popular sport. It was very exciting.

(Vào những năm đầu thế kỷ XX, đua xe mô tô là một môn thể thao được nhiều người yêu thích. Nó đã rất thú vị.)


3. In prehistoric times, people were big sports fans. Sometimes they ran very fast.

(Trong thời tiền sử, con người là những người hâm mộ thể thao lớn. Đôi khi họ chạy rất nhanh.)


4. The Ancient Egyptians were keen on sport. They did a lot of weight training.

(Người Ai Cập cổ đại rất quan tâm đến thể thao. Họ đã tập rất nhiều tạ.)

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Bài 21 :

3. In pairs, work out how long ago these things happened.

(Theo cặp, hãy xác định những điều này đã xảy ra cách đây bao lâu.)

1. The first Tour de France was in 1903 - __________ ago.

2. Women first swam in the Olympic Games in 1912 - __________ ago.

3. Basketball legend Michael Jordan was born in 1963 - __________ ago.

4. Serena Williams won Wimbledon for the first time in 2002 - __________ ago.

5. Spain won the Football World Cup in South Africa in 2010 - __________ ago.

6. The Olympic Games were in Rio de Janeiro in 2016 - __________ ago.

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Bài 22 :

4. Complete the text with one word in each gap. Listen and check.

(Hoàn thành đoạn văn sau bằng cách điền một từ vào chỗ trống. Nghe và kiểm tra.) 

I'm very keen (1) on sport. I (2) ________ a lot of exercise. Two weeks (3) ________ I ran in a ten-kilometre race and I won a gold (4) ________! (5) ________ week I played tennis on a beautiful tennis (6)_________ at Wimbledon. I lost, but it (7) ________ a great game. Yesterday I played (8) ________ England in the football World Cup. We won the (9) ________ 4-2 and I scored all four (10) ________. Yes, I'm a big fan (11) ________ sports video games!

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Bài 23 :

2. Read the articles above and check your ideas from Exercise 1. Label the photo (A-E) A (aerobic) or AN (anaerobic).

(Đọc bài viết trên và kiểm tra với các ý cho trong bài tập 1. Ghép ảnh (A-E) với A (aerobic)hoặc AN (anaerobic).)

Aerobic and anaerobic exercise

Everyone knows that exercise is good for us. But there are different kinds of exercise and they are good for different reasons.

Aerobic exercise

When we do aerobic exercise, we move our whole body and use lots of different muscles. We need lots of oxygen to burn fat and carbohydrates to give us energy. Aerobic exercise isn't always fast or difficult. It can be as easy as walking and jogging or as hard as dancing or swimming. The hardest aerobic exercise is when we do skilled sports like volleyball or tennis. Aerobic exercise is good for our heart and can also help us get thinner.

Anaerobic exercise

When we do anaerobic exercise, we only use some muscles because we want them to get stronger. We don't use a lot of oxygen and we only burn carbohydrates. Weightlifting, sit-ups and push-ups are examples of this. Anaerobic exercise is good for some muscles and also for our bones and joints.

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Bài 24 :

3. Read the article again. Choose A (aerobic), AN (anaerobic) or B (both).

(Đọc bài viết một lần nữa. Chọn A (aerobic), AN (anaerobic), hay B (cả hai).)

Which type of exercise: (Loại hình thể dục nào)

1. doesn’t need a lot of oxygen?

(không cần nhiều oxy?)

2. is good for our heart? 

(tốt cho tim của chúng ta?)

3. burns fat? 

(đốt cháy chất béo)

4. burns carbohydrate?

(đốt cháy cacbohydrat?)

5. is good for our bones?

(tốt cho xương của chúng ta?)











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Bài 25 :

5. In pairs, read the text on the right about a test and order the pictures (1-5).

(Theo cặp, các em hãy đọc đoạn văn bên phải về một bài kiểm tra và sắp xếp các bức hình (1-5).)

How flexible are you?

Exercise is important for our flexibility and our balance. Here's a quick test. It shows how good your flexibility and balance are. Stand in the middle of the room. Cross your legs. Sit down but don't use your arms or knees. Then stand up. Again, don't use your hands, arms or knees. Can you do it? Don't try if you've got a bad leg or back!


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Bài 26 :

The Vietnamese students take part (1) ______ different after - school activities.

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Bài 27 : They often (2) __________ soccer, table tennis or badminton.
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Bài 28 : Sometimes they (3) ________ swimming in the swimming pools.
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Bài 29 : They join in the school theater group and usually rehearse (4) _________.
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Bài 30 : Some are members of the stamp collectors’ (5) ________.
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