Đề bài

4. Read the news items again and choose the correct answer.

(Đọc lại các tin tức và chọn câu trả lời đúng.)

1. Where is the sea turtle spawning ground?

A. Con Dao Island

B. Ha Noi

C. Khanh Hoa

D. Nha Trang

2. Which of the following is NOT true about sea turtles?

A. Volunteers help sea turtles by burying them in the sand.

B. Their populations have gone down significantly.

C. They receive help from volunteers every year.

D. They are facing extinction all over the world.

3. Why did the management board of Nha Trang Bay have to monitor the number of divers and swimmers there?

A. To train more professional divers.

B. To restore the coral system.

C. To avoid putting pressure on the system.

D. To promote the natural habitat of the bay.

4. How many paintings will be on display in the wildlife exhibition?

A. Around 600.

B. Around 300.

C. Around 25.

D. Around 30.

5. What will happen to the paintings at the exhibition?

A. They will be donated to visitors.

B. They will be sold to raise money for  wildlife conservation.

C. They will be shown in public places.

D. They will be given to different schools.

Lời giải chi tiết :

1. A

2. A

3. C

4. D

5. B

1. A

Where is the sea turtle spawning ground?

(Rùa biển sinh sản ở đâu?)

A. Con Dao Island (đảo Côn Đảo)

B. Ha Noi (Hà Nội)

C. Khanh Hoa (Khánh Hòa)

D. Nha Trang

Thông tin: More than 600 volunteers participated in sea turtle conservation activities held on Con Dao Island last week. Volunteers made sure that their spawning ground is safe.

(Hơn 600 tình nguyện viên đã tham gia hoạt động bảo tồn rùa biển được tổ chức trên đảo Côn Đảo vào tuần trước. Các tình nguyện viên đảm bảo rằng nơi sinh sản của chúng được an toàn.)

2. A

Which of the following is NOT true about sea turtles?

(Điều nào sau đây KHÔNG đúng về rùa biển?)

A. Volunteers help sea turtles by burying them in the sand.

(Tình nguyện viên giúp rùa biển bằng cách chôn chúng trong cát.)

B. Their populations have gone down significantly.

(Dân số của chúng đã giảm đáng kể.)

C. They receive help from volunteers every year.

(Chúng nhận được sự giúp đỡ từ các tình nguyện viên hàng năm.)

D. They are facing extinction all over the world.

(Chúng đang phải đối mặt với nguy cơ tuyệt chủng trên toàn thế giới.)

Thông tin: They also rescued turtle eggs and buried them in the sand.

(Họ cũng giải cứu trứng rùa và chôn chúng trong cát.)

3. C

Why did the management board of Nha Trang Bay have to monitor the number of divers and swimmers there?

(Tại sao ban quản lý Vịnh Nha Trang phải giám sát số lượng thợ lặn và người bơi ở đó?)

A. To train more professional divers.

(Đào tạo thêm thợ lặn chuyên nghiệp.)

B. To restore the coral system.

(Phục hồi hệ thống san hô.)

C. To avoid putting pressure on the system.

(Để tránh gây áp lực lên hệ thống.)

D. To promote the natural habitat of the bay.

(Phát huy môi trường sống tự nhiên của vịnh.)

Thông tin: In addition, the bay's management board will also monitor the number of swimmers and divers to avoid putting too much stress on the ecosystem.

(Ngoài ra, ban quản lý vịnh cũng sẽ giám sát số lượng người bơi và thợ lặn để tránh gây quá nhiều căng thẳng cho hệ sinh thái.)

4. D

How many paintings will be on display in the wildlife exhibition?

(Có bao nhiêu bức tranh sẽ được trưng bày trong triển lãm về động vật hoang dã?)

A. Around 600. (Khoảng 600)

B. Around 300. (Khoảng 300)

C. Around 25. (Khoảng 25)

D. Around 30. (Khoảng 30)

Thông tin: It will include more than 30 paintings by secondary school students across the country.

(Nó sẽ bao gồm hơn 30 bức tranh của học sinh trung học trên cả nước.)

5. B

What will happen to the paintings at the exhibition?

(Điều gì sẽ xảy ra với những bức tranh tại triển lãm?)

A. They will be donated to visitors.

(Chúng sẽ được tặng cho du khách.)

B. They will be sold to raise money for  wildlife conservation.

(Chúng sẽ được bán để gây quỹ bảo tồn động vật hoang dã.)

C. They will be shown in public places.

(Chúng sẽ được trưng bày ở những nơi công cộng.)

D. They will be given to different schools.

(Chúng sẽ được trao cho các trường khác nhau.)

Thông tin: All of them will be on sale to raise money for the protection of endangered and vulnerable species.

(Tất cả chúng sẽ được bán để gây quỹ bảo vệ các loài có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng và dễ bị tổn thương.)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

At a rescue centre

(Tại một trung tâm cứu hộ)

1. Listen and read.

(Nghe và đọc.)

Ms Smith: Welcome to the Endangered Primate Rescue Centre! If you have any questions during the tour, don't hesitate to ask me.

Mark: I've just seen a monkey in the enclosure. So are primates just monkeys, Ms Smith?

Ms Smith: No, primates are a group of mammals that includes not just monkeys, but also humans and apes.

Mark: What's the difference between apes and monkeys?

Ms Smith: Well, apes don't have tails and are larger than monkeys. Their brains are also larger. They're as good at using tools as they're at learning sign language.

Mai: So how many primates live here?

Ms Smith: The centre is home to more than 170 primates representing 14 species. They're housed in large enclosures.

Mark: I can hear some sounds. Is someone singing?

Ms Smith: We're close to the gibbons' enclosure, and the male and female gibbons are singing. Gibbons are the smallest of the apes, and all seven species are regarded as threatened. In fact, five of them are listed as critically endangered.

Mai: What is the main threat to gibbons?

Ms Smith: It's habitat loss due to deforestation and illegal hunting. Poachers make a big profit out of selling gibbons as pets and for making traditional medicine and food.

Mai: So we can help gibbons if we stop keeping them as pets.

Ms Smith: That's right. Now let me show you Derek, the gibbon we rescued last week. He was locked in a cage for two years as an illegal pet.

Mai: Oh no, he's so thin.

Ms Smith: Yes. Gibbons can become ill or weak unless they're fed the right type of food. After examining Derek, our veterinarian also found head injuries. So we'll give him a suitable diet and monitor him for several weeks before we release him into the national park.

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Bài 2 :

2. Read the conversation again and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).

(Đọc lại đoạn hội thoại và quyết định xem các câu phát biểu là đúng (T) hay sai (F).)




1. Humans belong to the same group of mammals as apes and monkeys.



2. Apes can learn sign language but can't use tools.



3. Gibbons are endangered because they are the smallest of the apes.



4. Derek's owner kept him in a cage and gave him the wrong type of food.



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Bài 3 :

3. Match the words and phrases with their meanings.

(Ghép các từ/cụm từ với nghĩa của chúng.)

1. threatened species

a. to watch and check something carefully over a period of time

2. critically endangered species

b. plants and animals that are in danger of disappearing

3. monitor

c. to let someone go free after having kept them somewhere

4. release

d. plants and animals that are likely to become endangered in the near future

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Bài 4 :

4. Complete the following sentences using the information from 1.

(Hoàn thành các câu sau sử dụng thông tin từ bài 1.)

1. _____, don't hesitate to ask.

2. Apes are as good at using tools _____.

3. We can help gibbons _____.

4. _____ unless they're fed the right type of food.

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Bài 5 :

2. Read the news items and choose the most suitable headline for each one. There are TWO extra headlines.

(Đọc các mục tin tức và chọn tiêu đề phù hợp nhất cho mỗi mục. Có HAI tiêu đề bị thừa.)

A. Plans to help coral reefs recover

(Các kế hoạch giúp rạn san hô phục hồi)

B. Sea turtle protection efforts supported by hundreds of volunteers

(Nỗ lực bảo vệ rùa biển được hỗ trợ bởi hàng trăm tình nguyện viên)

C. The effect of diving activities on coral reefs

(Tác dụng của hoạt động lặn tới rạn san hô)

D. Wildlife art exhibition to raise public awareness and funds

(Triển lãm nghệ thuật về động vật hoang dã nhằm nâng cao nhận thức cộng đồng và gây quỹ)

E. Young wildlife artists to hold exhibition of vulnerable species

(Các nghệ sĩ trẻ về động vật hoang dã tổ chức triển lãm về các loài dễ bị tổn thương)


1. _______

More than 600 volunteers participated in sea turtle conservation activities held on Con Dao Island last week. Volunteers made sure that their spawning ground is safe. They also rescued turtle eggs and buried them in the sand. Sea turtles are threatened with extinction worldwide, and their populations have decreased dramatically in many places. That is why sea turtle conservation programmes are organised annually around the world. They attract many volunteers and help raise public awareness about the threats to sea turtle species.

2. _______

Local authorities are taking measures to restore the coral reef ecosystem in Nha Trang Bay. They will organise regular clean-ups of the seabed and removal of marine debris. Diving clubs will also help by having their professional divers collect broken pieces of coral, re-grow them in underwater nurseries, and then re-attach them to reefs. Coral cover is expected to increase, which will help restore natural habitats and promote marine biodiversity in the bay. In addition, the bay's management board will also monitor the number of swimmers and divers to avoid putting too much stress on the ecosystem.

3. _______

An exhibition entitled 'Paint for wildlife' will be held in Ha Noi next week. It will include more than 30 paintings by secondary school students across the country. Visitors will also have the opportunity to meet the young artists and discuss the stories behind their beautiful paintings. All of them will be on sale to raise money for the protection of endangered and vulnerable species. The event organisers hope to raise public awareness of wildlife conservation through art and contribute to efforts to save rare and endangered animals.

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Bài 6 :

1. Read the following text. Put a tick (✓) if the animals in the table are classified as endangered and a cross (x) if they are not.

(Đọc đoạn văn sau. Đánh dấu (✓) nếu các động vật trong bảng được phân loại là có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng và đánh dấu chéo (x) nếu không.)


The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List divides species into seven levels of conservation: Least Concern, Near Threatened, Vulnerable, Endangered, Critically Endangered, Extinct in the Wild, and Extinct. It uses a set of precise criteria to evaluate extinction risks and decides which species need protection. An endangered species is one that meets any of the following criteria:

Population reduction rate

A species is classified as endangered when its population has declined between 50 and 70 per cent. This decline is measured over 10 years or longer.

Geographic range

Geographic range describes the area where a species is found. If the area that a species lives on, known as its area of occupancy, is estimated to be less than 500 square kilometres, then the species is classified as endangered.

Population size

A species is classified as endangered when there are fewer than 2,500 mature individuals. When a species population declines by at least 20 per cent or two generations within five years, it is also classified as endangered.


Endangered or not

Siberian sturgeon

- Rate of population decline: between 50 and 80 per cent over the past 60 years

- Causes of decline: overfishing, poaching, and habitat loss


Ethiopian banana frog

- Location: in southern Ethiopia

- Area of occupancy: less than 2,000 square kilometres


Snaggletooth shark

- Location: in the tropical, coastal waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans

- Area of occupancy: enormous, from southeast Africa to the Philippines and from China to Australia


Tahiti reed-warbler

- Location: only on the Pacific Island of Tahiti

- Population: fewer than 1,000 individuals

- Area of occupancy: around 420 square kilometres


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Bài 7 :

1 Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

(Đọc đoạn văn sau và khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra câu trả lời đúng cho mỗi câu hỏi.)

No more kangaroo skins!

Nike, one of the world's largest sportswear companies, has announced that it will no longer use kangaroo leather in the production of its shoes starting in 2023. This decision is a significant step towards wildlife protection, particularly in Australia, where millions of kangaroos are killed every year.

The use of kangaroo skin in athletic shoes has always caused a lot of anger among environmental groups due to the cruel practices involved in the commercial killing of kangaroos. Many have called for a ban on the use of kangaroo leather in products, and Nike's announcement is a step towards that goal.

Nike will instead produce a new version of its popular football boots made from a new synthetic material that provides better performance. The company's decision to replace kangaroo leather with a synthetic material is also in line with the growing trend among luxury brands to ban the use of kangaroo skin in their products. Other major brands such as Puma, Versace, and Prada have already taken similar steps.

While Nike's decision has been widely applauded, there are concerns about the impact on the commercial kangaroo industry in Australia. Its supporters believe that banning the use of kangaroo leather in products would have negative economic impacts on the industry, despite the environmental benefits. The commercial killing of kangaroos is legal in Australia and kangaroo products are also considered by some to be a sustainable option, as their carbon footprint is believed to be a lot lower than that of cattle and sheep.

Nike's decision to stop using kangaroo leather in its products is a positive step towards wildlife protection. However, it is also important to consider its impact on the commercial kangaroo industry and the need for sustainable and humane management of kangaroo populations.

1. What is the main focus of the passage?

A. The disagreements surrounding the use of kangaroo leather in athletic shoes.

B. Nike's decision to stop using kangaroo leather in its products.

C. The commercial kangaroo industry in Australia and its impact on wildlife.

D. The need for sustainable and ethical practices in the fashion industry.

2. The word “it” in paragraph 1 refers to

A. Nike

B. sport

C. one

D. Kangaroo leather

3. The word “synthetic” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to

A. natural

B. biodegradable

C. artificial

D. organic

4. The word “applauded” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to

A. criticised

B. neglected

C. disagreed

D. praised

5. According to the passage, why has the use of kangaroo leather in athletic shoes caused anger among environmental groups?

A. Because it is an expensive material that not many people can afford.

B. Because kangaroos are a rare and endangered animal species.

C. Because the commercial killing of kangaroos is considered cruel.

D. Because it has a negative impact on the environment.

6. What new material is Nike planning to use in place of kangaroo leather in their football boots?

A. A new type of leather that is more sustainable than kangaroo leather.

B. A synthetic material that ensures better performance than kangaroo leather.

C. A type of fabric made from recycled football boots.

D. No information is given.

7. What can we infer about the writer's attitude towards Nike's decision to stop using kangaroo leather in its products?

A. The writer supports Nike's decision.

B. The writer opposes Nike's decision.

C. The writer is neutral towards Nike's decision.

D. It can't be inferred from the passage.

8. Which of the opinions about the commercial killing of kangaroos is NOT expressed in the passage?

A. Farming kangaroos instead of cattle and sheep will be better for the environment.

B. Bans on using kangaroo skin will be bad for the commercial kangaroo industry.

C. Kangaroo products are considered by some as a sustainable option.

D. The commercial kangaroo industry manages the kangaroo populations in a humane way.

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Bài 8 :

2 Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

(Đọc đoạn văn sau và khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra từ đúng phù hợp nhất với mỗi chỗ trống được đánh số.)

Protecting the red-crown crane

The red-crowned crane, which is native to East Asia, is considered one of the most (1) ________ crane species in the world. (2) ________, the birds have faced many challenges in recent years. One of the biggest threats to their survival is habitat loss. As human populations continue to grow, the crane's habitats are being (3) ________.

Fortunately, conservation efforts are underway to protect this magnificent bird. Many organisations are working to (4) ________ wetlands and other habitats that are essential to protect the cranes for the species' survival. Additionally, programmes are in (5) ________ to protect the cranes from hunters and to stop the illegal trade in cranes and their body parts. As a top predator, the crane helps to control populations of small animals and insects. The crane also serves (6) ________ an indicator species, which means that changes in their populations can signal larger problems in the environment. Therefore, it is important for us to (7) ________ action to protect endangered species like the red-crowned crane. This can include supporting conservation efforts through donations or volunteering, as well as making changes in our own lives to reduce our impact (8) ________ the environment.

1. A. dangerous

B. endangered

C. danger

D. endanger

2. A. So

B. Moreover

C. Although

D. However

3. A. destroyed

B. destroying

C. destroy

D. built

4. A degrade

B. reserve

C. preserve

D. deserve

5. A place

B. aim

C. purpose

D. effort

6. A. like

B. as

C. of

D. for

7. A. get

B. do

C. make

D. take

8. A to

B. in

C. on

D. for

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Bài 9 :

Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 26 to 30.

(Đọc đoạn văn sau và khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra từ hoặc cụm từ đúng phù hợp nhất với mỗi chỗ trống được đánh số từ 26 đến 30.)

The kiwi

The kiwi is a fascinating and special bird, which cannot fly, unlike most other bird species. Native to New Zealand, it is also a(n) (26) __________ species. It is estimated that there were once millions of kiwis in the country. However, there has been a rapid decrease in their population with (27) __________ 70.000 left in the wild today. Historically, the decline was the result of the birds being hunted for meat, skins, and feathers. There are still two other threats to their survival: (28) __________ loss and predators. Deforestation has considerably reduced areas of natural forests. Many of them have been converted into farmland or towns (29) __________ economic purposes. This has reduced the kiwi's natural habitat and pushed them into areas (30) __________ they are more vulnerable to predators such as dogs and wild cats. These predators often eat kiwi eggs or attack young kiwis. That is why New Zealand has launched a plan to save their national bird from extinction.

26. A. dangerous

B. endangered

C. advanced

D. illegal

27. A. the few

B. more than

C. fewer than

D. numbers of

28. A. living

B. reserve

C. habitat

D. lifestyle

29. A. from

B. of

C. on

D. for

30. A. where

B. which

C. that

D. when

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Bài 10 :

Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.

(Đọc đoạn văn sau và khoanh tròn chữ cái A, B, C hoặc D để chỉ ra câu trả lời đúng cho mỗi câu hỏi từ 36 đến 42.)

Biodiversity on our planet is rapidly declining mainly due to human activities such as climate change and pollution. That is why governments and organisations have taken measures to protect wildlife and stop biodiversity loss. The emergence of artificial intelligence has dramatically changed wildlife protection. Conservationists are now turning to AI to find solutions to the rapid loss of plants and animals.

One of the biggest threats to endangered species is poaching for commercial purposes. Therefore, it is essential to stop this illegal activity in forests and nature reserves. However, rangers, whose job is to take care of such large areas, find it hard to monitor wildlife and prevent poaching. That is why many national parks are using AI cameras to track both animals and poachers. Furthermore, the cameras can send real-time updates to rangers' phones and alert them to any illegal activities within minutes. The cutting-edge technology is even effective at night when poachers operate under cover of darkness. The AI cameras are designed to automatically notice any illegal cars or boats entering forests or other protected areas.

Another factor responsible for the decline in biodiversity is habitat loss. When natural habitats or environmental conditions change, it's nearly impossible for scientists to identify the changes until they discover strong evidence. For example, some countries have faced increasing pressure from climate change and economic growth, and have lost a huge amount of surface water. However, the situation has only been discovered with the help of artificial intelligence. Without AI, scientists could not have identified and analysed the changes nationwide. AI has played an important role in collecting data and analysing the factors affecting wildlife, thus helping governments and organisations respond to critical situations in the quickest way possible.

36. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. The causes of biodiversity loss

B. The benefits and drawbacks of AI

C. The rapid spread of AI in wildlife

D. The application of AI in wildlife conservation

37. The word “emergence” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _______

A. floating

B. appearance

C. attention

D. method

38. Which of the benefits of using AI in wildlife conservation is NOT mentioned in paragraph 2?

A. Tracking both animals and poachers.

B. Counting endangered animals.

C. Alerting rangers to any illegal activities.

D. Identifying moving objects in the areas.

39. The word “cutting-edge” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to_______

A. advanced

B. reliable

C. expensive

D. suitable

40. The word “they” in paragraph 3 refers to _______

A. changes

B. natural habitats

C. animals

D. scientists

41. Which of the following is true about AI in tracking environmental changes?

A. AI provides information about causes of wildlife loss.

B. AI identifies the places where endangered species live.

C. AI improves environmental conditions.

D. AI removes the factors affecting wildlife.

42. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

A. AI can provide all the solutions to the current issues.

B. Protecting the future of species depends on AI.

C. AI is an emerging technology in conservation that will be used a lot more in the future.

D. It's impossible for scientists to conduct wildlife research without AI.

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