Đề bài

2. Put the adjectives/adverbs in brackets into the comparative.

(Đặt tính từ/trạng từ trong ngoặc ở dạng so sánh hơn.)

1. The facilities in cities are usually _______ (good) than the facilities in village.

2. Sơn La is much _______ (difficult) to get to than Hà Nội.

3. The air and water quality today isn’t as _______ (high) as it used to be in the past.

4. There are _______ (many) schools and universities in urban areas than in rural areas.

5. Fresh food isn’t as _______ (easy) to find in cities as it is in the countryside.

6. We now can build low-cost housing _______ (cheaply) than we could ten years ago.

7. I think people in rural areas live _______ (peacefully) than people in urban ares,

8. Green spaces are _______ (popular) with young children than with teenagers.

Lời giải chi tiết :

1. better

2. more difficult

3. high

4. more

5. easy

6. more cheaply

7. more peacefully

8. more popular

1. The facilities in cities are usually better than the facilities in village.

(Cơ sở vật chất ở thành phố thường tốt hơn cơ sở vật chất ở làng quê.)

2. Sơn La is much more difficult to get to than Hà Nội.

(Sơn La khó đến hơn Hà Nội rất nhiều.)

3. The air and water quality today isn’t as high as it used to be in the past.

(Chất lượng không khí và nước ngày nay không còn cao như xưa.)

4. There are more schools and universities in urban areas than in rural areas.

(Ở thành thị có nhiều trường học và đại học hơn ở nông thôn.)

5. Fresh food isn’t as easy to find in cities as it is in the countryside.

(Thực phẩm tươi sống không dễ tìm ở thành phố như ở nông thôn.)

6. We now can build low-cost housing more cheaply than we could ten years ago.

(Bây giờ chúng ta có thể xây dựng nhà ở giá rẻ với giá rẻ hơn mười năm trước.)

7. I think people in rural areas live more peacefully than people in urban ares.

(Tôi nghĩ người dân ở nông thôn sống yên bình hơn người dân thành thị.)

8. Green spaces are more popular with young children than with teenagers.

(Không gian xanh được trẻ nhỏ ưa chuộng hơn là thanh thiếu niên.)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

Comparative - as … as - not as/so … as

We use the comparative to compare one person/thing with another.
















more slowly


more modern


more carefully

Facilities in the city are more modern than those in the countryside.

Vehicles in urban areas move more slowly than vehicles in rural areas.

Irregular adjectives/adverbs: good/well -> better, bad/badly -> worse, far -> farther/further, little -> less, much/many -> more.

We use as + adjective/adverb + as to say that two people/things are similar in some ways.

My new friends treat me as nicely as my old friends did.

We use not as/so + adjective/adverb + as to say that two people/things are different in some ways.

The air in the city isn’t as/so fresh as the air in the countryside.

Tạm dịch:

Chúng ta sử dụng so sánh hơn để so sánh người/vật này với người/vật khác.

tính từ

so sánh hơn

trạng từ

so sánh hơn


tươi hơn


nhanh hơn


nóng hơn


to hơn


nặng hơn


châm hơn

hiện đại

hiện đại hơn

cẩn thận

cẩn thận hơn

Cơ sở vật chất ở thành phố hiện đại hơn ở nông thôn.

Xe ở thành thị di chuyển chậm hơn xe ở nông thôn.

Tính từ/trạng từ bất quy tắc: tốt/tốt -> tốt hơn, xấu/xấu -> tệ hơn, xa -> xa hơn/xa hơn, ít -> ít hơn, nhiều/nhiều -> nhiều hơn.

Chúng ta sử dụng as + tính từ/trạng từ + as để nói rằng hai người/sự vật giống nhau ở một khía cạnh nào đó.

Những người bạn mới của tôi đối xử với tôi cũng tử tế như những người bạn cũ của tôi đã làm.

Chúng ta dùng not as/so + tính từ/trạng từ + as để nói rằng hai người/sự vật khác nhau ở một khía cạnh nào đó.

Không khí ở thành phố không trong lành như không khí ở nông thôn.

1. Put the adjectives/adverbs into their comparative forms.

(Đặt tính từ/trạng từ ở dạng so sánh hơn.)

1. Julie often finishes maths exercises _______ (fast) than me.

2. Life in the city is _______ (convenient) than life in the countryside.

3. Urban people often dress _______ (fashionably) than rural people do.

4. Our new neighbours are _______ (helpful) than our old neighbours.

5. Traffic in the morning is _______ (heavy) than traffic in the afternoon.

6. We grow food _______ (cheaply) in rural areas than we do in urban areas.

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Bài 2 :

2. Rewrite the sentences without changing their meaning.

(Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không thay đổi.)

1. I can’t speak English as fluently as my sister.

My sister can speak English more fluently than me.

2. Rural areas are less convenient than urban areas.

Urban areas __________________________________

3. Life in my hometown isn’t as entertaining as life in your city.

Life in your city __________________________________

4. People in urban areas find jobs more easily than people in rural areas.

People in rural areas _______________________________

5. The cost of living in small villages is lower than the cost of living in big cities.

The cost of living in big cities ________________________

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Bài 3 :

3. Compare urban areas with rural areas using the ideas below and/or your own ideas.

(So sánh khu vực thành thị và khu vực nông thôn bằng cách sử dụng các ý tưởng dưới đây và/hoặc ý tưởng của riêng bạn.)

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Bài 4 :

Comparative - as... as - not as so... as - Superlative

1. Choose the correct options.

(Chọn các phương án đúng.)

1 This is _______ office building in the city.

A more beautiful                    C most beautiful

B as beautiful              D the most beautiful

2 The facilities in my new town were _______  than I expected.

A well                                     C the best

B much better             D good

3 We want to go to London. How can we travel _______ of all?

A cheaply                                C more cheaply

B much cheaper                      D the most cheaply

4 The cost of living in urban areas is _______ than the cost of living in our small town.

A high                                     C as high

B higher                                              D the highest

5 Finding a job in a big city isn't _______ as finding a job in a small town.

A as difficult               C most difficult

B more difficult                      D the most difficult

6 They built the cycling path _______ than the walking path in my area.

A recently                               C more recently

B as recently                           D the most recently

7 Julian worked ______ of all the people in the team.

A hard                                     C as hard

B harder                                              D the hardest

8 The school bus may arrive _______ than it did yesterday.

A late                                      C lately

B later                                     D the latest

9 My new boss is _______ as my previous boss.

A as strict                                C stricter

B so strict                                D the strictest

10 Sarah doesn't solve maths problems _______ as her brother does.

A so quickly                           C much quickly

B more quickly                       D the most quickly

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Bài 5 :

2. Rewrite the sentences without changing 4Combine the sentences using defining their meanings.

(Viết lại câu mà không thay đổi 4. Kết hợp các câu bằng cách xác định nghĩa của chúng.)

1 A bus ticket isn't as expensive as a train ticket.

A bus ticket is cheaper than a train ticket

2 This town is busier than my village.

My village isn't _________________

3 Kelly drives faster than Lewis does.

 Lewis drives ___________________

4 I didn't prepare for the camping trip as carefully as you did.

You prepared _____________________________________

5 No company constructs new homes as quickly as his company.

His company constructs _________________________________

6 The supermarket wasn't so crowded as the shopping mall.

The shopping mall was ______________________________

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Bài 6 :

5. Study the Grammar B box. Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.

(Nghiên cứu hộp Ngữ pháp B. Hoàn thành câu với dạng so sánh hơn hoặc so sánh nhất của tính từ trong ngoặc.)

Grammar B

(Ngữ pháp)

Comparatives and superlatives

(So sánh hơn và so sánh nhất)

The classrooms are bigger.

(Lớp học lớn hơn.)

It’s more exciting than a normal school.

(Nó thú vị hơn một trường học bình thường.)

Sports lessons here better / worse than in my old school.

(Các bài học thể thao ở đây tốt hơn/tệ hơn ở trường cũ của tôi.)

The classrooms have the latest technology.

(Các lớp học có công nghệ mới nhất.)

The first day is the most difficult.

(Ngày đầu tiên là khó khăn nhất.)

It’s the best / worst school in the area.

(Đó là trường tốt nhất/tệ nhất trong khu vực.)

1. Bình thinks Lăng School is the friendliest (friendly) school in the area.

(Bình cho rằng trường Lăng là trường thân thiện nhất trong khu vực.)

2. An is                      (nervous) than Bình.

3. Lăng School is                       (big) school in the area.

4. The curriculum is                       (interesting) than at An’s old school.

5. Languages are                       (important) subjects at Lăng School.

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Bài 7 :

6. In pairs, take turns to make comparisons about things and people at your school. Who can make more than 5 comparisons?

(Làm việc theo cặp, lần lượt so sánh về sự vật và con người ở trường của bạn. Ai có thể thực hiện nhiều hơn 5 so sánh?)

- Linh and Phương are the loveliest friends of mine at school.

(Linh và là những người bạn đáng yêu nhất của tôi ở trường.)

- The library is bigger than the music room.

(Thư viện lớn hơn phòng âm nhạc.)

- My house is the nearest to school in my class.

(Nhà tôi gần trường nhất trong lớp.)

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Bài 8 :

Comparative - Superlative

1. Put the adjectives/adverbs in brackets into their comparative forms.

(Đặt tính từ/trạng từ trong ngoặc ở dạng so sánh hơn.)


A: London is _______ (big) than Bath.

B: Yes, but Bath is _______ (peaceful) than London.


A: The food at this restaurant is now _______ (tasty) than it used to be.

B: I agree. But it’s _______ (expensive) now, too!


A: The schools in urban areas are often _______ (crowded) than schools in rural areas.

B: That’s true, but students in the countryside can usually get to school _______ (easily) than students in the city. 

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Bài 9 :

2. Choose the correct options.

(Chọn những lựa chọn đúng.)

1. This cafe is busy/busier than it was last week.

2. Rural areas are little/less interesting than urban areas to me.

3. My uncle doesn’t drive so carefully than/as my dad.

4. Life in a small town isn’t so/more convenient as life in a big city.

5. The public services are better/well than they were in the past.

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Bài 10 :

4. Put the adjectives/adverbs in brackets into their comparative or superlative forms.

(Đặt các tính từ/trạng từ trong ngoặc ở dạng so sánh hơn hoặc so sánh nhất của chúng.)

A: Hi, everyone! I’m on my way from the UK to Australia, and I can stop in either Singapore or Bangkok. Which place do you think is better?

B: In my opinion, there are (1) _______ (many) things to do in Singapore than in Bangkok. If you like modern cities, Singapore is (2) _______ (good) choice for you. You can get a great view of it from the top of Guoco Tower. It’s only 284 metres tall, but it’s (3) _______ (high) point in Singapore.

A: I think that Singapore is as (4) _______ (interesting) as Bangkok, but it’s (5) _______ (expensive). You can find an affordable hotel (6) _______ (easily) in Bangkok and it’s definitely cheaper to travel around the city, too. However, you should remember that some parts of Bangkok are (7) _______ (safe) than others.

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Bài 11 :

5. Rewrite the sentences without changing their meanings.

(Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không thay đổi.)

1. My local hospital is not as modern as the hospitals in big cities.

The hospital in big cities are _____________________________.

2. The healthcare system is not so good as it used to be.

The healthcare system is ________________________________.

3. People in urban areas often drive faster than people in rural areas.

People in rural areas often drive __________________________.

4. Lina finished the test more quickly than any other students in her class.

Lina finished the test ___________________________________.

5. The pool is the most crowded of all the facilities in the town.

The pool is ___________________________________________.

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Bài 12 :


1. Choose the correct options.

(Chọn các phương án đúng.)

1. The air in rural areas in cleaner/clean than in big cities.

2. Are roads wider/as wide in towns than they are in villages?

3. Renewable energy is surely more/as eco-friendly than non-renewable energy.

4. Nam can ride a bike as well/better as I can.

5. The school bus arrived as early/earlier than it did yesterday.

6. The traffic in the city centre moves more slower/slowly than the traffic in my neighbourhood.

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Bài 13 :

3. Rewrite the sentences without changing their meanings.

(Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không thay đổi.)

1. Hoa can’t speak English as fluently as Chí.

Chí can speak English _____________________________________.

2. Bath is more popular to tourists than Bristol.

Bristol isn’t _____________________________________________.

3. My new secretary works more carefully than my previous secretary.

My previous secretary didn’t work ___________________________.

4. Life in the city isn’t so peaceful as life in a village.

Life in a village is _________________________________________.

5. I can’t buy vegetables as cheaply in supermarkets as in markets.

I can buy vegetables _______________________________________.

6. The scenery in the city is more beautiful than the scenery in the countryside.

The scenery in the countryside isn’t ___________________________.

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Bài 14 :

6. Rewrite the sentences without changing their meanings.

(Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không thay đổi.)

1. This hospital is better than the other hospitals in the city.

This hospital is _________________________________________.

2. Simon came to the class the earliest of all students.

Simon came to the class __________________________________.

3. This restaurant is more popular than any other restaurant in town.

This restaurant is ________________________________________.

4. Wallflowers is the biggest department store in the city.

Wallflowers is __________________________________________.

5. John worked more efficiently than any other employees in the company.

John worked ___________________________________________.

6. Sue completed the tasks the most quickly of all the group members.

Sue completed __________________________________________.

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Bài 15 :

Comparative - Superlative

7. Choose the correct options.

(Chọn các phương án đúng.)

1. London is _______ city in the UK.

A. bigger                                             B. the big                                            C. the bigger                                                   D. the biggest

2. What is _______ form of transport in our city?

A. the cleanest                        B. the cleaner                          C. cleaner                                                            D. cleanest

3. It’s the fact that the park is _______ place in the city.

A. the most beautiful             

B. more beautiful                   

C. most beautiful                                           

D. the more beautiful

4. Which road will take me to do the hospital _______ of all?

A. more quickly                                  B. much quickly                                 C. the most quickly                             D. the more quickly

5. You can cycle _______ in cycling paths than in roads.

A. more safely                        B. the most safely                   C. most safely                                      D. the more safely

6. In my town, the buses are usually _______ than the trains.

A. the most crowded               B. more crowded                                C. crowded                                                          D. most crowded

7. I think my mum is _______ person in my family.

A. the busiest                          B. busier                                              C. busiest                                                 D. the busier

8. For me, video calling helps me communicate with friends and family members _______ of all.

A. more easily                        B. the most easily                   C. the more easily                             D. most easily

9. Dr Kane is _______ doctor in the local hospital.

A. as good as                           B. the better                                        C. better than                                           D. the best

10. The city wasn’t so _______ I expected it to be.

A. exciting than                                  B. more exciting                                 C. exciting as                                      D. exciting

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Bài 16 :

8. Put the adjectives/adverbs in brackets into the comparative or the superlative. Add any necessary words.

(Đặt tính từ/trạng từ trong ngoặc ở dạng so sánh hơn hoặc so sánh nhất. Thêm bất kỳ từ cần thiết.)

Robbie                                                                                                                                    posted @ 2:15 p.m.

The next stop on my tour of Asia is Việt Nam. I’m really excited! Where is (1) _______ (good) place for a holiday in Việt Nam?

Giang                                                                                                                          posted @ 4:32 p.m.

I t depends on what you want to do! If you like shops, restaurants and museums, urban areas are perfect places for you. Hà Nội is the capital, but Hồ Chí Minh City is _______ (big) city of all. Hà Nội is much (3) _______ (old) than Hồ Chí Minh City; its history goes back 4,000 years! Hà Nội is probably (4) _______ (busy) as Hồ Chí Minh City, but it doesn’t feel (5) _______ (crowded) as a big city because there are lots of lakes there. If you want peace and quiet, you will love rural areas here. Rural life is (6) _______ (peaceful) than urban life and the scenery in a village is certainly (7) _______ (beautiful) than in a city. However, the roads in rural areas aren’t (8) _______ (good) as the roads in urban areas. You can’t drive along (9) _______ (easily) as you can along city streets. That’s why you usually have to drive (10) _______ (slowly) than in urban areas. 

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Bài 17 :

9. Look at the table. Complete the sentences using the comparative, superlative and any necessary words.

(Nhìn vào bảng. Hoàn thành các câu sử dụng các từ so sánh, so sánh nhất và bất kỳ từ cần thiết nào.)

New York

San José


1. modern



2. crowded



3. cold



4. dangerous



5. expensive



1. Fairbanks is quite a modern city. San José is _______ than Fairbanks. New York City is _______ of all.

2. New York City is crowded. Fairbanks _______ as New York City. San José is _______ of all.

3. It is cold in San José in the winter. It is _______ in New York City than in San José. Fairbanks is _______ of all.

4. San José _______ as Fairbanks. New York City is _______ than Fairbanks. New York City is _______ of all.

5. New York City is _______ as San José. They are _______ than Fairbanks.

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Bài 18 :

3. Choose the correct option.

(Chọn phương án đúng.)

1. Our school is the best / better / good school in the area.

2. Sports lessons are most / more / the most interesting than maths lessons.

3. Physics exams are the worst / most / more difficult.

4. The new computer lab is bigger / biggest / big than the old one.

5. It has late / later / the latest technology.

6. My new school is the most exciting / exciting / more exciting than my old school.

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