Đề bài

4. Choose the correct option.

(Chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất.)

1. This is -/the museum we visited yesterday.

2. I’d love to visit -/the New York.

3. Did you buy your parents a/the souvenir?

4. They spent three weeks in Brazil, a/the country in South America.

5. He stayed in a/ - hotel when he was in Brussels.

6. There’s -/an Italian restaurant in the Old Town.

7. We saw some interesting things in -/ the British Museum.

8. I'll meet you outside -/the cinema at 10:00.

9. She moved to -/the UK last month. 

10. The/- Eiffel Tower is in Paris.

Phương pháp giải :

Lời giải chi tiết :

1. This is the museum we visited yesterday.

(Đây là nhà thờ chúng tôi viếng thăm ngày hôm qua.)

Giải thích: Dùng mạo từ "the" trước danh từ đã được xác định "museum we visited yesterday" (bảo tàng mà hôm qua chúng tôi đã tham quan).

2. I’d love to visit - New York.

(Tôi rất thích ghé thăm New York.)

Giải thích: Trước tên thành phố "New York" không dùng mạo từ.

3. Did you buy your parents a souvenir?

(Bạn mua cho bố mẹ bạn quà lưu niệm phải không?)

Giải thích: Dùng mạo từ "a" trước danh từ không xác định, số ít, bắt đầu bằng phụ âm "souvenir" (quà lưu niệm).

4. They spent three weeks in Brazil, a country in South America.

(Họ dành 3 tuần ở Brazil, một đất nước ở Nam Mĩ.)

Giải thích: Dùng mạo từ "a" trước danh từ không xác định, số ít, bắt đầu bằng phụ âm "country" (quốc gia).

5. He stayed in a hotel when he was in Brussels.

(Anh ấy ở trong một khách sạn khi anh ấy ở Brussels.)

Giải thích: Dùng mạo từ "a" trước danh từ không xác định, số ít, bắt đầu bằng phụ âm "hotel" (khách sạn).

6. There’s an Italian restaurant in the Old Town.

(Có môt nhà hàng Ý ở Old Town.)

Giải thích: Dùng mạo từ "an" trước danh từ không xác định, số ít, bắt đầu bằng nguyên âm "Italian restaurant" (nhà hàng kiểu Ý).

7. We saw some interesting things in the British Museum.

(Chúng tôi thấy nhiều điều thú vị ở bảo tàng nước Anh.)

Giải thích: Dùng mạo từ "the" trước danh từ đã được xác định "British Museum" (bảo tàng Anh).

8. I'll meet you outside the cinema at 10:00.

(Tôi sẽ gặp bạn bên ngoài rạp phim lúc 10:00.)

Giải thích: Dùng mạo từ "the" trước danh từ đã được xác định "cinema" (rạp chiếu phim).

9. She moved to the UK last month. 

(Cô ấy di chuyển đến Anh vào tháng trước.)

Giải thích: Quy tắc tên quốc gia "the UK" (vương quốc Anh).

10. The Eiffel Tower is in Paris.

(Tháp Eiffel nằm ở Paris.)

Giải thích: Dùng mạo từ "the" trước danh từ đã được xác định, vật duy nhất trên thế giới "the Eiffel Tower (tháp Áp-phen).

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

Articles (Mạo từ)

7. Fill in the blanks with a, an, the or zero article.

1. ……….. principal of my school is very friendly.

2. We are going to have ……….. English test tomorrow.

3. Are you interested in ……….. physics or ……….. English?

4. Danny wanted ……….. bicycle for his last birthday.

5. It takes Olivia………..  hour to get to work every day.

6. What’s ……….. highest mountain in your country?

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Bài 2 :

8. USE IT! Ask and answer the questions about your classroom, using articles (a,  an, the or zero articles.)

(Thực hành! Hỏi và trả lời các câu hỏi về lớp học của bạn, sử dụng các mạo từ (a, an, hoặc không có mạo từ).)

Ex: What's that on the wall? - It's a clock.

(Cái gì ở trên tường – Đó là đồng hồ.)

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Bài 3 :

a. Listen and repeat.

(Nghe và lặp lại.)

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Bài 4 :

 b. Unscramble the sentences.

(Sắp xếp câu.)

1. the/the/of/table./chocolate/Put/on/box

Put the box of chocolate on the table.

(Hãy đặt 1 hộp sô-cô-la lên bàn.)

2. orange/an/breakfast./He/for/ate

3. is/This/big/a/of/bag/rice.

4. you/get/Can/a/tomatoes?/me/bag/of

5. the/Put/in/fridge,/eggs/please./the

6. bag/l/a/of/and/two/bottles/oil./of/flour/bought

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Bài 5 :

 c. Read the paragraph and fill in the blanks with the correct articles.

(Đọc đoạn văn và điền vào chỗ trống các mạo từ đúng với đoạn văn.)

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Bài 6 :

a. Listen and repeat.

(Nghe và lặp lại.)

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Bài 7 :

b. Write sentences using the prompts.

(Viết câu sử dụng gợi ý.)

1. I/ visiting/ Sydney Opera House 

I'm visiting the Sydney Opera House.

(Tôi đang đến thăm nhà hát opera Sydney.)

2. he/ staying/ next to/ Hyde Park 

3. we/ going to/ United Kingdom 

4. my parents/ visiting/ Louvre Museum 

5. Empire State Building/ in/ New York City 

6. I/ going to eat fish and chips/ Bondi Beach

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Bài 8 :

c. Fill in the blanks using “the” or Ø (zero article).

(Điền vào chỗ trống sử dụng “the” hoặc Ø (không giới từ).)

To: tobyel@frienzmail.com

Subject: Plan for trip

Hi Toby,

This is our plan for our trip to London. We're arriving on Tuesday. We're staying at (1) the Hilton Hotel. We're going to go to (2) __________ Hyde Park on Wednesday. On Friday, we're going to visit (3) ________ Houses of Parliament. We're going to go to (4) ________ Regent's Park on Saturday and visit (5) __________ Imperial War Museum on Sunday. We're going to ride on (6) ___________ London Eye and fly back to (7) __________ New York on Monday.

See you soon,


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Bài 9 :

a. Fill in the blanks using the or Ø (zero article).

(Điền từ vào chỗ trống với “the” hoặc “Ø”.)


1. Ø Wellington is the capital city of New Zealand.


2. Many great painters were born in ________ Netherlands.


3. There are lots of shops on _________ Grafton Street.


4. We visited ___________ Central Park yesterday.


5. We went to ___________ American Museum of Natural History.


6. We rented a house by _________ Lake Michigan.

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Bài 10 :

5. Fill in each gap with a/an, the or -(zero article):

(Điền vào chỗ trống với a/an, the, - không có mạo từ.)

1. A: Are you staying at _____ hotel in _____ Paris?

    B: Yes. It’s _____ L’amour Hotel on the banks of the River Seine.

2. A: Are you going to _____ Vietnam this year?

    B: No. We’re going to _____ Switzerland. We’re staying in _____ hotel in the Alps.

3. A: We’re going to _____ Mimosa tonight to see _____ action film.

         Would you like to come?

    B: Really? I don’t like _____ action films.

4. A: We’re having _____ amazing time in _____ Dublin. Today, we’re visiting _____ National Museum. 

    B: Make sure you visit Phoenix Park. It’s _____ largest park in _____ Europe.

5. A: Where exactly is _____ Taj Mahal?

    B: It’s in _____ Asia. Actually, it is in _____ Agra in _____ India.

6. A: There are no clouds in _____ sky tonight.

    B: Yes, we can see _____ Moon clearly. It’s beautiful.


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Bài 11 :

6. Play in two teams. Make sentences using the names below. Each corect sentence gets one point. The team with the most points is the winner.

(Chia thành hai đội. Tạo các câu sử dụng những tên dưới đây. Mỗi câu trả lời đúng được 1 điểm. Đội nào nhiều điểm hơn sẽ chiến thắng.)

Sun Vietnam Parthenon/ Athens/ Europe/ Hanoi/ Eiffel Tower/ Ho Chi Minh City/ Central Park/ Hạ Long Bay/ Vietnam Tuồng Theatre

The Earth goes round the Sun. (Trái Đất quay quanh Mặt Trời.)

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Bài 12 :

2. Study the Grammar box. Find examples of articles in the dialogue.

(Nghiên cứu hộp Ngữ pháp. Tìm ví dụ về các bài báo trong cuộc đối thoại.)

Grammar (Ngữ pháp)

Articles a, an, the (Các bài báo a, an, the)

+ Use a before a consonant sound and an before a vowel sound. (Sử dụng ‘a’ trước một phụ âm và ‘an’ trước một nguyên âm.)

+ When we talk about something for the first time, we often use a/an. (Khi nói về điều gì đó lần đầu tiên, chúng ta thường sử dụng ‘a / an’.)

+ When we know which one it is, we use the. (Khi chúng ta biết nó là cái nào, chúng ta sử dụng ‘the’)

That’s a great idea. (Đó là một ý tưởng tuyệt vời.)

I’ll have an apple smoothie instead. (Thay vào đó, tôi sẽ có một ly sinh tố táo.)

I bought you a cake. (Tôi đã mua cho bạn một cái bánh.)

Could you put the cake in the fridge? Thanks. (Bạn có thể để bánh trong tủ lạnh? Cảm ơn.)


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Bài 13 :

3. Fill in the blanks with the correct articles.

(Điền vào chỗ trống với các bài viết đúng.)


a, Would you like _____ ice cream?

b, No, thanks. But I would like to try _____ cake there. It looks great.


a, Would you like to have _____ spaghetti here?

b, Yes, it’s OK, but _____ pasta is better.


a, I want to get _____ cake for my brother’s birthday.

b, You might try using _____ food app to order one online.


a, I’d love to try _____ piece of thot pie. It looks great.

b, I got it at the dessert bar. _____ cake looks awesome too.


a, It’s really hot and I’m thirsty. I’d love to get _____ iced tea.

b, Me too. I can sure go for _____ fruit shake.

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Bài 14 :

4. Complete the text with the missing articles.

(Hoàn thành văn bản với các bài viết còn thiếu.)

Charles: We have to try the fish here. I hear it’s really fresh.

Manique: Sounds good. What comes with (1)___________ fish?

Charles: It is steamed and comes with garlic and (2)___________ sauce. I also feel like having (3)___________ shrimp summer roll. What do you think?

Manique: Fine. I want to get (4)___________ omelet. It looks tasty.

Charles: What do you want to drink?

Manique: (5)___________ orange juice.

Charles: I’m going to have (6)___________ coffee. OK, I think we’re ready to order.

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Bài 15 :


1. Complete the sentences with a/an or the.

(Hoàn thành các câu với a / an hoặc the.)

1. Is Washington DC _______capital of the USA?

2. Can you give me _____example of an English-speaking country?

3. The London Eye is _______great attraction in London.

4. Canada is____ very cold country

5. I love _______New Zealand's countryside.

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Bài 16 :

2. Put in the where necessary.

(Điền the vào chỗ trống cần thiết.)

1. ________Statue of Liberty is in_______New York.

2. ___________Scotland is a part of _____UK.

3. New Zealand consists of ________North Island and ________South Island.

4. Disneyland in _________ California is one of _________biggest entertainment centres in the world.

5. Bangkok is ________most popular city for tourists in _______Kingdom of Thailand.

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Bài 17 :

 3. Put in a/ an or the.

(Điền a/ an hoặc the.)







(1) _______Canadian



(2) ____American




(4) _______English

New Zealand

(5) _______New Zealander 

New Zealanders

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Bài 18 :

4. Complete the sentences with a/an or the.

(Hoàn thành các câu với a / an hoặc the.)

1. The man sitting next to her is__________Englishman.

2. _______River Thames runs through London.

3. Here is _____map of the city of Edinburgh.

4. What is _________most popular sport in Canada?

5. We want to visit ________attraction in Sydney.

6._________Statue of Liberty was a present from France.

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Bài 19 :

5. Tick (✓) if the underlined articles are correct. If they aren't, write the correct ones in the space provided.

(Đánh dấu (✓) nếu các bài viết được gạch chân là đúng. Nếu không, hãy viết đúng vào chỗ trống cho sẵn.)

1. "What do you call a person from England?" - "The Englishman."______

2. Edinburgh is a capital city of Scotland. _______

3. Queenstown is a amazingly beautiful town. ______

4. Are ancient castles an attraction of Scotland? _______

5. Where can you see a red telephone box? ______

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Bài 20 :


3. Complete the sentences with a/an or the.

(Hoàn thành các câu với a / an hoặc the.)

1. Auckland is _______biggest city on _____North Island of New Zealand.

2. _______castle is _________strong building with thick and high walls.

3. Surrounding _____UK is _________Atlantic Ocean.

4. Hawaii is ________state of_______USA.

5. _________attraction is _________interesting place for visitors.

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Bài 21 :

4. Underline and correct the article mistakes in the sentences below.

(Gạch chân và sửa lỗi bài viết trong các câu dưới đây.)

1. Ottawa is a capital of Canada.

2. He's the Englishman. He lives in Oxford.

3. When people travel, they use an map to find their way round. 

4. Can you see a Big Ben from where you are standing?

5. Canadians love ice hockey, the winter sport.

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Bài 22 :

5. Find and cross (X) ONE incorrect article in each sentence and write the correct one.

(Tìm và gạch chéo (X) MỘT mạo từ trong mỗi câu và viết đáp án đúng.)



1. A Roadster is the automatic electric car.


2. What is the meaning of a word 'eco-friendly?


3. A Statue of Liberty is in the USA.


4. The Maori are a native people of New Zealand. 


5. Can you give me a example of an electrical appliance?


6. The teacher is talking about means of transport in a future. 

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Bài 23 :

5. Complete the sentences with a, an or the.

(Hoàn thành các câu sau với mạo từ a, an, the.)

He's a garderner. (Anh ấy là người làm vườn.)

1. _______ pen on the desk is Mai's.

2. My father is _______ engineer.

3. Ricardo's? It's _______ Italian restaurant.

4. The plums are 80 pence _______ kilo.

5. She'_______ old woman.

6. Her teacher is from __________ Netherlands.

7. This is _______ smartphone. _______smartphone is black.

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Bài 24 :

Fill in the blanks with a, an and the

(Điền vào chỗ trống a, an và the)

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Bài 25 :

5. Read the text and fill in each gap with a/an, the or - (zero article).

(Đọc đoạn văn và điền vào chỗ trống với a,an,the hoặc không có mạo từ.)

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Bài 26 :

1. Write a / an before the words.

(Viết a / an trước các từ.)

1. a special dish

2. __ uniform

3. __ ingredient

4. __ floating market

5. __ hour

6. __ R

7. __ bottle

8. __ omelette

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Bài 27 :

2. Choose the correct option.

(Chọn ý đúng.)

1. I ate an / the orange yesterday. The / An orange was juicy and delicious.

2. Have you tried a / the pasta here? I think it’s better than a / the pizza.

3. My sister loves a / the milkshake at this shop. She always buys the / a cup of milkshake every afternoon.

4. My mother bought a / the boiled chicken and a / the Peking duck yesterday. A / The chicken was expensive, but a / the Peking duck was cheap.

5. Yesterday, I tried to make the / a cake for my brother’s birthday. I prepared every thing, but I forgot an / the important ingredient. I forgot a / the milk. So, my mother went out and buy the / a carton of milk for me.

6. Peter lives alone in the / an apartment. Every morning, he has the / an omelette and a / the cup of mlik for his breakfast.

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Bài 28 :

3. Match the two parts of the sentences 1-8 with a-h.

(Nối 2 phần của câu từ 1-8 với a-h.)

1. I think we should try a ___

2. My mother want to eat at an ___

3. Can I have an ___

4. Domino’s pizza is the ___

5. This is the ___

6. Can you go to the ___

7. Remember to buy a ___

8. My mother is an ___

a. apple juice, please?

b. best pizza in the city.

c. school canteen and buy me a cup of coffee?

d. sack of rice when you go shopping.

e. first time I have tried somtum.

f. excellent cook.

g. Italian restaurant.

h. new dish.

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Bài 29 :

4. Find and correct the mistakes in each line of the story below.

1. Yesterday, we went to the market to buy the carton of milk. -> a

2. That’s when we saw a apple that could talk! ___

3. A talking apple told us that we could get some juice. ___

4. It told us to find the empty bottle to get the juice. ___

5. My brother found a bottle an brought it to an talking apple. ___

6. My sister said that we should add the spoonful of honey. ___

7. I passed the banana and a watermelon to find some honey. ___

8. After three minutes, I found the jar of honey on a shelf. ___

9. I got a honey and went back to the talking apple. ___

10. The apple turned around and gave us the bottle of apple juice. ___

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Bài 30 :

4. Complete the sentences with a / an or the.

(Hoàn thành câu với a / an hoặc the.)

1. Can I have a baked potato?

(Tôi có thể ăn 1 củ khoai tây nướng không?)

2. If you come, could you please bring ___ dessert?

3. There is ___ carton of milk in the refrigerator, but ___ milk is spoiled.

4. What would you like for ___ starter?

-I’ll have ___ apple salad.

5. What do you think about the drinks here?

- Great! I love ___ strawberry smoothie.

6. There is nothing left in the refrigerator, so I make ___ shopping list and go to the supermarket.

7. I’ve just baked ___ cake. Would you come over and give it ___ try?

8. Thanks for ___ dinner. It was so kind of you to invite us.

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