Đề bài

1. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

(Chọn các từ đúng để hoàn thành các câu.)

1. I’ve got some / any homework to finish this evening.

2. Have you got some / any pets?

3. Some / Any people play video games every day.

4. Is there some / any ice on the road?

5. There weren’t some / any special effects in the film.

Phương pháp giải :

Cách dùng some và any: 

  • Some: dùng cho câu khẳng định: 1 số

  • Any: dùng cho câu nghi vấn và câu phủ định: bất kì

Lời giải chi tiết :

1. I’ve got some homework to finish this evening.

(Tôi có một số bài tập nào về nhà phải hoàn thành vào tối nay.)

2. Have you got any pets?

(Bạn có bất kỳ con thú cưng nào không?)

3. Some people play video games every day.

(Một số người nào chơi trò chơi điện tử hàng ngày.)

4. Is there any ice on the road?

(Có bất kỳ tảng băng nào trên đường không?)

5. There weren’t any special effects in the film.

(Không có bất kỳ hiệu ứng đặc biệt nào trong phim.)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

3. Find examples of some and any in the text in exercise 2. Then complete the rules in the Learn this! box.

(Tìm các ví dụ về “some” và “any” trong bài khóa trong bài tập 2. Sau đó hoàn thành các quy tắc trong hộp Learn this!)

LEARN THIS! some and any

We use some and any with uncountable and plural countable nouns.

a. We use _____ in affirmative sentences.

b. We use _____ in negatives sentences and questions.

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Bài 2 :

4. Complete the sentences with some or any.

1. This game doesn't contain _____ violence at all.

2. I spent _____ time choosing a good game for my sister.

3. There are _____ well-known sports games, like the FIFA series.

4. Racing games often include _____ amazing special effects.

5. Twenty-five years ago, there weren't _____ 3D graphics.

6. Do you play _____ role-playing games?

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Bài 3 :

5. Look at the bold phrases and the nouns that follow them in the text in exercise 2. Then complete the rules in the Learn this! box.

(Nhìn vào các cụm in đậm và danh từ theo sau chúng trong bài khóa trong bài số 2. Sau đó hoàn thành các quy tắc trong hộp Learn this!)

LEARN THIS! not much, not many, a lot of. a little, a few

a. We use _____ or _____ + uncountable noun for a small quantity of something.

b. We use _____ or _____ + plural noun for a small number of something.

c. We use much + uncountable noun for a large quantity of something.

d We use many + plural noun for a large number of something.

e. We use _____ + uncountable or plural noun for a large quantity or number of something.

f. We use _____ …? + uncountable noun or _____ …? + plural noun for questions about quantity or number.

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Bài 4 :

6. Read the Look out! box above and the dialogue below. Circle the correct words to complete the dialogue. Then listen and check.

(Đọc hộp chú ý! ở phía trên và đoạn hội thoại phía dưới. Khoanh tròn các từ đúng để hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại. Sau đó nghe và kiểm tra.)

LOOK OUT! (Chú ý)

In affirmative sentences, much and many often sound very formal. In everyday English, we use a lot of.

(Trong các câu khẳng đinh, much và many nghe có vẻ trang trọng hơn. Trong tiếng Anh hằng ngày, chúng ta dùng a lot of.)

Jack: Look, there's a building with (1) many / some people outside. Turn left just before you get there.

Evie: I can't see (2) any / some people. There isn't (3) many / much light. Hey! What's that noise?

Jack: Nothing. There was (4) any / some rubbish in the road.

Evie: I hate this part of town. There aren't (5) a few/ many nice areas. Let's go north.

Jack: How (6) many / much fuel have we got? Only (7) a few / a little litres.

Evie: Oh no, listen. The police are chasing us now.

Jack: Let me drive. I know (8) a few/ a little tricks.

Mum: Jack, are you doing (9) any / many homework in there?

Jack: Er ... Yes. We're doing (10) a little/ much IT homework.

Evie: Jack! That's not true ...

Jack: Well, we're spending (11) a lot of/ a few time on the computer!

Evie: But we aren't doing (12) some / any work!

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Bài 5 :

7. Work in pairs. Complete the questions with How much or How many. Then ask and answer.

(Làm việc theo cặp. Hoàn thành các câu hỏi với How much và How many. Sau đó hỏi và trả lời.)

1. _____ different types of screen do you use regularly? (phone, computer, tablet, TV, etc.)

2. _____ time do you spend watching TV or DVDs each day?

3. _____ different video games do you play?

4. _____ different people do you play video games with?

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Bài 6 :

3B. Quantity (Số lượng)

1. Complete the dialogue with some or any.

(Hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại với some hoặc any.)

Aiden: There aren't (1) _____ good programmes on TV. Have you got (2) _____ DVDs?

Emily: Yes. There are (3) _____ DVDs on the shelf behind the TV.

Aiden: Let's see ... You've got (4) _____ great films here! What do you fancy watching?

Emily: How about Grown Ups 2? My sister says there are (5) _____ funny scenes in that.

Aiden: Really? I heard it wasn't very good. But there are (6) _____ good actors in it: Adam Sandler, Chris Rock ...

Emily: Let's try it. Would you like (7) _____ popcorn?

Aiden: Yes, please!

Emily: Oh, actually, we haven't got (8) _____ popcorn. Sorry! But there are (9) _____ crisps.

Aiden: Great. Can I have (10) _____ water too?

Emily: Yes, of course.

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Bài 7 :

2. Complete the recipe with a little or a few.

(Hoàn thành công thức với a little và a few.)

Take your ready-made pizza base and add (1) _____ cheese. Slice (2) _____ mushrooms and (3) _____ ham and sprinkle on top. Cut (4) _____ small tomatoes in half and put them between the mushrooms. Finally, add (5) _____ more cheese and (6) _____ olives and cook the pizza in a hot oven. Ten minutes later, enjoy your pizza with (7) _____ salad on the side. Why not invite (8) _____ friends to join you.

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Bài 8 :

3. Replace a lot of with much or many.

(Thay thế a lot of với much hoặc many.)

1. Do you get a lot of tourists here in the summer?

2. I don't spend a lot of time in my bedroom.

3. There aren't a lot of people in our village.

4. Have you got a lot of information about university courses?

5. They never do a lot of homework.

6. Did a lot of people go to see your school show?

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Bài 9 :

4. Complete the email with the words and phrases below. Use each word or phrase once only.

(Hoàn thành email sau với các từ và cụm từ bên dưới. Sử dụng mỗi từ hoặc cụm từ chỉ một lần.)

a few   a little   any   How many   How much   many   much

Hi Hailey

How are you? I hope you enjoyed your trip to London. (1) _____, money did you spend? Did you do (2) _____ sightseeing? I'm inviting (3) _____ friends round for a film night next week. There won't be(4) _____ people - just four or five. Can you come? (5) _____ DVDs can you bring? We can spend (6) _____ time choosing the ones we want to watch. Don't bring (7) _____ food or drink, though. My mum is making dinner for us!

See you soon!


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Bài 10 :

7. Circle the correct option.

(Khoanh tròn vào phương án đúng.)

1. We have ______ apples. Let’s make an apple pie.

A. some

B. much  

C. a little

2. How ______ sugar do you put in your tea?

A. any

B. many  

C. much

3. Is there ______ juice in the fridge?

A. a few

B. any   

C. some

4. Can I have ______ cake, please?

A. a few

B. some  

C. any

5. There are ______ lemons. Let’s make lemonade.

A. a few

B. a little  

C. any

6. How ______ carrots do you need?

A. lots of

B. little  

C. many

7. There are ______ eggs in the fridge.

A. a little

B. any   

C. a lot of

8. Can you buy me ______ bread, please?

A. any  

B. some  

C. many

9. There is very ______ butter. I can’t make a cake.

A. a little

B. few   

C. little

10. Have ______ chicken, please.

A. some

B. a lot   

C. a few

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Bài 11 :

8. Fill in each gap with how much, how many, some, any, a lot of, few, a few, little or a little.

(Điền vào mỗi chỗ trống với how much, how many, some, any, a lot of, few, a few, little hoặc a little.)

1. A: How much is this cake, please?

    B: It’s £15.

2. A: Let’s make _____________ biscuits!

    B: We can’t. We don’t have _____________ flour.

3. A: _____________ apples are there?

    B: Very _____________ . There are only two.

4. A: _____________ sugar do you need?

    B: Not _____________ . A kilo.

5. A: Is there _____________ lemonade left?

    B: There is very _____________ . Half a glass, maybe less.

6. A: Let’s make an omelette for lunch. It only takes _____________ minutes.

    B: OK. There are _____________ eggs in the fridge.

7. A: Can you get _____________ butter from the supermarket, please?

    B: Sure. _____________ do you want?

 8. A: Can I have _____________ orange juice, please?

     B: Sorry, we haven’t got _____________ oranges.

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Bài 12 :

9. Correct the mistakes.

(Sửa lỗi sai)

1. How many flour do we need? much

2. There is only a few cake left. ______________

3. Can you get me any milk, please? ______________

4. Do you need a few butter to put on your bread? ______________

5. There is any coffee in the pot. Do you want a cup? ______________

6. We only have got little eggs, so we need to buy some more. ______________

7. How much slices of pizza do you want? ______________

8. There isn’t some rice, I’m afraid. ______________

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Bài 13 :

D. Underline the correct word.

(Gạch chân từ đúng.)

1. A: How much / many potatoes would you like? B: Just a little / a few, thanks.

2. A: How much / many steak do we need?  B: There are nine of us, so we need lots of / a little steak.

3. A: How much / many rice can you eat?  B: Not much / many. I'm on a high-protein diet.

4. A: How much / many sugar do you want? B: I only take a little / a few in my coffee.

5. A: How much / many eggs are in the fridge? B: There aren't much / many. Just one or two, I think.

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Bài 14 :

Conversation (Optional)

E. Write the missing words in this conversation. Listen and check your answers. What words describe Pat's new diet?

(Viết những từ còn thiếu vào trong cuộc hội thoại. Nghe và kiểm tra câu trả lời của bạn. Những từ nào mô tả chế độ ăn mới của Pat?)

Kim: Hi Pat. You look great!

Pat: Thanks! It's my new diet.

Kim: Really? What do you eat?

Pat: (1) _____ of meat and fish, but I don't eat (2) _____ bread. Oh, and I eat a (3) _____ vegetables, of course.

Kim: (4) _____ much fruit can you eat?

Pat: Just a (5) _____ after every meal.

Kim: What about snacks?

Pat: Well, I can eat a (6) _____ nuts, and sometimes I eat a (7) _____ chocolate, but it’s organic, so there isn’t (8) _____ added sugar in it.

Kim: Mmm, sounds good! Maybe I’ll try your diet.

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Bài 15 :

3. C. Complete the sentences with a, an, the, some, or any. 

(Hoàn thành các câu với “a, an, the, some” hoặc “any”.)

1. Do we have _____ tomatoes?

2. Would you like _____ salt?

3. We need _____ onion.

4. I think there is _____ cheese on the table.

5. There aren’t _____ eggs.

6. Could I have _____ water, please?

7. There isn’t _____ juice in the bottle.

8. Do you have _____ banana?

9. There is some cheese on _____ table.

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Bài 16 :

Lesson C

4. D. Complete the sentences using a little or a few. 

(Hoàn thành các câu bằng cách sử dụng “a little” – một ít hoặc “a few” – một chút)

1. There is only _____ tuna salad in the fridge.

2. We only need _____ apples.

3. Please bring _____ bananas.

4. I only take _____ sugar in my coffee.

5. There are just _____ sausages left.

6. A: How many onions do you have?

    B: ________________________.

7. A: How much soup is there?


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Bài 17 :

6. F. Write in the missing words. 

(Viết các từ còn thiếu.)

1. A: How _____ do you want?

    B: Just a little.

2. A: How many lemons do we need?

    B: lt’s a big party, so we need _____ of them.

3. A: How _____ cookies are there?

    B: Not many. Just a _____ at the bottom of the box.

4. A: How much juice do I need to buy?

    B: Only a _____

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Bài 18 :

3. Choose the correct option.

(Chọn phương án đúng.)

1 Some people have a little / a few pairs of shoes. 

2 Much / Many children don't have any / much shoes. 

3 A pair of shoes can make many / a lot of  difference to a child as they protect children's feet. 

4 Very few / little schools allow children to attend classes without shoes. 

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Bài 19 :

4 Work in pairs. Ask and answer about your friend's typical day. Use How much ...? or How many ...? and the activities in the box below. 

(Làm việc theo cặp. Hỏi và trả lời về một ngày điển hình của bạn bè. Sử dụng Bao nhiêu ...? hoặc Có bao nhiêu ...? và các hoạt động trong hộp bên dưới.)

watch / television (xem / truyền hình)                                   

spend / time online (dành / thời gian trực tuyến)

do / exercise (tập / thể dục)                                          

spend / money (tiêu / tiền)

listen to / music (nghe / nhạc)                                      

get / sleep (đi / ngủ)

A: How much bread do you eat? 

(Bạn ăn bao nhiêu bánh mì?)

B: Lots. How about you? 

(Rất nhiều. Còn bạn thì sao?)

A: Very little. I don't like bread. 

(Rất ít. Tôi không thích bánh mì.)

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Bài 20 :

2. Choose the correct answer. 

(Chọn câu trả lời đúng.)

1. 'How ________ tablets do you own?' 'Just one.' 

A. any 

B. few 

C. much 

D. many 

2. There are ________ people in the queue. It's too long to wait. 

A. a lot of 

B. lots 

C. a little 

D. lot 

3. 'I'm so hungry.' 'I have ________ biscuits in my bag. Would you like one?' 

A. very little 

B. a few 

C. too much 

D. any 

4. I think there is ________ advertising on TV. I can't stand it. 

A. too many 

B. lot of 

C. too much 

D. a little 

5. _______ homework do you get every day? 

A. How 

B. How long 

C. How many 

D. How much 

6. She's got____ money to buy designer clothes, so she often goes window shopping. 

A. very little 

B. too many 

C. very few

D. any 

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Bài 21 :

Quantifiers (Từ chỉ số lượng)

4. Fill in each gap with how much, how many, some, any, a lot of, little, a little, few or a few.

(Điền vào mỗi khoảng trống với how much, how many, some, any, a lot of, little, a little, few or a few.)

1. ____________ students are there in the class?

2. Can I have ______________ juice, please?

3. There are ______________ people at the park today – it’s really crowded.

4. There is ____________ milk in the fridge.

5. This shop doesn’t very sell ___________ milk or bread!

6. There are only ___________ biscuits left. Let buy some more

7. There is __________ butter in the fridge. It’s not much but it is enough to make a cake.

8. ___________ is this book?

9. There are very ____________ apples left in the fruit bowl, but there are plenty of oranges.

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Bài 22 :

2. Complete the text messages with some or any.

(Hoàn thành các tin nhắn văn bản với some hoặc any.)

Hey Becky. There are (1)_________________ good films on at the cinema this weekend. Want to go?

- I haven’t got (2)_______________ money! I spent it all on (3)__________ clothes.

- I can lend you (4)______________ money!

- Thanks!! What do you want to see? Are there (5)______________ thrillers on?

- No, but there’s a good action film: The Amazing Spider-Man 2. It’s got (6)__________ great -reviews. I’ll find out (7)____________ more information about times.

- Cool. Are you inviting (8)_____________ other people?

- Yes. Ryan wants to come – if he hasn’t got (9)____________ homework.

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Bài 23 :

3. Complete the sentences with a few or a little.

(Hoàn thành các câu với a few hoặc a little.)

1. I saw Harry _________________ hours ago.

2. I only want _________________ water. I’m not very thirsty.

3. There are _________________ good cafés in our town.

4. Please spend _________________ time tidying your room.

5. I only speak _________________ French.

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Bài 24 :

4. Complete the questions with How much or How many.

(Hoàn thành các câu hỏi với How much hoặc How many.)

1. __________ films do you see at the cinema each month?

2. __________ time do you spend watching TV each day?

3. __________ text messages do you send each day?

4. __________ money do you spend on DVDs and video games each month?

5. __________ televisions are there in your home?

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Bài 25 :

6. Complete the video game review with the words and phrases below. Use each word or phrase only once.

(Complete the video game review with the words and phrases below. Use each word or phrase only once.)

a few

a little


how many




how much

I really enjoyed this game. The aim is to build a city, but there are a lot of problems to solve along the way (1)_________________ houses, hotels, roads and factories can you build? (2)_________________ money and energy do you need to build them? Players use money called ‘megabucks’. You start with just (3)_________________ megabucks, so you must spend them carefully. It’s difficult to build a city on your own, so (4)_________________ players work together. For example, if you have only got (5)_________________ energy, you can borrow or buy (6)_________________ electricity from a neighbour. But selfish and greedy players don’t make (7)_________________ friends. If they haven’t got (8)_________________ money or energy, no one helps them and they can’t finish their city. So it’s best to be friendly to the other players!
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