Đề bài

2 Match the holiday accommodation below with the sentences.

(Hãy ghép chỗ ở trong kỳ nghỉ dưới đây với các câu.)

1 'The website said it had four stars, but the room was really small and there wasn't any Wi-Fi. If you wanted to use the internet, you had to go and use some computers in the lobby!' __________

2 'We were really lucky because their flat was right in the centre of Rome. It also had a lovely balcony with views of the square. I think they were happy with ours because it's only fifteen minutes from Trafalgar Square on the underground.' __________

3 'Although it was on the coast, it also had a lovely swimming pool and a big terrace where we sat in the evenings. There were four bedrooms and enough room for all the family.' __________

4 'It was cheap, but we had to share a room with six other people who we didn't know. One guy spent the whole night talking in his sleep and kept me awake!' __________

5 'The room was fine and the breakfast was enormous. We didn't need to have lunch!'  __________

6 'It seemed like a good idea at first because we could eat when we wanted, but we spent a lot of time shopping in supermarkets for food.'__________

Phương pháp giải :

*Nghĩa của từ vựng

B&B: cung cấp chỗ nghỉ qua đêm và bữa sáng

hotel: khách sạn

house swap: đổi nhà

self-catering apartment: khách sạn tự phục vụ

villa: biệt thự

youth hostel: ký túc xá thanh niên

Lời giải chi tiết :

1 'The website said it had four stars, but the room was really small and there wasn't any Wi-Fi. If you wanted to use the internet, you had to go and use some computers in the lobby!' hotel 

('Trang web nói rằng nó có 4 sao, nhưng căn phòng rất nhỏ và không có Wi-Fi. Nếu bạn muốn sử dụng internet, bạn phải đến và sử dụng một số máy tính ở hành lang!' khách sạn)

2 'We were really lucky because their flat was right in the centre of Rome. It also had a lovely balcony with views of the square. I think they were happy with ours because it's only fifteen minutes from Trafalgar Square on the underground.' house swap 

('Chúng tôi thực sự may mắn vì căn hộ của họ nằm ngay trung tâm Rome. Nó cũng có một ban công xinh xắn nhìn ra quảng trường. Tôi nghĩ họ hài lòng với chỗ ở của chúng tôi vì nó chỉ cách Quảng trường Trafalgar dưới lòng đất mười lăm phút.' đổi nhà)

3 'Although it was on the coast, it also had a lovely swimming pool and a big terrace where we sat in the evenings. There were four bedrooms and enough room for all the family.' villa 

(“Mặc dù nằm trên bờ biển nhưng nó cũng có một hồ bơi xinh xắn và một sân hiên lớn nơi chúng tôi ngồi vào buổi tối. Có bốn phòng ngủ và đủ chỗ cho cả gia đình.” Biệt thự)

4 'It was cheap, but we had to share a room with six other people who we didn't know. One guy spent the whole night talking in his sleep and kept me awake!' youth hostel  

('Nó rẻ nhưng chúng tôi phải ở chung phòng với sáu người khác mà chúng tôi không quen biết. Một anh chàng đã dành cả đêm để nói chuyện trong giấc ngủ và khiến tôi mất ngủ!' ký túc xá thanh niên)

5 'The room was fine and the breakfast was enormous. We didn't need to have lunch!'  B&B 

('Phòng ổn và bữa sáng rất ngon. Chúng tôi không cần ăn trưa!'  cung cấp chỗ nghỉ qua đêm và bữa sáng)

6 'It seemed like a good idea at first because we could eat when we wanted, but we spent a lot of time shopping in supermarkets for food.' self-catering apartment

('Ban đầu, đó có vẻ là một ý tưởng hay vì chúng tôi có thể ăn khi nào muốn, nhưng chúng tôi đã dành rất nhiều thời gian để mua thực phẩm ở siêu thị.' căn hộ tự phục vụ)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

2 VOCABULARY Make two lists of the words below, dividing them into a) holidays and b) accommodation. Check the meaning of all the words.

(Lập hai danh sách các từ dưới đây, chia chúng thành a) kỳ nghỉ và b) chỗ ở. Kiểm tra ý nghĩa của tất cả các từ.)

Holidays and holiday accommodation


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Bài 2 :

3 Use the words in exercise 2 to describe the photos (A-C).

(Sử dụng các từ trong bài tập 2 để mô tả các bức ảnh (A-C).)

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Bài 3 :

4 VOCABULARY Complete the holiday activities (1-14) with the verbs below.

(Hoàn thành các hoạt động trong ngày lễ (1-14) với các động từ bên dưới.)

Holiday activities

1 _____ the sights

2 _____ it easy

3 _____out in a restaurant

4 _____ from it all

5 _____ your horizons

6 _____ new experiences

7 _____ the sun

8 _____ local food

9 _____ physically active

10 _____ yourself at a spa

11 _____ with your friends

12 _____ the nightlife

13 _____ people

14 _____ your batteries

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Bài 4 :

5 Complete the holiday finder with words from exercises 2 and 4.

(Hoàn thành công cụ tìm ngày lễ bằng các từ trong bài tập 2 và 4.)

What type of holiday should I go on?

Fancy 1 ____ up the sun on a beach holiday?

Do you want to be 2 ____ active?

Rent a beach 3 ____ on the coast with friends.

Do you like seeing the 4 ____?

Help preserve it on an 5 ____ holiday.

Cook for yourself and your friend in a 6 ____ apartment.

Try 7 ____ food and visit an area with traditional restaurants.

Help people by going on a 8 ____ holiday.

Consider a 9 ____ holiday, which includes the hotel and flight.

Try 10 ____ in Rome

Take a 11 ____ and visit the ports of the Mediterranean.

Go 12 ____ and sleep on sofas all around the world.


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Bài 5 :

4A  Holiday idioms

(Thành ngữ ngày lễ)

1   Check the meaning of the idioms below. Then complete the sentences in the correct form

(Kiểm tra ý nghĩa của các thành ngữ dưới đây. Sau đó hoàn thành các câu ở dạng đúng)

everything but the kitchen sink   

have a whale of a time   

home from home   

in the middle of nowwhere   

just what the doctor ordered   

make a nice change   

recharge one’s batteries   

a short break

1. ‘Did you have a good holiday with your friends?’ ‘It was brilliant, thanks. We _________________.

2. Wow! That’s a lot of luggage! It looks like you’ve packed ___________________.

3. I feel great. Our holiday was fanstatic – good food, good weather. It was ___________________.

4. We stayed in a great apartment that was really comfortable and had everything we needed. It was a real _________________.

5. I’ve booked a relaxing holiday in a spa hotel so that I can _____________________ before work starts again.

6. They’re renting a cottage ___________________. The nearesr village is 30 km away!

7. I’m not around at the end of the week. We’re taking ____________________ and going to Paris for a few days.

8. We usually go to France on holiday, but this year we’re going to Cyprus – it’ll _________________.

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Bài 6 :

2   Read the Learn this! box. Complete the letter with the correct form of the words below. There are two extra words.

(Đọc phần Learn this! Hoàn thành bức thư với dạng đúng của các từ dưới đây. Có hai từ bị thừa.)

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to 1_____________ my diseatisfaction with my recent stay in your hotel.

When I arrived, my first 2_____________ of your establishment was not a good one. The queues in reception highlighted the general lack of 3_____________ in your establishment.

The events 4_____________ was late for most of the excursions and the sightseeing programme wasn’t particularly 5_____________ - we didn’t even leave the town!

I complained to the receptionist, but couldn’t understand his explainations as he seemed to lack basic 6_____________ skills.

My 7_____________ would be that in future, you, the manager, are available to deal with problems as they arise.

Your faithfully,

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Bài 7 :

b. Match the bold words in the text with their definitions.

(Nối những từ in đậm trong văn bản với định nghĩa của chúng.)

1. ___________: very happy

2. ___________: very funny

3. ___________: went or moved quickly

4. ___________: in any way, to any degree

5. ___________: very scared

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Bài 8 :

b. Fill in the blanks using the words in the box. There are two extra words which you do not need to use.

(Điền vào chỗ trống bằng cách sử dụng các từ trong khung. Có hai từ thừa mà bạn không cần phải sử dụng.)

Lawyer (luật sư)

Confident (tự tin)

pick up (bắt đầu)

spot (địa điểm)

organized (có tổ chức)

1. Make sure to visit one of the many cafés along the river and find a good ________ to watch the sunset.

2. He's _____________ that he'll become the best architect in only three years.

3. One of the best ways to ____________ a new skills is by watching and learning from an expert.

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Bài 9 :

Getting away from it all

1 Put the words below in the correct column.

(Đặt các từ dưới đây vào đúng cột.)

adventure holiday


beach holiday

beach house



guest house

holiday home

self-catering apartment



time-share apartment


winter sports holiday




Holiday accommodation

Types of holidays



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Bài 10 :

5 Replace the underlined words with the adjectives below.

(Thay thế những từ được gạch chân bằng những tính từ dưới đây.)

1 The view from the top of the mountain is extremely beautiful. _________

2 Our hotel room was dark and dirty. _________

3 The village is quite far away, but it's worth going there as it's so beautiful and unspoiled. _________

4 The people are really friendly and helpful. _________

5 New York is an incredibly energetic and exciting city. _________

6 This coastal town has a special, unusual atmosphere that will be different from anything you've experienced. _________

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Bài 11 :

6 Complete the email with the words below.

(Hoàn thành email với các từ dưới đây.)

To: kate@email.com

Hi Kate

I'm on holiday! I decided to take it 1 ____ and 2 ____ myself at a luxury hotel. However, after two days, I'm bored! I wish I had decided to be 3 ____ active and find 4 ____ somewhere! This hotel is great and I've  recharged my 5 ____, but now I wish I could have new 6 ____! If only there were more things to do!

Best wishes,


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Bài 12 :

Trip of a lifetime

I can identify the context of a conversation.

Revision: Student Book page 51

1 Match (1-10) with (a-j) to make travel collocations.

(Nối (1-10) với (a-j) để tạo thành các cụm từ du lịch.)

1 get

2 go

3 taste

4 put up

5 light

6 do

7 have

8 help

9 travel

10 sleep

a a local dish

b off the beaten track

c the tent

d a campfire

e away from it all

f with your bags

g a lovely view

h some volunteer work

i rough

j light

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Bài 13 :

2 Complete the text with travel collocations from exercise 1.

(Hoàn thành văn bản với các cụm từ du lịch từ bài tập 1.)


Iceland is wild and exciting and you can really forget about home and just 2 _______ in this breathtaking environment. Stay in some of our lovely little hotels and you can 3 _______ of ice-capped mountains from your window. Then join us to go whale watching, or fishing in frozen lakes. You can 4 _______ on the lakeshore to cook your freshly caught fish and take a sleeping bag to sleep under the stars! Or you can 5 _______ in one of the many wonderful restaurants, if you prefer. Afterwards, you can relax outside in a volcanic hot tub!

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Bài 14 :

b. Fill in the blanks using the words in Task a.

(Hãy điền vào chỗ trống bằng cách sử dụng các từ trong bài a.)

1. The Wi-Fi password is “adcdefg”, all _______ letters.

2. When you arrive, you will be given a _______ cup of tea and cake. They are gifts from us to you.

3. My shirt looks terrible. I want to make it look nice and flat. Do you have an _______ I can borrow please?

4. To enter your hotel room, please _______ your key card on the card reader.

5. I have a suit I need cleaned for a meeting. Does the hotel have a _______ service?

6. Excuse me, could you show me how to _______ the TV please?

7. You can find the _______ for the air conditioner by your bed. You can change the temperature to as low as 17.

8. Is the Wi-Fi password “1234ZYXW” will all _______ letters?

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