Đề bài

2. Choose the correct words in the blog post about a school trip to a science museum.

(Chọn những từ đúng trong bài viết blog về chuyến đi học đến bảo tàng khoa học.)

Before / Just / Meanwhile we went to the science museum, I thought it sounded boring! But the moment (1) that / of / as we arrived, I began to change my opinion. (2) Until / Finally / While we were walking through the entrance, I realised that it was a fun place! By the (3) moment / time /end we ate lunch at 1.30, I'd seen a lot of cool gadgets.

We walked around the museum (4) until / while / meanwhile 3.00, when we had a fascinating talk. (5) Until / Afterwards / While, we looked at more inventions, and (6) just as / by the time / meanwhile some of the others went to the café. We (7) while / finally / until left the museum at 5.00. Just (8) as/ that / by we were leaving, my sister called me and I told her about the visit. The traffic was slow on the way home, but we arrived in the (9) end / moment / time at 7.30.

Lời giải chi tiết :

1. that

2. While

3. time

4. until

5. Afterwards

6. meanwhile

7. finally

8. as

9. end

Before we went to the science museum, I thought it sounded boring! But the moment that we arrived, I began to change my opinion. While we were walking through the entrance, I realised that it was a fun place! By the time we ate lunch at 1.30, I'd seen a lot of cool gadgets.

We walked around the museum until 3.00, when we had a fascinating talk. Afterwards, we looked at more inventions, and meanwhile some of the others went to the café. We finally left the museum at 5.00. Just as we were leaving, my sister called me and I told her about the visit. The traffic was slow on the way home, but we arrived in the end at 7.30.

Tạm dịch:

Trước khi chúng tôi đến bảo tàng khoa học, tôi nghĩ nó có vẻ nhàm chán! Nhưng ngay khi chúng tôi đến nơi, tôi bắt đầu thay đổi quan điểm của mình. Khi chúng tôi bước qua lối vào, tôi nhận ra rằng đó là một nơi thú vị! Khi chúng tôi ăn trưa lúc 1h30, tôi đã thấy rất nhiều thiết bị tuyệt vời.

Chúng tôi đi dạo quanh bảo tàng cho đến 3 giờ chiều, khi đó chúng tôi đã có một cuộc nói chuyện thú vị. Sau đó, chúng tôi xem nhiều phát minh hơn, trong khi đó một số người khác đi đến quán cà phê. Cuối cùng chúng tôi rời bảo tàng lúc 5 giờ. Ngay khi chúng tôi chuẩn bị rời đi, chị tôi gọi cho tôi và tôi kể cho chị nghe về chuyến tham quan. Giao thông trên đường về nhà rất chậm nhưng cuối cùng chúng tôi cũng đến nơi lúc 7h30.

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

Language point: Time connectors

1. Complete the words or sentences about a school trip to an art gallery.

(Hoàn thành các từ hoặc câu về chuyến đi tham quan phòng trưng bày nghệ thuật của trường.)

Just as I got to the school gates, the coach arrived.

1. W_____ we were sitting on the brand new coach, I looked at some photos on Instagram.

2. By the _____ we arrived, I felt tired.

3. But the moment _____ we got off the coach, I suddenly felt better!

4. First, we looked at valuable paintings and after_____ we looked at rare vases.

5. I went to the shop and mean_____ my friends went to the café.

6. Everything was OK u_____ I lost my friends! I just couldn't find them.

7. I looked at the map of the museum. I walked around for ages b_____ I found myself on the roof!

8. In the ____, I found all my friends by the coach. They wanted to know where I'd been!

9. F____, we went home on the coach.

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Bài 2 :

1. Complete the sentences with as soon as, after, when or until. In some sentences, more than one conjunction can be used.

(Hoàn thành câu với soon as, after, when hoặc until. Trong một số câu, có thể sử dụng nhiều hơn một liên từ.)

When the temperature drops, I prefer to stay indoors.

1. He decided to stay home _____ watching the weather forecast.

2. I was studying for my exam _____ my friend called me.

3. _____ the traffic clears, we can continue our journey.

4. He always checks his email _____ he wakes up in the morning.

5. They went for a walk _____ having breakfast.

6. She didn't leave the house _____ the rain stopped.

7. We'll go for a walk in the park _____ lunch.

8. He couldn't play video games _____ he finished his chores.

9. He'll go to bed _____ he brushes his teeth.

10. I'll wait for you _____ you finish your meeting.

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Bài 3 :

2. Match 1-10 with a-j. Then write full sentences with as soon as, after, when or until.

(Nối 1-10 với a-j. Sau đó viết câu đầy đủ với as soon as, after, when hoặc until.)

1. She'll send the report to you c

2. They won't announce the winner _____

3. The movie ends _____

4. He was playing the guitar _____

5. He apologised _____

6. She went to bed _____

7. The children were talking loudly _____

8. We cleaned up the kitchen _____

9. They won't release the new product _____

10. He was not allowed to play video games _____

a. we can grab something to eat.

b. they receive the positive feedback from the market research.

c. she receives the final data.

d. finishing her homework.

e. their new teacher came in.

f. he finished his chores.

g. we cooked dinner.

h. all the votes are counted.

i. he heard the doorbell ring.

j. realising his mistake.

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Bài 4 :

5. Choose the correct time conjunction.

(Chọn liên từ thời điểm đúng.)

When / Until it rains, the flowers in the garden thrive.

1. It rained cats and dogs until / as soon as I got home.

2. I'll let you know before / as soon as I hear back from the boss.

3. They were watching a movie when / as soon as the power went out.

4. She always enjoys a cup of tea after / until having breakfast.

5. I didn't realise it was him until / as soon as he took his hat off.

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Bài 5 :

Linking ideas

- Link your ideas with linking words. e.g. First, Then, Next, Also, Finally, This means that, because, It is because, so, However. As a result, etc. This helps the audience follow your presentation.

(Liên kết ý tưởng của bạn với các từ liên kết. ví dụ. Đầu tiên, Sau đó, Tiếp theo, Ngoài ra, Cuối cùng, Điều này có nghĩa là, bởi vì, Đó là bởi vì, vì vậy, Tuy nhiên. Kết quả là, v.v. Điều này giúp khán giả theo dõi bài thuyết trình của bạn.)

2. Choose the correct linking words.

(Chọn từ nối đúng.)

Here are some things you should do to stay healthy. (1) First/As a result, eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. These foods have many of the things your body needs. (2) However/Then, only eat when you are hungry so that you don't put on extra weight. (3) Finally/So, exercise is important, too. (4) As a result/ This means that you should try to keep active and exercise for 30 minutes a day (5) because/ so this can strengthen your body.

Now let's talk about a few things you shouldn't do if you want to stay healthy. (6) Then/Firstly, don't eat too much fast food or too many sweets (7) because/also these foods have lots of sugar, fat and salt. (8) This means that/Next, don't spend all your free time sitting down playing games or chatting online because this is bad for your neck, back and eyes. (9) However/ Lastly, don't use your phone late at night. (10) It is because/This means that it can stop you from sleeping properly, and we all need plenty of sleep to stay healthy.

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