Đề bài

5 Rewrite the sentences using do/did for emphasis.

(Viết lại câu sử dụng do/did để nhấn mạnh.)

1 I liked her.


2 Why didn't you tell him I was here?" "I told him!"


3 Although she's twice my age, we have a lot in common.


4 I think he is a good friend.


Lời giải chi tiết :

Rewrite the sentences using do/did for emphasis.

(Viết lại câu sử dụng do/did để nhấn mạnh.)

1 I liked her.

I did like her.

(Tôi đã thích cô ấy.)

2 Why didn't you tell him I was here?" "I told him!"

‘Why didn’t you tell him I was here?’  ‘I did tell him!’

(‘Tại sao bạn không nói với anh ấy rằng tôi ở đây?’ ‘Tôi đã nói với anh ấy!’)

3 Although she's twice my age, we have a lot in common.

Although she’s twice my age, we do have a lot in common. 

(Mặc dù cô ấy gấp đôi tuổi tôi nhưng chúng tôi có rất nhiều điểm chung.  )

4 I think he is a good friend.

I do think he is a good friend. 

(Tôi nghĩ anh ấy là một người bạn tốt.)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

LEARN THIS! Emphasis (1)

1 We can emphasise key information in a sentence by: a adding a clause with it is/was, etc.... that... at the start of the sentence.

Joe bought a tablet last weekend.

→ It was Joe who bought a tablet last weekend.

→ It was a tablet that Joe bought last weekend.

→ It was last weekend that Joe bought a tablet.

We often use this structure to make a contrast:

It was a tablet that Joe bought, not a smartphone.

b adding a clause with What.

Kate lost her debit card.

→ What Kate lost was her debit card.

→ What Kate did was lose her debit card.

→ What happened was that Kate lost her debit card.

2 We can use All (that) in the same way as What. It means “the only thing”.

I just need some money.

→ All (that) I need is some money.

→ They only needed to ask.

→ All (that) they needed to do was ask.

Tạm dịch

LEARN THIS! Nhấn mạnh (1)

1 Chúng ta có thể nhấn mạnh thông tin quan trọng trong câu bằng cách: thêm mệnh đề với it is/was, v.v.... that... vào đầu câu.

Joe đã mua một chiếc máy tính bảng vào cuối tuần trước.

→ Chính Joe đã mua một chiếc máy tính bảng vào cuối tuần trước.

→ Đó là một chiếc máy tính bảng mà Joe đã mua vào cuối tuần trước.

→ Cuối tuần trước Joe đã mua một chiếc máy tính bảng.

Chúng ta thường dùng cấu trúc này để tạo sự tương phản:

Đó là một chiếc máy tính bảng mà Joe mua, không phải điện thoại thông minh.

b thêm một mệnh đề với What.

Kate bị mất thẻ ghi nợ.

→ Thứ Kate bị mất là thẻ ghi nợ của cô ấy.

→ Điều Kate làm là làm mất thẻ ghi nợ của cô ấy.

→ Chuyện xảy ra là Kate bị mất thẻ ghi nợ.

2 Chúng ta có thể dùng All (that) giống như What. Nó có nghĩa là “điều duy nhất”.

Tôi chỉ cần một ít tiền.

→ Tất cả những gì tôi cần là một ít tiền.

→ Họ chỉ cần hỏi thôi.

→ Tất cả những gì họ cần làm là hỏi.

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Bài 2 :

2 Read the Learn this! box. Then find examples of each rule in exercise 1.

(Đọc phần LEARN THIS! Sau đó tìm ví dụ về từng quy tắc trong bài tập 1.)

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Bài 3 :

3 Rewrite the sentences (1-7) to make a contrast. Begin with it and emphasise the underlined words.

(Viết lại các câu (1-7) để tạo sự tương phản. Bắt đầu với it và nhấn mạnh những từ được gạch chân.)

1 Mia isn't coming shopping with us. Lara is.

(Mia sẽ không đi mua sắm với chúng ta. Lara thì có.)

It's Lara who's coming with us, not Mia.

(Lara sẽ đi cùng chúng ta chứ không phải Mia.)

2 I haven't got a credit card. I've got a debit card.

3 The first supermarket opened in 1916. It wasn't 1920.

4 Her mum doesn't work in a store. Her aunt does.

5 Many people don't want quality. They want low prices.

6 The sales start on Friday. They don't start today.

7 I blame teenagers for the litter. I don't blame the restaurants.

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Bài 4 :

LEARN THIS! Emphasis (2)

We can start a sentence with a phrase that describes the person, thing, or place that we want to emphasise.

The person (that) you need to speak to is Tom.

One thing (that) I really hate is consumerism.

A place (that) I'd really like to visit is Norway.

Tạm dịch

LEARN THIS! Nhấn mạnh (2)

Chúng ta có thể bắt đầu câu bằng một cụm từ mô tả người, sự vật hoặc địa điểm mà chúng ta muốn nhấn mạnh.

Người (mà) bạn cần nói chuyện là Tom.

Một điều (mà) tôi thực sự ghét là chủ nghĩa tiêu dùng.

Một nơi (mà) tôi thực sự muốn đến thăm là Na Uy.

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Bài 5 :

4 Read the Learn this! box. Then find two examples in exercise 1. How would the sentences read without the emphatic structure?’

(Đọc phần LEARN THIS! Sau đó tìm hai ví dụ trong bài tập 1. Các câu sẽ đọc như thế nào nếu không có cấu trúc nhấn mạnh?)

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Bài 6 :

5 Rewrite the sentences (1-6). Begin with the words in brackets and emphasise the underlined words.

(Viết lại các câu (1-6). Bắt đầu bằng những từ trong ngoặc và nhấn mạnh những từ được gạch chân.)

1 Store loyalty cards have really caught on. (One idea...)

2 It's the directors of companies who should change. (The people...)

3 Many European firms are investing in Asia. (One place...)

4 Greed drives most consumerism. (The thing.)

5 Plastic packaging creates most waste. (The thing...)

6 Self-service stores first opened in the USA. (The country...) 

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Bài 7 :

6 Complete the text with the words below. Use each word once.

(Hoàn thành văn bản với các từ dưới đây. Sử dụng mỗi từ một lần.)


The 1 ____ that annoys me most is the litter. Clearly 2 ____ that some people care about is convenience, not the environment. So 3 ____ the government needs to do is prosecute those involved in anti-social behaviour. But 4 ____  the businesses themselves that also need to take more responsibility - for example, the place 5 ____ I usually shop has installed a security camera to deter people from dropping rubbish outside. And 6 ____ thing they've tried successfully in some places is putting up lifesize cardboard police officers. It seems all 7 ____ some people need is a gentle reminder to act responsibly.

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Bài 8 :

7 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Think of different ways to complete each sentence. Then compare your ideas with other pairs'.

(Làm việc theo cặp. Hãy nghĩ ra những cách khác nhau để hoàn thành mỗi câu. Sau đó so sánh ý tưởng của bạn với các cặp khác'.)

1 The places in my town that have the most litter are...

2 All we need to do to reduce litter is...

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Bài 9 :

8.1  Emphasis

• We can make a sentence more emphatic by adding an extra clause to highlight key information.



You wanted to go to the beach.

It was you (that / who) wanted to go to the beach.

I’d like to meet Lady Gaga.

The person I’d like to meet is Lady Gaga.

He really wants to visit China.

A place (that) he really wants to visit is China.

I’ll never understand baseball.

One thing I’ll never understand is baseball.

She just walked the second half of the race.

All she did was (to) walk the second half of the race.

The fire alarm went off.

What happened was (that) the fire alarm went off.

• We often use It is / was … to make a contrast.

Sal finished the biscuits. I didn’t.

→ It was Sal who finished the biscuits, not me.

• After All (I) did was … or What (I) did was …, we use an infinitive with or without to.

What I did was (to) call the police.

However, after All that happened was … or What happened was …, we need a subject and a verb. We can put that before the subject.

All that happened was (that) they decided not to go to the café.

• Nominal clauses starting with that can function as the subject of a sentence.

It upsets me that we’re no longer friends.

A that-clause can begin a sentence, but we usually rephrase it with The fact that

That we’re no longer friends upsets me. 🗴

The fact that we’re no longer friends upsets me.

Tạm dịch

• Chúng ta có thể làm cho câu trở nên nhấn mạnh hơn bằng cách thêm một mệnh đề phụ để làm nổi bật thông tin quan trọng.

Normal (Thông thường)

Emphatic (Nhấn mạnh)

You wanted to go to the beach.

(Bạn muốn đi đến bãi biển.)

It was you (that / who) wanted to go to the beach.

(Chính là bạn (người mà) muốn đi biển.)

I’d like to meet Lady Gaga.

(Tôi muốn gặp Lady Gaga.)

The person I’d like to meet is Lady Gaga.

(Người tôi muốn gặp là Lady Gaga.)

He really wants to visit China.

(Anh ấy thực sự muốn đến thăm Trung Quốc.)

A place (that) he really wants to visit is China.

(Một nơi (mà) anh ấy thực sự muốn đến thăm là Trung Quốc.)

I’ll never understand baseball.

(Tôi sẽ không bao giờ hiểu được bóng chày.)

One thing I’ll never understand is baseball.

(Một điều tôi sẽ không bao giờ hiểu được là bóng chày.)

She just walked the second half of the race.

(Cô ấy vừa mới đi được nửa sau của cuộc đua.)

All she did was (to) walk the second half of the race.

(Tất cả những gì cô ấy làm là đi bộ ở nửa sau của cuộc đua.)

The fire alarm went off.

(Chuông báo cháy đã tắt.)

What happened was (that) the fire alarm went off.

(Điều đã xảy ra là (rằng) chuông báo cháy đã tắt.)


• Chúng ta thường dùng It is/was … để tạo sự tương phản.

Sal đã ăn xong bánh quy. Tôi đã không làm vậy.

Chính Sal là người đã ăn hết bánh quy, không phải tôi.

• Sau tất cả gì tôi đã làm là … hoặc gì tôi đã làm là …, chúng ta dùng động từ nguyên mẫu có hoặc không có to.

Những gì tôi đã làm là gọi cảnh sát.

Tuy nhiên, sau tất cả mọi thứ đã xảy ra là … hoặc Chuyện đã xảy ra là …, chúng ta cần một chủ ngữ và một động từ. Chúng ta có thể đặt “that” trước chủ ngữ.

Tất cả những gì xảy ra là (rằng) họ quyết định không đi đến quán cà phê.

• Mệnh đề thông thường bắt đầu bằng “that” có thể đóng vai trò là chủ ngữ của câu.

Tôi cảm thấy khó chịu vì chúng tôi không còn là bạn bè nữa.

Mệnh đề “that” có thể bắt đầu một câu, nhưng chúng ta thường diễn đạt nó bằng The fact that …(sự thật là)

Việc chúng tôi không còn là bạn bè khiến tôi khó chịu.


1  Rewrite the sentences with an extra clause at the start for emphasis. Begin with the words in brackets.

    English is my favourite subject. (It’s English …)

(Tiếng Anh là môn học yêu thích của tôi.)

    It’s English that’s my favourite subject.

(Chính tiếng Anh là môn học yêu thích của tôi.)

    1  The girls’ team won the quiz. (It was …)


    2  My parents stopped me from going out. (What happened …)


    3  Frank cycled to the river. (What Frank …)


    4  She gave them her opinion, that’s all. (All she …)


    5  The Egyptians built the Pyramids. (It was …)


    6  We just need five more minutes. (All we …)


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Bài 10 :

2  Rewrite the sentences, emphasising the underlined words. Begin with the phrases below.

(Viết lại câu, nhấn mạnh những từ gạch chân. Bắt đầu với các cụm từ dưới đây.)

One idea

One person

One thing

The film

The food

The country

    1  I can’t stand having a cold.


    2  Neil will definitely know the answer.


    3  I’m really interested in going to Thailand.


    4  I really enjoyed The Hunger Games.


    5  She prefers Italian to Chinese.


    6  He suggested having a barbecue at his house.


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Bài 11 :

3 Rewrite the sentences beginning with What or All.

(Viết lại các câu bắt đầu bằng What hoặc All.)

1 This chicken needs to be cooked a bit longer.

What _________________________________

2 You only need to answer two of the exam questions.

All _________________________________

3 We'll just have to buy some drinks for the barbecue.

All _________________________________

4 The only thing I know about our new neighbours is that they are Swedish.

All _________________________________

5 You mustn't forget to turn off the TV before bedtime.

What _________________________________

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Bài 12 :

4 Write the words in the correct order to make emphatic sentences.

(Viết các từ theo đúng thứ tự để tạo thành câu nhấn mạnh.)

1 who / Eva / that / The / person / dog / owns / is


2 I / is / thing / spiders / can't / One / stand


3 often / is / A / to / they've / place / Japan / been


4 who / most / Adele / singer / she / is / The / loves


5 doesn't / green / colour / like / The / Laila / is


6 try / octopus / food / never / One / I'll / is / !


7 like / snowboarding / try / A / he'd / is / sport / to


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Bài 13 :

5 Choose the correct words to complete the forum post.

(Chọn từ đúng để hoàn thành bài viết trên diễn đàn.)

Why do teenagers always get the blame for everything? 1 One / What thing that really annoys me is getting blamed for all the litter in town, when 2 it was / it's often the adults who don't use the bins. 3 Where / What the authorities need to do is put CCTV cameras outside so they can see who's responsible! But 4 a/ the main problem they need to address is providing somewhere for us to go. One 5 place / thing where we can hang out is at fast-food restaurants, so 6 it's / what's there that people see us in groups and assume we're causing trouble. 7 All / One we want is somewhere we can go and enjoy ourselves! dexy33

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Bài 14 :

6 Complete the text with one word in each gap.

(Hoàn thành đoạn văn với một từ trong mỗi chỗ trống.)

We know that plastic is to blame for much of the world's pollution, but 1 ______ was the news that a plastic island the size of Texas is forming in the Pacific Ocean that shocked many of us. 2 ______ answer that many countries have come up with is charging customers for plastic bags in shops. And 3 ______ some countries have done is to completely ban bags that aren't biodegradable. 4 ______ thing you can do to help is to buy a bag for life' from a supermarket. When it wears out, 5 ______ you need to do is take it back to get a free replacement. In some countries, the 6 ______ place where you still won't be charged for a plastic bag is at an airport or on planes.

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Bài 15 :

3. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1. What was happened/ happened was that I forgot to log out of Facebook and Jo posted this comment.

2. Never have I/ I have been so humiliated in all my life.

3. It's / What's people like him that should be given the most responsible tasks.

4. What I find most unbelievable that is / is that no one saw Becky leaving the party.

5. All we are / are we saying is please give us a chance to explain what happened.

6. What he did was / did he was wander around the streets hoping he would recognise his hotel.

7. Rarely the temperatures have / have the temperatures fallen so low in September.

8. Not only do you / you do ask me for a lot of money, but you lie about why you really need it.

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Bài 16 :

4. Rewrite the story using the words in brackets.

(Viết lại câu chuyện dùng các từ trong ngoặc.)

1. Ryan lost track of time. (happened)

What happened was that Ryan lost track of time.

2. He was distracted by a documentary about a man snowboarding on an iceberg. (it)

3. The film crew flew out to the North Atlantic by helicopter. (did)

4. They dropped the man onto the top of the huge iceberg. (happened)

5. The man only slipped over it for about half a minute, but the shots were amazing. (all)

6. Ryan hadn't ever seen anyone snowboarding in such an unusual place. (never)

7. He found the effort that the whole team made most impressive. (what)

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Bài 17 :

4.   Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences.

(Tìm và sửa lại lỗi sai trong các câu sau.)

1. We had to decide what to do at the weekend. And it was the dog show what we chose in the end. that / which

2. Under any circumstances are you allowed to leave your children unattended at the zoo.

3. Not before have we experienced worse weather conditions on our skiing holiday than last winter.

4. It's not serious. All happened was that Kim forgot to ask someone to water her plants while she was away. That's why she is upset.

5. There was James who rescued the cat. He's an animal lover and does all he can to help them.

6. If only have you left all the lights on, but you've also forgotten to turn the TV off.

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Bài 18 :

5. Complete each sentence with one or two words.

1. What an awful day it is today! If only it wasn't so cold and wet.

2. Island holidays are nice, but I _____ we went hiking in the countryside like we did last summer.

3. I wish I _____ volunteer to help at the local animal shelter, but I'm too busy these days.

4. _____ I find annoying is that the local council provides so few recycling bins.

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