Đề bài

2. Read the conversation again and tick (✓) T (True) or F (Fasle).

(Đọc lại bài hội thoại và đánh dấu Đúng hay Sai.)




1. Vy, Phong, and Duy go to the sarne school.



2. Duy is Phong's friend.



3. Phong says Duy looks smart in his uniform.



4. They have new subjects to study.



5. Phong is wearing a school uniform.



Lời giải chi tiết :



F (Sai)

1. Vy, Phong, and Duy go to the sarne school.

(Vy, Phong và Duy học cùng trường.)


2. Duy is Phong's friend.

(Duy là bạn của Phong.)


3. Phong says Duy looks smart in his uniform.

(Phong nói Duy trông bảnh bao khi mặc đồng phục.)


4. They have new subjects to study.

(Họ có các môn học mới.)


5. Phong is wearing a school uniform.

(Phong đang mặc đồng phục của trường.)



Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

1. Listen and read.

(Nghe và đọc)

(Loud knock)

Phong: Hi, Vy.

Vy: Hi, Phong. Are you ready?

Phong: Just a minute.

Vy: Oh, this is Duy, my new friend.

Phong: Hi, Duy. Nice to meet you.

Duy: Hi, Phong. I live near here, and we go to the same school!

Phong: Good. Hmm, your school bag looks heavy.

Duy: Yes! I have new books, and we have new subjects to study.

Phong: And a new uniform, Duy! You look smart!

Duy: Thanks, Phong. We always look smart in our uniforms.

Phong: Let me put on my uniform. Then we can go.

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Bài 2 :

3. Write ONE word from the box in each gap.

(Viết 1 từ trong khung vào mỗi chỗ trống.)

            go                     subject                    has                      wear                          uniforms

1. Students ________ their uniforms on Monday.

2. Vy______ a new friend, Duy.

3. - Do Phong Vy and Duy________ to the same school? - Yes, they do.

4. Students always look smart in their________ .

5. - What_______do you like to study? - I Like to study English and history.

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Bài 3 :


1. Look at the pictures and quickly read the passage. Match 1-3 with A-C.

(Nhìn vào các bức tranh và đọc nhanh bài đọc. Nối 1-3 với A-C.)

1. Sunrise

A. a school in Bac Giang

2. An Son

B. an international school

3. Dream

C. a boarding school in Sydney


Sunrise is a boarding school in Sydney. Students study and live there. About 1,200 boys and girls go to Sunrise. It has students from all over Australia. They study subjects like maths, science and English.

An Son is a lower secondary school in Bac Giang. It has only 8 classes. There are mountains and green fields around the school. There is a computer room and a library. There is also a school garden and a playground

Dream is an international school. Here students learn English with English-speaking teachers. In the afternoon, they join many interesting clubs. They play sports and games. Some students do paintings in the art club.

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Bài 4 :

2. Read the passages agian and complete these sentences.

(Đọc lại bài và hoàn thành những câu sau.)

1. Students live and study in a________ school. They only go home at weekends.

2. Sunrise is a school in _________ .

3. There are ________ around An Son School.

4 . _________has an art club.

5. At Dream School, students learn English with __________ .

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Bài 5 :

3. Answer the questions.

(Trả lời những câu hỏi.)

1. Which school is a boarding school?

(Trường học nào là trường nội trú?)

2. Where is An Son School?

(Trường An Sơn ở đâu?)

3. Is there a school garden in An Son school?

(Trường An Sơn có vườn trường không?)

4. What do Dream School students do in the afternoon?

(Học sinh trường Dream làm gì vào buổi chiều?)

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Bài 6 :

2. Read the text and answer the questions.

(Đọc văn bản và trả lời câu hỏi.)


My new school is in a quiet place not far from the city centre. It has three bulidings and a large yard. This year there are 26 classes with more than 1000 students at my school. Most students are hard-working and kind. The school  has about 40 teachers. They are all helpful and friendly. My school has different clubs: Dance, English, Arts, Football and Basketball. I like English, so I am in the English club. I love my school because it is a good school.

1. Where is the writer's new school?

(Trường học mới của tác giả ở đâu?)

2. What are the students like?

(Học sinh ở đây thế nào?)

3. What are the teachers like?

(Giáo viên ở đây thế nào?)

4.  How many clubs are there in the school?

(Có bao nhiêu câu lạc bộ trong trường?)

5. Why does the writer love the school?

(Vì sao tác giả thích trường học này?)

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Bài 7 :

1. Read the project. Where are the schools? Is the writer positive or negative about them?

(Đọc dự án. Những trường học này ở đâu? Tác giả có thái độ tích cực hay tiêu cực về các trường học này?)


A project by Liam Murphy

This is a geography class in Bangladesh. It isn't a traditional primary school - these students are studying on a 'boat school'. It's a great idea because transport can be a big problem here when there's a lot of rain. The boat isn't moving at the moment, but at the start and the end of the day, it goes along the river to the students' villages.

Eton College is one of Britain's oldest and most expensive private schools and it looks like the students are wearing Britain's oldest, most expensive uniforms! Not very practical! They're walking to a lesson. This is a boarding school - students study, eat and sleep here.

Look! What is the teacher doing? She is teaching English, but she is not at her school. Her students are staying at home and learning lessons on television. In Hồ Chí Minh City, Việt Nam, students can have such lessons on the channel of HTV Key. It is another learning way for them - digital learning.

This is my secondary school in Ireland. We're having a dance class and it's a lot of fun. There are a lot of traditional dances in Ireland. I'm not dancing - I'm watching the dancers. Our teachers are playing the musical instruments.

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Bài 8 :

2. Read and listen to the project and answer the questions.

(Đọc và nghe dự án và trả lời các câu hỏi.)

1. When is transport a problem in Bangladesh?

(Khi nào việc đi lại là vấn đề ở Bangladesh?)

2. What is a boarding school?

(Trường nội trú là gì?)

3. What is another learning way for Vietnamese students?

(Một cách học khác cho học sinh Việt Nam là gì?)

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Bài 9 :

Exercise 1. Look at the quiz. Check meanings of the verbs in blue. Match questions 1-10 to pictures a-j. Then listen and check.

(Nhìn câu đố. Kiểm tra nghĩa của các từ màu xanh. Nối các từ 1-10 với các tranh  1-j. Sau đó nghe và kiểm tra.)

Are you a SUPER language student?

Answer the questions. Score 1 point for every YES answer. Then look at the key.

1. Do you ever listen to English when you're out of school?

2. Do you know the alphabet? Can you spell your name in English?

3. Do you check words in a dictionary or a wordlist?

4. Do you repeat a new word if you want to learn it?

5. Do you ever practise your pronunciation?

6. Do you revise before an exam?

7. Do you ask questions when you don't understand?

8. Do you usually concentrate when you do your homework?

9. Do you make notes about grammar or write new vocabulary in your notebook?

10. Do you ever read books, articles or comics in English?

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Bài 10 :

Exercise 3. Read the introduction. Then listen to the interviews. What are the people learning? Use the languages in the box.

(Đọc phần giới thiệu. Sau đó nghe các bài phỏng vấn. Những người này đang học cái gì? Sử dụng các ngôn ngữ trong khung.)

Italian                          Kanji                         English                      Arabic                        Russian

Interviews: Learning languages

(Phỏng vấn: Việc học ngôn ngữ)

Interviews with Londoners who are learning languages.

(Phỏng vấn với người ở Luân Đôn đang học ngôn ngữ.)

1. Mario


2. Mark and Peter




3. Hannah


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Bài 11 :

1. Read the email. How many students are there in Danny's school? Is Danny's school very different from your school?

(Đọc thư điện tử. Có bao nhiêu học sinh trong trường của Danny? Trường của Danny có khác nhiều so với trường của em không?)

Hi Ela,

I'm happy that you can study here next month. Here's some information for you.

Clonakilty Community College is a medium-sized school with about 500 students. It's in Clonakilty, Ireland. Classes are from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Some subjects are compulsory like maths and English. Others are optional. I like languages, so I study French.

Here's a photo of my classmates. Send me a photo of yours.

Write soon,


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Bài 12 :

1. Look at the first photo and answer the questions. Then read the text and check your answers.

(Nhìn bức ảnh đầu tiên và trả lời câu hỏi. Sau đó đọc văn bản và kiểm tra câu trả lời của em.)

1. Where is Ben? (Ben đang ở đâu?)

2. What is he doing? (Bạn ấy đang làm gì?)

I can still learn

Most children between five and eighteen in Britain must go to school. But the situation is different for me. I play tennis and I must practise a lot, and I often go to other countries to play in tournaments. How can I still learn? Luckily, digital learning helps me.

When I am absent from school, I do online courses. Computers help me with the subjects, and I can learn at my own speed. When there is no tournament, I come back to school and I can do the tests easily. My friends also help me if I have any problems.

This new learning way makes me happy and keeps me up with my friends. I can still learn when I am not at school. That is why digital learning becomes more and more popular.

* keep up with: to do whatever is necessary to stay level or equal with someone or something

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Bài 13 :

2. Read and listen to the text and answer the questions.

(Đọc và nghe văn bản và trả lời câu hỏi.)

1. Why is Ben sometimes absent from school?

(Tại sao Ben thỉnh thoảng nghỉ học?)

2. What helps Ben to keep learning?

(Điều gì giúp Ben tiếp tục học?)

3. Does Ben still go to school?

(Ben còn đi học không?)

4. Can Ben pass the tests at school?

(Ben có thể vượt qua các bài kiểm tra ở trường không?)

5. In your opinion, who often does online courses when he or she is absent from school? 

(Theo bạn, ai là người thường tham gia các khóa học trực tuyến khi nghỉ học?)

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Bài 14 :

Read the school newsletter and answer the questions.

(Đọc bản tin của trường và trả lời các câu hỏi.)

October 2020

Volume 7, Issue 1


Danliver High School

Danliver High School Library Newsletter


Home of

the Wolves


School Clubs

We have lots of fun clubs at our school. If you like outdoor activities, the Soccer Club meets at 4 p.m. every Tuesday, with the Tennis Club at the same time on Thursdays. For indoor activities, the Board Games Club starts next week. It is popular so please sign up on the noticeboard. The Book Club welcomes anyone who likes reading. You don't need to sign up but please bring your own copy of The Secret Garden with you to the Library at 4 p.m. on Wednesday. Our Arts and Crafts Club is for people who like making things. The cost is $20 per term for materials.

1. Which club is on Tuesdays?

2. Which club wants you to sign up on the noticeboard?

3. Which club wants you to take something with you?

4. Which club needs money?

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Bài 15 :

b. Which story would you like to read? Talk to your partner.

(Em muốn đọc câu chuyện nào? Nói với bạn của em.)

- Which story would you like to read?

(Bạn muốn đọc câu chuyện nào?)

- I'd like to read Peter Pan. I like fantasy.

(Mình muốn đọc Peter Pan. Mình thích truyện giả tưởng.)

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Bài 16 :

Read the book review and circle "True" or "False."

(Đọc nhận xét về sách và chọn “Đúng” hoặc “Sai".)

My Favorite Novel

Thành Nguyễn, November 18

My favorite book is Yellow Flowers on the Green Grass (Tôi Thấy Hoa Vàng Trên Cỏ Xanh). It's an interesting novel. The author of the book is Nguyễn Nhật Ánh. The book is about Thiều and the people around him. I like the book because it shows us many beautiful things in Thiều's village. It is a peaceful village with green grass, trees, wind, and yellow flowers. Some parts of the story are very sad. I cried a lot when I thought Thiều's brother, Tường, cannot walk again. I really like this book. I think you should read it.

1. Yellow Flowers on the Green Grass is by Nguyễn Nhật Ánh.

2. The writer thinks the book is boring.

3. The story is about three girls as they grow up.

4. In the story, Tưòng lives in a big city.

5. Some parts of the story are sad.

6. The writer likes this story.

True / False

True / False

True / False

True / False

True / False

True / False

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Bài 17 :

Read the text. Choose the correct answer (A, B, or C).

(Đọc văn bản. Chọn câu trả lời đúng (A, B, hoặc C).)

I really like art, English, and literature. They're really interesting and can be fun. I don't like math, geography, or science. They're boring. My favorite subject at school is literature. I like learning about stories of people from different places and times. My favorite book is The Secret Garden. The author is Frances Hodgson Burnett. The girl in the novel, Mary Lennox, goes to live at her uncle's house and discovers a secret garden. She becomes friends with Dickon and her cousin Colin Craven. They often play together and take care of the garden. It's a very interesting story and I really love their friendship.

Example: 0. What subjects does Simon like?

(Ví dụ: 0. Simon thích môn học nào?)

A. math, geography, and science

(toán, địa lý, và khoa học)

B. art, English, and literature

(mỹ thuật, tiếng Anh, và ngữ văn)

C. He likes all of them.

(Anh ấy thích tất cả các môn.)

1. Why does Simon like these subjects?

A. They're interesting.

B. He is good at them.

C. They're exciting.

2. What is Simon's favorite subject?

A. English

B. literature

C. math

3. Who's the author of Simon's favorite book?

A. Mary Lennox

B. Frances Hodgson Burnett

C. Colin Craven

4. Why does Simon like the novel?

A. He likes mystery novels.

B. It has many fun adventures.

C. He likes the children's friendship.

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Bài 18 :


8. Read the text and complete the sentences.

(Đọc văn bản và hoàn thành các câu.)

School life in Vietnam

The school year in Vietnam begins in September and ends in May. Most schools in Vietnam require uniform. Primary school lasts for five years (between first and fifth grade), and students finish it at the age of eleven.

At the end of primary school, students go to secondary school. Secondary school lasts four years (sixth to ninth grade) and students finish it at the age of fifteen. After students complete four years of secondary school, they go to high school for three years (at the age of sixteen to eighteen.)

After high school students can either choose to go to professional training schools (vocational schools) or colleges or universities.

1. The school year in Vietnam starts.  

2. Primary school lasts.

3. A 7-year-old Vietnamese child goes to.

4. Secondary school lasts.

5. High school is for students aged.

6. Students can choose  to do professional training after they finish_____________ .

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Bài 19 :


In Kenya, school life is not easy for some local Maasai people. In some schools, classes have 70 students in one classroom. Schools don’t always have books. There sometimes aren’t enough teachers, or there isn’t enough money.

This is especially true for Maasai girls. Not many Maasai girls in Kenya finish elementary school. Many Maasai girls leave school early to get married. Kakenya Ntaiya has a dream. She wants to help Maasai schoolgirls. She has an elementary school for girls.

Today, 170 girls go to her school, and they love it. They study English and Swahili (an African language). They also study math, science, geography, history, art, and PE. Ntaiya wants the students to have a better life.

A. Look at the photo. What do you think the article is about?

(Nhìn ảnh. Em nghĩ bài viết nói về cái gì?)

a. city life (đời sống thành thị)            

b. a big family (một đại gia đình)      

c. a school in Kenya (một trường học ở Kenya)

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Bài 20 :

B. Read the article quickly. What is Kakenya’s dream?

(Đọc nhanh văn bản. Giấc mơ của Kakenya là gì?)

a. to write books (viết sách)

b. to help educate Maasai girls (giúp các cô gái Maasai được học hành)

c. to help girls get married (giúp các cô gái kết hôn)

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Bài 21 :


Circle the correct answers. What do you already know about Kakenya’s school?

(Khoanh chọn câu trả lời đúng. Em đã biết gì về trường học của Kakenya?)

1. This school is in (Kenya / Uganda).

2. The school is for girls living in (cities/villages).

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Bài 22 :

4. In pairs, look at the timetable and complete the sentences about Hoa Hồng International School and your school.

(Theo cặp, nhìn vào bảng thời khóa biểu và hoàn thành các câu về trường quốc tế Hoa hồng và trường của em.)

1. At Hoa Hồng International School, they have five lessons every day. At our school, we have___________.

2. The first lesson starts at ___________ o'clock. At our school, the first lesson ___________.

3. Each lesson is ___________ minutes long. At our school, lessons are ___________ minutes long.

4. There are ___________ breaks in a school day. At our school, there are ___________.

5. There is a break of ___________ minutes for lunch. At our school, ___________.

6. At Hoa Hồng International School, French is one of the foreign languages. At our school you can learn___________.

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Bài 23 :

2. Read and listen. Look at Alice's message on page 111 to find out why she doesn't want to talk to her friends.

(Nghe và đọc. Xem tin nhắn của Alice ở trang 111 để tìm ra vì sao cô ấy không muốn nói chuyện với các bạn của mình.)

Sara: Hi, Alice. How's it going?

Alice: [silence]

Sara: Alice. Hello! I'm talking to you!

Alice: [silence]

Sara: You aren't speaking to me. Why?

Alice: [silence]

Sara: Are you feeling OK, Alice?

Alice: [silence]

Caitlin: Hi, you two! How's it going?

Sara: I'm fine, but Alice isn't speaking to me. Is she speaking to you?

Caitlin: I don't know. Are you speaking to me, Alice?

Alice: [silence]

Caitlin: No, she isn't! What's wrong, Alice? Are we irritating you?

Alice: [silence]

Sara: Yes, we are! We're wasting our time! Are you coming with me to the snack bar now, Caitlin? Ted and Leo are waiting.

Caitlin: Yes, I am. Wait a minute. Now she's writing something. And why is she smiling?

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Bài 24 :

3. Read Part 1 of the story and answer the questions.

(Đọc phần 1 của câu chuyện và trả lời các câu hỏi.)

Part 1

David's First Day: Meet the form tutor

I'm meeting my form tutor for the first time - the two of us in a big classroom. Mr Grey has got glasses and he's wearing a grey jacket. He's writing information about me in the register. I'm looking at the numbers on the board and thinking that he probably teaches Maths. I'm really bad at Maths.

1. What is Mr Grey doing?

(Thầy Grey đang làm gì?)

2. Is Maths David's best subject?

(Môn Toán là môn học giỏi nhất của David phải không?)

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Bài 25 :

4. Read Part 2 of the story. Complete gaps (1-3)in the text with sentences (a-d). There is one extra sentence.

(Đọc phần 2 của câu chuyện. Hoàn thành các chỗ trống (1 – 3) trong văn bản với các câu (a – d). Có một câu bị thừa.)

a. He lives at the Children's Home.

(Anh ấy sống ở nhà trẻ.)

b. It's a very long walk.

(Đó là một quãng đường đi bộ rất dài.)

c. They've also got grey trousers and glasses.

(Họ cũng có quần tây xám và mắt kính.)

d. Some boys stop and look at me.

(Một vài cậu bé dừng lại và nhìn tôi.)

Part 2

David's First Day: Meet the classmates

The bell rings and boys are starting to come into the classroom. Tall, short, big, happy, sad. I'm standing at the front of the classroom with Mr Grey. .............. (1) ......... One of them is the tall boy from the bus this morning. Bad news! Now Mr Grey is talking about me to my new class- mates. "This is David. Be nice to him …….... (2) ......... Oh no! Why is he saying this? It's really difficult to make friends with people after that! I remember myfirst days at all the other schools. 'David, you can sit next to Amrik.' Now I'm walking to my new desk. ……...(3) ......... Amrik is looking at me with a small, brave smile. He's wearing an old Manchester City shirt. I already know we're best friends.

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Bài 26 :

5. Read Part 2 again. Mark the sentences (right), x (wrong) or ? (doesn't say).

(Đọc lại phần 2. Đánh dấu các câu (đúng), x (sai) hoặc? (không nói đến).)

1. The boys in David's class look the same.


2. David isn't happy to see the boy from the bus.


3. David doesn't like what Mr Grey says about him to the class.


4. David is smiling at Amrik.


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Bài 27 :

6. WORD FRIENDSWhich of the phrases can you find in the text?

(Những cụm từ nào em có thể tìm thấy trong văn bản?)

best friend (bạn tốt nhất)

get to know somebody (biết ai đó)

make friends with somebody (kết bạn với ai đó)

meet somebody for the first time (gặp ai đó lần đầu tiên)

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Bài 28 :

7. Complete the sentences with words from Exercise 6. In pairs, say which sentences are true for you.

(Hoàn thành các câu với các từ ở bài 6. Theo cặp, nói câu nào đúng với em.)

1. I sometimes feel nervous when I meet people for the first time.

(Tôi thỉnh thoảng cảm thấy lo lắng khi lần đầu tiêntôi gặp mọi người.)

2. It's easy for me to make friends __________ people.

3. My __________ friend and I chat for hours every evening.

4. I'm shy. People say it's difficult to get to __________ me.

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Bài 29 :

1. Listen. Where are Max, Sol and Eva spending the day?

(Nghe. Max, Sol và Eva đang trải qua ngày nghỉ ở đâu?)

On Mondays Max, Sol and Eva usually have a long day at school. But it's a holiday today and they're having a day in the countryside with their bikes.

Supervisor: Welcome to the mountain bike course. You guys are really lucky - it always rains on Monday mornings but it isn't raining today! Are you ready to start?

Max, Sol and Eva are exploring the mountain bike course.

Max:Wow! Isn't this fantastic? Just think, Sol. Usually at this time on a Monday, Mrs Jones gives us a really difficult Physics test, but today we're riding our bikes in the beautiful countryside! Are you enjoying it, Eva?

Eva: Yeah! I don't usually enjoy adventure parks but I'm really enjoying myself today!

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Bài 30 :

2. Read or listen. What three things does Max ask to borrow?

(Đọc hoặc nghe. Ba món đồ mà Max hỏi mượn là gì?)

Teacher: Your Maths exam is starting now. You have three hours.

Max: Sol? Sol! Sol! Can I borrow your eraser?

Sol: Sure.

Max: Thanks, buddy!... Sol, can I borrow a pencil? This one's broken!

Sol: Yes, OK. Here you are.

Max: Sol, can I borrow your ruler?

Sol: I'm sorry, but I'm using it. You can have it in a minute, OK?

Max: OK, that's fine! Psst! Sol! Can you tell me the answer to question 3B? Is it 93?

Sol: Sorry, I can't. This is an exam! Can I have another piece of paper, please?

Teacher: Yes, of course.

Sol: Max, can you stop that?

Teacher: Sol Gardner! This is an exam! Why are you talking?

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