Đề bài

4. Match the sentences in A with the sentences in B to make meaningful exchanges

(Ghép các câu ở cột A với các câu ở cột B để tạo ra các câu đối đáp có nghĩa.)



1. I want to sweep the floor.

(Tôi muốn quét sàn.)

a. She doesn't know where the mop is.

(Cô ấy không biết cây lau nhà ở đâu.)

2. I'm terrible at doing the laundry.

(Tôi rất tệ khi giặt quần áo.)

b. Give me the surface cleaner and I'll clean it.

(Đưa cho tôi chổi quét bề mặt và tôi sẽ làm sạch nó.)

3. I need to do my ironing.

(Tôi cần là (ủi) quần áo.)

c. I'd better dust the furniture before she arrives.

(Tôi nên phủi bụi đồ đạc trước khi cô ấy đến.)

4. Mum is going to mop the floor.

(Mẹ đang đi lau sàn nhà.)

d. Let me clean the stove before you start.

(Hãy để tôi làm sạch bếp trước khi bạn bắt đầu.)

5. Grandmother is coming over later.

(Bà sẽ đến sau.)

e. I'll get you the broom.

(Tôi sẽ lấy cho bạn cây chổi.)

6. I'll cook dinner tonight.

(Tối nay tôi sẽ nấu bữa tối.)

f. I always use too much laundry detergent.

(Tôi luôn sử dụng quá nhiều bột giặt.)

7. The bathroom is dirty.

(Phòng tắm bẩn.)

g. Barbara has the ironing board in her room.

(Barbara có bàn là (ủi) trong phòng của mình.)

Lời giải chi tiết :

1 - e

2 - f

3 - g 

4 - a

5 - c

6 - d

7 - b

1 - e. I want to sweep the floor. I'll get you the broom.

(Tôi muốn quét sàn. Tôi sẽ lấy cho bạn cây chổi.)

2 - f. I'm terrible at doing the laundry. I always use too much laundry detergent.

(Tôi rất tệ việc giặt quần áo. Tôi luôn sử dụng quá nhiều bột giặt.)

3 - g. I need to do my ironing. Barbara has the ironing board in her room.

(Tôi cần ủi quần áo. Barbara có bàn ủi trong phòng của mình.)

4 - a. Mum is going to mop the floor. She doesn't know where the mop is.

(Mẹ tôi sẽ lau sàn nhà. Cô ấy không biết cây lau nhà ở đâu.)

5 - c. Grandmother is coming over later. I'd better dust the furniture before she arrives.

(Bà sẽ đến sau. Tốt hơn là tôi nên phủi bụi đồ đạc trước khi bà đến.)

6 - d. I'll cook dinner tonight.  Let me clean the stove before you start.

(Tối nay tôi sẽ nấu bữa tối. Hãy để tôi lau sạch bếp trước khi bạn bắt đầu.)

7 - b. The bathroom is dirty. Give me the surface cleaner and I'll clean it.

(Phòng tắm đang bị bẩn. Đưa cho tôi cây lau bề mặt và tôi sẽ làm sạch nó.)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

Vocabulary: Family life

(Từ vựng: Đời sống gia đình)

1. Match the words with their meanings.

(Nối các từ với nghĩa của chúng.)

1. breadwinner

a. a person who manages a home and often raises children instead of earning money

2. housework

b. someone who earns the money to support their family

3. groceries

c. picking up and carrying heavy objects

4. homemaker

d. work around the house such as cooking, cleaning or washing clothes

5. heavy lifting

e. food and other goods sold at a shop or a supermarket

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Bài 2 :

2. Complete the sentences using the words in 1.

(Hoàn thành các câu sử dụng các từ ở bài 1.)

1. My mother is a _________. She doesn't go to work but stays at home to look after the family.

2. When I lived in this city, I used to shop for _________ at this supermarket.

3. My eldest son is strong enough to do the _________ for the family.

4. Hanna hates doing _________ except cooking.

5. Mr Lewis is the _________ of the family, but he still helps his wife with the housework whenever he has time.

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Bài 3 :

Complete the text. Use the correct forms of the word and phrases in the box.

(Hoàn thành văn bản. Sử dụng các dạng chính xác của từ và cụm từ trong hộp.)

do the washing-up             do the heavy lifting          do the cooking           clean the house                   laundry

In Thanh's family, everybody shares the housework. His mother (1) ______. Thanh really enjoys the food she cooks. Thanh's father is a strong man, so he (2) ______. Thanh helps with the (3) ______. He feels proud that he knows how to run a washing machine. Thanh's sister helps with (4) ______. She does it regularly, so their house is never dirty. She also (5) ______ after each meal.

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Bài 4 :

a. Match the words with the pictures. Listen and repeat.

(Nối các từ với hình ảnh thích hợp. Nghe và lặp lại.)

mop the living room

sweep the floor

dust the furniture

tidy my room

vacuum the sofa

put away the clothes

clean the bathroom

wash/ do the dishes

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Bài 5 :

a. Match the words with the definitions. Listen and repeat.

(Nối các từ với các định nghĩa thích hợp. Nghe và lặp lại.)

1. kind

2. unreliable

3. easygoing

4. untidy

5. helpful

6. selfish

7. lazy

8. intelligent

a. friendly and generous

b. not doing what they say they will do

c. thinking about themselves more than other people

d. relaxed and happy, not worried or angry

e. good at learning and understanding things

f. not keeping their things clean and tidy

g. not wanting to do work or be active

h. happy to do things for other people

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Bài 6 :

Vocabulary (Từ vựng)

Family (Gia đình)

1. Look at Emily’s family tree and underline the correct option. Then listen and check.

(Nhìn vào cái cây của gia đình Emily và gạch chân phương án chính xác. Sau đó nghe và kiểm tra.)

1. Jack is Lisa’s husband/brother.

2. Lisa is Jack’s grandmother/wife.

3. Jack and Lisa are Amy’s parents/grandparents.

4. Jessica is Emily’s mother/sister.

5. Emily is Jack’s daughter/granddaughter.

6. John is David’s grandfather/father.

7. David is Jack’s nephew/grandson.

8. Bill is Jessica’s uncle/son.

9. Bill is Amy’s cousin/sibling.

10. David is Emily’s nephew/ brother.

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Bài 7 :

2. Complete the pairs with words from Exercise 1.

(Hoàn thành các cặp từ có trong bài tập 1.)

1. grandfather – grandmother

2. mother –                

3. husband –             

4. son –              

5. brother –        

6. aunt –             

7. niece –            

8. grandson –     

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Bài 8 :

3. Draw your family tree and present it to the class.

(Vẽ cái cây về gia đình bạn và trình bày nó trước lớp.)

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Bài 9 :

Vocabulary (Từ vựng)

Household chores (Công việc nhà)

4. Fill in each gap with set, vacuum, mop, load, do (x2), dust or clear. Then listen and check.

(Điền vào mỗi chỗ trống bằng set, vacuum, mop, load, do (x2), dust hoặc clear. Sau đó lắng nghe và kiểm tra.)

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Bài 10 :

B. Categorize the chores in A next to the comments below. You can use the same chore more than once. 

(Phân loại các công việc nhà trong bài A bên cạnh các nhận xét bên dưới. Bạn có thể sử dụng một loại công việc nhà nhiều hơn một lần.)

1. “These chores are easy.” _________________________

2. “These chores are boring.” _______________________

3. “I often do these chores.” ________________________

4. “I never do these chores.” _______________________

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Bài 11 :

1. Match the household chores below with the pictures. Write 1-10 next to the words.

(Nối những công việc nhà với hình ảnh dưới đây. Điền 1-10 bên cạnh các từ.)


do the laundry


do the shopping


feed the dog


fix things in the house


set the table


sweep the floor


take the rubbish out


vacuum the floor


wash the dishes


water the plants

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Bài 12 :


1. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

(Hoàn thành các câu với các từ trong hộp.)

broom: chổi

mess: sự lộn xộn

detergent: chất tẩy rửa

rubbish: rác

ironing board: bàn ủi

table: bàn

1. Can you help me find the_________?I need to iron my dress.

2. Please take the_________out. The bin is nearly full.

3. Get the_________! We need to sweep the floors before mum comes home.

4. Get some forks and spoons and help me set the_______

5. We're out of________. Please get some the next time you go to the store.

6. Don't make a________. I don't have time to clean it up.

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Bài 13 :

2. Complete the phrases with do, make, or wash.

(Hoàn thành các cụm từ với do, make hoặc wash.)

1. _________the shopping

2. __________ a mess

3. _________the dishes

4. _________the laundry

5. __________the housework

6. ___________the bed

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Bài 14 :

1. Match the phrases with the correct pictures.

(Ghép các cụm từ với các hình ảnh chính xác.)

a. do the washing up b. do the laundry c. put out the rubbish
d. do the heavy lifting e. do the cooking f. lay the table
g. clean the house h. shop for groceries  

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Bài 15 :

2. Choose the best answers to complete the sentences.

(Chọn những câu trả lời đúng nhất để hoàn thành các câu.)

1. She does two jobs at the same time as she is the main _________ of the family.

A. breadwinner       

B. homemaker             

C. housewife              

D. bread maker

2. She’s such a good wife. She’s _________ her husband through difficult times.

A. taught                 

B. left                          

C. supported                 

D. provided

3. It’s not easy for teens to get back into the school _________ after a long holiday.

A. routine

B. bond

C. work

D. responsibility

4. Jim’s main _________ in his home is to keep the house clean.

A. right                 

B. honour                    

C. part                         

D. responsibility

5. Family _________ are important because they teach children what is right or wrong in life.

A. bonds                  


C. holidays                  

D. connections

6. Doing housework brings great _________ to children as it helps them develop necessary life skills.

A. benefits               

B. hard work               

C. results           

D. practices

7. He’s a man of strong _________. He always fights for what is right and you can rely on him.

A. health                

B. character                 

C. hands                      

D. influence

8. When all members of the family share housework, the family _________ will become stronger.

A. joys                     

B. happiness                

C. life                          

D. bonds

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Bài 16 :

3. Complete the sentences using the words or phrases in the box.

(Hoàn thành các câu bằng cách sử dụng các từ hoặc cụm từ trong hộp.)

life skills



family values




family bonds

1. Doing chores as a family will help strengthen _________.

2. Preparing and cooking meals are some of the essential _________ for teens.

3. Instead of giving me answers to questions, my parents always _________ to me to think for myself.

4. The kids deeply _________ their grandfather for his great knowledge about the world.

5. Sarah is a(n) _________ girl. She never cheats in exams.

6. His parents give him full _________ for his choice of school.

7. Kindness and responsibility are two _________ that many parents want to teach to their children.

8. I’m lucky to have such a(n) _________ brother who always gives me help when I need it.

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Bài 17 :

a. Fill in the missing letters.

(Điền vào các chữ cái còn thiếu.)

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Bài 18 :

b. Now, fill in the blanks using the words in Task a.

(Bây giờ, hãy điền vào chỗ trống bằng cách sử dụng các từ trong bài a.)

1. I _______ in the living room once a week. including the TV.

2. Please __________ before you mop it. The broom is in the cupboard.

3. Tonight I need to _________. It’s really messy.

4. After Mom does the laundry. I ___________.

5. Once a week I ____________. including the sink and shower.

6. Can you ____________ floor? Remember to use hot water.

7. After we finish dinner. I’ll __________. You can put them away later.

8. I _____________ on Fridays. I always find potato chips behind the cushions. My little brother is so messy!

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Bài 19 :

Vocabulary: Family

(Từ vựng: Gia đình)

1. Complete the text with the words from the list below. Three words are extra.

(Hoàn thành đoạn văn bản dưới đây với các  từ danh sách dưới đây. Ba từ là thêm vào.)









Dave and Liam are 1)_____________. They live with their 2)____________ -their father, Tim and their mother, Gwen – in Lodon. They haven’t got any other 3)______________, but they don’t mind. They live next door to their uncle, Pete, their aunt, Judy, and their 4)______________, Mark and Martina. They are around the same age, so they spend a lot of time together. They all love visiting their 5)_________ in Brighton. Their grandfarther has got a boat and their grandmother  loves to fish. There’s always something to do!

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Bài 20 :

2. Complete to form pairs.

(Hoàn thành để tạo thành những cặp.)

1. aunt

2. niece

3. son

4. brother

5. wife

6. grandson







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Bài 21 :


Household chores & Daily routines

(Từ vựng: Việc và & hoạt động hàng ngày)

4.Complete the phrases.

(Hoàn thành các cụm từ.)

vacuum                           dust                                         set                        clear            do                                   load                                         mop                     do

1. ______________ the table

2. ______________ the floor

3. _______________ the dishwasher

4. _______________ the furniture

5. _______________ the table

6. _______________ the rug

7. _______________ the ironing

8. _______________ the laundry

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Bài 22 :

5. Circle the odd one out.

(Khoanh vào từ khác với các từ còn lại.)

1. mop – bed – table – furniture

2. taxi - nap – bike – bus

3. ironing – laundry – dishes – homework

4. watch – clear – dust – load

5. clean – vaccuum – play – dust

6. lunch – breakfast – dinner – nap

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Bài 23 :

6. Fill in each gap with the correct word.

(Điền vào mỗi khoảng chống với từ chính xác.)

makes             mop              have             watch            answers                   does                           catch              play              take               clear                     do                   are dusting

1. When Scott wakes up, he always ___________ breakfast.

2. Tom often helps his mom ________ the floor after school.

3. My brother is waiting to ____________ the bus to school.

4. In the evenings, Sarah likes to _____________ music with her little brother.

5. Mary wants to __________ a nap because she feels tired.

6. My sister usually ___________ the door when the bell rings.

7. Lloyd and Diane always ________ the news in the moring.

8. I __________ the ironing every Saturday.

9. Trung and his brother ______________ the furniture at the moment.

10. Ann helps her mom ___________ the table after dinner every day.

11. Philip gets up early and ____________ the laundry.

12. Let’s ________ lunch at the new restaurant down the street.

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Bài 24 :

1. Complete the sentences with the phrases given.

(Hoàn thành các câu với các cụm từ cho sẵn.)

vacuum the floor

set the table  

feed the dog

water the plants 

do the shopping

wash the dishes

do the laundry

 take the rubbish out

1. My grandfather is raising a dog. He has to feed the dog every day.

2. Don’t forget to __________ or the room will smell terrible the next day.

3. You have to __________ after finishing a meal.

4. I __________ every day to get clean clothes.

5. You should __________ before cleaning it.

6. My sister helped me __________ before we had dinner.

7. If you don’t __________, they can’t grow well and will die soon.

8. My mother doesn’t let me __________ because I usually buy the wrong things.

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Bài 25 :

2. Write the phrases from Exercise 1 under photos 1-8.

(Viết các cụm từ trong Bài tập 1 dưới ảnh 1-8.)


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Bài 26 :

3. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box.

(Điền vào chỗ trống với các từ chính xác từ hộp.)

feed                             shopping                      sweeps             table                do water                           wash                            fixes                            taking

In our family, we split the household chores equally. My parents have three children, and we all help with the chores. I am the big brother of two little sisters, so I do most of the housework. Normally. my mother is responsible for doing the (1) ________ and setting the (2) ________. I want to help my mom with the shopping, but she fears that I buy the wrong things. Mom wants me to help her (3) ________ the laundry and (4) ________ the dishes. I don't like (5) ________ the rubbish out, but I still have to do it. My sisters love dogs so much, and they are taking care of two puppies. These two little girls (6) ________ the dogs and play with them all the time. My sisters also (7) ________ the plants, but sometimes they forget this duty and I have to do it for them. My father (8) ________ the floor every day. He sometimes (9) ________ things in the house, too.

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Bài 27 :

4. Choose the correct option.

(Chọn phương án đúng.)

1. In my family, I am responsible for making / doing / setting the cooking.

2. Both my parents go to work and do / make / break the housework.

3. The children set / do / make their own beds every morning.

4. My father helps my mother vacuum / water / make the floor every weekend.

5. Stop doing / making / running a mess! I am tired of cleaning all time! 

6. Can you help me do / make / fix the ironing? I need this suit for the party tonight.

7. If you lose in the game, you will have to make / feed / do the cleaning the whole week.

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Bài 28 :

5. Complete the dialogues using the given sentences. Match the dialogues 1-6 with the correct photos a-f.

(Hoàn thành các đoạn hội thoại bằng cách sử dụng các câu cho sẵn. Ghép các đoạn hội thoại 1-6 với các ảnh a-f chính xác.)

- I don't know where the broom is.

(Tôi không biết cây chổi ở đâu.)

- I will wash the dishes.

(Tôi sẽ rửa bát đĩa.)

- Remember to dust the furniture

(Nhớ phủi bụi cho đồ đạc)

- I just don't have time to do the laundry

(Tôi chỉ không có thời gian để giặt giũ)

- My mom forgot to do my ironing.

(Mẹ tôi quên không ủi quần áo cho tôi.)

- Who is going to do the cooking tonight?

(Ai sẽ nấu ăn tối nay?)

1. A: Your room is filled with dirty clothes everywhere!

   B: _______________________________ very often.

2. A: __________________________________________?

    B: I am. I will make you the best food ever!

3. A: You can’t wear that wrinkled shirt to the interview.

   B: __________________________________________.

4. A: Jack! I told you to sweep the barn before I went to work!

   B: __________________________________________.

5. A: __________________________________________ before your grandmother arrives.

    B: Yes. I know that she can’t stand it because she has breathing problems.

6. A: We will start cleaning the kitchen first.

    B: OK. ______________________________________.

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Bài 29 :

 2. Choose the synonym of the underlined words.

(Chọn từ đồng nghĩa của những từ được gạch chân.)

1.There are changes in the roles of men and women in the family.

A. responsibilities

B. disagreements

C. decisions

2. Men used to be the only breadwinners whereas women stayed home.

A. money earners

B. housewives

C. unemployed men

3. It is said that husbands should be involved in housework to help their wives.

A. be uninvolved in

B. prevent from

C. join in

4. My dad looks after the baby every weekend because my mum works on Saturdays.

A. protects

B. takes care of

C. looks up

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Bài 30 :

 1. Find six words in the Word Search to complete the sentences below. Look 

(Tìm sáu từ trong Tìm từ để hoàn thành các câu bên dưới. Nhìn)

1. We ran out of laundry d__________. Can you go to the store and buy some?

2. Your shirt is terribly wrinkled. Don’t you know how to use the i__________board?

3. We should dust the f__________ before doing the vacuuming.

4. Sweep the m__________ first, then relax.

5. Jenny, go get me the b__________ I need to sweep the floor.

6. Can you help me take the r__________ out? I’m busy washing the dishes.

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