Đề bài

Conversation (Optional)

(Hội thoại (Tự chọn))

E. Listen to the conversation. What was good about the weekend? What was bad?

(Nghe đoạn hội thoại. Có gì tốt về cuối tuần? Có gì xấu?)

Alex: How was your weekend? 

Camilo: It was good. I went camping with Minh.

Alex: Really? How was the weather? 

Camilo: It was bad on the first day. It snowed non-stop! Everything was covered with lots of snow. 

Alex: Oh, no! What did you do? 

Camilo: We went to a hotel, but there weren't any rooms. Then we found another hotel. It was more expensive, but the rooms were clean. Actually, they were repainted a few days ago. The food was good, and it was even brought to our rooms! 

Alex: So, did you go hiking? 

Camilo: No. It was still snowing on the second day, so we decided to go skiing instead. It was tiring, but a lot of fun. Look, this photo was taken right when I had the biggest fall of the whole day! Anyway, how was your weekend? 

Alex: It was OK, but it was very boring compared to yours!

A hotel at Lake Hintersee, Bavaria, Germany

(Một khách sạn ở Hồ Hintersee, Bavaria, Đức)                                       




Phương pháp giải :

Tạm dịch:

Alex: Cuối tuần của bạn thế nào?

Camilo: Nó rất tuyệt. Tôi đi cắm trại với Minh.

Alex: Thật không? Thời tiết thế nào?

Camilo: Thật tệ vào ngày đầu tiên. Tuyết rơi không ngừng! Mọi thứ đều bị bao phủ bởi rất nhiều tuyết.

Alex: Ôi, không! Các bạn đã làm gì?

Camilo: Chúng tôi đến một khách sạn, nhưng không còn phòng nào cả. Sau đó, chúng tôi tìm thấy một khách sạn khác. Nó đắt hơn, nhưng các phòng sạch sẽ. Thực ra, chúng đã được sơn lại cách đây vài ngày. Thức ăn rất ngon, và thậm chí nó đã được mang đến tận phòng của chúng tôi!

Alex: Thế các bạn có đi bộ đường dài không?

Camilo: Không. Trời vẫn còn tuyết vào ngày thứ hai, vì vậy chúng tôi quyết định đi trượt tuyết. Nó khá mệt, nhưng rất vui. Nhìn này, bức ảnh này được chụp đúng vào lúc tôi bị ngã đau nhất trong ngày! Dù sao, cuối tuần của bạn thế nào?

Alex: Cũng được, nhưng nó rất nhàm chán so với của bạn!

Lời giải chi tiết :

- The hotel rooms where Camilo stayed were clean and the food was good.

(Các phòng khách sạn nơi Camilo ở đều sạch sẽ và đồ ăn ngon.)

- The weather was bad.

(Thời tiết xấu.)


Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

5. Read and listen to the dialogue. When did Fred go to Bulgaria? What happened to him while he was there?

(Đọc và nghe đoạn đối thoại. Fred đến Bulgaria khi nào? Điều gì đã xảy ra với anh ta khi anh ta ở đó?)

Beth: Have you ever been to Bulgaria?

Fred: Yes, I went there last year with my family. Have you been there?

Beth: No, I haven't. What cities did you visit?

Fred: We didn't visit any cities. We went skiing,

Beth: Sounds great. I've never been skiing, but I'd love to go. Was it good?

Fred: Not really. I fell and broke my leg on the first day, so I spent the rest of the holiday in hospital!

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Bài 2 :

2. Read and listen to the dialogue. When, where and how did Lydia go on holiday in the summer?

(Đọc và lắng nghe đoạn hội thoại. Lydia đã đi nghỉ mát vào mùa hè khi nào, ở đâu và bằng cách nào?)

Tom: Did you go to Spain in July?

Lydia: No, we went to Portugal. And we went in August.

Tom: Where did you fly to?

Lydia: We drove there, actually.

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Bài 3 :

2. Read the text. Who first realised that the family were getting on the wrong flight?

(Đọc văn bản. Ai đầu tiên nhận ra rằng gia đình đã đi nhầm chuyến bay?)

a. a passport control officer

(một nhân viên kiểm soát hộ chiếu)

b. a security guard

(một nhân viên bảo vệ)

c. the flight attendant

(tiếp viên hàng không)

d. a police officer

(một cảnh sát)

Can I see your ticket, please?

I went on my first flight last week, it was so exciting! And, in the end, quite funny. Mum and dad have travelled a lot and said it would be nice and relaxing. We collected our boarding passes at the check-in desk, and mum checked our gate number on the departure screen. Then we left our bags at the bag drop. At the security checks, we put our passports in the trays with our hand luggage. While we were eating in the departure lounge, mum realised she'd left her passport at the security check. She jumped up and ran back in a complete panic. Then dad said they were calling our flight number. He called mum to tell her to meet us at departure gate 5, after passport control. Mum came back holding her passport in the air and we queued up to board. The flight attendant checking our tickets was confused. “Erm, sorry, this isn't your flight.” She showed dad our tickets, and he realised the flight number was different! We all had to run to another gate and got there just as they were closing it. Next time I think I’ll be in charge!

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Bài 4 :

2. Look through the texts quickly. Match two of the three texts (A-C) with photos 1-2.

(Nhìn qua các đoạn văn một cách nhanh chóng. Nối hai trong số ba văn bản (A-C) với ảnh 1 và 2)

A taste of adventure

Where do you usually go on holiday? To the beach or the mountains? Have you ever tried an adventure holiday or even an ecotourism holiday?

A. Hilary Bradt: aged 15

Last year, I went to Guatemala on an ecotourism holiday with my family. We stayed with a local family of coffee farmers. They showed us how to harvest coffee, carry it in a special backpack and roast it. I don't really like the taste of coffee, but I loved the smell when we roasted it. The best part was that I made friends with a girl on the farm and now we're penfriends. I'm even learning Spanish!

B. Kevin Rushby: aged 16

For our last family holiday, we went to the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. It was amazing. I saw loads of multicoloured fish and even learned how to dive. We also visited a turtle sanctuary, and helped to take baby turtles out to the beach, their natural habitat. Forgetting the suncream, I got really sunburned. It was worth it though, to see the baby turtles swimming away.

C. Terry Nguyen: aged 16

Last summer, I went to Nam Cat Tien in south Viet Nam with my aunt, uncle and cousins. My aunt loves adventure holidays. We stayed on a campsite in the jungle, and the local guide took us to see local wildlife. On the first day, I saw a wild boar and a monkey, which ran away with my sunglasses. I tried chasing it to get them back. I got separated from the group, and didn't know where they were. I was terrified! Finally, I heard the guide calling me. I wasn't lost for long, but it felt like ages!

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Bài 5 :

3. Read the texts. Match the three teens (Hilary, Kevin and Terry with the sentences below.

(Đọc đoạn văn. Ghép ba thanh niên Hilary, Kevin và Terry với các câu bên dưới.)

This teen ... (Bạn trẻ này …)

1. had an enjoyable experience with animals.

(có trải nghiệm thích thú cùng với các loài động vật.)

2. had a scary experience.

(có một trải nghiệm kinh sợ.)

3. experienced lovely smells.

(trải nghiệm một mùi hương đáng yêu.)

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Bài 6 :

4. Read the Reading Strategy. Then look at questions 1-4 in exercise 5. Find the underlined words in the text and explain why those options are not correct.

(Đọc Chiến lược Đọc. Sau đó, xem các câu hỏi 1-4 trong bài tập 5. Tìm các từ gạch chân trong văn bản và giải thích tại sao các lựa chọn đó không đúng)

Reading Strategy(Chiến lược đọc)

Do not assume that because a multiple-choice option contains words from the text, it is correct. Focus on meaning, not on individual words.

(Đừng cho rằng vì một đáp án trong trắc nghiệm chứa từ trong bài đọc, là đúng. Tập trung vào ngữ nghĩa. không phải riêng rẽ từng từ một.)

Treat option as a true or false task in order to find the option that is true.

(Coi các lựa chọn là một bài tập đúng sai để tìm ra đáp án nào đúng.)

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Bài 7 :

5. Circle the correct option (a-c).

(Khoanh vào đáp án đúng)

1. Hilary loved her holiday because

(Hilary thích kỳ nghỉ bởi vì)

a. she drank a lot of coffee. (cô ấy uống nhiều cafe)

b. she made a new friend. (cô ấy kết bạn mới)

c. she learned some Spanish. (cô ấy học tiếng Tây Ban Nha)

2. Kevin first saw the baby turtles

(Keven lần đầu thấy những bé rùa ở)

a. in a conservation centre. (trung tâm bảo tồn)

b. near the diving centre. (gần trung tâm học lặn)

c. in their natural habitat. (ở môi trường sống tự nhiên)

3. On his holiday, Kevin (Vào kỳ nghỉ, Kevin đã)

a. bought some suncream. (bôi kem chống nắng)

b. caught lots of fish. (bắt nhiều cá)

c. learned a new skill. (học một kỹ năng mới)

4. Terry got lost in the jungle because

(Terry bị lạc trong rừng bởi vì)

a. the guide walked too quickly.

(hướng dẫn viên đi nhanh quá)

b. he chased a monkey.

(anh ấy đuổi theo một con khỉ)

c. he dropped his sunglasses. (anh ấy làm rơi kính râm)

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Bài 8 :

2. Read the blog posts. Who has already done four things and has another two planned? Who has done one thing and has another one planned?

(Đọc các bài đăng trên blog. Ai đã làm bốn việc và còn 2 việc nữa? Ai đã làm một việc và một việc nữa?)

8.15 p.m @Harry445

Hi, everyone! We arrived safely in Paris on Saturday evening. It was very windy and rainy, so the flight was a bit bumpy. Emma screamed when the plane landed! Hilarious, lol! The weather is much better now. Still cloudy, but it's stopped raining.

We've already been up the Eiffel Tower. We took the lift up, but walked back down the stairs. We've also walked down the Champs Elysées. The shops there are really expensive, so I didn't buy anything! ! Yesterday we went on a boat trip on the river Seine and then visited the Louvre art gallery. We saw the Mona Lisa, which was a bit disappointing. It's tiny!

Tomorrow we are going to visit Disneyland. It isn't far from here. Can't wait! Then on Friday we're going shopping (but not on the Chams Elysées!) — I want to buy some souvenirs. Will post another entry tomorrow when we're back from Disneyland.

9.04 p.m. @Emily99

Sorry I haven’t posted since Friday! Arrived in Tri An (Dong Nai Province) two days ago with Joanna after a tiring journey by coach from Ho Chi Minh City. There were roadworks on the motorway and an accident, so the Journey took five hours instead of two. We're staying in a small inn. It’s near a lake. The weather is sunny and dry and I can see a small wood from my window.

We've already been kayaking on the lake. The kayaking was fun and fantastic, but a bit scary! Tomorrow we're going biking.

We're going to hire bikes from a shop near the inn. Really looking forward to it! Watch out for more blog entries in the next few days!

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Bài 9 :

3. Read the task below. Do both blog posts include all four points?

(Đọc bài tập bên dưới. Cả hai bài đăng trên blog có bao gồm tất cả bốn điểm không?)

You are on holiday with your family. Write a blog post. Include information about:

the journey to your holiday destination and where you are staying.

(hành trình đến điểm đến kỳ nghỉ của bạn và nơi bạn đang ở.)

the weather. (thời tiết)

some holiday activities you have done.

(một số hoạt động mà bạn đã thực hiện trong kỳ nghỉ)

something you plan to do in the next few days.

(điều bạn dự định làm trong vài ngày tới.)

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Bài 10 :

2. Read the text and check your answers to exercise 1.

(Đọc đoạn văn và kiểm tra câu trả lời ở bài tập 1.)

Phu Quoc is a Vietnamese island in south Viet Nam. It has beautiful white beaches with lines of palm trees and modern hotel resorts that attract a lot of tourists. The island offers a peaceful atmosphere, fresh seafood and picturesque landscapes. In the past, the island was a quiet place, but in the past few years, the number of tourists has grown. In 2018, more than four million people visited the popular island to relax and swim in the clear blue sea. Many of the hotel resorts are luxurious and the visitors bring a lot of money to the local economy.

Behind the impressive swimming pools and restaurants, there is a national park. In fact, more than half of the island belongs to Phu Quoc National Park and contains mountains, tropical jungle and lots of interesting wildlife. This means that, although there are more and more tourists, nature is strictly protected.

The largest town is called Duong Dong, which is full of markets selling fish, local food and crafts. They are great places to buy local souvenirs to help you remember your holiday in paradise!

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Bài 11 :

3. Read the text. Find the antonyms of the following adjectives.

(Từ vựng. Đọc đoạn văn. Tìm từ trái nghĩa của các tính từ sau.)

ugly; unpopular; unimpressive; boring; noisy; crowded

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Bài 12 :

4. Read the text again. Are the sentences true or false? Write T or F.

(Đọc văn bản một lần nữa. Những câu sau đúng hay sai? Viết T hoặc F.)

1. Phu Quoc is in the north of Viet Nam.

2. You can eat a lot of fish on the island.  

3. Nearly four million people visited the island in 2018.  

4. You can find lots of cheap hotels on the island.

5. Behind the hotel resorts you can see a lot of wildlife. 

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Bài 13 :

1. Read the texts. Circle the correct option (a-d)

(Đọc đoạn văn. Khoanh tròn đáp án a-c)

Living cheaply in New Zealand

I've been in New Zealand for six months, and, as far as I'm concerned, it's the adventure capital of the world! Hiking, skydiving, caving, ... the list goes on. And it doesn't have to cost a lot to live here. When I arrived, I stayed in a hostel in Auckland. It was cheap, and I met lots of people. I joined up with a few of them and we started touring the country - buses are the cheapest way to get about. We stayed in affordable campsites in the most amazing places. Right now, I'm back in a hostel in Wellington. I'm taking a city break before I start touring again.

Tạm dịch:

Tôi đã ở New Zealand được sáu tháng, và theo như tôi biết, đó là thủ đô của những cuộc phiêu lưu của thế giới! Đi bộ đường dài, nhảy dù, thám hiểm hang động, ... danh sách còn dài. Và không hề tốn nhiều tiền để sống ở đây. Khi tôi đến, tôi ở trong một ký túc xá ở Auckland. Nó rẻ, và tôi đã gặp rất nhiều người. Tôi và một vài người bạn trong số đó và bắt đầu đi tham quan đất nước - xe buýt là chính cách rẻ nhất. Chúng tôi ở trong các khu cắm trại giá cả phải chăng ở những nơi tuyệt vời nhất. Ngay lúc này, tôi trở lại trong một ký túc xá ở Wellington. Tôi đang nghỉ ngơi ở thành phố trước khi tôi bắt đầu phiêu lưu trở lại.

1. What does the author say about being in New Zealand?

(Tác giả nói gì về việc sống ở New Zealand)

a. He's planning to go home now.

(Anh ấy định về nhà ngay bây giờ)

b. He prefers travelling on his own.

(Anh ấy thích đi du lịch một mình)

c. He's spent a lot of money.

(Anh ấy đã tiêu rất nhiều tiền)

d. He has seen both town and country.

(Anh ấy đã nhìn thấy cả thị trấn và đất nước)

How to make money travelling

After I left university, I set out on a three-month trip to Asia. The idea was to travel and then go home and find a job. That was two years ago, and I'm still here! But how, you may ask, can you make money and travel at the same time? I teach English. I also write a travel blog, and that makes money too. I don't have a lot of money, but I can pay my bills. I have friends that do other things, such as hairdressing. There are lots of different ways to make money while you're travelling.

Tạm dịch:

Cách kiếm tiền khi đi du lịch

Sau khi tôi học xong, tôi bắt đầu chuyến du lịch Châu Á kéo dài 3 tháng. Ý tưởng là đi du lịch, sau đó thì về nhà và tìm việc làm. Đó là chuyện của hai năm trước, còn giờ thì tôi vẫn ở đây! Nhưng làm thế nào để vừa kiếm được tiền và đi du lịch cùng một lúc?, bạn chắc hẳn thắc mắc. Tôi dạy tiếng Anh. Tôi cũng viết một blog du lịch, và việc đó cũng kiếm được tiền. Tôi không có nhiều tiền, nhưng tôi có thể trả tiền sinh hoạt. Tôi có những người bạn làm những việc khác, chẳng hạn như làm tóc. Có rất nhiều những cách khác nhau để kiếm tiền trong khi bạn đang đi du lịch.

2. What does the author say about his experience?

(Tác giả nói gì về trải nghiệm của mình)

a. He spent three months in Asia.

(Anh ấy đã dành ba tháng ở Châu Á)

b. He now knows what job he wants to train for.

(Bây giờ anh ấy biết công việc anh ấy muốn làm)

c. He became very rich.

(Anh ấy trở nên rất giàu có)

d. He changed his plans.

(Anh ấy đã thay đổi kế hoạch của mình)

So you want to be a billionaire?

Self-made billionaires have one thing in common: They're good at making money. Most of them will also tell you that this talent is only part of the story. So what else do you need to be a success in the business world? So you want to be a billionaire? helps you understand. The book looks at the careers and methods of the world's most famous self-made billionaires. Each chapter examines how these billionaires made their fortune - and how you can do the same. Read So you want to be a billionaire and open the door to a great future!

Tạm dịch:

Bạn có muốn trở thành tỷ phú?

Các tỷ phú tự thân đều có một điểm chung: Họ kiếm tiền giỏi. Hầu hết họ sẽ cho bạn biết rằng tài năng này chỉ là một phần của câu chuyện mà thôi. Vì vậy, những gì bạn cần để thành công trong giới kinh doanh là gì? “So you want to be a billionaire?” sẽ giúp bạn hiểu. Quyển sách tập trung vào sự nghiệp và phương pháp của những tỷ phú tự thân nổi tiếng nhất. Mỗi chương đều phân tích xem cách các tỷ phú này đã làm giàu - và bạn nên làm theo như thế nào. Hãy đọc “So you want to be a billionaire?” và mở ra một tương lai tươi sáng.

3. The author of the text wants to

(Tác giả muốn)

a. sell people a book. (bán sách)

b. explain the life of a billionaire.

(giải thích cuộc sống của một tỉ phú)

c. encourage readers to write a book about their lives.

(khuyến khích người đọc viết về cuộc đời họ)

d. describe how he became successful

(miêu tả anh ấy đã thành công như thế nào)

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Bài 14 :

a. Read the article about visiting France. Match the paragraphs with the pictures.

(Đọc bài báo về chuyến thăm Pháp. Nối các đoạn văn với các hình ảnh phù hợp.)


Our Top Four in France!

From fantastic food to charming culture, France has it all! Here are our top four places to visit.

A. The Louvre, one of the world's most famous art museums, has some of the world's greatest art. It's best known for being the home of the famous painting Mona Lisa. In 2018, it was the most visited museum anywhere, with about 25,000 visitors every day.

B. If you visit Paris, you must visit the Eiffel Tower. It's the tallest building in Paris. There's an amazing view from the top, but how about enjoying dinner in the restaurant on the second level, at 125 meters? You can enjoy the view and great food.

C. The Loire is France's longest river. It's known as the Garden of France because you can see lots of beautiful gardens and farms along the river banks. The part located between the towns of Sully-sur-Loire and Chalonnes-sur-Loir is a World Heritage Site. In the World Heritage Site, you'll find many beautiful buildings.

D. If you want to visit a castle, we recommend the Chateau d'Amboise. During the 16th century, this beautiful castle was often visited by kings as they traveled the country. It's famous for its great views of the river. The artist and inventor, Leonardo da Vinci, is buried here, too!

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Bài 15 :

b. Now, read and answer the questions. (Bây giờ, hãy đọc và trả lời các câu hỏi.)

1. When was the Louvre the world's most popular museum? 

in 2018

2. What can you do on the second level of the Eiffel Tower?

3. What can you see between the towns of Sully-sur Loire and Chalonnes-sur-Loire?

4. For what reasons is Chateau d'Amboise famous?

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Bài 16 :

a. Read the description of an eco resort and answer the question. What does the text describe?

(Đọc mô tả về một khu nghỉ dưỡng sinh thái và trả lời câu hỏi. Đoạn văn miêu tả điều gì?)

1. The resort's location, accommodation, price, and activities

(Vị trí, chỗ ở, giá cả và các hoạt động của khu nghỉ dưỡng)

2. The resort's location, accommodation, restaurant, and activities

(Vị trí, chỗ ở, nhà hàng và các hoạt động của khu nghỉ dưỡng)

Yên Vân Eco Park is a new five-star resort on the Vietnamese island of Phú Quốc, a large island with an area of 544 square kilometers. We make all our private bungalows from bamboo and each comes with its own saltwater swimming pool. All rooms have a king-sized double bed, silk mosquito nets, and a view of the beach. We have three restaurants ready to serve you delicious Vietnamese food made from fresh local ingredients. Each morning you can enjoy our buffet breakfast or have your food on your bungalow's terrace while listening to the birdsong in the nearby forest. When not relaxing in our spa, why not take a walk along our private beach? We also have daily boat trips around the island for our guests. You can try spear fishing in the sea if you would like to catch your own dinner. Children will love the water slide. It's eight hundred meters long and runs down the side of a hill. There is something for everyone at our resort. Why don't you book your next vacation with us today?

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Bài 17 :

b. Now, read and fill in the blanks.

(Bây giờ, hãy đọc và điền vào chỗ trống.)

1. Phú Quốc has an area of __________ square kilometers.

2. The bungalows are made from __________.

3. You can take a walk along the __________.

4. There are __________ trips around the island.

5. You can catch a __________ for dinner.

6. The water __________ is eight hundred meters long.

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Bài 18 :


5. Read the text and decide if each of the statements (1–5) is T (true) or F (false).

(Đọc văn bản và quyết định xem mỗi câu (1–5) là T (đúng) hay F (sai).)

The Royal Albert Hall

The Royal Albert Hall in South Kensington, London, is one of the UK’s most famous concert halls. Queen Victoria opened it in 1871 and singers, choirs and orchestras from around the world came to perform on its famous stage. Everyone in the UK knows this beautiful venue. In fact, for many people, the Royal Albert Hall is the home of classical music in England.

One of the most famous events that happens here is the Proms. It is a special classical concert that celebrates music and British culture. This eight-week-long festival happens every summer. Classical musicians, orchestras, opera singers and even pop stars all perform during the Proms. There really is something for everyone! Over 5,000 people fill the seats inside the Hall, and over 18 million watch it on television and the Internet. People even call it the world’s largest music festival!

The Proms isn’t the only thing that happens at this amazing place. There are also rock concerts, ballet and theatre performances, film screenings and even tennis matches! Whatever you’re interested in, you can find it at the Royal Albert Hall, Britain’s most incredible entertainment venue!

1. South Kensington is an area in London. ________

2. The Royal Albert Hall is a place for classical music. _____

3. The Proms last for six weeks every summer. ________

4. 5,000 people watch the Proms on TV every year. ________

5. You can watch sports events at the Royal Albert Hall. _____

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Bài 19 :


A. Read the to-do list for a vacation. Where is the vacation?

(Đọc danh sách việc cần làm cho một kỳ nghỉ. Kỳ nghỉ ở đâu?)

My Vacation

To do

 1. Pack

     - Luggage: clothes, sunblock, sunglasses, camera


     - Carry-on bag: passport, phone, charger

 2. Exchange money: 5,000,000 đồng into Thai baht

 3. Take taxi to airport

Flight details

     Vietnam Airlines VN706 from Hà Nội to Bangkok

     Check-in time: 12:05

     Flight leaves: 2:05

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Bài 20 :

C. Read the article again. Does the author agree or disagree with this advice? Circle A for agree or D for disagree.

(Đọc lại bài viết. Tác giả đồng ý hay không đồng ý với lời khuyên này? Khoanh tròn chữ A khi “đồng ý” hoặc D khi “không đồng ý”.)

1. Plan everything before your vacation.  

2. Visit new places out of the city center. 

3. Always buy food from supermarkets.  

4. Get all your information from guidebooks and the Internet. 

5. Talk to local people for advice and suggestions. 

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Bài 21 :


A. When you go on vacation, which activities do you like to do? Tell the class.

(Khi đi nghỉ, bạn thích làm những hoạt động nào? Nói với cả lớp.)

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Bài 22 :

B. Read the article. Which activities in A are in the article? Check the boxes.

(Đọc bài viết. Trong bài có những hoạt động nào ở bài A? Đánh dấu vào ô trống.)

Make Your Vacation More Interesting

Aziz Abu Sarah has a travel company and often gives advice to tourists. Here he answers the question: “How can a vacation be more interesting?”

Don't plan everything

Tourists often study maps and plan everything before they go on vacation. It's fun to go sightseeing, but sometimes it's interesting to leave the map at the hotel. When I was in Tokyo for the first time, I traveled to the suburbs. Two hours later, I was singing karaoke and dancing with local people.

Try the local food

Eating local food always makes a vacation more interesting. Go to food markets where local people sell fresh food that they grew or cooked. You can learn more about their food and culture. It's much more interesting than going to a supermarket - and the food is better!

Find out where local people go

When you arrive in a new place, find out about festivals and events. Local magazines and posters have information about art galleries and live music. If you like sports, find out where people play. When I was in Tunisia, I played soccer on the beach with a group of local men.

Ask for advice and suggestions

All around the world, people are always happy to give advice. Don't always use the guidebook or the Internet. Ask local people for suggestions on where to go or where to eat. Once, in Curitiba, Brazil, I asked a local group where I should have dinner in the city. They invited me for dinner and I am still friends with them!

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Bài 23 :

D. Read the advertisement and answer the questions.

(Đọc quảng cáo và trả lời các câu hỏi.)

A Day (or Two) to Remember

Would you like to experience the life of Indiana Jones or Lara Croft? Do you like to explore the rainforest and be awed by the scenes you think only exist in the movie Avatar? Phong Nha – Kẻ Bàng National Park is the destination to make all those dreams come true. This park was recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2003 for its geological value.

To catch a quick glance

Our one-day tour takes you to the Wildlife Rescue Center for a close-up experience with some unique species. After that, you have a short hike in the national park across a beautiful mountain valley to a large waterfall. The tour concludes with a choice of a boat trip on an underground river or a barbecue-style meal in the Weapon Cave.

For those with more time

Our two-day tour offers a longer hike along one of many amazing trails, a chance to see wildlife in their natural habitats, and a night camping in the Weapon Cave. You will hear our local guides tell the stories of the forest. Exceptionally daring and physically fit guests can also take part in a special night trek in the forest. Imagine looking straight into a nocturnal animal's eyes with your headlamp!

The first five guests to make a booking with us will receive a 10% discount.


geological (adj) relating to the scientific study of the Earth 

Lara Croft & Indiana Jones: two fictional characters known for the many adventures in their lives

1. Name at least three things you can find in Phong Nha-Kẻ Bàng National Park.

(Kể tên ít nhất ba thứ bạn có thể tìm thấy ở Vườn Quốc gia Phong Nha-Kẻ Bàng.)

2. Where is the first stop in the one-day tour? 

(Đâu là điểm dừng chân đầu tiên trong chuyến tham quan một ngày?)

3. What does “that” in paragraph 2 refer to? 

(“Cái đó” trong đoạn 2 ám chỉ điều gì?)

4. How many options are there to end the one-day tour? 

(Có bao nhiêu lựa chọn để kết thúc chuyến tham quan một ngày?)

5. What is special about seeing animals in the two-day tour? 

(Điều gì đặc biệt khi nhìn thấy các loài động vật trong chuyến tham quan hai ngày?)

6. Who will tell you stories of the forest? 

(Ai sẽ kể cho bạn nghe những câu chuyện về khu rừng?)

7. Who should not participate in the night trek? 

(Ai không nên tham gia chuyến đi bộ đêm?)

8. What should you do to get a 10% discount?

(Bạn nên làm gì để được giảm giá 10%?)

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Bài 24 :

D. Read the following extract of three online texts. Where do you think they are from? Why?

(Đọc phần trích sau của ba văn bản trực tuyến. Bạn nghĩ chúng đến từ đâu? Tại sao?)

1. A travel blog _____

(một blog du lịch)

2. A social media bio _____

(tiểu sử trên truyền thông xã hội)

3. A tourist website_____

(một trang web du lịch)

A. Hi! My name's Lydia Downie and I was born in 1993. When I was a child, I loved reading books so much, especially those about travel and culture. Between 2011 and 2014, I went to a local university and studied geography there. It was an interesting subject and I learned a lot about different places and cultures in the world. When I finished university, I didn't know what to do next. So, a year later, I made an important decision: left England and started to travel around the world! I've been to France, Australia, Japan, Korea, and Việt Nam. They are all very beautiful countries. I'm still traveling now and I hope to visit more countries in the future ...


B. Two days ago, we left Bangkok and traveled north to the province of Chiang Rai. It was nearly 800 kilometers from the capital, so we took a flight. On our arrival, a local tour guide met us and led us to a homestay. Yesterday, we walked 10 kilometers through the countryside and we didn't see any other tourists-it was amazing! The scenes were very calm and peaceful. We visited a village and learned how to catch fish in a nearby river. The villagers were very patient with us, but they surely had much fun when we tripped and fell into the river a lot of times. In the evening, we ate dinner with a local family. They were so friendly, and the local food was so delicious ...

C. At first, Hội An was only a fishing village. The fishermen did not have a chance to learn much, but they were brave and smart. They made small but strong fishing boats. With these simple boats, they went far from the shore to catch fish, and even came to nearby islands. During the 17th and 18th  centuries, the town became famous as a port, and many people sailed here from other countries. Many of the fishermen turned into merchants. Instead of selling fish, they started to sell silk and spices. The port was famous not only in the area but also all over the world. Last year, it celebrated its 500 birthday and local people had a big party in the streets with music and fireworks. There were also displays along the streets about the town's history in both fishing and business ...


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Bài 25 :

3. Read the text and answer the following questions.

(Đọc văn bản và trả lời các câu hỏi sau.)

1. What is Hà Giang Province famous for?

(Tỉnh Hà Giang có gì nổi tiếng?)

2. How's the weather in Hà Giang Province?

(Thời tiết ở tỉnh Hà Giang thế nào?)

3. Where is Pao's House located?

(Nhà của Pao nằm ở đâu?)

4. Why is the house given the name "Pao's House"?

(Vì sao ngôi nhà được đặt tên là "Nhà của Pao"?)

5. What are the walls of the house made of?

(Những bức tường của ngôi nhà được làm bằng gì?)

6.  How do tourists feel when they visit the house? 

(Khách du lịch cảm thấy thế nào khi họ đến thăm ngôi nhà?)

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