Đề bài

2. Read the conversation again and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

(Đọc lại bài hội thoại và quyết định xem liệu những câu sau là đúng (T) hay sai (F).)




1. Nam's mother is cooking now.



2. Everybody in Nam's family does some of the housework.



3. The children in Minh's family don't have to do any housework.



Lời giải chi tiết :

1. F

2. T

3. T

1. F

Nam's mother is cooking now.

(Mẹ Nam đang nấu ăn.)

Thông tin:I'm preparing dinner….My mum usually does the cooking, but she's working late today.

(Tôi đang chuẩn bị bữa tối…  .Mẹ tôi thường nấu ăn, nhưng hôm nay bà ấy đi làm muộn.)

2. T

Everybody in Nam's family does some of the housework.

(Mọi người trong gia đình Nam làm một số công việc nhà.)

Thông tin: Well, in my family, we divide the housework equally - Mum usually cooks and shops for groceries: Dad cleans the house and does the heavy lifting. … My sister does the laundry. I do the washing-up and put out the rubbish. We also help with the cooking when our mum is busy.

(Trong gia đình, chúng tôi chia đều việc nhà - Mẹ thường nấu ăn và mua thực phẩm: Bố dọn dẹp nhà cửa và làm các công việc nặng nhọc. … Em gái tôi giặt giũ. Tôi rửa và đổ rác. Chúng tôi cũng giúp nấu ăn khi mẹ chúng tôi bận.)

3. T

The children in Minh's family don't have to do any housework.

(Các con trong gia đình Minh không phải làm bất cứ việc nhà nào.)

Thông tin: Mum is the homemaker, so she does the chores. My dad is the breadwinner, he earns money. And we, the kids, study.

(Mẹ là người nội trợ nên mẹ làm việc nhà. Bố tôi là trụ cột gia đình, ông ấy kiếm tiền. Và chúng tôi, những đứa trẻ, học tập.)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

Household chores

1. Listen and read.

(Nghe và đọc.)

Nam: Hello, Minh.

Minh: Hi, Nam. How are you? I'm going to play football at our school stadium with a few friends this evening. Are you free to join us?

Nam: I'd love to, but I'm afraid I can't. I'm preparing dinner.

Minh: Really? Doesn't your mum cook?

Nam: Oh, yes. My mum usually does the cooking, but she's working late today.

Minh: How about your sister, Lan? Does she help with the housework?

Nam: Yes. She often helps with the cooking. But she can't help today. She's studying for her exams.

Minh: I see. I never do the cooking. It's my mother's job.

Nam: Really? So how do you divide the household chores in your family?

Minh: Mum is the homemaker, so she does the chores. My dad is the breadwinner, he earns money. And we, the kids, study.

Nam: Well, in my family, we divide the housework equally - Mum usually cooks and shops for groceries: Dad cleans the house and does the heavy lifting.

Minh: What about you and your sister?

Nam: My sister does the laundry. I do the washing-up and put out the rubbish. We also help with the cooking when our mum is busy.

Minh: That sounds fair! Anyway, I have to go now. See you later.

Nam: Bye. Have fun.

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Bài 2 :

3. Write the verbs or phrasal verbs that are used with the nouns or noun phrases in the conversation.

(Viết các động từ hoặc cụm động từ được sử dụng với danh từ hoặc cụm danh từ trong bài hội thoại.)


Verbs / Phrasal verbs

Nouns / Noun phrases


put out

the rubbish



the laundry






the heavy lifting



the washing up

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Bài 3 :

4. Complete the sentences from the conversation with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

(Hoàn thành các câu từ bài hội thoại với hình thức đúng của động từ trong ngoặc.)

1. I'd love to, but I'm afraid I can't. I (prepare) __________ dinner.

2. My mum usually (do) __________ the cooking but she (work) __________ late today.

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Bài 4 :

2. Read the text and tick (✓) the appropriate meanings of the highlighted words.

(Đọc văn bản và đánh dấu nghĩa thích hợp của các từ được làm nổi bật.)

Most people think that housework is boring and is the responsibility of wives and mothers only. Many parents don't ask their children to do housework so that they have more time to play or study. However, studies show doing chores is good for children.

Kids who do housework develop important life skills that they will need for the rest of their lives. Doing the laundry, cleaning the house, and taking care of others are among the important skills that children will need when they start their own families. These are the things that schools cannot fully teach, so it's important for children to learn them at home. Sharing housework also helps young people learn to take responsibility. They know that they have to try to finish their tasks even though they do not enjoy doing them. Doing chores also helps develop children's gratitude to their parents. When doing housework, they learn to appreciate all the hard work their parents do around the house for them. In addition, doing chores together helps strengthen family bonds, creating special moments between children and parents. It makes children feel they are members of a team.

All in all, doing housework can bring a lot of benefits to children. It teaches them life skills and helps build their character. Therefore, parents should encourage their kids to share the housework for their own good as well as the good of the whole family.

1. responsibility (trách nhiệm)

a. duty (nghĩa vụ)

b. hobby (sở thích)

2. gratitude (lòng biết ơn)

a. the feeling of being great (cảm giác tuyệt vời)

b. the feeling of being grateful (cảm giác biết ơn)

3. strengthen (tăng cường)

a. make something stronger (làm cho một cái gì đó mạnh mẽ hơn)

b. make something more difficult (làm cho một cái gì đó khó khăn hơn)

4. bonds (sự gắn kết)

a. close connections (sự kết nối gần gũi)

b. common interests (sở thích chung)

5. character (tính cách)

a. qualities that make a person the same as others

(những phẩm chất làm cho một người giống những người khác)

b. qualities that make a person different from others

(những phẩm chất làm cho một người khác với những người còn lại)

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Bài 5 :

3. Read the text again and answer the questions.

(Đọc lại văn bản và trả lời các câu hỏi.)

1. What do most people think about house work?

(Hầu hết mọi người nghĩ gì về công việc nhà?)

2. Why don't many parents make their children do housework?

(Tại sao nhiều bậc cha mẹ không bắt con cái làm việc nhà?)

3. What are some important life skills children can learn when doing housework?

(Một số kỹ năng sống quan trọng mà trẻ em có thể học được khi làm việc nhà là gì?)

4. What do children learn as they finish household tasks that they don't enjoy?

(Trẻ em học được gì khi hoàn thành các công việc gia đình mà chúng không thích?)

5. Why does sharing housework strengthen family bonds?

(Tại sao chia sẻ việc nhà củng cố sự gắn kết gia đình?)

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Bài 6 :

Family values

(Giá trị của gia đình)

1. Read the text and list the five family values of British people in the 21st century in the table below.

(Đọc văn bản và liệt kê năm giá trị gia đình của người Anh thế kỷ 21 vào bảng dưới đây.)


Family values are ideas about how people want to live their family life and are passed on from parents to children. Strong family values can prepare children for a happy life. Results of a recent survey in the UK show that even though modern family life has changed greatly, a number of traditional family values are still important in the UK nowadays.

On top of the list are the values of being truthful and honest, and respecting older people. Children are taught to tell the truth from an early age. They learn to show respect to older people, who have a wealth of life experiences. Having good table manners is the third important family value. Coming fourth and fifth on the list are the values of remembering to say please and thank you, and helping with family chores respectively.

It is clear that in the 21st century, British people still follow some traditional family values.


Traditional British family values










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Bài 7 :

a. Read the interview Adam Parker gave about his family. Who is the least helpful family member?

(Đọc cuộc phỏng vấn với Adam Parker về gia đình của cậu ấy. Ai là thành viên gia đình ít giúp đỡ người khác nhất?)

Star in Hollywood-Dad in the Suburbs

We sat down for an interview with Adam Parker, son of Hollywood superstar Ranger Parker, to find out what it's like to be the child of a famous parent.

What's your dad like?

He's not a star at home. He's just Dad. He washes the dishes and vacuums the living room. He takes me to school every morning. He's very easygoing, so he has a lot of good friends.

Do you want to be an actor when you grow up?

No, I want to be a doctor like my mom. I think she's very kind. She helps so many kids around the world and gives a lot of money to charities. She got top scores on all her medical exams because she's really intelligent.

What about your sister?

Jessie wants to be an actor because she thinks all actors do is sit around and then act a little bit. But my dad sometimes has to get up at 5 a.m. to work. Jessie's pretty lazy to be honest. She's very unreliable as well. She rarely keeps her promises.

What do you and your dad do for fun?

We help out at a local children's hospital. We know everyone there, and they're all really nice. I always go even when my dad isn't here. The children get upset if I don't go.

They think I'm helpful because I do a lot of things for them.

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Bài 8 :

b. Now, read and answer the questions.

(Bây giờ, hãy đọc và trả lời các câu hỏi.)

1. Why does Adam’s dad have a lot of friends?

(Tại sao bố của Adam có nhiều bạn?)

2. Why did Adam's mom get top scores on all her medical exams?

(Tại sao mẹ của Adam đạt điểm cao nhất trong tất cả các bài kiểm tra về y học của bà ấy?)

3. Why does Adam think Jessie is unreliable?

(Tại sao Adam cho rằng Jessie không đáng tin cậy?)

4. What do the children at the hospital think about Adam?

(Những đứa trẻ ở bệnh viện nghĩ gì về Adam?)

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Bài 9 :

a. Read the text message. What does Adam want his father to do for him?

(Đọc tin nhắn văn bản. Adam muốn bố làm gì cho mình?)

Adam: hey, Dad. How r u?

Dad: What? Oh, I'm fine. Why?

Adam: can u pick me up from school 2nite @ 6:30?

Dad: Why are you going to be late? And don't forget you need to do your chores.

Adam: soccer practice np will do them 18r

Dad: OK. I'll be there at 6:30. Can you please write properly? I don't understand what you're trying

to say.

Adam: thx. c u l8r

1. to pick him up

(đến đón anh ấy)

2. to do his chores

(làm việc nhà giúp anh ấy)

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Bài 10 :

b. Now, read and match the text language to its meaning.

(Bây giờ, hãy đọc và nối ngôn ngữ nhắn tin với nghĩa của nó.)

1. l8r 

2. 2nite

3. np

4. thx 

5. c u

6. @

 see you





no problem

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Bài 11 :

 c. Now, read and answer the questions.

(Bây giờ, hãy đọc và trả lời các câu hỏi.)

1. Where is Adam going to be at 6:30?

(Adam sẽ ở đâu vào lúc 6:30?)

2. Why is Adam going to be late?

(Tại sao Adam lại về muộn?)

3. What does Adam's dad remind him to do?

(Bố của Adam nhắc nhở anh ấy làm gì?)

4. What does Adam's dad ask him to do?

(Bố của Adam yêu cầu anh ấy làm gì?)

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Bài 12 :

Conversation (Optional)

(Hội thoại (Tự chọn))

H.  Listen to the conversation. Did Greg have a healthy lifestyle? What about Troy?

(Nghe đoạn hội thoại. Greg đã có lối sống lành mạnh phải không? Còn Troy thì sao?)

Troy: Hi, Greg. Rosie asked if we would like to join her graduation party this Saturday.

Greg: I’d love to, but I can’t. My grandpa needs a hand for his garden this weekend.

Troy: Oh, you know, she also asked me if we could help decorate for her party on Friday. 

Greg: OK, I will come to give her a hand after exercising, 

Troy: How often do you exercise? 

Greg: I work out at the gym almost every weekday and ride my bike to my grandparents’ house about twice a week. 

Troy: That's why you're always in good shape. How many hours a week do you work out? 

Greg: Around 10 hours. You should get more exercise, too, Troy. 

Troy: Oh, I love football. I usually stay up until 3 in the morning to watch my favorite team. My mom often asks me why I didn’t try out for the football team. It’s a great idea, but I’d rather watch it than play it.

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Bài 13 :

2. Read about Nam Giang’s family chores. Write (N) for Nam, (G) for Giang and (B) for both next to the chores they share

(Đọc thông tin về công việc nhà của Nam và Giang. Viết (N) cho Nam, (G) cho Giang và (B) cho công việc nhà mà cả hai bạn đều làm. )

Nam: Hi! My name is Nam. I live with my family in a big house. I have a sister. We share chores with my parents. I'm lucky because I get to water the plants. I really enjoy it. I also have to take the rubbish out, but I don't like it very much. My sister and I do the laundry. We're not too good at it. It upsets my mum sometimes. My mum washes the dishes. I don't think she minds it, but she prefers to do the cooking. And my dad fixes things in the house. He's great at it and I think he loves it too.

Giang: My name is Giang. I live in Huế with my parents, grandfather, and two younger brothers. We live in a flat. I am the eldest, so I help my family with the chores. My two brothers are only 4 and 5 so they don't help out yet. We have a dog and I feed him every day. My dad says I'm terrible at it because I make a mess. On Saturdays, I go with my grandfather to the market, and we do the shopping. Sometimes we buy the wrong things. My mum and I water the plants and do the laundry. I like watering the plants, but not doing the laundry.

1. do the laundry


2. do the shopping


3. feed the dog


4. fix things in the house


5. set the table


6. take the rubbish out


7. vacuum the floor


8. wash the dishes


9. water the plants


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Bài 14 :

1. Look at the pictures and read the first paragraph of the text. Who are the people in the pictures?

(Nhìn vào các bức tranh và đọc đoạn đầu tiên của văn bản. Những người trong tranh là ai?)

A day in the life of my family

There are three of us at home: mum, my brother Huy and me, Mai. Huy is seventeen and he's keen on art. I'm fifteen and I love sports. We love our family and friends.

Our mum is a writer. She works at home. On a normal day, mum gets up first, takes the dog out and buys fresh rolls for breakfast. I get up second and make tea. After that, mum wakes my brother up. He gets out of bed and asks, 'Where's my purple shirt?". He finds his clothes (they can be anywhere), gets dressed and falls asleep again. When we go to school, mum stays at home and writes. Huy says she has an easy job: she just lies on the sofa and writes now and then.

After school, I go for a run in the park, but not on Tuesday and Thursday, when I have acrobatics. Huy cooks dinner for all of us. He's the best cook in the family. His food can be Vietnamese, Western or totally experimental. However, recently, he has art classes until 7.00 p.m., then we get pizza from a pizzeria. Nobody wants to wash the dishes. We all say 'Why always me?', but someone always does it in the end. We all look after our dog. When I go to bed, mum sits down and types on her laptop. At the weekends, I usually go to the gym, Huy goes to museums and mum visits her friends, but we also spend time together. We watch films and TV series.

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Bài 15 :

2. Read the text. Who in Mai's family likes these things?

(Đọc văn bản. Ai trong gia đình Mai thích những thứ này?)

art                              cooking                         films                                sports

TV series                                   washing the dishes                                                   writing

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Bài 16 :

3. Read the text again. For questions 1-6, choose the correct answer.

(Đọc văn bản một lần nữa. Đối với các câu hỏi 1-6, hãy chọn câu trả lời đúng)

1. Mai's brother Huy

A. likes sports.

B.  wakes his mum up in the morning.

C. gets up with difficulty.

2. In the afternoon, Mai DOESN'T go

A. to an acrobatics class.

B. to art lessons.

C. for a run.

3. They buy pizza from a pizzeria

A. because mum stays at home.

B when Huy comes home late.

C when Mai has acrobatics.

4. The family disagrees about

A. the washing-up.

B. looking after the dog.

C. going to bed late.

5. At weekends, they

A. all go to the gym.

B. visit mum's friends.

C. spend time together.

6. Which is true about mum?

A. She doesn't go to work.

B. She doesn't usually go shopping in the morning.

C. She doesn't use a computer.

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Bài 17 :

1 Read the text below. Then work in pairs and discuss the following questions.

1. Do you, or would you like to, live with three generations of your family?

2. What advantages and disadvantages of having three generations living in one home?


Around the world, many families live with several generations in the same house. This is because young people can't afford to move away from home. Also, the older generation lives longer now, and they want to help their children. These homes are crowded, but the generations help and support each other. So, what's it like to have grandparents, parents and children living together? We asked members of three generations of the same family.

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Bài 18 :

2. Read the email from Nam to Holly and answer the questions.

(Đọc email của Nam gửi Holly và trả lời các câu hỏi.)

To: holly08@zmail.com

Hi Holly,

Today I have to stay at home and help my family clean the house. I dread doing it, but my mum says it is necessary, I guess I'm fortunate because we only do it twice a month. My mum assigned me the tasks of dusting the furniture, vacuuming the floor, and washing clothes. I don't mind vacuuming the floor; in fact, I kind of like it. But washing clothes is a whole other story. I can't stand it! Also, mum doesn't make it any easier. She constantly complains that I do a terrible job at it.

My sister takes the dog for a walk and does the ironing. I wish I could do that instead of washing the clothes. Oh well, you can't always get what you want.

Tell me what you are doing today? Do you have any chores you have to do?

Bye for now,


1. How often does Nam help with the housework?

2. What are his household duties?

3. What are chores that he likes?

4. What are chores that he doesn't like?

 5. What does he feel about doing housework?

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Bài 19 :

1. Read and listen to the dialogue. between Nam and Lan. Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F)

(Đọc và nghe đối thoại giữa Nam và Lan. Quyết định xem các tuyên bố là đúng (T) hay sai (F))

Nam: Can you help me clean these windows? I can't stand cleaning windows.

Lan: Maybe I can help you. What windows do you need to clean?

Nam: I need to clean the windows in front of the house. I've already done the ones in the back of the house.

Lan: Ok. Let's swap. I'll clean the windows and you do the ironing.

Nam: That sounds good. Don't you like to do the ironing?

Lan: I think ironing is OK, but I prefer washing things.

Nam: Maybe you can wash the dishes too.

Lan: Fine. I'll wash the dishes and you do the vacuuming and dusting. The bookshelves are really dusty. It's a deal. I think dusting is not bad.

Lan: Good. Who is going to do the shopping and do the laundry?

Nam: Let's ask Minh to help us.

Lan: I don't know. He doesn't like shopping very much.

Nam: Yes, you're right. I love shopping, so I'll do it.

Lan: Great.

Nam: And can you do the laundry?

Lan: I hate doing the laundry. I think we'll ask Minh to do it. He has to do something.

Nam: Sure. Anyway, he likes doing the laundry.

1. Lan doesn't mind cleaning the windows.

2. Minh can't stand shopping.

3. Minh likes doing the laundry.

4. Nam loves shopping.

5. Nam thinks ironing is OK, but he prefers washing things.

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Bài 20 :

1. Read US TODAY. What is couchsurfing? Discuss whether you would like to do it. Give reasons for your answers. 

(Đọc US TODAY. Couchsurfing là gì? Thảo luận xem bạn có muốn làm điều đó không. Đưa ra lý do cho câu trả lời của bạn.)


We asked CS* employee, Dan, about the world's largest travel community. 

What is it? 

A worldwide travel network connecting travellers with people who offer free accommodation.

Who is it for? 

People who don't want to stay in hotels and want to meet local people and experience new cultures. 

How much does it cost? 

Nothing! It's free.

How long have you worked for CS?

I've been here since it started in 2004. I've worked with people from all over the world for more than ten years. Together, we want to create a global community.

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Bài 21 :

2. In which paragraph can you find the following words? Use the dictionary to check meanings of the words if necessary.

(Trong mỗi đoạn văn bạn có thể tìm thấy những từ vựng hay không? Sử dụng từ điển để kiểm tra nghĩa của từ nếu cần thiết.)







floating market


paragraph 3








1. Living in trees

The Korowai Tribe of Papua New Guinea are strong and good at climbing. They have to be! They live in treehouses, which are sometimes forty-five metres above the ground. The dense rainforest is hot and humid; there are insects and dangerous animals. Treehouses protect the tribe from these dangers on the ground. They use materials from the forest to build the houses. They cut the top of a tree off and build the floor first. I (1) _________ They use a ladder to get up and down. Imagine the breathtaking views from one of these treehouses!

2. Living underground

In the desert of Southeast Australia, 500 miles away from the nearest city, is a mining town called Coober Pedy. On the sandy surface, there isn't much to see. (2) _________ Almost all of the 3,500 residents live underground and work in the opal mines. To escape from scorching temperatures, they have created an impressive underground world where you'll find everything from a bookstore to a church, and even a hotel.

3. Living on the river

The Mekong River is an important lifeline to a large number of people living along its banks. The community continues to use boats as the main transport as they have used for hundreds of years. (3) ________ They love living on the river - There are only little traffic jams or crowds of people when there are floating markets. As a charming aspect of the local culture, some floating markets attract a lot of visitors. Cái Răng market, which is about four miles southwest of Cần Thơ, is often filled with boats packed with vegetables and fruits of all kinds.

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Bài 22 :

3. Read the text and answer the questions.

(Đọc đoạn văn và trả lời câu hỏi.)

1. Why do the Korowai Tribe build their houses in trees? 

(Tại sao bộ lạc Korowai lại xây nhà trên cây?)

2. What do they use to get up and down the treehouse? 

(Họ sử dụng gì để lên và xuống ngôi nhà cây?)

3. Why do people in Coober Pedy prefer living underground? 

(Tại sao người ở Coober Pedy thích sống dưới lòng đất?)

4. What is the main means of transport for people living on the Mekong River? 

(Phương tiện giao thông chính của người sống ở sông MêKông là gì?)

5. What do they sell in floating markets? 

(Người ta bán gì tại chợ nổi?)

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Bài 23 :

4. Read the text again. Complete gaps 1-3 with sentences A-D. There is one extra sentence. 

(Đọc lại văn bản. Hoàn thành khoảng trống 1-3 với câu A-D. Có một câu thừa.)

A. Alternatively, you can take a helicopter and it only takes two hours. 

(Ngoài ra, bạn có thể đi máy bay trực thăng và chỉ mất hai giờ.)

B. It has to be strong because sometimes a family of twelve people live there. 

(Nó phải mạnh mẽ vì đôi khi một gia đình mười hai người sống ở đó.)

C. During low tides, people grow vegetables close to its banks. 

(Khi thủy triều xuống, người ta trồng rau sát bờ.)

D. However, if you look closer, you can see chimneys on the surface of the dry landscape. 

(Tuy nhiên, nếu bạn nhìn gần hơn, bạn có thể thấy ống khói trên bề mặt của cảnh quan khô.)

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Bài 24 :

5. Match 'clues' 1-3 with their function a-c in a text. 

(Ghép các 'manh mối' 1-3 với chức năng a-c của chúng trong văn bản.)

1. she, he, it, her, him, one, this, that, here, there 

(cô ấy, anh ấy, nó, của cô ấy, một, này, kia, đây, đó)

2. But, However, Alternatively, Instead 

(Nhưng, Tuy nhiên, Thay vào đó, Thay vì)

3. Also, In addition, For example, In fact 

(Cũng, Thêm vào đó, Ví dụ, Thật ra)

a. they introduce additional information 

(chúng giới thiệu thông tin bổ sung)

b. they introduce contrasting information 

(chúng giới thiệu thông tin tương phản)

c. they refer back to something in the text

(chúng ám chỉ đến cái gì đó trong văn bản)

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Bài 25 :

6. Underline examples of 'clues' in sentences A-D in Exercise 4. Do they 'add', 'contrast' or 'refer'? 

(Gạch chân các ví dụ về 'manh mối' trong các câu A-D trong Bài tập 4. Chúng 'bổ sung', 'tương phản' hay 'ám thị'?)


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Bài 26 :

1. Read the text and choose the best answers.

(Đọc văn bản và chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất.)

Family time is when family members do things (1) _________. Ways of spending family time vary from taking a family (2) _________ in a nice place every year, or planning a family movie night every week, to having one (3) _________ together every day. Some families spend time together just by having regular family meetings. Family members can sit together to (4) _________ important issues and make decisions, or just have a chat. Some people may think it is (5) _________ for everyone to find time for their family. In many cases, parents as well as children have to adjust their own timetables to make  (6) _________ to be with their family. Family time is important as it helps make the bonds between family members (7) _________and creates fond memories of happy experiences.

1. A. for others

2. A. responsibility

3. A. meal

4. A. discuss

5. A. interesting

6. A. money

7. A. stronger

B. differently

B. course

B. dinner

B. laugh at

B. funny

B. friends

B. special

C. together

C. holiday

C. lunch

C. enjoy

C. easy

C. time

C. weaker

D. similarly

D. photo

D. breakfast

D. argue

D. hard

D. excuses

D. natural

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Bài 27 :

2. Read the text and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).

(Đọc văn bản và quyết định xem câu trả lời là đúng (T) hay sai (F).)

In 1977 Governor Raul Castro suggested that the seventh of August should be American Family Day. One year later, Governor Bruce Babbitt signed the day into law as an official Arizona holiday. American Family Day is now celebrated across the United States on the first Sunday in August. It encourages people to enjoy the warming summer days with those dearest to them. Principally, the day encourages families to spend time with one another. Unlike some other family holidays, people do not give gifts on this day. Instead, they celebrate the day by focusing on family relationships. People believe that the best gift one can give their families is themselves. So on this day, people enjoy being with their families. The most common activities family members often do together include playing games outdoors or going for a walk in the park, watching a movie, visiting grandparents and bringing them a picnic lunch. Some families enjoy taking an art class together, visiting a museum or trying out a new recipe and getting the whole family involved in the cooking. Whatever people do, the most important thing should be that they do it with their families. Celebrating American Family Day reminds people to express their love to their family and helps strengthen their family bonds.

   (Adapted from: https://nationaldaycalendar.com/american-family-day)




1. Family Day became an official holiday in Arizona in 1977.



2. American Family Day is usually on Sunday.



3. People often give gifts to their family members on American Family Day.



4. On Family Day, family members often visit their friends together.



5. Some families celebrate Family Day by cooking together.



6. Family Day is the chance for people to express their love to their family.



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Bài 28 :

a. Read the article and choose the best headline.

(Đọc bài báo và chọn tiêu đề hay nhất.)

1. My Famous Family  2 My Easygoing Mom  3. My Mom’s a Star

Tim Blake, May 5

We caught up with Madison Brown, daughter of singing legend Alice Brown, to find out what it’s like to have a famous mom.

What’s your mom like?

I know she’s really famous, but she’s just Mom to me. She washes the dishes and tidies up around the house. She’s really kind and helpful, so she likes doing things for other people.

Do you want to be a singer when you are older?

Not really. I want to be an architect like my dad because I think he’s really intelligent. He wins a lot of awards for the buildings he designs. He’s really reliable, too. If I need his help, he’s always there for me. 

What about your brother?

Johns wants to be a famous pop star. He thinks that all singers do is eat, hang out in expensive hotels, and then go on stage and sing a little. To be honest with you, John’s pretty lazy. He’s also very untidy, so his bedroom is always really messy. Yuck!

What do you and your mom like to do together?

She’s often away, so when she’s home, I’m quite selfish about us spending ‘mom and daughter’ time together. We go shopping and have lunch and just hang out together. I know i can talk to her about anything because she’s really easygoing.

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Bài 29 :

b. Now read and answer the questions.

(Bây giờ đọc và trả lời câu hỏi.)

1. Why does Madison think her mom is helpful?  _______________________________

(Tại sao Madison nghĩ rằng mẹ cô ấy là người hay giúp đỡ?)

2. Why does Madison think her dad is reliable?    _______________________________

(Tại sao Madison nghĩ rằng bố cô ấy đáng tin cậy?)

3. Why does Madison think her brother is untidy? ______________________________

(Tại sao Madison lại nghĩ rằng anh trai mình là người không gọn gàng?)

4. Why does Madison think her mom is easygoing? _____________________________

(Tại sao Madison nghĩ mẹ cô ấy là người dễ tính?)

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Bài 30 :

b. Read the text from Brian to his mom and circle True and False.

(Đọc văn bản của Brian gửi cho mẹ của anh ấy và khoanh tròn Đúng và Sai.)

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