Đề bài

4. Read the article again and choose the best option to complete each statement below.

(Đọc bài viết một lần nữa và chọn lựa chọn tốt nhất để hoàn thành mỗi mệnh đề dưới đây.)

1. Singapore wanted to become an eco- friendly city to attract more _____.

a. biodiversity

b. carbon dioxide

c. tourists

2. Singaporean people found that becoming a green city also meant that they were able to improve their city's _____.

a. biodiversity

b. parks

c. vertical gardens

3. Bishan-Ang Mo Kio is a green _____.

a. metropolis

b. park

c. vertical garden

4. Architects believe that locals will eventually want to do more to protect their _____

a. city dwellers

b. natural environment

c. rainwater

5. Singapore cannot expand _____

a. horizontally

b. overseas

c. vertically

Phương pháp giải :

Tạm dịch:

1. Singapore muốn trở thành một thành phố thân thiện với môi trường để thu hút nhiều _____ hơn.

a. sự đa dạng sinh học

b. khí cacbonic

c. khách du lịch

2. Người Singapore nhận thấy rằng trở thành một thành phố xanh cũng có nghĩa là họ có thể cải thiện _____ của thành phố.

a. sự đa dạng sinh học

b. công viên

c. vườn thẳng đứng

3. Bishan-Ang Mo Kio là một _____ xanh.

a. đô thị

b. công viên

c. vườn thẳng đứng

4. Các kiến trúc sư tin rằng người dân địa phương cuối cùng sẽ muốn làm nhiều hơn để bảo vệ _____ của họ

a. cư dân thành phố

b. môi trường tự nhiên

c. nước mưa

5. Singapore không thể mở rộng _____

a. chiều ngang

b. Hải ngoại

c. theo chiều dọc

Lời giải chi tiết :

Thông tin: “Originally, Singapore decided to go green as means of creating a desirable image, attracting visitors, and providing a more livable experience for its city dwellers.”

(Ban đầu, Singapore quyết định sống xanh như một phương tiện để tạo ra một hình ảnh đáng mơ ước, thu hút du khách và mang lại trải nghiệm đáng sống hơn cho cư dân thành phố.)


Thông tin: “But “greening” the metropolis, the process of using plants to enhance a place, has also contributed to helping reduce urban heat, assist with sustainable water management, and improve the city's biodiversity.”

(Nhưng “phủ xanh” đô thị, quá trình sử dụng thực vật để cải thiện địa điểm, cũng góp phần giúp giảm nhiệt đô thị, hỗ trợ quản lý nước bền vững và cải thiện đa dạng sinh học của thành phố.)


Thông tin: “Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park, for example, has been designed to effectively catch rainwater.”

(Ví dụ, Công viên Bishan-Ang Mo Kio đã được thiết kế để hứng nước mưa một cách hiệu quả.)


Thông tin: “In the future, they will want to take more of an active role in protecting their natural environment.”

(Trong tương lai, họ sẽ muốn đóng vai trò tích cực hơn trong việc bảo vệ môi trường tự nhiên của mình.)


Thông tin: “Singapore has limited space for growth, so the only way to expand is to go vertical, not horizontal.”

(Singapore có không gian phát triển hạn chế, vì vậy cách duy nhất để mở rộng là đi theo chiều dọc chứ không phải chiều ngang.)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

An exhibition of future cities

(Triển lãm về các thành phố tương lai)

1. Listen and read. 

(Nghe và đọc.)

Ms Smith: Good morning. Welcome to our exhibition: Future Cities. Here you can see models of our cities of the future. Please take a look around and feel free to ask me any questions.

Nam: This model looks very interesting. Can you tell me more about it, Ms Smith?

Ms Smith: Yes. This is a ‘green city’ designed to reduce its negative impact on the environment. As you can see, more than fifty per cent of it is made up of green areas.

Nam: I don’t see any private vehicles on the roads.

Ms Smith: Most people will use public transport such as trams and electric buses. There will be fewer traffic jams and less pollution.

Nam: So city dwellers will stop using their cars in urban areas.

Ms Smifh: That's the idea.

Nam: I like it. It seems a good solution to many environmental problems.


Mai: Let’s look at the city over there. I can see robots and lots of cameras in the streets. What's special about this city?

Ms Smith: It's called a ‘smart city’. Al technologies, such as cameras and smart sensors, will be installed to help the city operate more efficiently.

Mai: The modern infrastructure of the city looks beautiful. I’m really impressed with the high-rise buildings.

Ms Smith: Tall buildings can actually limit the carbon footprint of the built environment and help solve housing problems in big cities.

Mai: Mmm, I'm thinking of living in a smart city in the future.

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Bài 2 :

2. Read the conversation again and complete the notes. Use no more than TWO words for each blank.

(Đọc đoạn hội thoại một lần nữa và hoàn thành các ghi chú. Sử dụng không quá HAI từ cho mỗi chỗ trống.)

Future cities

Green city

Smart city

- More than 50% of it is made up of (1) ___________.

- Using public transport will help reduce (2) ___________ and pollution.


- AI (3) ___________ will help the city operate more efficiently.

- High-rise buildings will help solve the (4) ___________ problems

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Bài 3 :

3. Match the words to make phrases mentioned in 1.

(Nối các từ để tạo thành các cụm từ được đề cập trong phần 1.)

1. public

a. city

2. private

b. infrastructure

3. modern

c. transport

4. high-rise

d. vehicles

5. smart

e. buildings

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Bài 4 :

4. Complete the sentences with phrases from 1.

(Hoàn thành các câu với các cụm từ từ 1.)

1. It _________ to many environmental problems.

2. The modern infrastructure of the city __________.

3. I _________ living in a smart city in the future.

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Bài 5 :

2. Read the article. Circle the correct meanings of the highlighted words and phrases.

(Đọc bài báo. Khoanh tròn nghĩa đúng của các từ và cụm từ được làm nổi bật.)

By 2050 the world’s population is expected to reach 10 billion, and nearly 70 per cent of these people will live in cities. The cities of the future wili be ‘smarter’ and more sustainable to cope with a growing population and improve people’s lives.

A smart city is amodern urban area that uses a range of technologies to provide services, solve problems, and support people better. The new technologies can help save time by predicting changes in the traffic and warning people of possible traffic jams. They will also help cities operate more efficiently. For example, street lights can turn off when the streets are empty, and sensors can inform waste collection teams when the bins are full. These smart technologies will help save energy, reduce air pollution, and fight climate change.

Cities in the future will also be sustainable. They will include a lot of green space and become home to more plants and animals. Making room for biodiversity and nature can be done in various ways including underground and rooftop farming, green roofs, and roof gardens. As people will care more about the environment, most cities will use renewable and clean energy. Modern infrastructure will also be more eco-friendly. Computer-controlled transport systems like electric buses and trains will produce less greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, more pedestrian zones for walking and cycle paths will be made available for people in all neighbourhoods.

These features will make future cities more liveable and will provide a high quality of life to city dwellers.

1. operate more efficiently

A. to work better without wasting time, money, or energy

B. to control a machine without wasting resources

C. to cut a body open for medical reasons in a more careful way

2. sensors

A. devices that can react to light, heat, or pressure

B. instruments that can be played by people

C. devices for discovering rubbish

3. pedestrian zones

A. areas for cars only

B. areas for electric buses

C. areas for walking only

4. liveable

A. suitable for farming

B. nice to live in

C. good for the environment

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Bài 6 :

3. Read the article again and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).

(Đọc bài báo một lần nữa và quyết định xem những câu phát biểu là đúng (T) hay sai (F).)




1. About 70 million people will live in cities by 2050.



2. Smart cities use modern technologies to save time and provide better services.



3. City dwellers will be able to grow vegetables underground or in roof gardens.



4. Space for walking and cycling will be replaced with computer-controlled transport systems.



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Bài 7 :

4. Read the article again and complete the diagram with information from the text. Use no more than TWO words for each answer.

(Đọc bài viết một lần nữa và hoàn thành sơ đồ với thông tin từ văn bản. Sử dụng không quá HAI từ cho mỗi câu trả lời.)

Cities of the future


* Modern technologies are used to (1) ____________ people better.

* Smart devices help cities (2) ____________ more efficiently.


* Cities will include a lot of (3) ___________ and become home to more plants and animals.

* Eco-friendly (4) ___________ will reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

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Bài 8 :

1. Read the text on page 36 and decide in which city you can do the following.

(Đọc văn bản ở trang 36 và quyết định bạn có thể làm những việc sau ở thành phố nào.) 

1. book a parking space via a mobile app

(đặt chỗ đậu xe qua ứng dụng di động)


2. have a medical check-up online


3. use your bank card to pay for traveling on the bus or underground


4. unlock your bike from one station and return it to any other station in the city


5. use a mobile app to help you choose the best route to cycle in the city



Cities around the world are becoming smarter, and you can do many things that seemed impossible in the past.

In Singapore, the mobile app Parking.sg allows you to locate a nearby car park easily, book a parking space, and make a payment. You can also extend your booking or receive a refund if you leave early.

New York City (US) has one of the largest bike-sharing systems called Citi Bike. Using a mobile app, you can unlock bikes from one station and return them to any other station in the system, making them ideal for one-way trips.

In Copenhagen (Denmark), you can use a mobile app to guide you through the city streets and tell how fast you need to pedal to make the next green light. The app can also give you route recommendations and work out the calories you burn.

In London(UK), you don’t have to buy public transport tickets. You can just touch your bank card on the card reader when you get on and off the bus or the underground to pay for your trip.

In Toronto (Canada), you can book an appointment and see a doctor online a from your own home. You can also receive prescriptions and any other documents you need, all online.

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Bài 9 :

Sally: We were supposed to be there by five and it's 5.15 already. If you'd remembered the satnav, we wouldn't have got lost.

Ben: We aren't lost. I know where we are on the map. We're nearly there.

Sally: If we'd left home on time, we'd have arrived by now.

Ben: Well, that isn't my fault, is it? We'd have left on time if your mum hadn't phoned just as we were leaving.

Sally: Don't blame my mum! And we wasted so much time at the services. If we'd made sandwiches (like I suggested), we wouldn't have had to stop for lunch.

Ben: Look, we're here now, and only fifteen minutes late. That isn't so bad.

2 Read and listen to the dialogue. Look at the highlighted sentences and answer the questions. Then find one more third conditional sentence in the dialogue.

(Đọc và nghe đoạn đối thoại. Nhìn vào các câu được đánh dấu và trả lời các câu hỏi. Sau đó tìm thêm một câu điều kiện loại ba trong đoạn hội thoại.)

1 Did Ben remember the satnav?

2 Did they leave home on time?

3 Did they make sandwiches for the journey?

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Bài 10 :

1 Read the text. Find the name of the inventor and the invention.

(Đọc văn bản. Tìm tên của nhà phát minh và sáng chế.)

As air travel becomes more and more popular, simply getting to the airport can be a challenging and unpleasant experience. You pay a fortune to park your car, then you have to walk for hours with heavy suitcases to arrive at the terminal. Well, a farmer from China called He Liang has come up with an idea which solves both problems: a suitcase that you can ride like a motorbike. He has called it the City Cab. It is powered by a battery and can travel up to 60 km at a speed of 20 km/h. And, of course, you don't need to find a car park for the City Cab - you just drive into the airport terminal and check it in!

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Bài 11 :

Reading Strategy

When asked to do a matching activity, first read all the statements carefully and make sure you understand the gist. Then choose the best options to fit each statement. Sometimes more than one option is appropriate. Read the instructions carefully to check if this is the case.

(Chiến lược đọc

Khi được yêu cầu thực hiện một hoạt động nối, trước tiên hãy đọc kỹ tất cả các câu và đảm bảo rằng bạn hiểu ý chính. Sau đó chọn các tùy chọn tốt nhất để phù hợp với từng câu. Đôi khi có nhiều hơn một lựa chọn thích hợp. Đọc kỹ hướng dẫn để kiểm tra xem đây có phải trường hợp đó không.)


3 Read the Reading Strategy. Match the facts A-E with the means of transport 1, 2 or 3. Which fact relates to all three?

(Đọc Chiến lược đọc. Nối các sự kiện A-E với phương tiện giao thông 1, 2 hoặc 3. Sự thật nào liên quan đến cả ba?)

1 Air taxis

2 Undergrounds

3 Cars

A They can be a good solution to traffic congestion.

B They stop using routine fuel.

C They travel on three-dimensional roads with great speed.

D They can be autonomously controlled.

E They provide intercity trips in extremely short time.

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Bài 12 :

5 Read the article again and complete the summary with one word for each blank.

(Đọc lại bài viết và hoàn thành phần tóm tắt với một từ cho mỗi chỗ trống.)

All of the highways and roadways in cities will become 1________ with IoT sensors which will process data of weather, crashes, traffic conditions and send them directly to users. Users will not have to drive. Cars as well as other vehicles will go 2________. The word 'Driver' will no longer be used. Traffic 3________ will be solved by tunnels. A 4________ system will run along 3D underground roads at high speed. Travelling from one city to another will not take much time thanks to air taxis. Green energy will be used for all means of transport, and the first concern is how to make effective 5________

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Bài 13 :

2 Read the article and name the countries the Mekong River runs through.

(Đọc bài và kể tên các quốc gia có sông Mekong chảy qua.)

The Mekong River

The Mekong River, which is over 4,000 kilometres long, is the world's twelfth longest river and the Southeast Asia's longest transboundary river. The Mekong started round 17 million years ago due to increased erosion from monsoon precipitation. Its original name is Mae Nam Khong. In Lao language, Mae Nam (Mother of Waters) means large rivers, and Khong is a proper name.

From Tibetan Plateau the Mekong runs through China, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Viet Nam. It not only is rich in plant and fish diversity but also provides very important transport links in Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Viet Nam. The Mekong River plays an important role in the life of the people in Southeast Asia, providing a means for people to access natural resources, social facilities such as schools, health services. Passenger transport along the river makes a nice contribution to tourism development.

The Mekong River is also a major trade route in Southeast Asia. A lot of cargo is transported along this river every day, and the cargo ranges from petroleum, coal to fertilisers and farming products. However, though the river brings about great income and different job opportunities, the navigation potential of this river is not fully exploited. The geographical features greatly vary along its length. For instance, the upper part of this river in Laos contains a number of physical obstacles and turbulent sections and only experienced skippers and boats that are small in size can safely navigate this part of the river. Improvements are expected to make the river passable for much larger cargo boats, which will develop both regional and international exchange of goods.

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Bài 14 :

3 Read the article again and choose the correct answer.

(Đọc bài viết một lần nữa và chọn câu trả lời đúng.)

1 Compared to the other rivers in the world, the Mekong River is

A the longest.

B not as long as eleven other rivers.

C longer than twelve other rivers.

2 The Mekong River got its name from

A Chinese.

B Burmese.

C Lao.

3 The Mekong River provides means for Southeast Asian people to access

A turbulent sections and physical obstacles.

B social facilities and natural resources.

C job opportunities and challenges.

4 The navigation along the Mekong River

A is already well-developed.

B still has more potential.

C is limited in Laos only.

5 Improvements should be made so that

A more tourists could visit the countries in the Southeast Asia.

B boats can replace all of other means of transport in the Southeast Asia.

C larger boats can pass some parts of the river more easily to better the goods exchange.

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Bài 15 :

Listen to a talk about hovercrafts and fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN three words.

(Nghe bài nói về thủy phi cơ và điền vào mỗi chỗ trống KHÔNG QUÁ ba từ.)

A hovercraft is a unique kind of vehicle which has got the 1________ over any kind of terrain land, water, mud, or ice. It has got special engines that blow air below the

vehicle. The pressure of this air is 2_______ than the pressure in the atmosphere and the 3________ in the pressure lifts the hovercraft above the surface so that it can travel over small obstacles 4________ making it one of the most 5________ vehicles in the world.

The hovercraft was first designed in Britain in the 1950s. Today, these vehicles are used all over the world. They are particularly 6________  during disasters, because they can get to places that a boat or a helicopter can't reach.

The manufacturers have created hovercraft 7________. The smaller models are easy to drive and their designers always have 8________ in mind.

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Bài 16 :

a. Read the magazine interview. What effect will automation have on cities?

(Đọc bài phỏng vấn trên tạp chí. Tự động hóa sẽ có tác dụng gì đối với các thành phố?)

1. They will be less expensive and quieter. (Chúng sẽ ít tốn kém hơn và yên tĩnh hơn.)

2. They will be cleaner and safer. (Chúng sẽ sạch hơn và an toàn hơn.)


Dr. Amanda Hall is a science and robotics expert. In this issue of Teen Tech Weekly, we're talking to her about automation. Read on to find out how it will improve life in the cities of the future.

What is automation? Automation is when machines and computers do things instead of humans. Some people think that this is something that will happen in the future. Actually, it's happening all the time. The washing machine is one of my favorite examples. Washing clothes by hand takes a lot of time. We save a lot of time and energy when we use a washing machine.

What will be automated in the next five years? Fast food restaurants are already being automated. You order your hamburger and a drink using a touchscreen menu at some places. I think that soon, the food will be prepared by robot chefs. Deliveries will be automated, too. We buy a lot of things online these days. They often arrive late, or at the wrong time of day. Sometimes, they even go to the wrong place! In a few years, everything will be delivered by drones. This will be faster. cheaper, and more reliable than sending human drivers.

What else will be automated in the cities of the future? I think that in the future, almost everything will be automated. Everyone will live in smart cities. Their home security will be controlled by a computer. Household waste will be recycled automatically. Even the streets will be kept clean by robots!

So, there you have it. Automation has already begun, and it will make our cities better places to live!

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Bài 17 :

b. Now, read and answer the questions.

(Bây giờ, hãy đọc và trả lời các câu hỏi.)

1. The word it in paragraph 1 refers to ____________.

a. robot                                    b. automation                                      c. life

2. What example of automation helps people with the housework today?


3. What might cook some of our meals in the future?


4. What will deliver things to us in the future?


5. What will keep our homes safe in the future?


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Bài 18 :

a. Some students created model "cities of the future" which solve the problems of current cities. Then they wrote a report about how their solutions will help. Read Jessica's report and circle the three main problems Queen's Town has solved.

(Một số sinh viên đã tạo ra mô hình "thành phố của tương lai" để giải quyết các vấn đề của các thành phố hiện tại. Sau đó, họ đã viết một báo cáo về cách các giải pháp của họ sẽ giúp ích. Đọc báo cáo của Jessica và khoanh tròn ba vấn đề chính mà Queen's Town đã giải quyết.)

cheap houses                                       slow subway trains                

(nhà giá rẻ)                                         (tàu điện ngầm chậm)

dangerous taxis                                   use of non-renewable energy 

(taxi nguy hiểm)                                  (sử dụng năng lượng không thể tái tạo)

expensive houses                                expensive transportation        

(nhà ở đắt tiền)                                   (giao thông đắt tiền)

congestion                                           eco-friendly cities

(tắc nghẽn)                                          (thành phố thân thiện với môi trường)


My model city is called Queen's Town. I wanted to create a town that solved a lot of modern problems. Having spent a long time researching current cities, I understand the problems they have. Queen's Town has solved many of these problems using new technology and ideas.

The first thing that makes Queen's Town better is the housing. Having heard about the high house prices in many cities, I built lots of affordable apartment buildings. They were constructed with a 3D printer. There will be enough for everyone, so there will be no homeless people, and everyone will have more money.

The next improvement is the transportation. Having seen how congested many cities are, I introduced several new transportation systems. There is a subway that takes people anywhere in the city very quickly. In addition, there are sell-driving taxis for  shorter journeys. They will be used all over the city. They are safer and cheaper, than normal taxis. They look really cool, too!

Another thing that makes Queen's Town so good is how clean the air is. There will be very little pollution. Having understood the environmental effects of fossil fuels, I put solar panels on the sides of every building. Using renewable energy is cheaper and much more eco-friendly.

Queen's Town will be a wonderful place to live because of these modern solutions. I think everyone will love it!

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Bài 19 :

b. Now, read and circle True, False, or Doesn't say.

(Bây giờ, hãy đọc và khoanh tròn Đúng, Sai hoặc Không nói.)

1. House prices will be lower in Queen's Town compareu to current cities.

(Giá nhà ở Queen's Town sẽ thấp hơn so với các thành phố hiện tại.)

2. Jessica made homes with a 3D printer.

(Jessica làm nhà bằng máy in 3D.)

3. People will use the subway more than the taxis.

(Mọi người sẽ sử dụng tàu điện ngầm nhiều hơn taxi.)

4. Normal taxis have cheaper fares than self-driving taxis.

(Taxi bình thường có giá cước rẻ hơn taxi tự lái.)

5. There will be very little water pollution in Queen's Town.

(Sẽ có rất ít ô nhiễm nước ở Queen's Town.)

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Bài 20 :

d. In pairs: What do you think is the best thing about Queen’s town? Why?

(Theo cặp: Bạn nghĩ điều gì tuyệt nhất về Queen’s town? Tại sao)

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Bài 21 :

Read the title of the text and look at the picture. What will the city of the future be like? Listen / Watch and read the text to find out.

(Đọc tiêu đề của văn bản và nhìn vào hình ảnh. Thành phố của tương lai sẽ như thế nào? Nghe / Xem và đọc văn bản để tìm hiểu.)



All people in the city will travel around easily. Electric and driverless cars and buses will make travel safer and more energy - efficient. Digital roads will communicate with cars about traffic and road conditions.


As cities grow larger, city planners are going to build homes and offices on water. These floating buildings won't use valuable land. 3D printers will build houses faster, cheaper and with less energy. All homes will have solar windows. Experts believe that cities will be 100% energy-efficient in the next 50 years.


Hungry for a pizza? A drone or a robot will quickly deliver it in the city of the future. Growing food in the city will also be necessary. Vertical farms and rooftop gardens will produce fresh food locally, and therefore, reduce the cost of food transportation.


For those who like to shop, the future city will offer some special shopping. Interactive mirrors in shops will show what clothes look like on us and make suggestions based on our size and style. Shops will be places for socialising more than buying things. A trip to the mall is going to be a high-tech, social experience.


Overall, the future city will have digital technologies. For example, street lights will have sensors that switch on when someone passes by. These lights will also measure air pollution. Almost everything will be connected to exchange data with one another. As a result, the city of the future is going to be smarter than ever before.

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Bài 22 :


a) Read the text and match the paragraphs (1-5) to the headings (A-E).

(Đọc văn bản và nối các đoạn văn (1-5) với các tiêu đề (A-E).)

A What's There to Eat?

B Internet Everywhere

C Green Living Spaces

D Moving Around

E Spending Your Money

b) Listen/Wtach, read and check. 

(Nghe/Xem, đọc và kiểm tra.)

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Bài 23 :

3. Read the text again and decide if each of the statements (1-5) is T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn't say).

(Đọc lại văn bản và quyết định xem mỗi câu (1-5) là T (đúng), F (sai) hay DS (không nói).)

1 There will be a lot of people driving in the future. ____________

2 All floating buildings will have solar windows. ____________

3 Buildings will help grow food in the future. ____________

4 There will be no shopping malls in the future. ____________

5 Street lights will do other things. ____________

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Bài 24 :

An essay making predictions.

1 a) Read the essay. What is it about?

(Đọc bài văn. Nó nói về cái gì?)

The Future of Cities

A Flying cars, virtual reality shopping and drones will be part of the cities of the future. I strongly believe that technology will change future cities in many ways.

B To begin with, transportation will become more environmentally - friendly. For instance, electric buses and moving walkways will reduce the need for petrol cars that cause global warming. Secondly, homes will be less expensive. This is because 3D printers will build houses at a very low cost.

C However, future cities will have fewer green spaces and parks. The reason for this is people will need land to build houses. In addition, people in cities won't socialise very much. They will do many activities online, such as shopping and working.

D All in all, future cities will be high-tech. I think that they will be exciting as long as we are careful to keep green spaces and do many activities offline.

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Bài 25 :

b) Which paragraph in the essay ...

(Đoạn nào trong bài...)

1 has positive predictions?

(có dự đoán tích cực?)

2 gives a general prediction?

(đưa ra một dự đoán chung?)

3 restates the prediction using different words?

(trình bày lại dự đoán bằng các từ khác nhau?)

4 has negative predictions?

(có dự đoán tiêu cực?)

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Bài 26 :

6. The people below are all interested in volunteering. Read the descriptions of the people (1-4) and information about the organisations (A-D) and decide which would be most suitable for each person.

(Những người bên dưới đều thích tình nguyện. Đọc mô tả về mọi người (1-4) và thông tin về các tổ chức (A-D) và quyết định tổ chức nào phù hợp nhất cho mỗi người.)


Nam is a secondary school student who has quite a lot of free time in the evenings and at weekends. He has good computer skills that he can use to help others.


Amanda is a teenager who has experience working weekends at her uncle and aunt's

restaurant. She is friendly and hard-working.


Matt is 19 years old and works part-time as a builder for his father's company. He cares a lot about his community and wants to help end homelessness.


Lucy is a university student who loves music, reading and art. She is interested in

using her creative talent to help her community.


(A) Eat Up

Eat Up is a charity which runs community kitchens. They have various volunteer positions open for people who I can collect, cook or serve food at mealtimes for the hungry people of the community.

(B) Learn for Life

Learn for Life organises activities at local libraries. Volunteers will lead story time for young children and help out with painting and cooking classes in special activity rooms.

(C) Start

Start is an organisation which runs a youth job centre. Volunteers help young people to search for jobs and training opportunities online and to fill out application forms.

(D) Four Walls

Four Walls aims to provide everyone with a place to live. The organisation needs volunteers with experience to help set up inexpensive housing for those in need.

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Bài 27 :

2. Read the text and answer the questions.

(Đọc đoạn văn và trả lời các câu hỏi.)

In 2035, you will be living in a smart home. It will be controlled by a computer system that monitors everything going on. While you are away, it will be switching lights on and off, controlling the temperature in each room, and even opening windows to allow air in. It will be searching for signs of thieves. Additionally, your smart home will be monitoring your children and pets, letting you know by text message if anything is wrong.

1. By which year will you be living in a smart home?

2. What will be controlling your home?

3. How will your smart home inform you about your children?

4. What will your smart home do with your pets?

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Bài 28 :

2. Read the article. Find the clues that help you identify the meanings of highlighted words and write them in the table below. Then match them with the types of context clues given.

(Đọc bài báo. Tìm manh mối giúp bạn xác định nghĩa của các từ được đánh dấu và viết chúng vào bảng bên dưới. Sau đó kết hợp chúng với các loại ngữ cảnh được đưa ra.)

Singapore is becoming known as the City of Nature.

1Singaporean officials are purposely designing the city to use green spaces. The city has plants on roofs and in vertical gardens as part of its intention to create a more biodiverse city.

Originally, Singapore decided to go green as means of creating a desirable image, attracting visitors, and providing a more livable experience for its city dwellers. But “greening” the metropolis, the process of using plants to enhance a place, has also contributed to helping reduce urban heat, assist with sustainable water management, and improve the city's biodiversity.

2Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park, for example, has been designed to effectively catch rainwater. Singapore relies on neighboring Malaysia for its water supply, so this feature will save natural resources. The park's architects hope that local residents will enjoy the park.

3In the future, they will want to take more of an active role in protecting their natural environment.

Singapore has limited space for growth, so the only way to expand is to go vertical, not horizontal. New buildings are now using every available metre for green spaces.

4City dwellers will realize that they can coexist with nature in an urban environment. By 2030, Singapore will have one million more trees to absorb carbon dioxide from cars and clean the air, making it both greener and healthier.

5Several European cities are now studying the example that Singapore provides to learn from it as they plan their own cities.

*Singapore: city/ country

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Bài 29 :

3. Read the article again. Decide if the numbered sentences are facts or opinions. Write F (fact) or O (opinion) next to the numbers below.

(Đọc lại bài viết. Quyết định xem các câu được đánh số là sự thật hay ý kiến. Viết F (thực tế) hoặc O (ý kiến) bên cạnh những con số dưới đây.)

1. ___________________

2. ___________________

3. ___________________

4. ___________________

5. ___________________

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Bài 30 :

2. Read the passage below about how buildings in 2060 will be constructed. Which type of new building technique seems most possible?

(Đọc đoạn văn dưới đây về cách các tòa nhà vào năm 2060 sẽ được xây dựng. Loại kỹ thuật xây dựng mới nào có vẻ khả thi nhất?)


Techniques in 2060

Urban mining: By 2060, future builders will have used materials, such as glass and metal, mined from older buildings to construct modern buildings of the future.

Turning waste into building materials: By 2060, engineers will have created a new type of stone for tiles and surface materials made from concrete found in old buildings. They will also have made bricks from plastic water bottles.

Using biological materials: Substances from bacteria and mushrooms will have been applied to cracks in concrete.

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