Đề bài

a. Read the article about problems of living in cities. What does the article mainly discuss?

(Đọc bài viết về các vấn đề của cuộc sống ở các thành phố. Bài báo chủ yếu thảo luận điều gì?)

1. a need for better solutions  

(cần có giải pháp tốt hơn)

2. surprising solutions around the world

(giải pháp đáng ngạc nhiên trên toàn thế giới)

Living in cities has many benefits as well as challenges. Many cities are looking for creative solutions in order to solve their problems.

(1) __________ of green spaces

Cities often don't have enough green spaces. This can have a bad effect on our physical and mental health. Some cities have looked upward in order to find room for trees. In 2015, Hamburg-Germany developed the Green Roof Strategy so that they would have green spaces on the rooftops of buildings. The city would give people up to a hundred thousand euros if they built green roofs. Their goal was to have gardens on at least 70% of suitable roofs.


You'll be surprised to know that green spaces can help reduce crime rates. In 2011, Youngstown-Ohio allowed people to turn its empty spaces into green spaces. Then, did a study and found out that crime decreased where the empty spaces were cared for. Community gardens helped reduce the crime rate in Youngstown the most.


During the 2008 Summer Olympics, Beijing-China banned cars on different days depending on the license plate numbers. The result was a clear blue sky for the first time in ages. The city still continues this ban but only one day a week.

In Freiburg-Germany, the neighborhood of Vauban makes it very difficult to own a car so that people will walk, bike, or use the public transportation instead. Cars can only be parked in a garage on the edge of the neighborhood. In return for life without cars, people can buy cheap houses and enjoy free bus and train rides.

Phương pháp giải :

Tạm dịch:

Sống ở thành phố có nhiều lợi ích cũng như thách thức. Nhiều thành phố đang tìm kiếm các giải pháp sáng tạo để giải quyết các vấn đề của họ.

(1) __________ không gian xanh

Các thành phố thường không có đủ không gian xanh. Điều này có thể có ảnh hưởng xấu đến sức khỏe thể chất và tinh thần của chúng ta. Một số thành phố đã nhìn lên trên để tìm chỗ cho cây cối. Năm 2015, Hamburg-Đức đã phát triển Chiến lược mái nhà xanh để họ có không gian xanh trên nóc các tòa nhà. Thành phố sẽ cung cấp cho mọi người tới một trăm nghìn euro nếu họ xây dựng những mái nhà xanh. Mục tiêu của họ là có ít nhất 70% số mái nhà phù hợp có khu vườn.

Tội phạm

Bạn sẽ ngạc nhiên khi biết rằng không gian xanh có thể giúp giảm tỷ lệ tội phạm. Vào năm 2011, Youngstown-Ohio đã cho phép mọi người biến những không gian trống của nó thành không gian xanh. Sau đó, đã thực hiện một nghiên cứu và phát hiện ra rằng tội phạm giảm khi những khoảng trống được chăm sóc. Các khu vườn cộng đồng đã giúp giảm tỷ lệ tội phạm ở Youngstown nhiều nhất.

Sự ô nhiễm

Trong Thế vận hội mùa hè 2008, Bắc Kinh-Trung Quốc đã cấm ô tô vào những ngày khác nhau tùy thuộc vào biển số xe. Kết quả là bầu trời trong xanh lần đầu tiên trong nhiều thế kỷ. Thành phố vẫn tiếp tục lệnh cấm này nhưng chỉ một ngày trong tuần.

Ở Freiburg-Đức, khu phố Vauban khiến việc sở hữu một chiếc ô tô trở nên rất khó khăn nên mọi người sẽ đi bộ, đi xe đạp hoặc sử dụng phương tiện giao thông công cộng. Ô tô chỉ có thể đậu trong gara ở rìa khu phố. Đổi lại cuộc sống không có ô tô, người dân có thể mua nhà giá rẻ và được đi xe buýt, tàu miễn phí.

Lời giải chi tiết :

The article is mainly discuss: 2. surprising solutions around the world

(Bài viết chủ yếu thảo luận: giải pháp đáng ngạc nhiên trên toàn thế giới)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

A social awareness club meeting

(Một buổi họp mặt câu lạc bộ ý thức xã hội)

1. Listen and read. 

(Nghe và đọc.)

Mark: Hi, everyone. Last time our club met, we decided to start an awareness campaign to draw attention to a pressing social issue. So have you thought about any issues that we could focus on?

Mai: Yes, I think we should promote issues that affect a lot of people in our city, such as crime and overpopulation.

Nam: I like your ideas, Mai, but I think we should plan our campaign around social issues that directly affect teenagers like us.

Mark: Can you give us some examples?

Nam: Well, bullying, peer pressure, and body shaming, for instance, are major problems among teenagers today although many people don’t feel comfortable talking about them.

Mai: I agree with you. Hmm... so Mark, what do you think? Should we focus our campaign on a general social issue or one affecting mainly teens?

Mark: Hmm. I think this time we should focus on a problem teens struggle with every day because this won't be a big campaign. However, we'll try to use your ideas for another project, Mai.

Mai: Sounds good! Now let’s decide on a social issue. Is the top problem facing teens today peer pressure, body shaming, or bullying?

Nam: I think it’s bullying because it’s very common today, and ...

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Bài 2 :

2. Who suggests the following ideas? Tick () the correct box.

(Ai gợi ý các ý sau? Đánh dấu () vào ô đúng.)





1. Issues that have an effect on many people in the city.




2. Problems that have a direct impact on teens.




3. An issue that teens face in their everyday life.




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Bài 3 :

3. Find five social issues in 1. Use the pictures and hints below to help you.

(Tìm năm vấn đề xã hội trong 1. Sử dụng các hình ảnh và gợi ý dưới đây để giúp bạn.)

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Bài 4 :

4. Complete the summary with words from 1.

(Hoàn thành phần tóm tắt với các từ từ 1.)

Nam believes that there are major teen problems today (1) ___________ many people don't feel comfortable talking about them. Mai agrees with him. Mark thinks they should focus on a problem teens struggle with every day. (2) ___________, they'll try to use Mai’s ideas for another project. Finally, Nam suggests focusing their campaign on bullying (3) __________ this issue is very common among teenagers these days.

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Bài 5 :

2. Read the article. Match the highlighted words and phrases with their meanings.

(Đọc bài báo. Nối các từ và cụm từ được làm nổi bật với ý nghĩa của chúng.)

Teen's life

I don't want to be the odd one out!

"My parents don’t want me to hang out with my friends from school. They think those friends have a bad influence onme. They aren’t happy that instead of going home after school, we go to games centres to play video games. But I think it’s fun, and! don’t want to lose my friends," Thanh, 17.

“One day I coloured my hair and painted my finger nails. My parents got so angry with me. I know that this is not allowed at school, but all the girls in my group of friends did the same. I don’t want to be the odd one out!" Van, 16.

[ A ] The emails we have received from teenagers this week point to the effects of peer pressure, which is when you do things because you want to be accepted or valued by your friends. If teens fail to do what their group of friends want them to do, they may not be accepted or may even be bullied.

[ B ] In many cases, peer pressure can lead to depression, low self-confidence, distance from family and poor school performance. It can also lead to bigger social issues. It was reported that 70% of teenage smokers surveyed in the US said that they started smoking because they had friends who were smoking.

[ C ] It is not always easy to stand up to peer pressure, but sooner or later you need to decide what is best for you. Choose the right friends, learn to say no when you don’t feel comfortable and don’t hesitate to talk to an adult when the situation looks dangerous. And remember it’s sometimes OK to be "the odd one out". 

1. hang out

a. a belief in your own ability to do things well

2. pressure

b. the state of feeling very sad and without hope for the future

3. depression

c. the act of trying to force someone to do something by arguing, persuading, etc

4. self-confidence

d. to spend a lot of time in a place

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Bài 6 :

3. Read the article again. Which paragraph contains the following information? Write A, B, or C.

(Đọc lại bài viết. Đoạn nào chứa thông tin sau? Viết A, B, hoặc C.)

1. The definition of "peer pressure"

(Định nghĩa về ‘áp lực đồng trang lứa’)

2. How peer pressure Can cause social issues

(Áp lực bạn bè có thể gây ra các vấn đề xã hội như thế nào)

3. Dealing with peer pressure

(Đối phó với áp lực của bạn bè)

4. The possible problems facing teens if they do not follow their peers

(Những vấn đề thanh thiếu niên có thể gặp phải nếu không theo bạn bè đồng trang lứa)

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Bài 7 :

4. Read the article again and choose the correct answers A, B, or C.

(Đọc bài viết một lần nữa và chọn câu trả lời đúng A, B hoặc C.)

1. What is the similarity between Thanh and Van?

(Thanh và Vân có gì giống nhau?)

A. They both changed thelr appearance.

(Cả hai đều thay đổi ngoại hình.)

B. They both want to be different from their friends.

(Cả hai đều muốn khác với bạn bè của họ.)

C. Their parents do not approve of their behaviour.

(Cha mẹ của họ không chấp nhận hành vi của họ.)

2. Which is NOT mentioned in the article as a consequence of peer pressure?

(Điều nào KHÔNG được đề cập trong bài báo là hậu quả của áp lực bạn bè?)

A. Encouraging someone to fight.

(Khuyến khích ai đó chiến đấu.)

B. Lack of a close relationship with family members.

(Thiếu mối quan hệ thân thiết với những người thân trong gia đình.)

C. Lack of confidence about what you can do.

(Thiếu tự tin về những gì bạn có thể làm.)

3. What was reported about the effects of peer pressure on teenagers in the US?

(Điều gì đã được báo cáo về tác động của áp lực bạn bè đối với thanh thiếu niên ở Hoa Kỳ?)

A. Fifty-five per cent of them started to smoke because of peer influence.

(55% trong số họ bắt đầu hút thuốc do ảnh hưởng của bạn bè.)

B. Seventy per cent of them were drinking alcohol! with their friends.

(Bảy mươi phần trăm trong số họ đã uống rượu! cùng với bạn bè của họ.)

C. More than two-thirds of teen smokers started the habit under the influence of their friends.

(Hơn 2/3 thanh thiếu niên hút thuốc bắt đầu thói quen này dưới ảnh hưởng của bạn bè.)

4. According to the article, what is one way of dealing with peer pressure?

(Theo bài báo, một cách để đối phó với áp lực từ bạn bè là gì?)

A. Going to see the right doctor.

(Đi khám đúng bác sĩ.)

B. Not always saying yes to your friends.

(Không phải lúc nào cũng đồng ý với bạn bè.)

C. Choosing friends who say no when they feel uncomfortable.

(Chọn những người bạn nói không khi họ cảm thấy không thoải mái.)

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Bài 8 :

1. Read the text and match each percentage in the chart with ONE social problem mentioned in the text.

(Đọc văn bản và nối từng phần trăm trong biểu đồ với MỘT vấn đề xã hội được đề cập trong văn bản.)



In many countries around the world, it is not easy growing up because teens are dealing with many socialissues. A study carried out by a famous research centre in the US found out that the following were among the most serious ones.

Anxiety and depression: Seven in ten teenagers considered them a serious problem among their peers. The main source of teenagers’ anxiety and depression was social pressure, such as the pressure to look good, to fit in social groups, and to be good at sport.

Bullying: 55% said that bullying was a major problem for teenagers, and around 15% admitted that they had experienced some form of cyberbullying. Girls or younger students were more likely to be victims of bullying.

Poverty: Four out of 10 teens said that poverty was also a major problem for them. In fact, about 20% of the teens in the survey struggled to live below the poverty line every day.

The survey results suggest that more support should be provided to help teenagers avoid serious social issues and enjoy a happier life.

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Bài 9 :

b. Read and circle the answer that best fits the numbered gap.

(Đọc và khoanh tròn câu trả lời phù hợp nhất với khoảng trống được đánh số.)


a. crime (tội phạm)

b. security (bảo vệ)

c. lack (thiếu)

Now, read and fill in the blanks.

(Bây giờ, hãy đọc và điền vào chỗ trống.)

2. A city in Germany gave people money so that they would build ______________.

3. A green space that is taken care of can help reduce _______________.

4. In Beijing, cars are _____________ for one day a week.

5. A neighborhood in a city in Germany makes owning cars ________________.

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Bài 10 :

c. Listen and read.

(Nghe và đọc.)

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Bài 11 :

a. Read John's essay about social media addiction and choose the best introduction sentence.

(Đọc bài luận của John về chứng nghiện mạng xã hội và chọn câu giới thiệu hay nhất.)

1. One problem affecting teenagers in the USA is social media addiction.

 (Một vấn đề ảnh hưởng đến thanh thiếu niên ở Hoa Kỳ là nghiện mạng xã hội.)

2. Today, more teens use social media than ever before.

 (Ngày nay, nhiều thanh thiếu niên sử dụng mạng xã hội hơn bao giờ hết.)

____________________________. This essay will look at the causes and effects of this problem. The first cause of social media addiction is the social media apps. The apps are designed to make people keep using them by knowing exactly what they like to read, watch, and look at and showing you it when you turn on the app. This means you will always see new interesting content. The second cause of social media addiction is the need to create an attractive "online life”. For some teens, it is more important to be cool and popular online than offline. They spend hours every day trying to create the perfect "online life."

The first effect of social media addiction is it causes low self-esteem. This means you do not feel confident in yourself. Seeing photos of others having fun makes you feel sad because you do not have the same experiences. The second effect of social media addiction is it damages your "offline life." Relationships with friends and family get damaged because teens are distracted by social media.

In conclusion, social media addiction is a problem for teens in the USA. It is caused by apps and the importance of a cool "online life," and results in low self-esteem and problems in your "offline life."

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Bài 12 :

b. Now, read and complete the notes that John used to plan his essay. Write ONE word only for each answer.

(Bây giờ, hãy đọc và hoàn thành các ghi chú mà John đã sử dụng để dàn dựng bài luận của mình. Chỉ viết MỘT từ cho mỗi câu trả lời.)

Problem: Social media addiction


Cause 1: social media (1) __________

Designed to be addictive, know what you like, always have new content

Cause 2: need to create "online life"

Being (2) __________ and popular online is more important than offline

Effect 1: low self-esteem = not feeling (3) ______

 Sadness when seeing  other people having fun

Effect 2: damages “offline life”

Too distracted => problems with (4) _______ and family

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Bài 13 :

c. Listen and read.

(Nghe và đọc.)


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Bài 14 :

Five sentences have been removed from the text below. For each question, choose the best answer (A-H). There are three extra examples which you do not need to use.

(Năm câu đã bị xóa khỏi văn bản dưới đây. Đối với mỗi câu hỏi, hãy chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất (A-H). Có ba ví dụ bổ sung mà bạn không cần phải sử dụng.)

Making Cities Healthier Places to Live

These days, living in a big city can often be unhealthy. My city used to have too much traffic and pollution. It made people feel stressed, and it was bad for their mental and physical health. Many cities are looking for ways to become healthier. 1 ________ Maybe it will help your city.

The first thing my city did was limit the cars on the roads in the mornings and evenings last year. 2 ________ You can't drive alone at those times, which really helped to reduce both traffic and pollution. Second, my city has built more parks. 3 ________ Having more parks also gave people more places to chill out and enjoy their social lives. Another thing that my city has done is invest in security. 4 ________ That made it a safe place to live because there was less crime. This has made the cost of living go up a little bit, but people are happier and healthier. 5 ________ Now, people can easily eat a healthier and balanced diet. These changes have made most people in my city have a healthier life.

A. More police officers were hired, and more cameras were added around the city.

(Nhiều cảnh sát đã được thuê hơn và nhiều camera hơn đã được lắp đặt xung quanh thành phố.)

B. Finally, my city also limited the types of processed foods that stores sell and built farms closer to the city.

(Cuối cùng, thành phố của tôi cũng hạn chế các loại thực phẩm chế biến sẵn mà các cửa hàng bán và xây dựng các trang trại gần thành phố hơn.)

C. The final thing my city did was invest in health care.

(Điều cuối cùng thành phố của tôi đã làm là đầu tư vào chăm sóc sức khỏe.)

D. If you want to drive from the outskirts into the city, there must be at least two people in your car.

(Muốn lái xe từ ngoại ô vào thành phố thì trên xe phải có ít nhất hai người.)

E. Here are some things that my city has done to make it a healthier place to live.

(Đây là một số điều mà thành phố của tôi đã làm để biến nó thành một nơi lành mạnh hơn để sinh sống.)

F. That helped people exercise more and improve their fitness.

(Điều đó đã giúp mọi người tập thể dục nhiều hơn và cải thiện thể lực của họ.)

G. I think it's difficult to make cities healthier.

(Tôi nghĩ rất khó để làm cho các thành phố lành mạnh hơn.)

H. The parks will have lots of trees and will look really beautiful.

(Các công viên sẽ có nhiều cây cối và trông sẽ rất đẹp.)

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Bài 15 :

1 Look at the pictures, read the title and the first sentence in each text. What do you think the texts are about? Listen / Watch and read to find out.

(Nhìn vào những bức tranh, đọc tiêu đề và câu đầu tiên của từng đoạn. Bạn nghĩ đoạn văn sẽ nói về gì? Nghe/Xem để tìm hiểu.)

Making a difference

Changing the world is a difficult task, isn't it? Thankfully, there are amazing non-profit organisations that aim to help people in need around the world. Here are two of them.


Action Against Hunger

Action Against Hunger is a non-profit organisation that focuses on dealing with the issue of world hunger. This charity began its efforts in 1979 and has worked nonstop to help hungry people since then. Action Against Hunger gives life-saving care to people who have experienced hunger due to war, natural disasters and other major crises. In addition, they run educational programmes in which the poor are taught how to recognise the symptoms of poor nutrition. Action Against Hunger also conducts research to understand how we can predict and prevent hunger on a global scale. The organisation works in more than 50 countries and currently has more than 8,000 workers supporting approximately 26 million people worldwide.


The Global Fund

The Global Fund is a community that aims to build a better future for everyone by fighting disease around the world. In particular, the organisation focuses on ending AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria that affect people in most poor regions of the world. By uniting leaders from around the world for donations, the Global Fund is able to raise money for their goal. On average, they raise approximately $4 billion every year to fight life-threatening diseases, and they invest that money in improving medical facilities in over 100 different countries. Since its 2002 establishment, the Global Fund has helped save more than 50 million lives through the programmes it supports.

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Bài 16 :

Multiple matching

• Read through the two texts to get general ideas.

• Read the questions and underline the key words.

• Read each text in detail and underline the parts related to the questions.

• Pay attention to the words related to the key words because some may give similar information.

Tạm dịch

(Nối nhiều câu)

• Đọc qua hai văn bản để có được những ý tưởng chung.

• Đọc câu hỏi và gạch chân những từ khóa.

• Đọc chi tiết từng văn bản và gạch chân những phần liên quan đến câu hỏi.

• Hãy chú ý đến những từ liên quan đến từ khóa vì một số có thể cung cấp thông tin tương tự.)

2. Read the texts. Write A for (Action Against Hunger) and G for (the Global Fund). Which organisation ...

(Đọc văn bản. Viết A cho (Hành động Chống lại Nạn đói) và G cho (Quỹ Toàn cầu). Tổ chức nào...)

1 is more than forty years old?

2 helps people who have suffered from the conflict?

3 aims to stop specific illnesses?

4 helps people to realise the signs of a poor diet?

5 tries to make medical services better?

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Bài 17 :

3. Read the texts again and answer the questions.

(Đọc các văn bản một lần nữa và trả lời các câu hỏi.)

1 Why does Action Against Hunger conduct research?

2 How many people rely on Action Against Hunger?

3 What does the Global Fund do to raise money?

4 How many people has the Global Fund helped?

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Bài 18 :

1. Read the title and look at the picture. How do you think UNESCO helps reduce world poverty? Listen / Watch and read to find out.

(Đọc tiêu đề và nhìn vào hình ảnh. Bạn nghĩ UNESCO giúp giảm đói nghèo trên thế giới như thế nào? Nghe / Xem và đọc để tìm hiểu.)


UNESCO - Fighting Against World Poverty

What can we do to reduce global poverty? There are many organisations and charities that work to help people in need around the world. UNESCO is one of the leading organisations fighting against global poverty. While many anti-poverty organisations help mostly by providing humanitarian aid, UNESCO helps in a different way to end this global issue. It fights against poverty by improving education in poor areas of the world with the help of international cooperations.

The organisation believes that through education, societies can develop their economy and reduce poverty. By developing and sharing knowledge globally, each community becomes stronger and more independent.

Therefore, UNESCO promotes global education and works to make sure every person has access to education.

UNESCO has created over 1,000 projects and groups, such as the UNESCO Associated Schools Network, to develop education. This network has more than 11,500 educational organisations from 182 countries as members and it focuses on modern teaching and international understanding. The network works both locally and internationally to develop education and the exchange of ideas.

In 2021, educational and government leaders from over 40 countries met at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris for the Global Education Meeting (GEM) to discuss the ways of improving education globally. These countries agreed to increase funding to education and international aid to education where needed.

UNESCO's work to stop poverty has been very effective in helping millions of people around the world. Through its many projects and programmes, UNESCO teaches and strengthens communities to overcome social problems and become an active part of the global community.

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Bài 19 :

2. Read the text again. For questions (1-3), choose the best answer (A, B, C or D).

(Đọc văn bản một lần nữa. Đối với câu hỏi (1-3), chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất (A, B, C hoặc D).)

1 Other organisations try to reduce poverty by ________

A giving money

B working together internationally

C improving education

D helping poor countries with their basic needs

2 UNESCO Associated Schools Network includes over________

A 1,000 members

B 11,500 members

C 182 members

D 40 members

3 The purpose of GEM was to ________

A make global education better

B raise money for education

C get more countries involved in global education

D collect international aid

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Bài 20 :

4. Read the text. For questions (1-3), choose the best answer (A, B, C or D).

(Đọc văn bản. Đối với câu hỏi (1-3), chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất (A, B, C hoặc D).)

Janes Blog

A Year as a Volunteer

Hey everyone! About a year ago, I started volunteering to help the homeless. Here's what I do.

When I first started as a volunteer, I tried to meet and speak to as many people as I could. To my surprise, many of the homeless people in my town were just very unlucky. A lot of them just lost their jobs because the companies they worked for were closing down. Then, they couldn't pay rent and ended up living in the street. Without an address, it then becomes very difficult for them to earn wages or receive benefits. Fortunately, we can help them with that.

As a volunteer, I help people to set up bank accounts and register as jobseekers by using a local job centre for their postal address. In this way, they can receive social welfare benefits that help them to pay for things like food and clean clothes. Then, I help them find rooms to rent. Finally, I assist them with writing CVs and applying for jobs. My job isn't done until they have a job and a home, though. So, I still keep in touch with them for a few months to make sure everything goes well.

In my time here, I have helped many people. It has been a challenge and I have learned a lot. It's such a great feeling to give someone the chance to change their life. I highly recommend volunteering to anyone who has some free time!


1 When Jane started volunteering, she learned that in her area____.

A there weren't many homeless people

B a lot of people were homeless because of bad luck

C a lot of homeless people were still working

D there were no homeless charities

2 Jane's responsibilities do NOT include ______.

A helping people to set up bank accounts

B assisting people with finding work

C providing people with food and clothing

D helping people find a place to stay

3 Jane stops working with a person once they

A have found the right home to live in

B have made enough money

C have started applying for jobs

D have stayed off the street for a long time

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Bài 21 :

a. Read about three cities. What type of text is this?

(Đọc về ba thành phố. Đây là kiểu văn bản gì?)

1. a newspaper article

2. a blog

3. an email


Last week, I wrote about my three worst cities in the world so that you guys would know where NOT to visit. This week, I’ll tell you about my three best cities.

Cost of living: Quito, Ecuador

This South American city is well known for its low cost of living. Lots of people visit Quito in order to enjoy Ecuadorian food. The street food in Quito is famous because it’s delicious, and it’s really cheap, too! I’ve tried street food in many countries, but the cheapest and best street food was in Quito!

Security: Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo has a very low crime rate. I studied in Tokyo for a year when I was a university student, and I always felt very safe and welcome. One evening after class, I caught a train back to my apartment. I was so tired that I left my laptop on a seat in the station! I went back the next day in order to talk to the station staff, and my laptop was still on the seat! I thought I was very lucky. However, my Japanese friends told me that this is normal in Tokyo!

Nature: Helsinki, Finland

If you want to visit a city with fresh air and clean water, try Helsinki. In Helsinki, you are never more than ten minutes away from nature. Nature is great for our mental health. The government protects and takes care of the parks and forests so that the local people can enjoy nature any time.

So, there you have it. These are my three best cities. What do you think? Do you have a favorite city of your own?

Leave a comment below!

Tạm dịch:

Tuần trước, tôi đã viết về ba thành phố tệ nhất trên thế giới của mình để các bạn biết những nơi KHÔNG nên đến thăm. Tuần này, tôi sẽ kể cho bạn nghe về ba thành phố tuyệt vời nhất theo quan điểm tôi.

Chi phí sinh hoạt: Quito, Ecuador

Thành phố Nam Mỹ này nổi tiếng với chi phí sinh hoạt thấp. Rất nhiều người ghé thăm Quito để thưởng thức ẩm thực của Ecuador. Ẩm thực đường phố ở Quito nổi tiếng vì vừa ngon, vừa rẻ nữa! Tôi đã thử thức ăn đường phố ở nhiều quốc gia, nhưng thức ăn đường phố ngon nhất và rẻ nhất là ở Quito!

An ninh: Tokyo, Nhật Bản

Tokyo có tỷ lệ tội phạm rất thấp. Tôi đã học ở Tokyo một năm khi còn là sinh viên đại học, và tôi luôn cảm thấy rất an toàn và được chào đón. Một buổi tối sau giờ học, tôi bắt một chuyến tàu trở về căn hộ của mình. Tôi đã quá mệt mỏi đến nỗi tôi đã để máy tính xách tay của mình trên một chiếc ghế trong nhà ga! Tôi quay lại vào ngày hôm sau để nói chuyện với nhân viên nhà ga, và máy tính xách tay của tôi vẫn ở trên ghế! Tôi nghĩ rằng tôi đã rất may mắn. Tuy nhiên, những người bạn Nhật Bản của tôi nói với tôi rằng điều này là bình thường ở Tokyo!

Thiên nhiên: Helsinki, Phần Lan

Nếu bạn muốn đến thăm một thành phố có không khí trong lành và nước sạch, hãy thử đến Helsinki. Ở Helsinki, bạn không bao giờ rời xa thiên nhiên quá mười phút. Thiên nhiên rất tốt cho sức khỏe tinh thần của chúng ta. Chính phủ bảo vệ và chăm sóc các công viên và rừng để người dân địa phương có thể tận hưởng thiên nhiên bất cứ lúc nào.

Vì vậy, bạn đã biết ba thành phố rồi đấy. Đây là ba thành phố tốt nhất theo ý tôi. Bạn nghĩ sao? Bạn có một thành phố yêu thích của riêng bạn không?

Hãy để lại bình luận bên dưới nhé!

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Bài 22 :

b. Now, read and answer.

(Bây giờ hãy đọc và trả lời.)

1. According to the writer, why do lots of people visit Quito?

(Theo người viết, tại sao nhiều người đến thăm Quito?)

2. Why is Quito’s street food famous?

(Tại sao thức ăn đường phố của Quito nổi tiếng?)

3. Why was the writer in Tokyo for a year?

(Tại sao người viết ở Tokyo trong một năm?)

4. Where did the writer find their laptop?

(Người viết đã tìm thấy máy tính xách tay của họ ở đâu?)

5. Why does the Helsinki government protect the parks and forests?

(Tại sao chính phủ Helsinki bảo vệ các công viên và rừng?)

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Bài 23 :

a. Read the essay and choose the best concluding sentence.

(Đọc bài văn và chọn câu kết hay nhất.)

1. It causes people to have problems with their health and their confidence.

2. Unhealthy food causes obesity all around the world.

Tạm dịch:


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Bài 24 :

b. Now, read and answer the questions.

(Bây giờ hãy đọc và trả lời câu hỏi.)

1. What do many school cafeterias sell?

(Nhiều căng tin trường học bán gì?)

2. What are children drinking instead of water?

(Trẻ em uống gì thay nước?)

3. What do people use to advertise fast food?

(Người ta dùng gì để quảng cáo thức ăn nhanh?)

4. What illness does the writer say can be caused by obesity?

(Người viết nói bệnh béo phì có thể gây ra bệnh gì?)

5. Where might obese teenagers not want to go?

(Thanh thiếu niên béo phì không muốn đi đâu?)

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Bài 25 :

1. Read the text. Match the headings (A-F) below with the paragraphs (1-4). There are TWO extra headings.

(Đọc văn bản. Nối các tiêu đề (A-F) bên dưới với các đoạn văn (1-4). Có HAI tiêu đề thừa.)

A. Cyberbullying

B. Smoking and drinking

C. Being overweight

D. Peer pressure

E. Stress

F. School violence and bullying

Common issues facing teenagers today

Being a teenager is not easy. According to a recent survey, the most common issues facing teenagers today include the following:

1. __________

Many parents think that social media is largely to blame as this is where teens often see images of famous or normal people drinking or smoking. This behaviour is often presented as ‘cool’ and ‘fashionable’. In the USA, more than one out of five secondary school students admitted having drunk alcohol regularly.

2. __________

While schools are supposed to provide a safe and healthy environment, they might actually be among the most dangerous places for many students. It is not uncommon for teenagers to experience bullying or physical violence at school. Often, victims suffer in silence as they feel reporting a bully won’t make a difference.

3. __________

Academic pressure and family expectations are the main reasons for this issue. Many young people nowadays spend a lot of time studying, doing homework, or revising for tests. In Korea, for example, students often spend between 12 to 16 hours per day at school and at an educational centre, and sleep only four hours per night.

4. __________

The figures for the USA and the UK are alarming. Many young people spend their free time on social media and don’t get enough exercise to maintain a healthy weight. Stress can also lead to weight gain as it encourages people to turn to food for comfort and stress relief.

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Bài 26 :

2. Read the text and choose the best answers.

(Đọc đoạn văn và chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất.)

Social media issues

It is hard to (1) __________ a Gen Z teenager growing up without smartphones and social media. (2) __________, while these sites provide entertainment and ways to connect with people, they can also harm young people.

One of the risks is cyberbullying, especially body shaming. Social media users often hide their identities online, so it is (3) __________ for them to post offensive comments or images. Social media can also make teens feel less (4) __________. (5) __________ images of paper-thin models and glamorous ‘influencers’ with expensive cars and clothes are everywhere, teenagers start thinking that being slim and (6) __________ is the only way to be accepted in society and become successful. (7) __________, there is a risk that they meet bad people online, as well as come across harmful content.

Parents can’t ban teenagers from social networks (8) __________ it is actually impossible to do so. (9) __________, young people should learn how to stay safe online. Parents and teachers play an essential role here as knowing how their children and students use the Internet is essential for (10) __________ them online.

1. A. accept

B. imagine

C. know

D. believe

2. A. However

B. Besides

C. Therefore

D. Then

3. A. more difficult

B. impossible

C. easier

D. dangerous

4. A. violent

B. confident

C. fashionable

D. confidence

5. A. As

B. Besides

C. Although

D. While

6. A. healthy

B. generous

C. rich

D. clever

7. A. However

B. In addition

C. Therefore

D. Then

8. A. although

B. because

C. while

D. for example

9. A. However

B. Moreover

C. By contrast

D. Instead

10. A. encouraging

B. promoting

C. preserving

D. protecting

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Bài 27 :

Read the text and choose the best answers. (6 pts)

(Đọc văn bản và chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất.)


Overpopulation happens when there are too many people living in a place, such as a country or a city. There are various (29) __________ of population growth, including better medical care, improved access to food, and immigration for better employment opportunities. The global population has increased four times in the last 100 years (30) __________ natural disasters and wars. (31) __________ it continues to grow, our ecosystems may become unsuitable for some species. Natural resources may not be available, the environment may be damaged, and people may have to deal with unemployment or poverty. To (32) __________ these issues, some countries have taken measures, such as better family planning, one-child policies, or lower taxes for married couples with one or two children. (33) __________, none of these measures are as important as education, especially education of girls. (34) __________ leaving school early to get married and start a family, they should be encouraged to continue their education and make informed decisions to plan their families.

29. A. causes

B. effects

C. solutions

D. arguments

30. A. due to

B. despite

C. besides

D. in addition to

31. A. After

B. Before

C. Despite

D. As

32. A. increase

B. address

C. propose

D. avoid

33. A. Besides

B. Therefore

C. However

D. Meanwhile

34. A. Because of

B. Despite

C. Apart from

D. Instead of

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Bài 28 :

Look and read. Choose the correct answer (A, B, or C).

(Nhìn và đọc. Chọn câu trả lời đúng (A, B hoặc C).)

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Bài 29 :

Changing the World

This week, we are looking at organisations that are working to solve social issues.

The National Alliance to End Homelessness

The National Alliance to End Homelessness (NAEH) is an organisation that tries to help those who have nowhere to live. The NAEH began in 1983 in the USA, when a group of worried citizens decided that they needed to do something about the growing homelessness crisis in their country. In 1987, when they realised that they were dealing with a long-term issue, the group began looking for permanent solutions to the problem by communicating with local governments. Now, the NAEH does research on homelessness and its causes, then reports to the US government and encourages the introduction of new laws to help those living on the streets. While there is a still a lot to do, the NAEH have managed to change the way their country thinks about the homelessness crisis, and many people around the nation have received housing and support thanks to their work.

Job Aid

Job Aid is a UK charity that aims to support the unemployed as they try to find career opportunities. The organisation began in 2020, with the goal of helping skilled workers to find well-paid jobs as quickly as possible. Job Aid helps the unemployed in a number of different ways. Firstly, it provides free online training to help people understand the employment process better. Then, Job Aid helps people to create cover letters, CVs and online profiles so that they can get more attention from the companies they want to work for. Finally, Job Aid volunteers help applicants to fill out forms and apply for jobs online, giving them the best chance of getting the careers that they want. Job Aid has helped people across the UK to show their skills in a way that gets employers to notice, and there have been many success stories in the short time since the organisation first started its work.

Tạm dịch

3. Read the text. Write N (National Alliance to End Homelessness) or J (Job Aid).

(Đọc văn bản. Viết N (Liên minh quốc gia chấm dứt tình trạng vô gia cư) hoặc J (Hỗ trợ việc làm).)

Which organisation ...

(Tổ chức nào...)

1 began in the 20th century?

2 teaches people in need?

3 collects information on a specific issue?

4 tries to influence national laws?

5 helps people using the Internet?

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Bài 30 :

4. Read the text again and answer the questions.

(Đọc văn bản một lần nữa và trả lời các câu hỏi.)

1 Who started the NAEH and why?


2 Why did the NAEH founders start looking for permanent solutions?


3 What was the initial goal of Job Aid?


4 Why does Job Aid help people to create CVs?


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