Đề bài

7. Read the Recycle! box. Then listen again. Complete the sentences with the present simple form of the verbs below and adverbs of frequency.

(Đọc khung RECYCLE. Sau đó nghe lại. Hoàn thành các câu với dạng hiện tại đơn của các động từ dưới đây và trạng từ chỉ tần suất.)






a. Speaker 1___________ camping with his parents.

(Diễn giả 1____________ đi cắm trại với bố mẹ anh ấy.)

b. Speaker 2 thinks that horror films___________unrealistic and unconvincing.

(Diễn giả 2 nghĩ rằng phim kinh dị _______ không thực tế và không thuyết phục.)

c. Speaker 3 ___________ social media.

(Diễn giả 3 ___________ mạng xã hội.)

d. Speaker 4___________ things online.

(Diễn giả 4 ___________ đồ dùng trực tuyến.)

e. Speaker 5___________ the guitar at school.

(Diễn giả 5 ____________ đàn guitar ở trường.)

Phương pháp giải :

RECYCLE! Present simple and adverbs of frequency

(RECYCLE! Thì hiện tại đơn và trạng từ chỉ tần suất)

We use the present simple for habits and routines. Adverbs of frequency (always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never) come before the main verb but after the verb be.

Chúng ta sử dụng thì hiện tại đơn cho các thói quen và hoạt động hằng ngày. Trạng từ chỉ tần suất (always, normal, often, once, hầu như không bao giờ, never) đứng trước động từ chính nhưng đứng sau động từ be.)

Lời giải chi tiết :

1. never goes

2. are always

3. rarely uses

4. usuallly buys

5. sometimes plays

a. Speaker 1 never goes camping with his parents.

(Người nói 1 không bao giờ đi cắm trại với bố mẹ anh ấy.)

b. Speaker 2 thinks that horror films are always unrealistic and unconvincing.

(Người nói 2 nghĩ rằng phim kinh dị luôn luôn không thực tế và không thuyết phục.)

c. Speaker 3 rarely uses social media.

(Người nói 3 hiếm khi sử dụng mạng xã hội.)

d. Speaker 4 usually buys things online.

(Người nói 4 thường xuyên mua đồ dùng trực tuyến.)

e. Speaker 5 sometimes plays the guitar at school.

(Người nói 5 thỉnh thoảng chơi đàn guitar ở trường.)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

6. Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in the brackets.

(Hoàn thành các câu với dạng hiện tại đơn hoặc hiện tại tiếp diễn của các động từ trong ngoặc.)

1. I __________________(meet) Jack in town later.  __________________ (you / want) to come?

2. We usually __________________(walk) to school, but tomorrow, we __________________(go) by bus.

3. My friends__________________(not want) to play tennis because it__________________(rain).

4. __________________(you / enjoy) this film? Or __________________(you / prefer) comedies?

5. I __________________(not believe) Ben’s story. He __________________(always / invent) things.

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Bài 2 :

1.2 Contrast: present simple and present continuous

(So sánh: hiện tại đơn và hiện tại tiếp diễn)

We use the present simple:

  • for something that always happens or happened regularly (e.g. every week, often, sometimes).

Laura cycles to school every day.

  • for facts.

Cows eat grass.

We use the present continuous:

  • for something happening at this exact moment or around this time.

Luke is wearing a T-shirt. (at this moment)

Luke is working hard this term. (around this time)

  • for future arrangements.

We're playing volleyball tomorrow.

We can use dynamic verbs in simple and continuous forms.

I work in London.

Dad's working in the garden.

Verbs describing a state or situation (stative verbs) are not usually used in continuous tenses.

I understand. (state of mind)

NOT I’m understanding. X

Who does this watch belong to? (possession)

NOT Who is this watch belonging to? X

Common stative verbs:

  • hate, like, love, need, prefer, want, wish;
  • believe, know, mean, realise, recognise, remember, suppose, understand;
  • belong, contain, depend, matter, owe, possess.

There is a group of verbs that can be used as either stative or dynamic verbs. These are some of them:

  • appear, consider, feel, look, see, smell, taste, think.

What are you thinking about? (dynamic-to think)

What do you think of my new tie? (stative-to have an opinion)

We're seeing John next week. (dynamic-to meet with somebody)

I see what you mean. (stative - to understand)

Tạm dịch

(Chúng ta dùng thì hiện tại đơn:

• cho điều gì đó luôn xảy ra hoặc xảy ra thường xuyên (ví dụ: hàng tuần, thường xuyên, đôi khi).

Laura đạp xe đến trường mỗi ngày.

• cho sự thật.

Bò ăn cỏ.

Chúng ta sử dụng thì hiện tại tiếp diễn:

• cho một cái gì đó xảy ra vào thời điểm chính xác này hoặc khoảng thời gian này.

Luke đang mặc một chiếc áo phông. (tại thời điểm này)

Luke đang làm việc chăm chỉ trong học kỳ này. (trong khoảng thời gian này)

• để sắp xếp trong tương lai.

Chúng tôi sẽ chơi bóng chuyền vào ngày mai.

Chúng ta có thể sử dụng các động từ động ở dạng đơn giản và tiếp diễn.

Tôi làm việc ở Luân Đôn.

Bố đang làm việc trong vườn.

Các động từ mô tả trạng thái hoặc tình huống (động từ trạng thái) thường không được dùng ở thì tiếp diễn.

Tôi hiểu. (trạng thái của tâm trí)

KHÔNG DÙNG tôi đang hiểu. X

Chiếc đồng hồ này thuộc về ai? (chiếm hữu)

KHÔNG DÙNG Đồng hồ này đang thuộc về ai? X

Động từ trạng thái phổ biến:

• ghét, thích, yêu, cần, thích, muốn, ước;

• tin, biết, hiểu, nhận ra, nhận ra, nhớ, cho rằng, hiểu;

• thuộc về, chứa đựng, phụ thuộc, quan trọng, nợ, sở hữu.

Có một nhóm động từ có thể được sử dụng như động từ trạng thái hoặc động từ. Đây là một số trong số chúng:

• xuất hiện, xem xét, cảm nhận, nhìn, thấy, ngửi, nếm, nghĩ.

Bạn đang nghĩ gì đó? (động từ - để suy nghĩ)

Bạn nghĩ gì về cà vạt mới của tôi? (trạng thái-để có một ý kiến)

Chúng tôi sẽ gặp John vào tuần tới. (động- từ - để gặp ai đó)

Tôi hiểu ý bạn là gì. (trạng thái - để hiểu))

1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the present simple or the present continuous tense.

(Hoàn thành các câu với các động từ trong ngoặc. Sử dụng thì hiện tại đơn hoặc thì hiện tại tiếp diễn.)

1 'Where _______you_______ (go)?

'To the shops. I _______ (need) to get some bread.’

2 _______ you usually _______ (wear) jeans to school?

3 I _______ (not understand) this question.

4 Why _______ you _______ (smile)? It isn't funny!

5 _______you _______ (come) bowling with Jan and me tonight?'

'No, thanks. I _______ (not like) bowling'

6 Hurry up! The bus _______ (leave) in three minutes.

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Bài 3 :

2 Complete the sentences with the present simple and present continuous form of the verb given.

(Hoàn thành các câu với dạng hiện tại đơn và hiện tại tiếp diễn của động từ đã cho.)

1 work

a Dad _______ in a factory.

b Mum _______ at home today for a change.

2 have

a We _______ fish for dinner tonight.

b We usually _______ fish on Fridays.

3 take

a l _______ a coat today because it's a bit cold.

b I _______ a few weeks off work over the summer.

4 arrive

a I'll phone you as soon as I _______

b Come on! The train _______. We mustn't miss it.

5 listen

a 'What_______you _______to?' 'It's Adele's latest album.

b Liam _______ to music while he's doing his homework.

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Bài 4 :

3 Choose the correct tense to complete the sentences. Then decide if the verb is a dynamic, stative or linking verb.

(Chọn thì đúng để hoàn thành các câu. Sau đó quyết định xem động từ là động từ động, trạng thái hay liên kết.)

1 This pizza tastes / is tasting good.

2 What do you look at / are you looking at?

3 Mandy has / is having brown hair.

4 Look. The sun appears / is appearing from behind those clouds.

5 I think / I'm thinking that we should go.

6 I don't see / I'm not seeing what the problem is.

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Bài 5 :

Present Simple & Present Continuous

(Thì hiện tại đơn & hiện tại tiếp diễn)

1. Identify the tenses of the verbs in bold in the sentences (1-7). Then match them to their uses (a-g).

(Xác định thì của động từ in đậm trong các câu (1-7). Sau đó nối chúng với mục đích sử dụng của chúng (a-g).)

1. ______ My mother is repairing lunch now.

2. ______ Every Sunday, my dad and I go for a walk in the park near my house.

3. ______ My parents are always telling me what to do!

4. ______ Tonight, I am meeting my cousins at a restaurant.

5. ______ Jean lives in a two-bedroom flat with her parents.

6. ______ Carl is staying with his grandad these days to take care of him.

7. ______ The family TV comedy begins at 8 p.m. every day on Channel 9.

a. a routine/habit

b. a permanent state

c. an action happening now, at the moment of speaking

d. a fixed arrangement in the near future

e. a complaint

f. a schedule

g. a temporary situation

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Bài 6 :

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

(Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở thì hiện tại đơn hoặc hiện tại tiếp diễn.)

1. My cousins ___________ (eat) dinner at my house once a week.

2. Jackie’s uncle ___________ (work) at a bank in London.

3. Mike ___________ (not/help) his mother with the shopping now.

4. My parents ___________ (always/complain) about my chores!

5. Mary ___________ (argue) with her parents a lot these days.

6. A: What time ___________ (we/meet) Mum and Dad at the theatre tonight?

    B: The show ___________ (start) at 8:00, so around 7:30.

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Bài 7 :

Present Simple & Present Continuous

(Thì hiện tại đơn & thì hiện tại tiếp diễn)

1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

(Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở thì Hiện tại đơn hoặc Hiện tại tiếp diễn.)

1 My brothers ________________ (always/argue) with each other. It's so annoying!

2 ________________ (Daniel's aunt/live) only a few kilometres from you?

3 ________________ (you/go) shopping with your parents tomorrow?

4 My sister ________________ (not/do) her chores at the weekend.

5 What time ________________ (the train/leave)?

6 My father ________________ (not/drive) to work every day. He takes the bus.

7 My aunt and uncle ________________ (move) into their new house next week.

8 ________________ (we/have) a family reunion tonight?

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Bài 8 :

2. Choose the correct option.

(Chọn phương án đúng.)

1 I _______ my homework at the moment.

A don't do

B 'm not doing

C isn't doing

D doesn't do

2 We _______ a dog. Our house is too small.

A aren't having

B isn't having

C doesn't have

D don't have

3 Penny and Ron _______ with their grandparents this summer.

A are staying

B is staying

C stay

D stays

4 My mum _______ home from work at 8:00 every evening.

A is coming

B come

C comes

D coming

5 _______ for us now?

A Does Jack wait

B Is Jack waiting

C Jack is waiting

D Do Jack wait

6 My younger sister ________ my things. It's upsetting!

A is always taking

B are always taking

C always takes

D always is taking

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Bài 9 :

2. Match sentences 1-7 in exercise 1 with the uses of tense a-g below.

(Nối các câu 1-7 trong bài tập 1 với cách sử dụng thì a-g dưới đây.)

Present simple

a   for habits and routines

b   for a permanent situation or fact

c   for timetables and schedules

d   in future time clauses (starting with when, as soon as, after, if, etc.)

Present continuous

e   for something happening now or about now

f   for describing annoying behaviour (with always)

g   for future arrangements

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Bài 10 :

3. Complete the dialogue with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

(Hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại với dạng hiện tại đơn hoặc hiện tại tiếp diễn của động từ trong ngoặc.)

Martin: Hurry up! The film 1 __________ (start) in ten minutes.

Hannah:2 __________ (look for) my phone. 3 __________ you __________ (know) where it is?

Martin: No. Why 4 __________ you always __________ (lose) things? It’s so annoying!

Hannah: I usually 5 __________ (keep) it on my bedside table, but it isn’t there.

Martin: 6 __________ you __________ (remember) when you last used it?

Hannah: No – that’s the problem.

Martin: You 7 __________ (not need) your phone at the cinema. Look for it when we 8 __________ (get back).

Hannah: I won’t have time when we get back. I 9 __________ (go) straight out again … It’s OK. Here it is! It was in my pocket!

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Bài 11 :

4. Some of the sentences are incorrect. Rewrite them correctly. Tick the correct sentences.

(Một số câu sai. Viết lại chúng một cách chính xác. Đánh dấu vào câu đúng.)

1   Mel is belonging to the drama club. ☐


2   Do you prefer beach holidays or adventure holidays? ☐


3   Call me as soon as you’re arriving. ☐


4   Jack is hating spaghetti. ☐


5   Why are you always interrupting? ☐


6   I’m not understanding this maths calculation. ☐


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Bài 12 :

5. Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the same verb in each pair of sentences. Use the present simple and present continuous.

(Hoàn thành câu với các động từ dưới đây. Sử dụng cùng một động từ trong mỗi cặp câu. Sử dụng thì hiện tại đơn và hiện tại tiếp diễn.)

have      look      think

1   a   That food ______________ delicious!

     b   What ______________ you ______________ at?

2   a   What ______________ you ______________ about?

     b   Who ______________ you ______________ will win the match?

3   a   ‘Where’s Tom?’ ‘He ______________ a shower.’

     b   Dogs ______________ a good sense of smell.

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Bài 13 :

6. Complete the questions with the verbs in brackets. Use the present simple or present continuous. Then write true answers, in complete sentences.

(Hoàn thành câu hỏi với động từ trong ngoặc. Sử dụng thì hiện tại đơn hoặc hiện tại tiếp diễn. Sau đó viết câu trả lời đúng, thành câu hoàn chỉnh.)

1   Where ______________ you usually ______________ on Saturday mornings? (go)


2   What ______________ you usually ______________ on Saturday mornings? (do)


3   What time ______________ school ______________ and ______________? (start / finish)


4   What ______________ your parents ______________ now? (do)


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Bài 14 :

Present Simple & Present Continuous- Stative verbs

(Hiện tại đơn & Hiện tại tiếp diễn- Động từ tình thái)

1. Choose the correct option.

(Chọn phương án đúng.)

1 He _________ his room every morning.

A tidies

B tidying

C is tidying

D tidy

2. Jane _________ the rules.

A break always

B is always

C always break

D is always breaking

3 My best friend _________ to Vietnam next month.

A moves

B move

C is moving

D are moving

4 His dad usually _________ work at 6 o'clock in the evening.

A finishing

B finishes

C finish

D is finishing

5 Paul _________ with his grandparents these days.

A stay

B staying

C doesn't stay

D is staying

6 They _________ a great time at the beach now.

A are having

B have

C has

D having

7 What time _________ in the morning?

A is the train leaving

B the train leaves

C does the train leave

D the train is living

8 Helen _________ to watch this film. It's really  interesting.

A is wanting

B want

C wants

D doesn't want

9 Steve _________ in Hanoi, Vietnam.

A live

B is living

C don't leave

D lives

10 She_________ joining us for dinner tonight.

A doesn't

B isn't

C aren't

D don't

11 My son _________ around the house. What can I do?

A don't help

B doesn't help

C not helping

D aren't helping

12 Sue complains that she _________ enough pocket money from her parents.

A don't get

B is getting

C gets

D doesn't get

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Bài 15 :

2. Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

(Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở thì Hiện tại đơn hoặc Hiện tại tiếp diễn.)

1 A: This dress ________ (not/cost) much.

B: I know, but I ________ (look) for something cheaper. I don't get enough pocket money to afford it.

2 A: That suit ________ (fit) you perfectly!

B: It ________ (belong) to my brother.

3 A: ________ (you/want) me to tell your parents?

B: I ________ (prefer) talking to them myself.

4 A: I ________ (not/know) where Sam and Mary are.

B: They ________ (have) dinner with their grandparents.

5 A: You ________ (seem) nervous.

B: Yes, I ________ (think) about how to tell my parents I want to spend the weekend at my friend’s house.

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Bài 16 :

2. There are four wrong sentences. Find the mistakes and correct them.

(Có bốn câu sai. Tìm những lỗi sai và sửa lại.)

1. The garden looked really beautifully after we planted all the colourful flowers.

2. City dwellers often become unhappy about the lack of green spaces.

3. All the dishes taste good. You should try them all.

4. The room smells badly and needs cleaning immediately.

5. I am thinking about buying a flat in Ha Noi.

6. Are you remembering when the sensors were installed in the city?

7. I am seeing your point, but I don’t think there’s anything we can do at the moment.

8. My brother can’t talk to you now. He is having a shower.

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Bài 17 :

Present Simple & Present Continuous

(Hiện tại đơn & Hiện tại tiếp diễn)

1. Choose the correct option.

1 We go/are going shopping on Saturday.

2 Andrew helps/is helping with the chores at the moment.

3 I catch/am catching the 7 a.m. bus every morning.

4 An stays/is staying with her aunt this week to help her move house.

5 They live/are living in a big house with a garden.

6 We paint/are painting the spare room tomorrow afternoon.

7 I am meeting/meet Carol's family this week.

8 Susan always tells/is always telling others what to do.

9 Adam's dad works/is working for a big company in the capital city now.

10 We always are cleaning/clean the house together.

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Bài 18 :

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

1 A: ________ (you/go) on holiday this summer?

B: Yes, I ________ (fly) to Barbados on Saturday.

2 A: Jake ________ (watch) videos on your laptop at the moment.

B: I can't believe it. He ________ (always/use) it without asking!

3 A: What time ________ (the mall/close) on Fridays?

B: Usually at 7 p.m., but it's open until 9 today because a sale ________ (take) place this weekend.

4 A: What ________ (you/do) right now?

B: I ________ (help) my parents clean the house.

5 A: You ________ (make) so much noise with your drums. I can't read!

B: Sorry! I ________ (practice) for my music test tomorrow.

6 A: What time ________( they/ finish) school on Fridays?

B: Well, they ________ (usually/finish) at 2:30, but today they ________ (stay) late.

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Bài 19 :

Stative Verbs & Linking Verbs

(Động từ tình thái & động từ liên kết)

3. Choose the correct option.

(Chọn phương án đúng.)

1 We have/are having lunch with Uncle Mat today.

2 Your new bedroom looks/is looking fantastic!

3 Mum appears/is appearing to be very happy today.

4 Sam thinks/is thinking about becoming a pilot, so he wants to go to flight school.

5 Dad sees/is seeing his cousin later today.

6 I think/am thinking Helen has a difficult job. Being a firefighter can't be easy.

7 I see/am seeing why you like painting-it's very creative.

8 Why do you smell/are you smelling the soup?

9 This ice-cream tastes/is tasting delicious.

10 Mary wants/is wanting to become a teacher just like her parents.

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Bài 20 :

4. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

(Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở thì Hiện tại đơn hoặc Hiện tại tiếp diễn.)

1 A: Is ______ (Paul/go) to Vietnam next week?

B: Yes, he ______ (visit) his relatives in Hanoi, but he ______ (not/stay) for long.

2 A: Steve ______ (look) stressed.

B: Yes. I ______ (think) he is worried about missing his flight. It ______ (depart) in less than an hour.

3 A: ______ (Paula/usually/sit) here?

B: Yes, but she ______ (not/come) in today. She ______ (fly) to Tokyo.

4 A: ______ (James/come) to the concert tomorrow night?

B: No, he ______ (stay) at home to study. His parents ______ (be) very strict.

5 A: What ______ (you/ think) about?

B: I ______ (want) to go to the party but I ______ (not/know) how to tell my parents.

6 A: What dishes ______ (the vendors/sell) at the market today?

B: I'm not sure, but they ______ (smell) delicious!

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