Đề bài


Double comparatives (So sánh kép)

1. Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

(Chọn phương án đúng để hoàn thành mỗi câu.)

1. Lan isn't home yet. The later / more late it gets, the more worried I get about her.

2. He wants a new house. The larger the house is, the comfortable / more comfortable he feels.

3. She thinks the bigger the city is, higher / the higher the cost of living gets.

4. The famouser / more famous the city is, the higher number of tourists it can attract

5. The larger population the town has, more difficult / the more difficult it is to find a job.

Phương pháp giải :

Remember! (Ghi nhớ!)

We use the with comparative adjectives to show that one thing or situation depends on another.

(Chúng ta sử dụng the với tính từ so sánh hơn để chỉ ra rằng một sự việc hoặc tình huống này phụ thuộc vào một sự việc hoặc tình huống khác.)

Example: (Ví dụ)

The more developed the city is, the more crowded it becomes.

(Thành phố càng phát triển thì càng đông đúc.)

The nearer we got to the suburb, the less busy the road was.

(Càng đến gần vùng ngoại ô, con đường càng bớt đông đúc.)

Lời giải chi tiết :

1. later

2. more comfortable

3. the higher

4. more famous

5. the more difficult


1. “late” là tính từ ngắn => dạng so sánh hơn của “late” là “later”

Lan isn't home yet. The later it gets, the more worried I get about her.

(Lan vẫn chưa về nhà. Càng về muộn, tôi càng lo lắng cho cô ấy.)

2. “comfortable” là tính từ dài => dạng so sánh hơn là “more comfortable”

He wants a new house. The larger the house is, the more comfortable he feels.

(Anh ấy muốn một ngôi nhà mới. Nhà càng rộng, anh càng cảm thấy thoải mái.)

3. Câu so sánh kép nên trước từ so sánh cần có từ “the” => chọn “the higher”

She thinks the bigger the city is, the higher the cost of living gets.

(Cô ấy cho rằng thành phố càng lớn thì chi phí sinh hoạt càng cao.)

4. “famous” là tính từ dài => dạng so sánh hơn là “more famous”

The more famous the city is, the higher number of tourists it can attract.

(Thành phố càng nổi tiếng thì lượng khách du lịch có thể thu hút càng cao.)

5. Câu so sánh kép nên trước từ so sánh cần có từ “the” => chọn “the more difficult”

The larger population the town has, the more difficult it is to find a job.

(Dân số ở thị trấn càng đông thì việc tìm việc làm càng khó khăn hơn.)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

2. Find a mistake in the underlined parts in each sentence below and correct it.

(Tìm lỗi sai ở phần gạch chân trong mỗi câu dưới đây và sửa lại cho đúng.)

1. I love the spicy food in this city. The hottest the food is, the more I like it.

                         A                               B                               C

2. I got stuck in a traffic jam yesterday. The more congested the road was, the tired I became.

              A                                                               B                                     C

3. The modern the library is, the more attractive it is to teenagers.

              A                             B                           C

4. The streets are getting dirtier. The more crowded this city is, more polluted it becomes.

                                        A                       B                                       C

5. The denser the buildings are, the more ugly the city becomes. It'll soon look like a

              A                                           B

concrete jungle.


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Bài 2 :

4. Find a grammar mistake in each sentence and correct it.

(Tìm lỗi ngữ pháp trong mỗi câu và sửa nó.)

1. The dirtier the air gets, more difficult it is for people to breathe.

2. My brother likes to get up the city by bike, but I prefer using public transport

3. Nearer the school is, the more convenient it is for the students.

4. She came up with a cold after walking in the heavy rain.

5. The more slow the Internet is, the angrier the users get.

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Bài 3 :

4. Write the correct forms of the adjectives in brackets.

(Viết dạng đúng của tính từ trong ngoặc.)

1. The (busy) _____ the street is, the less I like it. I hate noisy places.

2. The later it gets at night, the (cold) _____ it becomes.

3. The (light) _____ the street was, the (safe) _____ I felt.

4. The (crowded) _____ the bus got, the more difficult it was for me to breathe.

5. I fear that the more modern city life is, the (friendly) _____ people are to one another.

6. (close) _____ it gets to pick-up time, (difficult) _____ traffic around the school becomes.

7. I think that (expensive) _____ a restaurant is, (good) _____ its service is.

8. (far) _____ the community sports centre is, (convenient) _____ it is for me to go there.

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Bài 4 :

5. Circle a mistake in each sentence below and correct it.

(Hãy khoanh tròn một lỗi sai trong mỗi câu dưới đây và sửa lại.)

1. Safer a city is, the more liveable it becomes.

A. Safer                       B. the                                      C. more liveable                        D. becomes

2. Our city is age-friendly. We make it easy for the elderly to get along by public transport.

A. age-friendly           B. easy                                    C. elderly                                D. get along

3. The bigger the shopping mall is, the attractive it is to teenagers.

A. bigger                     B. is                                         C. attractive                            D. to

4. Although people wanted to carry out with the project, the company stopped funding it.

A. Although                B. out                                      C. funding                               D. it

5. The local authority tried to cut on private car use but they didn’t succeed.

A. local                       B. cut on                                  C. use                                      D. succeed

6. The closer an area is to the downtown, denser its population is.

A. closer                      B. to                                        C. denser                                 D. is

7. Many teens prefer hanging in at shopping malls to outdoor places.

A. teens                       B. in                                        C. at                                        D. to

8. Hoang is coming up with a fever. The more time that passes, the higher his temperature is.

A. up with                   B. more time that passes         C. higher                                 D. temperature

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