Đề bài

4. Match the words in the box with the correct prefixes to make twelve new words. What spelling rules can you work out for il-, im- and ir-?

(Nối các từ trong khung với các tiền tố đúng để tạo thành 12 từ mới. Bạn có thể tìm ra quy tắc đánh vần nào cho il-, im- và ir-?)

adequate                      approve                       aware                           believe

(phê duyệt)                (đầy đủ)                    (nhận thức)                (tin tưởng)

capable                        legal                            literate                         mature

(có khả năng)               (hiểu biết)                 (pháp luật)                 (trưởng thành)

probable                      relevant                       responsible                  safe

(có thể)                     (có liên quan)            (có trách nhiệm)        (an toàn)

1. dis- __________, __________

2. il- __________, __________

3. im- __________, __________

4. in- __________, __________

5. ir __________, __________

6. un- __________, __________

Lời giải chi tiết :

1. disapprove, disbelieve (không tán thành, không tin)

2. illegal, illiterate (bất hợp pháp, mù chữ)

3. immature, improbable (non nớt, khó tin)

4. incapable, inadequate (không có khả năng, không đủ khả năng)

5. irresponsible, irrelevant (vô trách nhiệm, không liên quan)

6. unsafe, unaware (không an toàn, không biết)

Prefixes il-, im-, ir- (Các tiền tố il-, im-, ir-)

We commonly change the prefix in- to il-, im- or ir- when the first letter of a word is l, m, p, or r.

(Chúng ta thường thay đổi tiền tố in- thành il-, im- hoặc ir- khi chữ cái đầu tiên của một từ là l, m, p hoặc r.)

in becomes il- before l

(in trở thành il- trước l)

in becomes im- before m or p

(in trở thành im- trước m hoặc p)

in becomes ir- before r

(in trở thành ir- trước r)


(không thể đọc được)

illiterate (mù chữ)

illogical (phi logic)

immoral (vô đạo đức)


(chưa trưởng thành)

impossible (không thể)


(không liên quan)


(thiếu trách nhiệm)


(không thể thay thế)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

2  Complete the sentences with the correct prefixes.

(Hoàn thành các câu với các tiền tố đúng.)










1  At the airport, we were _________graded to first class because it was our honeymoon.

2  Your homework is unreadable. You’ll need to _________write it.

3  There were _________government demonstrations outside the House of Commons yesterday by people protesting about tax rises.

4  Twenty countries attended the _________national conference on global warming in Geneva.

5  Look at the bill. We didn’t have that much. We’ve been _________charged.

6  I won’t speak French because I’m scared that I’ll _________pronounce all the words

7  At the museum, we saw dinosaur bones from _________historic times.

8  The _________president of the company appeared at the ceremony.

9  Don’t _________estimate me. I’m capable of a lot more than you think.

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Bài 2 :

3. Read and complete the LANGUAGE FOCUS with the examples in blue in the blog.

(Đọc và hoàn thành TẬP TRUNG NGÔN NGỮ với các ví dụ màu xanh lam trong blog.)



Prefixes can be added to the same root word to create different words. For example from the root word use you can form reuse and misuse.




un-                   in-

dis-                  il-

im-                   ir-

not (mainly adjectives)

uncomfortable, 1 imcapable

disqualified, illiterate

impossible, irresponsible

un-                  dis-

opposite (maily verbs)

undo, disallow

2 ___________


do again

remarry, 3 _________






bad(ly), wrong(ly)




many or several


off- / on-

not the case / a place where


offcolour / onstage


more than or better

4 ___________ / oudo

over- / under-

too much /

not enough

5 ___________ /

6  ___________

anti- / pro-

against / in favour

anti-social /


pre- / post-

Before / after

pre-storm /



done to / by yourself




inferior or lower


up- / down-

increase or improve . become worse

7 ___________ / downturn



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Bài 3 :

5. Complete the two comments about the blog with the correct form of the words in brackets.

(Hoàn thành hai nhận xét về blog với dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc.)

I don't like winter. I suffer from low (1) __________ and I fall out with friends because I'm very (SOCIAL) (2) __________. I'm (CAPABLE) (3) __________ of getting up in the morning and I know that my work is (4) ___________ because I lack concentration. I need sunshine to feel alive.


All this weather stuff is (5) __________ for people like me. I work all day in a shop, I travel to the gym to work and back by bus and I go in the evening. I'm totally (6) __________ of the weather most of the time!


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Bài 4 :

1. Form opposites by adding correct prefixes.

(Tạo các từ trái nghĩa bằng cách thêm vào tiếp đầu ngữ đúng.)

dis- il- im- in- ir- un-

1. illegal

2. regular

3. possible

4. able

5. agree

6. believe

7. responsible

8. literate

9. accurate

10. conscious

11. mature

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Bài 5 :

2. Complete the definitions with words formed by adding prefixes to the words in capitals.

(Hoàn thành các định nghĩa với từ được tạo thành bằng cách thêm vào tiếp đầu ngữ cho từ được in hoa.)

1. after the WAR                                 post-war

2. the opposite of ALLOW

3. having many COLOURS

4. BEHAVE badly

5. PAID too little

6. in favour of DEMOCRACY

7. WORK too much

8. against NUCLEAR

9. before the ELECTION

10. extremely SENSFIVE

11. not PERFECT

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Bài 6 :

3. Complete the words in bold with the correct prefixes.

(Hoàn thành các từ in đậm với các tiếp đầu ngữ đúng.)

1. The effects of the drought seem to have been underestimated - the current situation is much worse than we initially thought.

2. If you insist on behaving so ___responsibly, David, it is impossible for me to treat you like an adult.

3. My grandma remained ___married for 65 years before she finally met John and they decided to become husband and wife.

4. If you ___cook meat, there is a risk that dangerous bacteria are left in the areas that don't get hot.

5 Warning: Your anti-virus programme has been ___abled and your computer could be at risk.

6. The government has been criticised by environmental organisations for being ___willing to spend more on protecting marine wildlife.

7. Are you sure this is a reliable website? In my opinion, the author is just spreading ___information to attract more readers.

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Bài 7 :

4. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the root words in brackets.

(Hoàn thành các câu sau với dạng đúng của các từ gốc ở trong ngoặc.)

1. Refugees who have entered the country illegally (legal) are currently treated as criminals.

2. With the correct training techniques, even the most _____ (obey) dogs can be taught to behave.

3. Our English teacher says my essay will have to be _____ (write) because he can't read my handwriting.

4. I _____ (understand) the care instructions for my shirt and shrank it in the washing machine.

5. I managed to delete most of the unnecessary apps that came _____ (install) on my phone.

6. If there is even the smallest _____ (perfect) in one of our products, this software will detect it.

7. Speaking no fewer than five languages, Pierre is truly _____ (lingual).

8. If you suffer from skin problems, try our new _____ (acne) face wash for instant results.

9. Our neighbour's cat is so skinny that I think they must be _____ (feed) it.

10. This paragraph of your essay is completely _____ (relevant), so I think you should delete it.

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