Đề bài

1. Look at the words and phrases below. Translate them using a dictionary if necessary. Then listen and repeat.

(Nhìn vào các từ và cụm từ dưới đây. Dịch chúng bằng từ điển nếu cần thiết. Sau đó nghe và lặp lại.)

1 blizzard = ______

2 drought = ______

3 earthquake = ______

4 hurricane = ______

5 tsunami = ______

6 wildfire = ______

Lời giải chi tiết :

1 blizzard = trận bão tuyết

2 drought = hạn hán

3 earthquake = trận động đất

4 hurricane = cơn bão

5 tsunami = cơn sóng thần

6 wildfire = cháy rừng

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

1. Match the words from boxes A and B to make collocations. Which collocations describe problems and which describe solutions? Complete the table.

(Nối các từ trong khung A và B để tạo thành các cụm từ. Những cụm từ nào mô tả vấn đề và cụm từ nào mô tả giải pháp? Hoàn thành bảng.)

A         climate                        economic         endangered                         global              recycling

            renewable        solar                water

B         bins                 change             energy                         growth                     panels

            shortages                     species                         warming



climate change



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Bài 2 :

5.  Complete the list with the words in the box. Then listen and repeat.

(Hoàn thành danh sách với các từ trong hộp. Sau đó nghe và lặp lại.)

biodegradable                                     contamination                                     eco-warrior

irreparable damage                 single-use plastics                   food chain

1. contamination = pollution

2. __________ = plastic that can be used only once

3. __________ = somebody who is passionate about the environment

4. __________ =  irreversible, negative change

5. __________ = broken down naturally by bacterial

6. __________ = a series of living creatures, where each one eats the one preceding it

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Bài 3 :

. Fill in the gaps with the words in Exercise 1 and then finish each piece of news with your own words.

(Điền từ vào chỗ trống trong Bài tập 1 rồi hoàn thành mỗi tin tức bằng từ của chính bạn.)

1 The ________, measuring 7.4 on the Richter scale, lasted for seven seconds, but…

2 Roofs were blown off and cars overturned in the latest ________ to hit the coast of...

3 It has already been fifteen weeks since the ________ began. All the water noises have end up and...

4 Fishing villages were destroyed by the latest _______ as a thirty-metre wall of water...

5 Firefighters are trying to prevent the ________ from spreading any further by...

6 Not only drivers had problems during yesterday's _________. A group of young hikers from the local college lost their way in the snow due to poor visibility and...

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Bài 4 :

1. Think about how the weather affects human hyperactive hypersensitive behaviour. Choose the option you think is correct.

(Hãy nghĩ xem thời tiết ảnh hưởng như thế nào đến hành vi quá mẫn cảm của con người. Chọn tùy chọn mà bạn cho là đúng.)

1. Rainy / Sunny weather makes you sleepy.

2. Rainy / Sunny weather makes you hungry.

3.  Rainy / Sunny weather makes you more violent.

4. Calm / Stormy weather makes children hyperactive.

5. Dull / Sunny weather makes your memory better.

6. Rainy / Sunny weather makes you feel comforted.

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Bài 5 :

1. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are two extra words.

(Hoàn thành câu với các từ trong khung. Có thêm hai từ nữa.)

drought                                    habitat                                                 meadow

(hạn hán)                                (môi trường sống)                             (đồng cỏ)

orchard                                    severe                          strong                          thriving

(vườn cây ăn quả)                   (nghiêm trọng)            (mạnh mẽ)      (phát triển mạnh)

1. There was a small small __________  at the back of our house where we'd pick apples in the autumn.

2. It was amazing to see tigers in their natural ___________ in India.

3. The village is in a remote mountain area and experiences some __________ weather conditions.

4. The region is facing its worst _____________ decades with no rain in months now.

5. Thanks to conservation efforts, there's now a ________________ population of wildcats.

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Bài 6 :

2. Complete the sentences with the correct words to replace the words in brackets. The first letter is given.

(Hoàn thành câu với từ thích hợp để thay thế từ trong ngoặc. Từ đầu tiên được đưa ra.)

1. The clearance of hundreds of trees has caused i___________ (impossible to repair) damage to the forest.

2. There are less than a hundred animals in the wild and just a handful in c__________ (not in the wild).

3. Despite its r___________(being similar) to a bat, this creature is actually a type of squirrel.

4. The packaging is b___________ (capable of being decomposed).

5. Many of the villagers live in extreme p_________ (being poor) getting by on less than a dollar a day.

6. Raccoons are extremely c__________ (that like to compete and win) animals.

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