Đề bài

3. Read the GRAMMAR FOCUS. Then find more examples in blue of rules 1-3 in the text.

(Đọc TRỌNG TÂM NGỮ PHÁP. Sau đó tìm thêm ví dụ màu xanh lam về quy tắc 1-3 trong bài văn.)

all of you = rule 2 (tất cả các bạn = quy tắc 2)


Quantifiers (Số lượng)

You can use a wide range of different expressions to talk about quantity.

(Bạn có thể sử dụng nhiều cách diễn đạt khác nhau để nói về số lượng.)

Countable nouns

(Danh từ đếm được)

Uncountable nouns

(Danh từ không đếm được)


(Cả hai)

every, each


a number of,  several

a few

(very) few

both, a couple of




a great deal of

a little

 (very) little



a lot of

lots of

loads of*,

plenty of

no, none of

1. Use quantifiers without of before nouns: most people

(Dùng từ định lượng không có of trước danh từ: hầu hết mọi người)

2. Use quantifiers with of before determiner + noun: most of the people, and before pronouns: most of them

(Dùng từ định lượng với of trước từ hạn định + danh từ: hầu hết mọi người, và trước đại từ: hầu hết chúng)

3. *Always use these quantifiers with of a lot of people

(Luôn sử dụng những bộ định lượng này với rất nhiều người)

Note: all the people and all of the people are possible. You can't use of after no and every. Use none of and every one of.

(Lưu ý: tất cả mọi người và tất cả mọi người đều có thể. Bạn không thể sử dụng sau no và Every. Không sử dụng cái nào trong số đó và mọi cái trong số đó.)

Lời giải chi tiết :

loads of dirty washing = rule 3

no space = rule 1

plenty of clothes = rule 3

Most of them = rule 2

number of opportunities = rule 3

Very few of your friends = rule 2

much time = rule 1

a few speed-cleaning tips = rule 1

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

Choose a suitable word or phrase (marked A, B, C or D) to fill in each blank.

______ places in our city are heavily polluted.

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Bài 2 :

4 USE OF ENGLISH Read the Learn this! box. Then choose the correct answers (a-d). 

(Đọc phần Learn this! Sau đó chọn câu trả lời đúng (a-d).)

Only 1_____ of my favourite films are sequels, but 22 Jump Street is an exception. 2_____ the viewers who enjoyed the original 21 Jump Street will be pleased to see the return of officers Jenko and Schmidt. There's 3_____ difference in the plot - it's 4_____ undercover operation in a high school on the trail of 5_____ violent drug dealers. As the action unfolds, 6_____ men form close relationships with other people, threatening their friendship. There's 7_____ of good-natured humour and 8_____ clever jokes about whether this adventure will be as good as the last. It is, and of course in the end 9_____ of the buddies wants to end their 'bromance'. Now 10_____ of those Jump Street fans will be hoping. for a number 23... 


a much 

b a few 

c every 

d none 

2 a Each of 

b Every 

c All of 

d Most 


a any 

b none 

c little 

d several 


a both 

b another 

c other 

d each 


a some 

b few of 

c either 

d little 


a few 

b each 

c both 

d neither 


a all 

b most 

c some 

d a lot 


a none 

b several 

c much of

d every 


a neither 

b either 

c no 

d both 


a every 

b a little 

c few 

d every one 

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Bài 3 :

5 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Discuss the information below with your partner. Try to use quantifiers from the Learn this! box in your answers. 

(Làm việc theo cặp. Thảo luận các thông tin dưới đây với bạn của bạn. Hãy cố gắng sử dụng các lượng từ khung Learn this! trong câu trả lời của bạn.)

1 How much free time you spend with classmates. 

(Bạn dành bao nhiêu thời gian rảnh với bạn cùng lớp?)

2 How many of your friends have the same taste in films. 

(Có bao nhiêu người bạn của bạn có cùng sở thích xem phim?)

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Bài 4 :

1.4 Quantifiers

(Lượng từ)

• We normally use some in affirmative sentences and offers, and any in negative sentences and questions.

We’ve got some milk and sugar.

We haven’t got any milk or sugar.

Have we got any milk or sugar?

Would you like some milk and sugar in your tea?

• We use any with uncountable and plural nouns in affirmative sentences where the meaning is negative.

He went out without any gloves on.

There is never any snow in the Caribbean.

• We can use any  in affirmative sentences to mean it doesn’t matter which.

Any songs by Taylor Swift are great!

• We use no (meaning not any) when we want to be emphatic.

There’s no need to be rude.

No clubs in town will be open yet.

• We can use (a) few with plural nouns and (a) little with uncountable nouns.

He’s only got a little free time this weekend.

A few students have already finished the test.

• We use few / little instead of a few / a little to emphasise the smallness of the number or quantity.

He has little money and few friends.

• We normally use whole with singular countable nouns.

We’ve eaten a whole box of chocolates.

• We normally use all with countable nouns and plural nouns.

He listened to all (of) the songs on the album.

Have we finished all (of) the pasta?

• We use both, either and neither to talk about two things.

Both restaurants are quite new.

Neither book is very interesting.

We can get off the train at either stop.

• Most quantifiers can be followed by of and a determiner (the, these, my, etc.): most of the …, a few of his …, several of those …, all of us, each of them, many of, etc. After both  and all, we often leave out of before the.

All (of) the children are in the playground.

• However, no and every cannot be followed by of. Instead, we say none of and every ne / each of. None of takes a singular verb in formal contexts.

Every one of us scored 100% in the test.

None of the boys in the band are over 20.

None of the boys in the band is over 20. (formal)

Tạm dịch

• Chúng ta thường dùng some trong các câu khẳng định và lời đề nghị, và any trong các câu phủ định và câu hỏi.

Chúng ta có một ít sữa và đường.

Chúng tôi không có sữa hay đường.

Chúng ta có sữa hay đường không?

Bạn có muốn thêm chút sữa và đường vào trà không?

• Chúng ta dùng any với danh từ không đếm được và danh từ số nhiều trong câu khẳng định khi ý nghĩa phủ định.

Anh ta đi ra ngoài mà không đeo găng tay.

Không bao giờ có tuyết ở Caribe.

• Chúng ta có thể dùng any trong câu khẳng định với ý nghĩa không quan trọng là cái nào.

Bất kỳ bài hát nào của Taylor Swift đều tuyệt vời!

• Chúng ta dùng no (có nghĩa là không bất kỳ) khi muốn nhấn mạnh.

Không cần phải thô lỗ.

Chưa có câu lạc bộ nào trong thị trấn được mở.

• Chúng ta có thể dùng (a) few với danh từ số nhiều và (a) little với danh từ không đếm được.

Anh ấy chỉ có một chút thời gian rảnh vào cuối tuần này.

Một số học sinh đã làm xong bài kiểm tra.

• Chúng ta dùng few/little thay vì a few/a little để nhấn mạnh sự ít ỏi của số lượng.

Anh ta có ít tiền và ít bạn bè.

• Chúng ta thường dùng Whole với danh từ đếm được số ít.

Chúng tôi đã ăn cả hộp sôcôla.

• Chúng ta thường dùng all với danh từ đếm được và danh từ số nhiều.

Anh ấy đã nghe tất cả các bài hát trong album.

Chúng ta đã ăn hết mì ống chưa?

• Chúng ta sử dụng cả hai (both), một trong hai (either) và cả hai đều không (neither) để nói về hai thứ.

Cả hai nhà hàng đều còn khá mới.

Cả hai cuốn sách đều không thú vị lắm.

Chúng ta có thể xuống tàu ở một trong hai điểm dừng.

• Hầu hết các lượng từ có thể được theo sau bởi of và một từ hạn định (the, this, my, v.v.): hầu hết các ..., một vài trong số của anh ấy ..., một vài trong số đó ..., tất cả chúng ta, mỗi người trong số họ, nhiều người, v.v. .. Sau cả hai (both) và tất cả (all), chúng ta thường bỏ đi out of trước the.

Tất cả trẻ em đang ở trong sân chơi.

• Tuy nhiên, no và each không thể theo sau bằng of. Thay vào đó, chúng ta nói none of và every one / each of. None of dùng động từ số ít trong ngữ cảnh trang trọng.

Mỗi người trong chúng tôi đều đạt điểm 100% trong bài kiểm tra.

Không có chàng trai nào trong ban nhạc trên 20 tuổi.

Không có chàng trai nào trong ban nhạc trên 20 tuổi. (trang trọng)


1  Choose the correct quantifier to complete the sentences.

(Chọn lượng từ đúng để hoàn thành câu.)

    1  There were few / a few cakes left in the shop, but not many.

    2  Do you recognise either / neither of those two actors?

    3  It’s so late now, there’s little / a little point going out.

    4  No / None of my family can speak French.

    5  I can’t stand cricket – there are few / few sports I find more boring.

    6  Look at your hands – they’re either / both covered in mud!

    7  Would you like little / a little sugar in your coffee?

    8  Every / Every one of these peaches is rotten.

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Bài 5 :

2  Complete the sentences with of or leave them blank where possible.

(Hoàn thành các câu với of hoặc để trống nếu có thể.)

     1  None _______ my friends can play the violin.

      2  A few _______ those plants need watering.

      3  I’ve seen all _______ her films at least twice!

      4  We’re going to do a lot _______ sport in the holidays.

      5  Do both _______ your parents work in a bank?

      6  Several _______ people I know believe in ghosts.

      7  The teacher gave each _______ the students top marks.

      8  I tried on three sweatshirts but none _______them fitted.

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Bài 6 :

4. Read Part 2 of the vlog post and choose the correct option. Then listen and check.

(Đọc Phần 2 của bài vlog và chọn phương án đúng. Sau đó nghe và kiểm tra.)

Part 2

• Find a laundry basket and put (1) all / each the clothes on the floor into it. Too (2) much / many clothes? OK, get (3) a couple / a few of bin bags and put the rest in there. Then hide (4) both / either of the bags in the wardrobe. If the cool friend sees (5) plenty / either of the bags, just say it's (6) a few / few things you're collecting for charity.

• The whole place smells of snacks, so take (7) every / some half-empty drink and stale half-eaten crisp packet to the kitchen immediately. There's a big difference between messy and disgusting.

• There are (8) a number / several of things that would give the wrong impression, things like your huge pink teddy bear … Hide them.

• Make the bed. There's (9) no / none excuse for an unmade bed.

• Open (10) plenty / all the windows- now!

You're ready!

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Bài 7 :

5. Write one false and two true sentences about yourself. Use a different word in the box in each sentence. Work with a partner. Read your sentences to each other. Guess which sentence is false.

(Viết một câu sai và hai câu đúng về bản thân bạn. Sử dụng một từ khác nhau trong khung trong mỗi câu. Làm việc cùng đối tác. Đọc câu của bạn cho nhau nghe. Đoán xem câu nào sai.)

all                    couple                                     every                           little                       loads

(tất cả )           (cặp đôi)                                 (mỗi)                           (ít)                  

lots                  most                            none                            plenty

(rất nhiều)       (hầu hết)                     (không có)                   (nhiều)

All of my music is on my phone.

(Tất cả âm nhạc của tôi đều có trên điện thoại của tôi.)

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Bài 8 :

2. Read and complete the LANGUAGE FOCUS with the examples in blue from the text.

(Đọc và hoàn thành TRỌNG TÂM NGÔN NGỮ với các ví dụ màu xanh lam trong văn bản.)


both, each, every and all


+ noun

+ of + my / the etc. noun

+of + pronoun


= 2 things or people

both (1) places

both of the places

both of them


= 2 or more things or people

each (2) _________

each (one) of the Hobbit holes

each (one) of them


= 3 or more things or people

every Hobbit movie

every one of The Hobbit movies


every (3) _______


= 3 or more things or people

all the (4) _______

all (of) the tourists

all (5) _______



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Bài 9 :

3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use between two and five words including the word in capitals. Are the sentences true for you?

(Hoàn thành câu thứ hai sao cho có nghĩa tương tự câu thứ nhất. Sử dụng từ hai đến năm từ, kể cả từ viết hoa. Những câu đó có đúng với bạn không?)

1. I've seen nearly all of the James Bond films. ONE

(Tôi đã xem gần như tất cả các bộ phim về James Bond.)

I've seen ________________ the James Bond films.

2. I think each of Pirates of the Caribbean movies is worth seeing. EVERY

(Tôi nghĩ mỗi bộ phim Cướp biển vùng Caribbean đều đáng xem.)

I think ___________________ Pirates of the Caribbean movies is worth seeing.

3. I guess everyone in this city like living in green spaces. ALL

(Tôi đoán mọi người ở thành phố này đều thích sống trong không gian xanh.)

I guess _______________like living in green spaces.

4. I saw the film twice and I enjoyed it each time. BOTH

(Tôi đã xem bộ phim này hai lần và lần nào tôi cũng rất thích nó.)

I saw the film twice and I enjoyed it ________________.

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Bài 10 :

3. Choose the correct option.

(Chọn phương án đúng.)

1. I've asked six people to help me move. Unfortunately, no / none / neither of them will have time tomorrow.

2. I always have plenty / a few/ a little snacks in the fridge in case friends drop round.

3. I'm sure we had two new light bulbs. But now, when I need them, I can't find either / both / all of them.

4. Apparently, the electricity was off for few / several / loads hours after the storm.

5. I've noticed that a great deal / a number / couple of furniture has been delivered next door.

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Bài 11 :

Choose a suitable word or phrase (marked A, B, C or D) to fill in each blank.

There were _____ negative comments on Tom’s post that he had to remove it. 

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Bài 12 :

3 Choose the best options (a, b or c) to complete the sentences.

(Chọn các phương án đúng nhất (a, b hoặc c) để hoàn thành câu.)

1 The forecast says there will be just ___ rain at the weekend.

a little

b a little

c a lot of


2 ___ the best music I've heard is on this album.

a Some of

b Both of

c Several of


3 ___ of my shirts needs washing!

a Every

b Every one

c All


4 ___ drivers follow the new driving regulations.

a Some of

b None

c Few


5 I wouldn't recommend ___ of the cafés in town.

a none

b either

c every one

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Bài 13 :

4 Choose the option that is not possible in each sentence.

(Chọn phương án không thể thực hiện được trong mỗi câu.)

1 ___ of these scarves would be a good present for Leo.

a Either

b Both

c Every


2 ___ her friends was at home when she called.

a Every one of

b None

c None of


3 There's ___ time before the next lesson begins.

a little

b few

c a little


4 ___ of us agreed that the exercise was impossible.

a Every

b Each

c Every one


5 Let's buy ___ these cakes for the picnic.

a both

b a few of

c several


6 She organised ___ of her books into alphabetical order.

a every

b all

c every one


7 ___ buddy movies are popular in the USA.

a Some

b Many

c A lot

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Bài 14 :

5 Complete the sentences with the words below. There are two extra words.

(Hoàn thành câu với các từ dưới đây. Có thêm hai từ nữa.)

1 It was a pretty boring party as there were so _______ people there.

2 Dan got every _______ of the answers right in yesterday's homework.

3 I only have _______ little cash-could you lend me some?

4 She tried on five pairs of shoes, but _______ of them fitted.

5 'Would you prefer orange or apple juice?' 'I don't mind -  I like _______ of them.'

6 The forecast says there'll be _______ sunshine today.

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Bài 15 :

1. Choose the correct option to complete the dialogue in an English oral exam between the examiner and candidate.

(Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại trong một bài thi nói Tiếng Anh giữa giám khảo và thí sinh.)

E: Let's start with a few personal questions. Tell me about the place where you live.

G: OK, well we live in a bright and leafy neighbourhood. It's a safe place with (1) very little / very few crime, perhaps because (2) much/many of the people living in the area are families with kids. (3) A few / A lot of the people who live in the area are from overseas so it's a very multi-cultural place. You can hear all kinds of different languages when you are walking down the street. Most of the time it's pretty quiet although there is always (4) too much / too many traffic in the mornings and afternoons and (5) too much / too many cars parked on the road at night.

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Bài 16 :

2. Choose the correct answers A – C.

(Chọn đáp án đúng A – C.)

The Rise of Megacities

Until the mid-20th century, (1) _____ people lived in rural areas, but now the majority of the world’s population lives in urban areas. Cities have grown dramatically and (2) _____ of them have even become ‘megacities’, the name given to urban areas with more than 10 million inhabitants.

According to the United Nations, there are currently 33 megacities, the largest of which is Tokyo, Japan, with a population of 37 million. Unlike Tokyo, (3) _____ the megacities are in poor countries. There, people leave rural areas because there are (4) _____ opportunities for work or education, and (5) _____ hope of a good life.

When there is rapid population growth, poor countries face (6) _____ social, economic and environmental problems. Cities need (7) _____ clean water and electricity, as well as hospitals, schools, rubbish removal facilities and transport. But with (8) _____ money, it's almost impossible to keep up with the demands of a growing population.

This is why megacities are one of the world's greatest challenges. The question we need to ask is, 'Can our planet survive urban growth?’

1. A. most of               B. most                        C. lots

2. A. some                   B. both                        C. every one

3. A. loads                   B. none of                   C. many of

4. A. a few                   B. few                         C. many

5. A. no                       B. none of                   C. neither

6. A. few                     B. many of                  C. a number of

7. A. a couple of          B. every                       C. a great deal of

8. A. little                    B. a little                     C. plenty

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Bài 17 :

4. Find and correct the mistakes. One sentence is correct.

(Tìm và sửa lại các lỗi sau. Có một câu đúng.)

1. Number of people commented on Lucy's new dress. A number of people

2. Most of cafes have free Wi-Fi these days.

3. Helen paid more than forty euros for some these cactuses.

4. Each the puppies has a different character.

5. All priests attended the mass that Sunday.

6. Liam couldn't remember the names of either of babies.

7. I have little time for rude, self-centred people.

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Bài 18 :

1. Complete the second sentence with one word so it means the same as the first. Do not use the same determiners as in the first sentence.

(Hoàn thành câu thứ hai với một từ để nó cùng nghĩa với câu thứ nhất. Không được dùng cùng từ hạn định với câu tứ nhất.)

1. I've read all the guide books on Berlin that were in the library.

I've read every guide book on Berlin that was in the library.

2. He's got bad cuts on each foot.

He's cut _____ his feet badly.

3 Did you eat all of the pizza?

Did you eat the _____ pizza?

4. Give every child a red crayon.

Give a red crayon to _____ child.

5. The club holds salsa nights on the 14th and 28th of each month.

The club holds salsa nights _____ two weeks.

6. What time are our other friends coming to the party?

What time are the _____ coming to the party?

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Bài 19 :

2. Choose the correct answers A - D.

(Chọn đáp án đúng, A – D.)


Do you live on a housing estate, in a house that is identical to (1) __D__? Perhaps you have an idea for a dream home? Grand Designs on Channel 4 tonight might give you just the right inspiration.

Nearly twenty years ago, Channel 4 broadcast the first in a series of programmes that is still continuing today. (2) _____ episodes follow a person, or a couple, who have planned to build a house (3) _____. Some people have a lot of money and can afford to build eye-catching, ambitious houses, but (4) _____ are working on small budgets. What is important for the programme is that the people are passionate about their projects and that (5) _____ one of the designs is unusual and clever.

The 140 episodes have covered a wide range of projects, ranging from the amazing restoration ruined castle to the construction of a house built from shipping containers on farmland with breathtaking views. (6) _____ these new properties are smart houses, and also use environmentally-friendly materials. Could YOUR dream home become a reality on this programme?

1. A. each other           B. the other’s              C. one another            D. everyone else's

2. A. Each                   B. Both                        C. All                           D. Every

3. A. for others            B. themselves             C. both of them           D. each other

4. A. others                  B. the other                 C. another                   D. the other ones

5. A. all                       B. each                                    C. either                      D. both

6. A. Both of               B. Every                      C. Each                       D. Many of

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Bài 20 :

3. Complete the dialogues with one word in each gap.


Andy: There are only two direct trains to Aberdeen on Saturday mornings - at 9 and 11 o'clock. Which one do you want to take?

Beth: I don't mind- Both of them sound OK.

Andy: The first train is usually packed, so let's take the one.


Carmen: Good to be home at last.

Daniel: Didn't you enjoy your holiday?

Carmen: The en suite room was great, but the (a) _____ experience was a bit disappointing. The brochure promised exciting activities (b) _____ day, but in fact, I spent a lot time by the outdoor pool, doing nothing.


Eddy: Before I hand in my assignments, I usually ask Lucy to check them for mistakes and I do the same with her essays in return.

Mia: It’s a fantastic idea for friends to correct each _____ work.


Hannah: Isaak finished his grilled cheese sandwich in two minutes and asked if he could have _____ one.

George: He must have been starving!

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