Đề bài

1. Match the words to make collocations.

(Nối các từ để tạo thành cụm từ.)

1. university / bachelor's / master's (đại học / cử nhân / thạc sĩ)

2. attend / have / skip (tham dự / có / bỏ qua)

3. communication / language / people (giao tiếp / ngôn ngữ / con người)

4. fail / pass / take (trượt / đạt / tham gia)

5. further / higher / private (xa hơn / cao hơn / riêng tư)

6. long / rewarding / successful (lâu dài / bổ ích / thành công)

a. career (sự nghiệp)

b. degree (bằng cấp)

c. education (giáo dục)

d. exams (kì thi)

e. lessons (những bài học)

f. skills (kỹ năng)

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Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

2. Match the fields of study on the signpost with the pictures. Then discuss: What are the three most / least appealing subjects?

(Nối các lĩnh vực nghiên cứu trên biển chỉ dẫn với các bức tranh. Sau đó thảo luận: Ba môn học hấp dẫn nhất/kém hấp dẫn nhất là gì?)

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Bài 2 :



Is this you?

You're keen to go on to higher education. But none of the traditional subjects appeal. Don't worry, these days you can get a degree in most things. You like baking? You can major in baking technology management. More inclined towards fashion? How about writing a dissertation on handbag and accessories design? It you have a passion for sc mcthing. you can usually find a course that specialises in your area. Here are two courses you never knew existed.


University of California, USA

This course is a new, creative way to learn physics. Through studying heroes and villains, you'll learn the answers to important real-life questions such as what the chemical composition of Captain America's armour is. In other words, you'll attend lectures on the real principles of physics, but they'll be given in a more engaging and accessible way.


University of Plymouth, UK

The university website warns that "You will not be taught how to surf, and it is important to realise that this is an academic course.' That means you don't graduate because you can catch a good wave-you have to sit exams here! Core modules include ecology and scientific aspects of health, fitness and sports nutrition.

Tạm dịch:



Đây có phải là bạn?

Bạn mong muốn tiếp tục học lên cao hơn. Nhưng không có chủ đề truyền thống nào hấp dẫn. Đừng lo lắng, ngày nay bạn có thể có được bằng cấp ở hầu hết mọi thứ. Bạn thích nướng bánh? Bạn có thể học chuyên ngành quản lý công nghệ làm bánh. nghiêng về thời trang hơn? Làm thế nào về việc viết một luận văn về thiết kế túi xách và phụ kiện? Đó là bạn có niềm đam mê với mọi thứ. bạn thường có thể tìm thấy một khóa học chuyên về lĩnh vực của bạn. Đây là hai khóa học mà bạn chưa từng biết đến.


Đại học California, Mỹ

Khóa học này là một cách mới, sáng tạo để học vật lý. Thông qua việc nghiên cứu các anh hùng và nhân vật phản diện, bạn sẽ biết được câu trả lời cho những câu hỏi quan trọng trong đời thực, chẳng hạn như thành phần hóa học của áo giáp của Captain America là gì. Nói cách khác, bạn sẽ tham dự các bài giảng về các nguyên lý vật lý thực sự, nhưng chúng sẽ được giảng theo cách hấp dẫn và dễ tiếp cận hơn.


Đại học Plymouth, Vương quốc Anh

Trang web của trường đại học cảnh báo rằng "Bạn sẽ không được dạy cách lướt sóng và điều quan trọng là phải nhận ra rằng đây là một khóa học mang tính học thuật". Điều đó có nghĩa là bạn không tốt nghiệp vì bạn có thể bắt kịp làn sóng tốt - bạn phải dự thi ở đây! Các mô-đun cốt lõi bao gồm các khía cạnh sinh thái và khoa học về sức khỏe, thể dục và dinh dưỡng thể thao.

3. Find the synonyms for the verbs in red. Then look up the highlighted phrases in the dictionary.

(Tìm từ đồng nghĩa với động từ màu đỏ. Sau đó tra cứu những cụm từ được đánh dấu trong từ điển.)

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Bài 3 :

1. Match the type of learning difficulties with the definition. Then match with the photos.

(Hãy ghép loại khó khăn trong học tập với định nghĩa. Sau đó kết hợp với các bức ảnh.)


1. Dyslexia

2. Dyscalculia

3. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

4. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

a. A condition that affects a person's ability to communicate, socialize, and understand social cues.

b. A learning difficulty that affects a person's ability to read, write, and spell.

c. A learning difficulty that affects a person's ability to understand and work with numbers.

d. A condition that affects a person's ability to concentrate and focus.

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Bài 4 :

2. Choose the correct option.

(Chọn phương án đúng.)

1. Many students can't afford to go to university unless they get a degree / scholarship / dissertation.

(Nhiều sinh viên không đủ khả năng vào đại học nếu họ không nhận được bằng cấp/học bổng/luận văn.)

2. I have a very vague/clear/photographic memory of my first day at school - I remember it really well.

(Tôi có một ký ức rất mơ hồ/rõ ràng/như hình ảnh về ngày đầu tiên đến trường - tôi nhớ rất rõ.)

3. Amy fainted, but thankfully after just a few seconds she remained/lost/regained consciousness.

(Amy ngất đi, nhưng may mắn thay chỉ sau vài giây cô vẫn/mất/tỉnh lại.)

4. George got bored quickly and his teachers complained he was disruptive/gifted/expelled in class.

(George nhanh chóng chán nản và giáo viên phàn nàn rằng cậu ấy quậy phá/có năng khiếu/bị đuổi học trong lớp.)

5. Our sports coach is pretty lenient/ self-disciplined/strict; she makes us work really hard in training.

(Huấn luyện viên thể thao của chúng tôi khá khoan dung/ tự kỷ luật/nghiêm khắc; cô ấy khiến chúng tôi phải nỗ lực rất nhiều trong việc tập luyện.)

6. You can't possibly be hungry again - you always have food on/in/inside the brain!

(Bạn không thể đói nữa - bạn luôn có thức ăn trong/trong/bên trong não!)

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Bài 5 :

1. Choose the words that do not collocate with the nouns in bold.

(Chọn từ không tạo thành các cụm từ cố định với các danh từ in đậm.)

1. higher / people/ private                                           education

2. attend / have / go                                                    lessons

3. language/ communication / person                         skills

4. further / long / rewarding                                        career

5. pass / fail / prove                                                    exams

6. master's / university / course                                  degree

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Bài 6 :

2. Complete the sentences with the correct words. The first letters are given.

(Hoàn thành các câu sau với các từ đúng. Các chữ cái đầu tiên được cho trước.)

1. Next year we're going to take our exams.

2. They get on well with everyone as they have good p_____ skills.

3. I'm doing a b_____ degree in Computer Science. After that, I'd like to do a master's degree.

4. Matt usually goes to lessons, but occasionally he s_____ them in summer because he’s crazy about cricket.

5. I think f_____ education is important, so I'd like to go to university.

6. She's done really well and had a s_____ career as a teacher for over twenty years.

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Bài 7 :

3. Match the definitions with the words in the box.









1. causing problems and preventing something from continuing in its usual way                    disruptive

2. having a natural ability to do things well                                                                          

3. not strict in the way you punish someone or the standards you expect

4. able to make yourself do the things you know you have to do

5. someone who uses their strength or power to or hurt someone weaker than them

6. someone who spends a lot of time studying and seems to have no other interests

7. expecting people to obey rules or do what you say

8. having a condition that makes it difficult to read or spell

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Bài 8 :

4. Complete the text with the correct form of the words that describe teachers and students in Exercise 3.

(Hoàn thành bài đọc sau với dạng đúng của các từ mô tả giáo viên và học sinh trong Bài tập 3.)


Students say...

Our teachers are always telling people off, they should be more (1) lenient! I don’t often get into trouble because I’m (2) _____ and I always do my work. I’m not a (3) _____ though; I don’t spend all my time studying. But not everyone’s like me. Teachers should help students develop their learning skills and critical thinking, not just tell us facts!

I really struggle with reading because I’m (4) _____, but all my teachers have been brilliant! They’ve taught me different ways to improve my reading skills and supported my learning both at school and at home using online tools.

Teachers say…

I‘m quite a (5) _____ teacher and I think pupils should do what they’re told. It annoys me when (6) _____ students interrupt, shout and mess around. I also dislike (7) _____ who threaten other students physically or verbally. I don’t tolerate it in my classroom. I enjoy teaching all my students, hut it’s a real pleasure to teach (8) _____ students who make strong academic progress.

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Bài 9 :

5. Complete the text with the correct words. The first letters are given.

(Hoàn thành đoạn văn sau với các từ đúng. Các chữ cái đầu tiên được cho trước.)

Hi Erin,

I'm really enjoying my philosophy course! I've attended all my (1) lecture so far and I'm learning a lot. I'm glad I don't have to (2) g_____ any lectures, though, I'd forget what to say 😊. I'm reading a lot too, it's a great way to deepen my (3) k_____ of the subject. I've chosen my option for this year – logic! I don't have to

(4) s_____ an exam at the end of the course, but I have to write a long essay. I've also discovered! I have a (5) p_____ for surfing and I'm going to (6) e_____ on a course in summer, I know you love water sports – would this be of any (7) i_____ to you? We could do it together!

What about you? Have you finished writing your (8) d_____ yet? Do you still want to work in the (9) f_____ of computer technology?

Oh, good news! My brother is still at school, he didn't get (10) e_____ after all. In fact, he's really changed! He’s studying hard now and he got a (11) s_____ to study in France for three months.

Write soon,


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Bài 10 :

6. Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.

1. Maria is _____ very at art. She can draw and paint extremely well.

A. strict                       B. self-disciplined      C. gifted

2. At the end of my university course, I have to write a _____ of 10,000 words. I've never written such a long essay before!

A. dissertation             B. degree                     C. diploma

3. After I've finished my degree in medicine, I'd love to work in the _____ of medical research.

A. field                        B. area                         C. course

4 The professor _____ the lecture extremely fast, so it was hard to take notes.

A. attended                 B. gave                        C. spoke

5. All he does is study and he's even asked the teacher for some extra work - what a _____!

A. dyslexic                  B. bully                       C. swot

6. This summer I'd like to _____ on a course to learn all about filming and how to edit films.

A. pass                        B. deepen                    C. enrol

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Bài 11 :

2. Choose the correct option. (Chọn đáp án đúng.)

I am a bright sixth-former with practical experience of (1) commanding/ helping tourists. I am a student with a proven ability to (2) meet / experience deadlines. I have an excellent (3) command/ use of Spanish and German and we1l-developed communication (4) skills/ abilities. I am also a competent (5) speaker / user of most computer software and a dedicated member (6) of / to a French club.

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Bài 12 :

4. Complete each gap with the words in the box.










1. I am an eighteen-year-old student and I am passionate about working with animals.

2. I have attached my CV for your _____.

3. I feel _____ I possess relevant skills and would be well _____ to the position.

4. I am writing in _____ to your online advertisement for volunteers at an animal hospital.

5. I would be delighted to _____ an interview at your convenience.

6. I would _____ the opportunity to work with professional vets.

7. I wish to _____ for the position of sports coordinator.

8. Additionally, last summer I gained work _____ at a local vet’s.

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Bài 13 :

2. Choose the correct option to complete the description.

(Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành phần mô tả.)


This photo shows a martial arts class of some sort. I can't really (1) sure/tell whether it's karate, or judo, or some other combat sport but judging (2) by/on his black belt, the man in the middle is an expert. (3) Personally/Clearly, he's the instructor and the other people watching him are students. The (4) chances/chance are they are fairly new students as some of them aren't wearing suits or belts. In fact, they could be (5) having/have their very first class because it looks as though he is demonstrating a fairly simple move. They are (6) surely/definitely watching closely - perhaps they might be (7) about/just to have a go themselves.

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Bài 14 :

1. Choose the correct answer A - C.

(Chọn đáp án đúng, A – C.)

1. What profession do you want to go _____ when you finish school?

A. up                           B. into                         C. in

2. I'd like to work in the _____ of engineering as a career.

A. area                         B. field                        C. course

3. We'll never know the answer; it will _____ a mystery.

A. remain                    B. solve                       C. recover

4. When I was off school ill, I fell _____ in my studies.

A. back                        B. off                           C. behind

5. I have a really _____ memory of my fifth birthday party. I can remember everything about it.

A. vague                      B. distant                     C. vivid

6. Our maths teacher is _____. He doesn't mind if we talk in class as long as we do our work.

A. lenient                    B. self-disciplined       C. strict

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Bài 15 :

2. Complete the sentences with the missing words. The first letters are given.

(Hoàn thành các câu sau với các từ còn thiếu. Các chữ cái đầu tiên được cho trước.)

1. My earliest memory is moving house, I was only two years old.

2. I got a s_____ to study at university, so I didn't have to pay to go.

3. He learns fast; he can a_____ new skills really easily.

4 I've nearly finished my university course. Now I just have to write my d_____. It's supposed to be 10,000 words long!

5. When you study, it's a good idea to m______ in the subject you love most.

6. He forgets everything you tell him. He's got a memory like a s_____!

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