Đề bài

6. Choose the best adjective (A, B, C or D) to describe each person's feeling.

(Chọn tính từ đúng nhất (A, B, C or D) để mô tả cảm xúc của mỗi người.)

1. Jane worked hard all day and wanted to lie down to rest.

A. exhausted  

B. bored         

C. depressed   

D. confused

2. Martin's face turned bright red when everyone looked at him and laughed.

A. tired           

B. excited       

C. scared        

D. embarrassed

3. Shelly was upset after trying so many times to solve the maths problem.

A. surprised    

B. frustrated   

C. shocked     

D. sad

4. Justin's mum's face turned white when she heard he had a car accident.

A. confused    

B. depressed   

C. ashamed    

D. terrified

5. Jordan couldn't believe he won the prize to go on a safari.

A. annoyed     

B. tired                       

C. amazed      

D. terrified

Lời giải chi tiết :

1. A

2. D

3. B

4. D

5. C

1. A

Jane đã làm việc chăm chỉ cả ngày và muốn nằm xuống để nghỉ ngơi

A. kiệt sức      

B. chán                       

C. suy sụp      

D. bối rối

2. D

Mặt của Martin ửng đỏ khi mọi người nhìn cậu ta và cười

A. mệt mỏi     

B. phấn khích 

C. sợ hãi         

D. xấu hổ

3. B

Shelly rất bực bội sau khi cố gắng nhiều lần giải các bài toán.

A. bất ngờ      

B. chán nản    

C. sốc             

D. buồn

4. D

Gương mặt mẹ Justin trở nên trắng bệnh khi cô nghe thấy anh ấy bị tai nạn

A. bối rối        

B. suy sụp      

C. xấu hổ        

D. kinh hoàng

5. C

Jordan không thể tin được anh ấy đã thắng giải để được đi đến thảo cầm viên.

A. phiền phức

B. mệt mỏi     

C. ngạc nhiên 

D. kinh hoàng

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

5. Find adjectives in the dialogue that correspond with these nouns: anger, anxiety, shame.

(Tìm những tính từ trong đoạn hội thoại tương ứng với những danh từ sau: giận dữ, lo lắng, xấu hổ.)

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Bài 2 :

2 Check the meaning of the adjectives below. Match at least two adjectives with each person in the photos.

(Kiểm tra ý nghĩa của các tính từ dưới đây. Ghép ít nhất hai tính từ với mỗi người trong các bức ảnh.)

Describing feelings

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Bài 3 :

3 Which of the adjectives in exercise 2 have a positive meaning and which have a negative meaning? Are there any that you think can have both?

(Tính từ nào trong bài tập 2 có nghĩa tích cực và tính từ nào có nghĩa tiêu cực? Có tính từ nào mà bạn nghĩ có thể có cả hai? Tính từ nào trong bài tập 2 có nghĩa tích cực và tính từ nào có nghĩa tiêu cực? Có cái nào mà bạn nghĩ có thể có cả hai?)

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Bài 4 :

4 How might you feel in these situations? Choose two or three adjectives from exercise 2 for each situation.

(Bạn có thể cảm thấy thế nào trong những tình huống này? Chọn hai hoặc ba tính từ từ bài tập 2 cho mỗi tình huống.)

1 You hear a strange noise in the middle of the night.

2 You receive an email with some good news.

3 You're waiting for a friend and she's late (for the third time this week!).

4 A friend makes fun of you in front of other people.

5 You're waiting for some important exam results.

6 Your application for a summer job has been rejected.

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Bài 5 :

5 VOCABULARY Match the idioms below with a feeling from exercise 2.

(Nối các thành ngữ dưới đây với một cảm xúc trong bài tập 2.)

Idioms to describe feelings

1 be over the moon thrilled (vui sướng)

2 be down in the dumps

3 blow your top

4 be on edge

5 something gets on your nerves

6 be green with envy

7 lose face

8 be tearing your hair out

9 be in two minds (about something)

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Bài 6 :

a. Read the idioms and definitions, then fill in the blanks with the correct idioms. Use the correct verb form and possessive adjectives. Listen and repeat.

(Đọc các thành ngữ và định nghĩa, sau đó điền vào chỗ trống những thành ngữ đúng. Sử dụng đúng dạng động từ và tính từ sở hữu. Lắng nghe và lặp lại.)

• (was) on cloud nine: extremely happy

(trên chín tầng mây: vô cùng hạnh phúc)

• (was) beyond my wildest dreams: much more successful and better than you thought possible

(nằm ngoài những giấc mơ ngông cuồng nhất của tôi: thành công hơn và tốt hơn nhiều so với những gì bạn nghĩ có thể)

• (had/got) butterflies in my stomach: have a nervous feeling about something that will happen soon

(bồn chồn trong bụng: có cảm giác lo lắng về điều gì đó sắp xảy ra)

• (was) the end of the world: the most terrible and unpleasant thing possible

(ngày tận thế: điều khủng khiếp và khó chịu nhất có thể xảy ra)

• (was) a blessing in disguise: something that looked bad but turned out to be good

(một điều may mắn trá hình: điều gì đó trông có vẻ xấu nhưng hóa ra lại tốt)

• my life depended on it: something is very important or essential

(cuộc sống của tôi phụ thuộc vào nó: điều gì đó rất quan trọng hoặc thiết yếu)

• (was/got) bent out of shape: get very annoyed or angry

(uốn cong: rất khó chịu hoặc tức giận)

• (could/couldn't) wrap my head around it: (not) able to understand something, often something strange

((có thể/không thể) quấn đầu quanh nó: (không) có thể hiểu điều gì đó, thường là điều gì đó kỳ lạ)

1. That test was so difficult. I couldn't wrap my head around it at all.

(Bài kiểm tra đó rất khó. Tôi không thể hiểu nó chút nào.)

2. I _________ after I passed my university entrance exam.

3.I _________ when my sister used my phone without asking.

4. Having the chance to study abroad in Australia ___________. I couldn’t believe it happened to me.

5. I had to stay late at school yesterday, but it __________ because I made a new friend.

6. When I heard my mom scream, I ran upstairs like _______.

7. Right before I gave my presentation, I felt like I ____________.

8. I forgot my wallet at home, but it wasn't _____________. My friend let me borrow some money.

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Bài 7 :

b. Which of the idioms below do you know? What do they mean?

(Bạn biết thành ngữ nào dưới đây? Có ý nghĩa gì?)

look/feel like a million bucks, cost an arm and a leg, a piece of cake, go round in circles, a fish out of water

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Bài 8 :

c. Use the new idioms to talk about how you felt during different experiences.

(Sử dụng các thành ngữ mới để nói về cảm giác của bạn trong những trải nghiệm khác nhau.)

I was on cloud nine when I got my cat.

(Tôi đã ở trên chín tầng mây khi tôi có được con mèo của mình.)

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Bài 9 :

Vocabulary – Feeling

(Từ vựng - Cảm xúc)

5. Fill in each gap with pleased, depressed, ashamed, shocked, frightened, exhausted, or furious. Then listen and check.

(Điền vào mỗi chỗ trống với pleased, depressed, ashamed, shocked, frightened, exhauseted hoặc furious. Sau đó nghe và kiểm tra lại.)

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Bài 10 :

7. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in brackets.

(Hoàn thành các câu sau với dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc.)

1. We were all _____ (shock) when Jim didn't win any medals in the competition.

2. Jill experienced _____ (exhaust) because she was studying so much.

3. Look! The students are singing in public with obvious _____ (pleased).

4. We had a _____ (fright) experience when we saw a lion on our safari.

5. Sam is _____ (shame) of himself because he forgot the lyrics when singing in public yesterday.

6. Kevin had _____ (depress) when he found out that he had type 1 diabetes.

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Bài 11 :

Multiple choice (Trắc nghiệm)


 a) You are going to listen to a dialogue between two friends. Read the sentences (1-3) and underline the key words.

(Bạn sẽ được nghe một đoạn hội thoại giữa hai người bạn. Đọc các câu (1-3) và gạch chân dưới các từ khoá.)

1. When Paul was kayaking, he felt _____.

A. terrified

B. confused

C. nervous

D. tired

2. Paul didn't compete on the camp's sports day because _____. 

A. he doesn't like doing sports

B. he was exhausted from the day before

C. he went on a trek in the mountains

D. he was worried about not winning a medal

3. After the musical, Trisha felt _____.

A. excited to work with a famous singer

B. embarrassed to sing in public

C. relieved when it was finally finished

D. proud of her performance.

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Bài 12 :

3.  Choose the correct option. (Chọn đáp án đúng.)

1. Sam intends to _____ in the London marathon next year.

A. competition             B. compete      C. competitive              D. competing

2. As runners took part in the 100m sprint, the crowd watched with _____.

A. amazing      B. amaze           C. amazed        D. amazement

3. Fred gave Lucy the wrong directions, which caused her _____ while she was trekking.

A. confuse        B. confusion    C. confused     D. confusing

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Bài 13 :


Describing people (Miêu tả người)

competitive (cạnh tranh)

determination (sự quyết tâm)

confident (tự tin)

responsible (chịu trách nhiệm)

inspiration (cảm hứng)

dedication (sự cống hiến)

disability (khuyết tật)

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Bài 14 :

Feelings (Cảm xúc)

5. Choose the correct answer.

(Chọn đáp án đúng.)

1. Ann was furious/terrified when she saw a tiger on safari.

2. David was frustrated/amazed by how fast the athletes ran.

3. Kevin felt amazed/embarrassed when he sang in front of his friends.

4. Amy was annoyed/surprised because she forgot her passport and couldn't travel.

5. James was unhappy/exhausted because he lost the race.

6. Erica is feeling confused/excited because she is trekking in the mountains today.

7. Daniel is pleased/bored because he has won a medal in a competition.

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Bài 15 :

6. Choose the correct answer.

(Chọn đáp án đúng.)

1. It was a big _____ when Amanda won the dance contest.

A. shocked                 

B. shock                     

C. shocking                

D. shockingly

2. Our safari trip has been cancelled. What a _____!

A. ashamed                

B. shame                    

C. shameful                

D. shameless

3. When I feel _____, I try to get more exercise.

A. depression             

B. depressing             

C. depress                  

D. depressed

4. It was a _____ to hear Ann singing at the town hall.

A. pleased                  

B. please                    

C. pleasure                 

D. pleasant

5. John got a _____ when he first saw an elephant up close.

A. frightening            

B. fright                      

C. frightened              

D. frighten

6. All of the runners were _____ at the end of the marathon.

A. exhausted              

B. exhaustion             

C. exhaust                  

D. exhausting

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Bài 16 :

It drives me crazy!

1 Match the adjectives below with the sentences.

(Nối các tính từ dưới đây với các câu.)

1 "I'd prefer not to talk about it. I'm still in a state of shock." _____________

2 " That was really funny! I couldn't stop laughing!" _____________

3 I've never been treated like this before! I shall be speaking to the manager!" _____________

4 "Anybody could have done it. She was just lucky!" _____________

5 "We were very pleased with our presentation." _____________

6 "How could I have forgotten her name? I feel so embarrassed about it!" _____________

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Bài 17 :

2 Replace the underlined adjectives with the adjectives below.

(Thay thế những tính từ được gạch chân bằng những tính từ dưới đây.)






We were 1 really excited ______ when the storm started, but the longer it went on, the more anxious we became. We felt 2 very unsure ______ and didn’t know what to do. Should we stay under the trees or run for home?

Jack was quite 3 positive ______ about the news that we were going to have a new trainer, but the rest of us were 4 really sad ______. But when we were told that the new trainer was inexperienced, even Jack felt 5 let down ______!

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Bài 18 :

3 Choose the correct adjectives to complete the sentences.

(Chọn tính từ đúng để hoàn thành câu.)

1 We felt upbeat / humiliated after losing the match against our biggest rivals 10-0!

2 My mum says she feels frustrated / anxious in her job because she can't achieve what she wants.

3 I was irritated / thrilled by Sara's constant questions about my private life.

4 There was a positive, furious / upbeat feeling after the head teacher's speech.

5 Amy is envious / disillusioned of my new coat and she wishes that she had bought it first!

6 Harry has bad memories of his childhood and he is very hysterical / bitter about it.

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Bài 19 :

4 Match the adjectives with the definitions.

(Nối các tính từ với các định nghĩa.)

1 Feeling irritated and angry about a situation that you can't do anything about. ________

2 Unhappy because something or someone wasn't as good as you expected. ________

3 Feeling extremely worried and nervous about something especially something you are expected to do. ________

4 Unable to control your feelings because of extreme fear or excitement. ________

5 Feeling unhappy because you discover the truth about someone or something. ________

6 Feeling or showing anger, hurt or resentment because of bad experiences or treatment. ________

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