Đề bài

7.5  Nouns and dependent prepositions

(Danh từ và giới từ phụ thuộc)

Some nouns are followed by certain preposition, called dependent prepositions, e.g. addition to, demand for, increase in, obsession with.

The choice of preposition depends on the noun and its specific use and meaning.

When a verb follows a preposition, we use the -ing form.

She had no interest in listening to what I was saying.

Tạm dịch

Một số danh từ được theo sau bởi một giới từ nhất định, được gọi là giới từ phụ thuộc, ví dụ: ngoài ra, nhu cầu, gia tăng, nỗi ám ảnh với.

Việc lựa chọn giới từ phụ thuộc vào danh từ cũng như cách sử dụng và ý nghĩa cụ thể của nó.

Khi động từ theo sau giới từ, chúng ta sử dụng dạng -ing.

Cô ấy không có hứng thú lắng nghe những gì tôi đang nói.

1  Complete the sentences with in, for, on, to or with

(Hoàn thành các câu với in, for, on, to hoặc with)

    1  Scientists are still searching for a solution _______ the problem of global warming.

    2  I don’t know what the matter _______ my watch is, but it’s stopped working.

    3  What’s the difference _______ price between these two pairs of boots?

    4  Do you have a preference _______ tea or coffee?

    5  I didn’t use to like spicy food but I’ve got a taste _______ it since visiting India.

    6  A recent earthquake has had a terrible effect _______ some countries.

    7  There’s been a rise _______ prices since the new government came to power.

    8  No one could explain the reason _______ the broken window.

Phương pháp giải :

*Các cụm danh từ và giới từ:

solution to: giải pháp cho

matter with: vấn đề với

difference in: khác biệt ở

preference for: sự ưa thích cho

taste for: thích ăn

effect on: ảnh hưởng lên

rise in: tăng lên về

reason for: lí do cho

Lời giải chi tiết :

1 Scientists are still searching for a solution to the problem of global warming.

(Các nhà khoa học vẫn đang tìm kiếm giải pháp cho vấn đề nóng lên toàn cầu.)

2 I don’t know what the matter with my watch is, but it’s stopped working.

(Tôi không biết đồng hồ của tôi có vấn đề gì nhưng nó đã ngừng hoạt động.)

3 What’s the difference in price between these two pairs of boots?

(Giá của 2 đôi giày này chênh lệch bao nhiêu?)

4 Do you have a preference for tea or coffee?

(Bạn có sở thích uống trà hay cà phê?)

5 I didn’t use to like spicy food but I’ve got a taste for it since visiting India.

(Tôi vốn không thích đồ ăn cay nhưng tôi đã thích nó kể từ khi đến thăm Ấn Độ.)

6 A recent earthquake has had a terrible effect on some countries.

(Một trận động đất gần đây đã gây ra ảnh hưởng khủng khiếp lên một số quốc gia.)

7 There’s been a rise in prices since the new government came to power.

(Có một sự tăng về giá kể từ khi chính phủ mới lên nắm quyền.)

8 No one could explain the reason for the broken window.

(Không ai có thể giải thích được nguyên nhân khiến cửa sổ bị vỡ.)

Các bài tập cùng chuyên đề

Bài 1 :

LEARN THIS! Preposition + noun phrases

Some examples of preposition + noun phrases include:

at: not at all, at last, at fault, at once, at stake,

by: by mistake, by accident

for: for the time being, for good, for now, for one thing

in: in control, in doubt, in the wrong, in any case, in that case

on: on the one hand ... on the other hand, on second thoughts, on the whole

under: under arrest, under control, under the impression, under pressure

of: interest

Tạm dịch

LEARN THIS! Giới từ + cụm danh từ

Một số ví dụ về giới từ + cụm danh từ bao gồm:

at: không có gì, cuối cùng, có lỗi, ngay lập tức, bị đe dọa,

by: do nhầm lẫn, tình cờ

for: tạm thời, tạm thời, tạm thời, vì một điều

in: trong sự kiểm soát, nghi ngờ, sai lầm, trong mọi trường hợp, trong trường hợp đó

on: một mặt ... mặt khác, về suy nghĩ thứ hai, về tổng thể

under: dưới sự bắt giữ, dưới sự kiểm soát, dưới ấn tượng, dưới áp lực

of: hứng thú

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Bài 2 :

2 Read the Learn this! box. Find the nouns below in exercise 1. Which prepositions go before them?

(Đọc phần Learn this! Tìm những danh từ dưới đây trong bài tập 1. Những giới từ nào đứng trước chúng?)

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Bài 3 :

3 Complete the phrases with the correct prepositions.

(Hoàn thành các cụm từ với giới từ đúng.)

1 Your friend's clearly ____ the wrong; I'd be very angry!

2 It sounds like he's ____ a lot of pressure and needs help.

3 ____ the one hand, he's behaved badly, but ____ the other hand, he's still your best friend.

4 If I were you, I wouldn't contact him ____ the time being

5 I'm sure he upset you ____ accident, so you should forgive him.

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Bài 4 :

4 Complete the responses to Marco's problem with nouns from exercise 2 and the Learn this! box.

(Hoàn thành câu trả lời cho vấn đề của Marco bằng các danh từ trong bài tập 2 và phần Learn this!)

It's definitely not you that's at talk to him about it at 1 ______ but I think you should talk to him about it at 2 ______  and find out what's going on.

Don't do anything you might regret. There's a lot at 3 ______ and you risk losing his friendship for 4 ______

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Bài 5 :

6 DICTIONARY WORK Read the dictionary entries. Then choose the correct words to complete the phrases with end and time.

(Đọc các mục từ điển. Sau đó chọn những từ đúng để hoàn thành các cụm từ với end và time.)

Last night, I waited for Matt, but he was late - again! So 1 by the / in time we got to the concert, it had already started. 2 At the / In time, I was so angry-I don't know why he can't be 3 on / by the time for once! I tried discussing it with him, but 4 in / at the end I gave up. 5 In / By the end of the evening, we weren't speaking. I don't know how things will turn out, but I hope that 6 on / in time we'll be friends again.

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Bài 6 :

LEARN THIS! Nouns + dependent prepositions

Some nouns are followed by certain prepositions, called dependent prepositions. The choice of preposition depends on the noun and its specific use and meaning. When a verb follows a preposition, we use the -ing form.

The trouble with putting images online is that anyone can see them.

(LEARN THIS! Danh từ + giới từ phụ thuộc

Một số danh từ được theo sau bởi một số giới từ nhất định, được gọi là giới từ phụ thuộc. Việc lựa chọn giới từ phụ thuộc vào danh từ cũng như cách sử dụng và ý nghĩa cụ thể của nó. Khi động từ theo sau giới từ, chúng ta sử dụng dạng -ing.

Vấn đề với việc đưa hình ảnh lên mạng là bất cứ ai cũng có thể nhìn thấy chúng.)

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Bài 7 :

Dictionary Strategy

Some nouns can be followed by more than one dependent preposition. To decide which preposition is needed, consider the sense in which the noun is used. If you're not sure what preposition to use, always check in a dictionary.

(Chiến lược từ điển

Một số danh từ có thể được theo sau bởi nhiều giới từ phụ thuộc. Để quyết định giới từ nào là cần thiết, hãy xem xét ý nghĩa của danh từ được sử dụng. Nếu bạn không chắc nên sử dụng giới từ nào, hãy luôn tra từ điển.)

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Bài 8 :

4 DICTIONARY WORK Read the Dictionary Strategy and the dictionary entry below. Answer the questions.

(Đọc Chiến lược từ điển và mục từ điển bên dưới. Trả lời các câu hỏi.)

evidence noun 1 [U,C] the facts, signs or objects that make you believe that something is true evidence (of sth) There is convincing evidence of a link between exposure to sun and skin cancer. The room bore evidence of a struggle. evidence (for sth) We found further scientific evidence for this theory.

1 Which two prepositions can follow 'evidence'?

2 In what two ways is the information about dependent prepositions given?

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Bài 9 :

5 Add the nouns to the table. Use a dictionary to help you.

(Thêm danh từ vào bảng. Hãy sử dụng từ điển để giúp bạn.)

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Bài 10 :

6 Choose the correct prepositions to complete the sentences. Check your ideas in a dictionary.

(Chọn giới từ đúng để hoàn thành câu. Kiểm tra ý tưởng của bạn trong từ điển.)

1 a There's been a recent rise with / in cases of online fraud.

b Her rise to / for fame came with the release of her film.

2 a What's the matter with / of Tom? He looks terrible!

b This is a serious crime which is a matter for / on the police.

3 a His taste for / of travel led him to become an explorer.

b I really can't stand my parents' taste with / in music.

4 a We had a difference on / of opinion about where to go.

b Have you noticed a difference for / in Liv's behaviour? 

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Bài 11 :

7 USE OF ENGLISH Complete the text by writing one dependent preposition in each gap.

(Hoàn thành văn bản bằng cách viết một giới từ phụ thuộc vào mỗi chỗ trống.)

The 21st century has seen a huge rise 1_____ the number of images we are exposed to, along with an apparent addiction 2_____ watching news events as they happen. Some might argue that there's nothing the matter 3_____ this, but the existence 4_____ today's sophisticated image-editing software makes it hard for people to tell the differences 5_____ what's real and what's fake. Now experts have shared evidence 6_____ the negative effect of this kind of technology. It seems that even when we're aware that some images we see are false, they can have a dramatic effect 7_____ our behaviour. Worryingly, we have little control over the false memories that these images can create in us.

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Bài 12 :

3 Read the Learn this! box. Then find the nouns below in the text in exercise 2. Which prepositions are they followed by?

(Đọc khung Learn this! Sau đó tìm những danh từ dưới đây trong đoạn văn ở bài tập 2. Theo sau chúng là những giới từ nào?)

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Bài 13 :

b. Fill in the blanks with at the age of, as a, during, or for.

(Điền vào chỗ trống at the age of, as a, while, hoặc for.)

1. She learned how to play the piano _________ four.

2. ­­­­­­­­­­­­_____________ his teenage years, he learned how to paint with various great painters of the time.

3. He spent most of his free time exploring the country ____________ boy.

4. _______________ over 20 years, he fought for the freedom of his country.

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Bài 14 :

Preposition and noun phrases

1 Choose the correct answers (a-c) to complete the sentences.

(Chọn câu trả lời đúng (a-c) để hoàn thành câu.)

1 It looks as though that shop has closed _____ - it's been empty for weeks now.

a for now

b for one thing

c for good


2 The instructions should be clear, but if you're _____, just ask someone.

a in doubt

b in vain

c in effect


3 It was a horrible journey, but we got there _____.

a. in all

b in the end

c in that case


4 If the staff here think you're _____, they'll ask to see some identification.

a under arrest

b under the impression

c under age


5 There's too much _____ to risk failing this exam.

a at stake

b at fault

c at the moment


6 Do you have _____ more with your father or your mother?

a in any case

b in common

c in that case

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Bài 15 :

2 Write the words in brackets in the correct order to complete the sentences.

(Viết các từ trong ngoặc theo thứ tự đúng để hoàn thành câu.)

1 We were (the / impression / party / the / under / that) had been cancelled.

2 Dan and Mia (a / have / for / been / while / dating).

3 I'm afraid (a / moment / I'm / busy / the / bit / at). Can I call you back?

4 I was going to buy the brown boots, (on / decided /  second / but / thoughts /I) to get the black ones.

5 "What do you like about living in Barcelona?' 'Well, (one / a / got / for / thing / it's) great nightlife."

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Bài 16 :

3 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.

(Hoàn thành câu với các giới từ đúng.)

1 The ticket office sold me a return rather than a single _____ mistake.

2 Do you think Petra didn't invite us to her party _____ purpose?

3 I heard Finn got _____ trouble for not doing his homework.

4 Tina's not very keen on rock music - _____ fact, she can't stand it!

5 I'd like to see you later, but _____ course, if you're busy, that's fine.

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Bài 17 :

4 Correct the mistakes in the phrases in bold. Tick the correct sentences.

(Hãy sửa lỗi sai trong các cụm từ in đậm. Đánh dấu vào câu đúng.)

1 It was a long day and at the time I got home I was exhausted. ____________ ☐

2 The show doesn't start until eight, so we should still get there in time. ____________ ☐

3 Joe and Lisa were always arguing and at the end they split up. ____________ ¨☐

4 It's only by the end of the book that you learn the killer's identity. ____________ ¨☐

5 I didn't realise it by the time, but the girl we met last night was Terry's sister. ____________ ☐

6 We should have moved house by the end of the month. ____________ ☐

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Bài 18 :

5 Choose the correct words to complete the text.

(Chọn từ đúng để hoàn thành đoạn văn.)

How do you stop being friends with someone you no longer feel close to? If you've been friends for 1 a while / one thing you may simply not have anything in 2 effect / common any more. It doesn't mean anyone's at 3 fault / last. If you've tried in 4 vain / control to make things work, maybe it's best to end the friendship. Naturally, you don't want to hurt the other person, and if you're in any 5 time / doubt, don't say or do anything you might regret. Perhaps your friend doesn't realise how you feel - they may be under 6 control / the impression that everything's fine. You could talk to them and suggest not seeing each other for a few weeks, and in 7 time / fact you'll know whether you want your friendship to continue or not.

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Bài 19 :


When you come across a new preposition + noun phrase, record it in your notebook under the preposition.

by chance, mistake             with (any) luck        for a while

Then write an example sentence for each preposition + noun phrase to help you remember it:

With any luck, my parents will let me stay over at my friend's house tonight.

Tạm dịch

TĂNG Từ vựng!

Khi bạn gặp một giới từ + cụm danh từ mới, hãy ghi nó vào sổ tay của bạn bên dưới giới từ.

tình cờ, nhầm lẫn               với (bất kỳ) sự may mắn               trong một khoảng thời gian

Sau đó viết một câu ví dụ cho mỗi giới từ + cụm danh từ để giúp bạn ghi nhớ nó:

Nếu may mắn, bố mẹ tôi sẽ cho tôi ở lại nhà bạn tôi tối nay.


5 Read the Vocab boost! box. Complete the sentences with appropriate nouns and your own ideas.

(Đọc khung Tăng từ vựng. Hoàn thành câu với những danh từ thích hợp và ý tưởng của riêng bạn.)

1 Although I haven't done it for a _______, I used to like ________.

2 At the _______, my favourite song is ________.

3 The last time I was late for something was ________. I couldn't get there on ________  because ________.

4 In the future, I'd love to ________. With any ________, I'll be able to.

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Bài 20 :

Nouns and dependent prepositions.

I can use nouns and dependent prepositions.

1 Match the sentences halves.

(Nối các nửa câu với nhau.)

1 Nowadays there is a constant demand   ◻

2 Do you have any objections                 ◻

3 Many people have a preference            ◻

4 It's unlikely that the existence               ◻

5 It's easy to develop an addiction           ◻

6 Does anyone think our dependence      ◻

7 The 1950s Space Age had a great effect ◻

a to inviting Emma for dinner?               

b on computers nowadays is dangerous?

c on people's belief in aliens.

d for watching sci-fi rather than fantasy films.

e to video games if you play them too often.

f for better and faster technology.

g of life on other planets will ever be proved.

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Bài 21 :

2 Complete the text with the words below.

(Hoàn thành văn bản với các từ dưới đây.)









A few years ago, a National Geographic Society poll revealed that 36% of Americans (about 190 million people) believe in aliens, while only 17% do not, and the remaining 47% are undecided. The figures may be surprising, but people have had an 1 _____ in aliens since the late 1940s. A 2 _____ in flying saucers, backed up by apparent 3 _____ of these alien spaceships in the form of grainy black and white photos, soon turned into an 4 _____, with people claiming to have actually made contact with beings from outer space. More recently, there has been an 5 _____ in this fascination with extraterrestrial life forms, thanks to detailed video footage "proof" (created with high-quality 3-D computer software). It's hard to explain the 6 _____ for this continued fascination; to many people, there seems to be little 7 _____ between thinking UFOs exist and believing in magic. Perhaps it's just that we have always had the 8 _____ for a little mystery in our lives.

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Bài 22 :


Use mind maps to organise groups of words that are connected. For example, you can group nouns around their different prepositions and quickly see which share the same preposition.

(TĂNG Từ vựng!

Sử dụng sơ đồ tư duy để sắp xếp các nhóm từ được kết nối với nhau. Ví dụ: bạn có thể nhóm các danh từ xung quanh các giới từ khác nhau của chúng và nhanh chóng xem những danh từ nào có cùng giới từ.)

3 Read the Vocab boost! box. Then complete the mind maps with the correct prepositions.

(Đọc khung Tăng Từ vựng! Sau đó hoàn thành bản đồ tư duy với các giới từ đúng.)


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Bài 23 :

4 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.

(Hoàn thành câu với các giới từ đúng.)

1 Is there really no possibility ______ you changing your mind?

2 This is probably a matter ______ the police.

3 There's a big difference ______ price between taking the bus and getting a taxi.

4 Is your taste ______ clothes the same as your friends'?

5 There's been a sharp rise ______ temperatures this month.

6 The police didn't find any evidence ______ a break-in.

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Bài 24 :

5 Use a dictionary and correct the mistakes with prepositions in the sentences. Tick the two sentences that do not contain any mistakes.

(Sử dụng từ điển và sửa lỗi về giới từ trong câu. Hãy đánh dấu vào hai câu không có lỗi sai nào.)

1 No one expected the band to rise in fame so quickly. ____________

2 My cousin's gap year gave her a real taste for travel. ____________

3 Bill and his girlfriend have had a difference in opinion and aren't speaking. ____________

4 You look very pale - is something the matter of you? ____________

5 Customers have recently been experiencing difficulty in using this website. ____________

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Bài 25 :

6 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions and your own ideas.

(Hoàn thành câu với giới từ đúng và ý tưởng của riêng bạn.)

1 I've never understood the point __________________.

2 Where I live, there's been a rise __________________.

3 Most of my friends have an interest __________________.

4 I wish we could find a solution __________________.

5 I'd love to prove the existence __________________.

6 Nowadays, there's very little demand __________________.

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